In today’s post, three more experiences are shared.
Sai’s Hint On My Prayers
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba since my teenage and visit His temple every week. It is all by the blessings of BABA of whatever today I am and sincerely bow to His feet for that. I was the first in my family chosen by BABA to get closer to HIM. Now, all my family members and most of my friends (and the chain grows) are devotees of HIM. Thanks BABA for accepting us. Please do not disclose my name and email id.
There have been numerous miracles played by BABA in my life, but I would like to quote here the major one. By the blessings of BABA, I got married in June 2008 and my wife joined me 6 months later in USA. We have been trying hard for a baby since then, but in vain due to our health problems. We got ourselves checked with multiple doctors and followed all sorts of medication by all means. Life was getting too miserable and we have been crying, begging BABA every second for forgiving our mistakes (if any). The OB doctor put my wife under special medication for every 7 weeks and checked her health for any feasibility of baby. We considered this as the last resort and fully believed for a positive sign. But no improvements were found in her and doctor suggested us to opt for the next treatment. We got terribly shattered losing all hopes of baby and considered ourselves as the most sinful human beings.
On BABA’s order, we visited Shirdi and begged Him for a baby and pleaded to forgive our sins. I fully believed something good to happen soon. Returning US and as per the doctor’s advice, we were getting ready for the next treatment and she stopped all previous medications completely. Few days later, I got a dream where a baby was about to fall from a certain height and I jumped catching right into my hands. I regarded this dream as auspicious, but I didn’t share it with anyone. I realised BABA has given me a hint on my prayers. Finally the day came, when she tested positive at home. We want to confirm and so visited our doctor. He asked us if we had already started the new treatment or still continuing the old treatment. We said NO and the doctor was simply surprised hearing it. He said it is a real miracle that you got conceived naturally. I know BABA is the real reason behind this miracle and thanked Him wholeheartedly.
She was crossing her 38th week and I got a dream again. I saw BABA in His usual attire (white dhoti) and told me that HE would visit my house on (Mar 20) Tuesday, spend the night and leave Wednesday (Mar 21) after His breakfast (idly). I told about the dream to my family and said birth might happen on Wednesday (Mar 21). The doctor told us to get admitted on Mar 20(Tue) and my wife delivered baby girl on 21 Mar 2012 @ 10.26 PM. Her mode of delivery was decided by BABA at the last moment as there were several confusions earlier. Again, everybody in my family suggested different names for the baby and I was in a dilemma to make the choice. So I requested BABA to name her as HE desired and finally we all agreed on a name meant BABA’s worship.
BABA, Please continue to shower blessings to all Your devotees. We are Your children. BABA, please forgive me if I have mentioned anything wrong.
Just Believe In Sai And Hold Onto Him
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, thanks for providing such a wonderful blog to share all our experiences. I would love to share my experiences with other devotees, hence sending out this post. Please do not disclose my id or name. Thanks.
Recently I happened to do a Parayan reading of Sai Satcharitra for my baby. He has some problems in walking properly. I had asked our Sai Baba to help him walk properly. I finished the reading in one week and really it’s like a miracle that the doctors said he is improving. If the doctors would have said he is not improving then he had to undergo some treatment for 2 months, which I can never imagine of since he won’t be allowed to move from the place. He sits if this treatment is to be done. Not a huge improvement, but Sai showed in some form that He is listening to me. Hearing that news that he is improving, my joy knew no bounds.
I had one more experience recently, which I would like to share. I have the habit of asking Baba questions on one site and enter numbers based on which our Sai answers. So I have been going through some rough times as far as family pressure from relatives is concerned. So I happened to ask Sai when I and my parents would be free from this pain. Sai answered saying – “People will discuss about you. You will have to take little effort and your sorrow will end with the blessings of Shri Sai”. Seeing this reply, I was crying for almost one hour, since I was so surprised that Baba’s reply was so appropriate. People (relatives) talk bad with my parents and my parents get hurt.
All I would like to say from my personal experience is that if we believe Baba is there, then He is definitely there. Yes we do have bad times and pains, but its all part of our bad karma deeds and it’s the testing period. If we pray to Sai hoping all this would end soon, then I feel it would. I still have lots of problems and pains, but from past one-week, I don’t know what power, but I strongly feel Sai Baba is with me and He is only helping me get through my bad deeds once and for all. Please bless me and give me some happiness soon Baba. Hope Baba blesses us all always and gives strength to people to go through rough times.
