Sai sister Meera ji has shared fabulous experiences from time to time on this blessed blog. Today also her one more experience is being shared. At the end of the post, there is a list of all experiences shared by her.
Sai Sister Meera ji from USA says: Jai Sai Ram, Hetal ji. I am in USA right now, but born and brought up in Mumbai. The more I think about my life the more I realize that BABA (or some Almighty POWER) has always taken care of me and my family members. I don’t remember if I had posted this incident earlier or not, but I felt to share my experience with Sai Devotees. You may post if you find it ok.
This is about my getting a living accommodation. I was desperately looking for a nice but affordable living accommodation for myself. I had my name on waiting list of two such apartment properties since last 3 years (and I am still on that lists). Once, I was at the Government office for some of my work. Even though the officer had nothing to do with my living accommodation help, I checked with her if she can point me such names, where I can try to find out about apartment availability.
Well, the meeting with that officer was over and she asked me to wait at the front desk, where she would give me my papers once she makes copies. I stepped out to the waiting area and my phone rang. There was much noise around me that I could not talk to the person on the phone. Though, I could make out that it was from some property manager and I was little scared for keeping my phone ON as we are not allowed to have cell phone ON in that building. I hurriedly told her that I would return her call after a while. Upon reaching home, I returned her call. She was the property manager of some apartments, which are rather far from what I was hoping to find accommodation for me. So I respectfully said, sorry, but I do not want to come that far, so I am not interested. But she insisted that this is about one of her other property, which is close by to what I am looking for.
Now her calling to me is also a surprise thing for me. I had never applied with her. All she had was my phone number as I had inquired in the past. “WHY” anybody would take that much effort to go through the phone list to call and REQUEST to come and apply for the BRAND NEW property. Well, I asked for address of this new location, but she could not give me any well known landmark. Keeping faith with a hopeful mind, I and my husband went to see her at the original office. She gave us directions to see the new property and discussed all relevant details. The property was still under construction and the workers over there would not even let us go see the apartment buildings.
We came home and upon thorough considerations found this a good option for me. I wanted a bigger place, so as I can pursue my painting work. I do oil portraits as my love of painting. I went with my paperwork that she had asked me to bring by 1 pm. I went there and she was not yet back from her lunch. I was waiting outside of her office and there came a resident living on that premises to pick up his mails. I could not believe my eyes. He was so much resembling to Satya Sai BABA of current age (about 80-85 years) and yet had a white piece of cloth on his head like our Shirdi Sai BABA. He waited there and gave me supporting information about how the new property I am trying to apply is safe and how he himself might have tried but he cannot be qualified as he is a single person. And his own kids are living just within a mile of this property and have never heard of any criminal nuisance.
He waited there till the property manager returned from her lunch. I met him only once that day even though I live in Sierra Vista since seven years, I had not seen him neither before nor afterwards. Sierra Vista is a small town and it’s rather impossible not to meet the same person again at some or the other place.
Now look at the other incident at the same time. With my utter surprise, I got qualified in the 1st round. The manager asked me to provide further paperwork. She was giving me the list of things that I need to provide her. At that time, I just told her that since I have hearing loss problem I might have some aid so paying the rent would never be a problem though I have a part time job. Upon saying this she almost got off her chair and whispered to me that she has ONE and ONLY ONE SUCH apartment, especially for hearing impaired person and she can give it to me. She actually gave me the apartment number too.
With that apartment number on my hand, I again went to see the actual location. It was about 4:30 pm. All Workers at the location were gone. Only the two main persons were there almost ready to leave. Seeing me again (as I was there around 12 pm) they had a look of question on their face. I told them that I got approved and I have been given the apartment number also, and I am here to see that apartment location physically.
Now there was more surprise-look on their faces. He even asked me who is going to live here. I told him “myself” and he said you don’t seem to have any disability and this apartment is for disabled person. I told him that I am suffering from hearing loss and I have hearing aid which qualifies me for this apartment. And you know who that person with whom I was talking to? He was the property builder himself.
