How Baba Supported And Stood By My Mom – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Our relation with Lord Sai Baba can be considered as real divine because it is never known when He wants what for us which is best suited for the time and our well being. Sometimes it is we who never understand His Invisible Presence and sometimes even if there is no special happening, we see His Helping Hand. All our thoughts are in His control so without His will how can we understand such deep meanings which He needs us to show. Below experience says so.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hetal Ji, please don’t share my name, email and other info. Thank you for the great work you are doing. I am a regular reader of this site and appreciate the work you are doing to spread SAI’s grace on His children. My description here is rather lengthy, so Hetal Ji, you can shorten as per your requirements. The story describes several aspects of my mom’s life to give readers a glimpse of SAI’s blessings and love.

Our family is a big one – my parents had seven children and I am the last in the family. As the situation might be, interestingly, I didn’t grow up to be the best kid nor did I represent other folks that are posting on this site, who have utmost faith and love for SAI. I am an ordinary person with all the problems, issues and lack SHRADDHA and SABURI. But this story isn’t about me. This is about my parents.

My dad was a SAI devotee ever since I have known. He wouldn’t do anything without SAI’s name. If he is given coffee or tea or milk, the first thing he does was to walk out and pour a little outside. If he is given something to eat, the first thing he used to do was to take a big enough portion and put it outside. In my childhood, this used to be a funny activity for all of us. We used to laugh at this, but all of us, meaning all his kids respecting my dad and not knowing enough about SAI, used to do this for my dad, put the food outside if he asked us. My dad was very well educated, but he didn’t make much money because he distributed the money to whoever asked for it. Therein lays BABA’s first Leela. The family was big and at times, we wondered where the food would come from. But throughout my life neither I nor my dad and mom slept hungry. We always had something to eat and always had enough to put outside for the birds to eat. I am talking about 1980s and 1990s. I was still studying and stayed with my parents.

As I got a job and started traveling, it became very difficult for my old parents to live by themselves. So SAI decided that they need help. My elder brother took them to his place and they stayed there for several years. My brother and sister-in-law were themselves SAI’s devotees, and they looked after my parents really well. There came a time for change. None of us knew about this, but SAI did. A few months prior to a big change for my parents, SAI sent me abroad to save some money. I did. I was still young, but then as soon as I got back to India, did you know what the first thing that came to my mind? To buy an apartment and bring my parents to live with me. SAI’s facilitated the entire process and transaction. It would be a book, if I got into each detail here. But each incident is a representation of SAI’s grace on His children, in this case, my parents. The entire process of identifying, buying the apartment, obtaining loan and then working through various phases of apartment construction were filled with additional experiences. In fact, SAI ensured that the apartment best fits my parents needs and also made sure that I didn’t have any logistical issues. An example is that I used to work in Bangalore at the time and the apartment was in Hyderabad. But SAI always ensured that somebody in Hyderabad would take of the apartment requirements and didn’t have to bother my parents or me. In 1996, my parents moved into the apartment and my dad happily lived there till his death in 2007 at the age of 93. His death is another wonderful depiction of SAI’s grace on my dad. That would have to wait for another experience to describe.

Now comes my mom – she is not educated, she doesn’t even know how to read. She lived all her life for us, the kids. The only thing that she knew about GOD was the SIVA PANCHAAKSHARA – OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA. She used to repeat hundreds of times during the day. My dad always wanted her to pass away first, before him. His fear was that she couldn’t manage anything by herself – in addition, she had several health conditions like Hypertension, obese and had blocks in her arteries in lower thighs, which meant that any injury to her legs would not heal. My dad protected her, took care of her, her medicines and everything while he was alive. Well I don’t know what my dad asked SAI for my mom, but what came next in her life, after my dad passed away can only be described as purely SAI’s miracles. It felt like SAI never left my mom’s side until she passed away in 2011.

As soon as my dad passed away in 2007, we, the three brothers congregated and had to decide on what would happen with mom. Believe me, SAI was always with her and I can confidently tell you that SAI was making all of us think and do the things HE wanted us to do. At the time of my dad’s death, all three of us were living in the USA and settled with kids and families. Nobody was interested in moving to India to stay with my mom. It was also clear that my three sisters had worked hard in taking care of my parents when we were in the USA, that, they weren’t going to be able to take care of her. Remember, my mom had no education, couldn’t even dial a phone number to call somebody. Here is a thing SAI did. HE made the three brothers to bring her to the USA on a visitor visa. And it was SAI who enabled her to get a permanent residency despite the fact that she was 84 years old, didn’t have education and was completely dependent on her kids.