Sai Is With Me Always
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Please don’t publish my name and I will narrate my experience here. I don’t know when and how I became close to Baba, but I always believe He is with me whenever I look around both in bad and good times. Last August 2011, my dad suffered with severe heart attack. Doctors in our home town told us that he may need a surgery so planed to take him to Hyderabad. My dad was worried about my marriage on the way. I saw a big Baba temple just beside bypass. We all went into that temple made quick Darshan as we need to admit my dad as soon as possible. Just before we move, I heard evening Aarti and I want to go and sing that but I kept quite as it is getting late. All of sudden, our car got flat tired. I felt strange how it can happen, when it was in parking. I attended Aarti with help of Baba. Next day, doctors told me that he doesn’t need surgery as he is stable now. And in very next day, somebody sent a boy’s picture and details to my dad and I got married in December and he is lovely husband too. All this is planned by Baba. From that day onwards, each and every second, I felt His presence with me. I am having lot of experience like this often. I will keep posting them also. Just believe Baba and He will take care of everything. Baba be with me like this forever. Jai Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Letter to Saibabaji,
You have been with me all my life in good and bad times. You have tested me several times in various ways. You have helped me manytimes in the nick of time. When my time was very bad, you saved me from death and gave me a job. You helped me in all the ways u can. You have not yet fulfilled all my wishes, but you helped me when I needed the most.
I do not know why people suffer, but your love gets me aboard.
You seem to give signs about something, which I do not always understand. I sometimes smile at them and Leave it.
It's uptown you whatever you want to give me or not, but I know we both Luv each other a lot. I have enough of ur blessings and currently my life is good. I am still waiting for.some.things to happen,but it is at your grace.
Today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all u have given me. I.want to say that, even though I sometimes get impatient, I have utmost faith and Luv for u.
Luv u always Baba
There are many Gurus and Sadgurus on this universe, but the ways of our Sai Baba are very peculiar. He the Lord has the heart softer than wax, He always runs to His devotees in the times of difficulties, He just asks “Shraddha” and “Saburi” as dakshina.. who else will take care of us like Him??
Om Sai Ram 🙂
feeling very happy.. we shifted to new rent house today. i just set up the wireless internet and opened my mail. when i came to this web page to read the experiences, i thought in my mind, " we've come to a new house. with Baba's grace, the time we've stepped in should turn lucky by we getting blessed with a baby.. how nice it would be if the first experience i'm reading is related to conceiving and baby".. OMG, what a surprise, the first experience is exactly similar to my situation.. i'm sure Baba is going to bless me with a health baby soon… JAI SHRI SAIBABA !!
Jai Sai Baba
You have always helped me in every step of my life but at that time I did not realize it. Now I know you are always there protecting me and making a smooth path for me even if it means some time of restlessness or sadness.
Sai Baba please always be with me and guide me so I don't make any mistakes and hurt others.
Your devotee who always need guidance.
Thanks a lot Hetal Ji for posting my experience (second exp). I was waiting so badly to see this post on this great site. My week has just started off so great all thanks to you
It brings tears in my eyes reading these experiences and apt images posted by you Hetal Ji.
Om Sai Ram
All the three exp are nice.Baba pl help us pl be with us
kindly forgive our mistakes.Show right path to my husband to lead our life.
Om sai ram
please baba bless all the childless couple.Keep your hands on them.As we are the childless couple I know the feeling of others.baba bless the needy.
thanx for sharing the experiences.
What a heart touching experiences. It bring tears in my eyes…om sai ram. .
Om Sai Ram.
Baba we love you a lot 🙂 Please take care of all worries and bless us all. We thank you from the bottom of our heart for everything.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram,
One of my friend is trying so hard to have a baby. They all tried all the possibilities and now they gave up. This weekend when they called me I told them about Sai baba, but they are not Sai devotees. But I prayed Baba for them. Now when I read the first experience, Baba gave me some confident to give them Baby.
Please all Sai devotees, please pray for them too.
Om Sai Ram.
– Sai Daughter
sai ram..
you all too lucky to get blessings fom baba..we are also a childless couple,i hope baba will bless us soon with a healthy baby…am praying from the bottom of my heart..
jai sai ram..