I was rather anxious what might be the final approval from Housing Authority. 4 days passed and I had not heard from my apartment manager. Every time I called, I was told that they have not yet received any feedback. On Thursday, I called the Apartment Office and the person at the desk gave me good news that I have been approved by the Housing Authority and everything is ok and I will be called to sign the lease. While I was talking to the Apartment Office clerk, my husband entered our apartment with his parcel of books that he had ordered earlier. He started opening the parcel and the noise of paper unfolding etc was bothering me listening to what the person over the phone was saying. And at the very same moment when I heard over the phone, I am approved and everything is ok, my husband said, “Look, there are 5 photos of BABA in this parcel.”
I could not understand what he was saying as it was strange to have BABA’s photo in any of Book parcel.

My husband had ordered a book from the Internet contact. My husband entered the apartment right at that moment when I got the approval information. Well, my husband opened the parcel and there came out 5 photos of Shree Satyanarayana along with five copies of that book and five CDs related to that book. The entity in the photo looks so very similar to Shirdi SaiBABA. You can see that photo among all other photos etc in the picture. And the book contains the print matter which exactly what we find in Sai BABA’s literature.
The author of the book belongs to Calcutta and this photo is a miracle by itself as His devotees wanted to have His photo to be shot so as to worship in their pooja place. The author was reluctant as he believed “everything is Shri Shri Satyanarayana’s”. On one condition He approved to sit for the photo session. He made a condition that the FIRST photo the devotees can have for their POOJA place, but other photos will be His personal property. It just turned out that the FIRST photo developed into what I am sharing with you, even though he himself was sitting at that place. He believed in Shri Shri Satyanarayana, and the photo got developed in to the entity resembling to Shirdi Sai BABA, to what he was mentioning Shri Shri Satyanarayana. Isn’t it amazing?
I received the phone call from the property manager on November 18th and on December 2nd. I actually got the keys. Can you believe anything like this can happen in ordinary ways if not with some divine interference?
I was among the 1st 10 tenants out of 48. Only 10 units were ready on December 2nd and I was given such a great opportunity of having a 3 bedroom, hall, kitchen and 2 1/2 baths. I was not even finding a studio apartment that I can afford and here with BABA’s blessing, I got a real home-like apartment that I can afford, and that too BRAND NEW with washer dryer, refrigerator, cooking gas with oven, kitchen cabinets, dish washer and all electric light fixtures of latest technology. My mind is still amazed after almost a year living in this apartment how I am blessed by BABA.
I would like to believe that at some moment of frustration while not getting success in getting an apartment, I had pleaded BABA to let me have at least 3 bedroom apartment, where I can spare one room for HIM. And as if all these happened in such a quick manner and 110% perfect that one has to give credit to Almighty and to let me spare a room for HIM. HE did come to me in this strange way.
My faith was there and it certainly has been increased a lot.
Jai Sai Ram.
More Experiences of Sai Sister Meera ji:
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai Ram !
He is so devine and just knows it all 🙂
Om Sai Ram.
Baba takes utmost care of his children.
May Sai bless us all always !!
Dear Hetal ji,
jai Sai Ram. Thanks for placing my post here. May BABA keep showering HIS blessings on all of HIS Devotees.
Hoping you are now fully recovered from your illness.
Jai Sai Ram.
Dear Shweta,
guess we have a hard time getting in touch with each other,please if you see this message,i will leave my email do send me an email,guess the time difference is being a barrier.I just called,will call you again,please dont call back,its expensive for you too.I am happy if you drop in an email.Thanks
Om Sai Ram
Meeraji,wonderful experience described by you.what else u want in ur life.May baba bless us like her.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Dear Anonymous ji,
Thanks for your wishes and I wish for all of us to be under BABA's grace forever.
Jai sai Ram.
Thank u so much or sharing ur experience,i felt tears in my eyes after going through it.May lord Sai baba bless all divotees.Sai Ram-S.Ranjan ( Hetal ji recently i came across this site and now daily i eagerly wait for each post n ur divine words.Shat shat Naman to ur effort.)
Dear all Sai Devotees, I am thankful for your wishes and blessings. I pray BABA to bless us all always. I truly believe that HE gives some difficulty and than resolves the situation, and I think it is only to make our days here on Earth interesting and making us stronger in HIS faith with such lessons.
Pranaams BABA.
nice experience Meera Ji! May Baba bless you ever. Om Sai Ram