Sharing again few more interesting experiences devotees with Lord Sai Baba of Shirdi.
My Wonderful Experience With Saibaba
Sai Sister Usha Ji from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, Thank you for posting my previous experience (My experiences with Baba) in your blog. I am sharing another experience which shows that Baba is always with us and always helps us whenever we have problem. Please do not publish my e-mail.
In 2004, I and my husband were looking for a house to buy as we were renting an apartment. My son was young and active and he was always running around in the apartment and was playing with his friends. We started having complaints from our neighbors and my son became very quiet and scared after that.
Those years the house prices used to be very high and we were not able to afford them. We used to look at lots of houses and for some reason we were never able to decide. The neighborhood that we liked the prices of the houses used to be very high. Whenever we looked at houses, I used to check whether the neighbors are nice as we used to have problems when we lived in the apartment. Then we were able to find a house which we could afford in an outskirt and not in the city. The place was very quiet and I asked the house owner whether there are any kids around and whether the neighbors are nice. He said he does not know as he lived in that area for a very short time. I was so confused and was not sure whether to buy the house.
I was standing near the house and started praying to Baba and asking Baba to show me whether I should buy this house. Suddenly the door of the opposite house opened and a lady came out and shouted SAI where are you. She came to me and started talking to me and told me that she has a son and his name is Sai and he has gone to play with his friends and she is looking for him. She also told me that the neighborhood is very nice and there are lots of kids for my son to play with.
Baba answered my prayers and tears started flowing out of my eyes. We bought the house and my neighbor is also a Baba devotee and we always pray to Baba. Her son and my son are friends and my son is happy in this house. This all happened due to Baba’s grace. Baba is always with us and He always helps us out of our problems.
Sai – The Healer
Sai Sister Sushma Ji from USA says: Sai Ram, You are doing such noble work. Baba, bless you and your family immensely. I experienced so many wonderful Leelas of Baba in my life. I feel so blessed to have Baba in my life as a father, guardian and my well wisher. I want to share a small experience of mine.
Yesterday, I and my kids along with my husband had to go to the doctor’s office for an appointment. It took quite a long time to come back home. Kids were very hungry. I thought to rush to kitchen to make something for my kids. In that process of urgency, I placed my leg on a high level area and slipped. It pained me so much. I thought I sprained my leg and it will take too long to heal. I was not sure what to do. I cried internally and begged Baba. Baba, You are my only doctor. Please cure me. I see my kids, who are 10 and 7 were helping me feel better. I slowly reached Baba’s Murthi, where I keep Baba’s UDI. I prayed Sai with total faith and complete devotion. Baba, make my leg all better and placed UDI on my forehead and applied some on the affected area and a pinch inside my mouth. Infact, I started feeling better with in an hour. By His grace, my leg seems to be ok with little pain left. He saved my leg from sprain and other troubles.
I want to conclude by saying these small things to our Sai devotees that do whatever things in your life, keep Sai first. Tell Him, Baba, You need to take care. I am sure He will come running to help you from all sides. For some, He will make things soon or some late. But He will sure give our soul object no matter what He weighs, whether His devotee deserves this. If at all he/she deserves this, is it good for him/her. So please don’t blame Baba, if He didn’t fulfill a desire, which you prayed Him for. Sai devotees, Sai is for us and we are for Sai. Baba, bless you all. Everybody say it loudly along with me:
Sai Sister Farida Ji from Pakistan says: I am originally from India, but married and settled in Karachi for past 20 years.
Last month my best friend’s daughter was getting married in Mumbai. Since she was marrying a non-Parsee, it was difficult for my friend to accept it as her daughter had already got married (civil marriage) in USA and therefore she was more angry.
This situation upset me a lot and I informed her that I would come to Mumbai and we’d go out for shopping etc. I would help her change her frame of mind. But unfortunately my husband and I had problems with visa documentation and there was not enough time to resubmit the same so we decided not to visit India. I really felt miserable that I used to cry for my best friend (I’ve known her from 70’s). When she needed me, I was not there.