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing it
om sai naathaye namah
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Lovely experiences,also aids to increase our faith in Satcharitra parayan…Om Sai Ram
beautiful experiences..
Thanks for sharing with us..
May BABA keep showering His blessings on everyone…
Please shower youe blessing on my brother Baba.
Om sainath maharajki jai..
Very touchy experiences…Om Sai Ram
32 people died while Going from Hyderabad to shirdi last week in a private tour bus. I sometimes wonder Why God does not help when his disciples go and visit any religious place out of Luv and respect. Cannot blame it on karma and no one can have any answer to such accidents.
Anyways my sincere request to everyone traveling to shirdi or other religious places, please do not travel in these private tourist buses since they are not being maintained properly and are not set to current standards. If you are travellng, please do in state governed tourism buses since these are more safe and sound. For example, in Andhra, we have APSRTC ,which is safe.
Very beautiful experiences! 1st devotee from USA, you are very lucky that after going through all those things, that Baba gave you a wonderful dream to show you that he is bringing you and your wife a new baby soon. Baba also gave you exact details on how everything will work and everything happened according to how he told you (very nice). I hope Baba will also bless my wife and I with a baby soon as well. Devotee from India, it is great that Baba has helped you so much in your life and wonderful that he has helped your child walk properly. I hope you, your child and family will continue to be blessed by Sai Baba. 2nd devotee from USA, Baba must have wanted you to stop for Aarti at the temple and made sure you didn't leave so that he could cure any health problems your father had, and also make sure you will get a very nice husband (Baba is the true matchmaker). Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram! Baba we love you , please be with us all the time…Please forgive my sins..Please baba.
BABA my heart cries i have tears in my eyes when i read the first experience.Even i am a childless mother but the more sad part in my life is my husband is not interested in becoming a father so inspite of we having medical issues my husband will not go to a doctor nor will help me in going to a doctor.Times is running away i am helpless i have been crying in front of baba please please make my husband to desire to be a father a parent and bless us with a healthy child.Very soon my younger sister will become a mother and i i don't know what is in store for me only darkness i see around.I feel like commiting suiside baba i am fed up My inlawa are least bothered even my mother she feels its ok if i don't have a child.Only my father and me we are praying everyday that i become a mother.I am feeling helpless and now i am losing faith in baba also.Its 14yrs now nothing good is happening in my married life.I no longer meet people because when i see any child i start crying.My husband says i am behaving like a foolish person.Children are not everything in life.I know it is my bad karma and baba or any other god cannot help me.So devotees atleast pray baba that give me a natural death soon,I don't want anything just give me death.Finish of everything no peace in married life always argument no child inlaws greedy of money.Parents house sorrow.Please give me poison baba i will be very happy..
Baba please listen her prayer, take out the bad thoughts and answer her in good way to get stronger in you..I know the pain what she feels…Please baba give some happiness to her life and let them see you in their lifes.
dear devotee do not be sad.. please adopt a child… try to live ur life for that child.. if ur husband is not interested for anything na.. please visit orphanage often and spend ur time with those childrens.. that will give u strength…. just concentrate on ur own family… help ur parents as much u can… start nav guruvar virat once again everything will be alright
May baba be with you all and bless you all to overcome your sufferings…om sai ram
Today s our 7 wedg anniversary. .but we are still childless couples.. I opened this page for the very first time saw the first experience of sai devotee same like us n got tears reading it … I wish atleast this year baba bless us with a healthy child … All sai devotees pls pray for us.. I feel little smoothing reading all experiences n pray baba to bless all childless couples with a baby soon n bring in happiness for all..
Just 1 line have to mentioned here..Iwas askin about 18th June indication..n baba shows me this page which belong to 18th June. .its baba leela..
Baba just finished exams. Struggled lot with hubby n kids for study. Gt results saying i lost.on net still marks card nt come. Have hopes n i hD done exams well. Feel typing error of marks or paper nt corrected properly as me n my friends written almost same points n almost all passed. Have put fr retotalling.plz help me in getting thru this exams… Depressed a lot. If i lose many will be affected … My kids hubby family etc… Plz help me baba. Sai ram.
Om SaiRam Om Namah Shivaay
om sai ram