She lived with us happily. I assume for four years and she started getting sick. We had to put her in a hospital. But she didn’t have medical insurance. Nevertheless, one day it became an emergency and we had to take her into Urgent Care. There started another set of challenges – in USA, your life is hell if you don’t have medical insurance and end up in a hospital. So we joined my mom in the hospital and the doctors decided to amputate her toe because of a bone infection. But we, the brothers were opposed to it because we didn’t know how much it was going to cost. Then the doctors came to our rescue and said, look this is a life and death situation with your mom and our hospital does charity work, so in case you can’t pay, we will write it down as charity. THAT IS SAI’S GRACE. I don’t think I have heard a situation like this before in my life.

Throughout my mom’s stay in the hospital, SAI was present – the doctors, support staff were wonderful and took care of her. The only thing we started noticing is that her stay on earth was ending and we were prepared for that. But all along SAI was besides her and ensured that she was taken care off – it almost felt like HE decided what needs to happen at every step. She passed away in May 2011, but she had the best care and medicines till the end. To this day, neither the hospital nor the doctors nor the staff asked us for even a penny. It was like SAI took care of all that because she was HIS devotee and my dad was HIS devotee. This is a great example of SAI’s promise to everybody that HE is with HIS devotees wherever they go and whatever they do.

BTW, I am a SAI devotee too, but I don’t have the SHRADDHA and SABURI that I see in others as I read their experiences on this site. I wish I had. I also have innumerable experiences. I can confidently say that SAI is always with me and will hear everything I say and ask. What HE gives is what HE alone knows – because HE knows what to give and what not to give.

I end this lengthy experience by saying that, if you are a SAI devotee and HE has embraced you, you are not alone and even if you decide to leave SAI, HE won’t leave you in thick or thin.


© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. My throat was choked reading this experience. I love my parents alot. I know I've hurted them alot. Baba, please give me an opportunity to make them smile. They should feel proud of me.
    I would like to say to all other devotees reading this experience that please take care of your old parents even if they are your grand parents or in laws. They need us more in oldage than any other time. Especially people who stay abroad leaving their parents alone at home. They have sacrificed so much for us. Its our duty to make them happy atleast in their final stages.
    Bless us all saibaba.!!

  2. you have no idea what i felt while reading this..many questions answered..many doubts cleared…

    Sai nath tere hazaroon saath…jis jis ney tera naam liya, too hoo liya uskey saath…

    om sai ram!

  3. Very nice experience. Tears roll down form my eyes while reading it. I have some wonderful experiences with our lord Sai too but I am holding it cause Sai still has to fulfill one of his promises he made to me .

    Love you Baba

  4. What a beautiful experience? Your parents are indeed blessed. I'm also like you, my faith wavers a lot. I lack Shraddha and Saburi. Experiences like your parents' reinforces my faith. Sai may not solve your problems the way you expect him to or pray him for but he will give you what you need when you need.
    Ultimately he knows the best and it takes a lot for some of us to grasp this.

  5. This much I am to state that every thing, every mortal being,every creature of the creator are performing their feats in the dramatic stage of the world and after their performance is over they ultimately surrender before Him on Whose direction they have taken birth to perform as per the omission & commission of their previous birth and karma; and to leave this earthly body.

    Om Sai Ram 🙂

  6. Great experience, brought tears in my eyes. It is lovely to read and feel that Sai touches our lives everyday in one way or other.

  7. Nice experience.. Your family is very blessed and fortunate to receive Sai's blessings in abundance.

  8. lovely experiences.. May Saibaba bless your parents' souls !
    Saibaba is yet to fulfill my prayer which i've been asking for long time ! i definitely have tons and tons of SHRADDHA but SABURI- hmmm waiting patiently for my prayer to be answered is becoming very difficult.. sometimes i get so frustrated that i'm asking a common & normal thing to happen in everyone's life but why HE is not answering my prayers.. but i'm confident that one day He will surely bless me with what i'm asking him daily !!

  9. Nice experience it fulfil many question rising in my mind it is really ecouraging experience when we feel low in life

    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    sai deva bless ur chidren

  10. wat an wonderful and heart piercing experience!! very well written….dear anon devotee..may your parents' soul rest in peace…om sai ram

  11. Om Sai Ram
    Nice and heart touching experience. Your's parents are blessed by our lord sai baba.I lost my mother at the age of 6 months but my in-laws stays with us. I love them and i take care both of them but Sometimes i hurt them and i behaves rudely. Baba please forgive me i realised my mistake.Pl show us right path and bless my husband with nice job or with business.