I have a separate prayer room in my house. So every evening after returning from work, I have this habit of first going to my prayer room and bowing and thanking all Gods and Goddesses, whose pictures and statues, I have and amongst them is a very big frame of SAI BABA given to me by my cousin during one of my trips to Mumbai. I have the habit of talking to BABA in that picture. So every evening, I would cry out to BABA to help my friend come out of depression and anger and that all the ceremonies related to the wedding would go well with HIS BLESSINGS.
On the wedding reception day, I called them, though they were all busy with the function. I was happy to note the tone of my friend. She sounded very pleased with the way things were going. Next day, she called me and we had detailed chat about the event. I knew that her mood change was due to BABA’s BLESSINGS and everything had gone well for my best friend and indeed she was grateful to BABA as she is also HIS devotee. There are many experiences of BABA’s blessings in my life, but this is quite recent, so thought of sharing with you all. As BABA says have SHRADHA (Faith) and Saburi (Patience). Baba, bless all Your devotees and let there be peace on earth.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
All three experiences are excellent, usha ji while reading your experience I was able to feel the real joy which you would have had when the lady shouted SAI, to call her son.Thanks for posting.
Sai where are you?
I am right here my child, I always was, I didnt go anywhere…what a beautiful moment you would have had..when she cried SAI…what omnipresence and how quickly he responds to our littlest desire, takes away all the confusion and doubt…i feel so fortunate to have you as my Guru baba..
Needless to say…beautiful experiences
Sisters Usha, Sushma & Farida,
Jai Sai Ram. Very good experiences. It shows clearly your shraddha on Baba.
Sister Farida, do not worry that you didn't make it to India. Perhaps Baba had a reason but he will pull you soon to India.
Sister Usha, when you said about your Son, i remember my 2 daughters who are quite similar to your son. So finally by moving to the new house Baba made the right choice for you.
Sister Sushma, hope you are feeling better now. Udi is the best medicine i have ever known so far. Anything can be cured by Baba's udi, all we need is complete faith.
Lets all bow to the Holy feet of our Father Shri Sainath.
Servant of Baba.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram.
Baba is great and karunamayee (compassionate). My marriage has been fixed with Sai's grace, but things are not proceeding. The date is not yet fixed and the groom's side are not so keen on getting us married is Sai's temple. So i was feeling very anxious and constantly praying Baba to make things move smoothly with his blessings. Today morning i thought that if i read an experience on this blog related to a marriage then i would consider it as a Positive signal from Baba and feel that he's willing for my marriage and that i have his blessings. And finally i did read the last post here that's related to a weddings. Baba is so merciful. Am happy now and am sure Baba is listening to our prayers and he will only arrange everything. Baba help us to surrender everything at your lotus feet and let everything in our lives happen as per your wishes and with your blessings.
Jai Sai. Thanks to all the devotees for sharing their experiences. Many thanks to Sai Sister Farida Ji, your experience has instilled strong faith in me,
May Deva bless us all always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
om sai ram
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on my little family and give them good health, protection, lots of happiness, joy, laughter, ability, wisdom, knowledge, control, peace and prosperity. Baba I think I am a very bad person that everyone really hates me. Please make my personality good and with positivity to attract good people around me and connect with me. Baba please take care of hubby health , his tummy seems too big and he has no exercise. Please help him do some exercise to take care of his body and mind. He has too much stress and I am supposedly one of them. Please help me do things to support him than cause stress to him. Baba thank you for your timing with respect to younger health and protecting him. Baba please take care of elder too and his health and well being. Baba I deeply surrender to you. Help me look good Baba as of now I look old and in improper clothes. Help me look good and presentable so hubby is content than criticising. Baba I cant thank you enough for everything, help me bring you home somehow. Baba I surrender to you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai Arogya kshmemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on our little family and keep hubby and kids in good health, with wellness, fitness, free from accidents and danger or calamities. Baba let there be peace and prosperity in all areas of our life. Baba help me deliver my best to the family. Baba help my husband stay fit. He is eating the wrong food, I count on you Baba for his wellness. Elder is complaining of some surgery and so is the younger. Baba I am devastated with whats happening at home in terms of health and wellness. Please take care of my family needs. Baba protect us from all danger, evil and calamities. Baba hold our hands like a parent, guide, mentor and Guru. Baba please help us do the Shani Homam in the best possible way. Baba I surrender to you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