    Thank you Hetalji.

  12. heart touching exoerince….my eyes filled with tears by seeing the shradha of ur parents on baba and sametime i felt when baba will bless me and listen to my prayers ,even in full trust on sai……wht is ther in my luck tht sai only knows…..but baba plz do the immpossbel thing of life to make it possbel….don't leave my hand baba..i need ur blessing….plz my husband shud feel ur presence and change his rude behaviour…..baba kab sab hik hoga meri zindegi main..tears r in my eyes always…u r only protecter on my life……baba plz make him realise his fault as soon as possbel and send him to my parents home to pick me up……..don'r break my marraige baba thogh we don't hv husband n wife relation yet….im having faith on u only tht u can change him and bless both of us…om sai ram.

  13. Truly said that If you are a SAI devotee and HE has embraced you, you are not alone and even if you decide to leave SAI, HE won’t leave you in thick or thin.

    Very nice experience, brought tears in my eyes.

    Om Sai Ram

  14. Om Sai Ram, Baba we love you and we also beleive that you too love us. Baba please keep blessing us. Jai Sai Ram 🙂

  15. Very touching ! I was really feeling Sai's grace while reading your story as I felt he is making me read this and reminding me that he won't leave me alone with my problems.
    Thank you Baba ! Om Sai Ram 🙂

  16. Beautiful Experience…. Reassurance from our beloved SAI that he is always with us…… Right now my voice is choked and tears rolling down….. Thank you for sharing…

  17. Dear devotee such beautifull experience baba is too good in takeing care of his beloved devotees . I am alsmost into tears by looking at dis experience such a wonderfull god baba.

    Om sai ram.

  18. Om Sai Rama

    What an experience!

    I got tears while reading this… All are blessed 🙂


  19. Om Sai Ram.

    Baba is great, we love you a lot Sainath. Please take care of us and bless us always and we are always grateful to you.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

  20. Yesterday, I watched one video on Karmic actions ( )
    Then I asked BABA, "I will try not to react to the situations and accept it positively, but will you assure me a smooth & happy life?
    It's not that, I keep on taking the pain, and you keep on testing me. Will you assure me a good life, if I practice to accept the situations positively? "
    Then I read this experience, what a timely answer by our beloved BABA…
    Thank you so much BABA.

    Dear devotee,
    Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful experience with us.

    May BABA keep showering HIS blessings on everyone.

    Om Sai Rama

  21. Your family is blessed. The seeds that were sown by your Father and Mother with their devotion and simplicity bloomed into a large tree of love and attachment for the whole family.





  24. Beautiful experience…..i was totally in tears while reading this experience….your parents are divine souls and now they are with our beloved sai forever…blessed are the devotees who rest at sai's feet. May sai showers his blessings on all of us….Jai Sai Ram..

  25. Ohh myy goddd…such a heart touching experience…and very thankfull to you for sharing it…very well framed…wish all ur family members hav the shelter of baba the same way…i think ur blessed…Omsairam!!!

  26. god bless u and ur family for posting this experience. Ur parents were true Baba devotees, Baba took care of them. Tears were rolling down my eyes and I was constantly remembering and missing my parents. May Baba bless everyone.

  27. Very touching experience! You actually do have a lot of Shraddha and Saburi just by what you wrote: "I can confidently say that SAI is always with me and will hear everything I say and ask. What HE gives is what HE alone knows – because HE knows what to give and what not to give." It is wonderful Baba took care of your parents so well and ensured that even when you're mother was ill, there was no expense to you or your siblings. Please do share your other experiences with the other Sai Baba devotees. Om Sai Ram!

  28. Thank you for sharing such a beutiful experience of Sai's blessings with your late parents, indeed your family is truly blessed. There were portions which brought tears to my eyes. You're absolutely right, SAI knows what to give and what not to give. As human beings we expect everything to be granted as per our wish. May Sai's blessings be on ALL of US & pray for Universal peace. OM SAI RAM! Love you BABA, stay in my heart forever and janmo-janam.

  29. Sairam. Beautiful experience. I love you Baba. Please give me faith and patience and make me realize that you are thre with me always.

  30. Truly a most beautiful experience. Like many devotees here have expressed it brought tears to my eyes too and throat choked. You are a humble devotee of Sai. Hope Sai blessings are always with you just like they were on your parents.

  31. Beauiful experience. I too had rears in my eyes and throat choked while reading and yes many questions answered too.Baba knows the best and rescues us at the right time.I leave everything on Baba.I know I might fail but He will never fail His child.Love you my Deva.

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