Wonderful experience! This is what i exclaimed while posting this experience.
Sai Brother SivaKiran Ji from India says: My name is Ch. Siva Kiran. I stay at Hyderabad. I am the native of Kurnool town. This was the experience, which I felt in the year 2010. I think in the midst of the year, my father and mother, who stay with me at Hyderabad went to Kurnool to see my elder brother and children. When they started from Hyderabad, he was ok. After reaching there, they were supposed to go the marriage of my father’s friend’s son. Till now everything was fine. He attended the marriage and came back to house at Kurnool. Suddenly in the mid-night, he was unable to move even to the bathroom. My elder brother and sister-in-law took him for bathroom. After coming out from bathroom, he became too week and fell there on the floor. Immediately our house members rushed to the hospital and admitted him. At that time, he was at the age of 63. When I got the message about my father, I went to Kurnool. The doctor’s said his left kidney, due to low BP, shrink and he is having severe heart problem. So it is better if you can move him to a corporate hospital in Hyderabad. Myself, who was earning Rs. 8000/- per month, it was very difficult for us to go the corporate hospital. From childhood, I am the devotee of Baba, even our family members too.

Like that 10 days passed. Finally doctors at Kurnool discharged him saying that “no hopes” unless you join in a corporate hospital at Hyderabad. I had put leave for my job and stayed at Kurnool. There was a huge poster of Baba in our house. On the eleventh night, on seeing that depressively, I said to mom if anything happens to dad, then just throw this old man’s poster outside of the house. And on the next day, I was back to Hyderabad. On that day, one of my friend from Visakhapatnam (Mr. Prasada Rao, who stays at Simhachalam) called and asked about my dad’s health. I said all the things. Then he said just pour the UDI of Baba in your dad’s mouth, Baba will save him. He repeated the same words again and again for half an hour in the phone. Immediately I called up my mom over phone and asked them to go the Baba temple and to bring UDI from Dhuni and to pour. Next day, when I called to my mom, she said due to these mental tensions she was unable to go to temple. But she told some experience, which is happened in that night.
My mother, sister-in-law, elder brother, their children were sleeping in the hall. In the other room, my father was sleeping. Suddenly in the midnight at about 2 am, there was a huge sound has come and my mother feared with that sound as if are there any thief rushed into the house for making robbery. She called my sister-in-law for assistance to see, but she was in deep sleep. Then immediately my mother closed her eyes, then she was able to see one old man, where she was able to see only from knee to legs of the old man. He went into my father’s room and making a loud voice with His legs. He was rounding the cot with a angry face. My mother was very feared and slept. In the early morning 4 to 5 am, one old man with white kurtha, namas has come and beating the house door. At that time, my sister-in-law woke up, feared and tried to call my mother. But my mother was in deep sleep. Finally my sister-in-law opened the door and saw an old man and asked what do you want? Then he said come with me, I will show you the way. My sister-in-law was in utter confusion, but finally she went with that old man upto some extent. Being the very early hours, there was nobody on the road. She followed that old man. After going some distance, He showed a lane and said you come in this way. I am going. That lane is nothing, but the road, which goes to Shirdi Saibaba Temple. Our milk man was supposed to come in the early hours. He saw her on road and asked “amma why you are standing here in these very early hours”. She was shocked, why because she was not in a position to understand that what happened till now. Immediately she rushed to the house. This whole thing explained by mother and sister-in-law to me over phone. Then I asked them have you gone temple for UDI. Then they said no. Immediately I rushed to Kurnool on the same day and went to Baba temple and brought UDI and poured it into my father’s mouth. After 3 days, we got a thought that why don’t we go for a second opinion. Then I went to a MD doctor at Kurnool, showed all the reports of my dad, again he has written all the test pertaining to heart, liver, kidney etc. But, now when we got the reports, we were surprised what doctor was saying who said that his kidney is not working, it is very good in condition. Who said that he is having heart problem. His heart condition is good. As the age increases, human will get some sort of disturbances, that doesn’t means that liver or kidney or heart is in problem.
Now this is 2012. Now my father is very fit and ok. This is only because “Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj”

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Absolutely marvelous experience…. Baba you are soooo kind that words fail to describe your compassion… Please be with all your children and bless them immensely!!!!
I was spellbound to read this experience. Once again ,it is proved that Baba is the epitome of love nd kindness. Om Sai Nathay Namah
Dear Brother..Awesome Experience..No words to express my feelings..Your family is fortunate to receive sai blessings..It is proved that baba never leaves HIS devotees and cares all the time..HE will vanish the past karma and save HIS children from calamity..
Sai Baba`s leelas are very much amazing and divine.
His leelas are abundant; enjoy the Amrith, the Ambrosia!
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Baba's leela are too small to describe in words. Your family is blessed.
Jai Sai Ram…Dear sai Brother…your experience really increased my faith in Baba, may Baba blessed you and your family forever…Jai Sai Ram
Awesome experience, your family is really fortunate,Baba himself came to your house and blessed ur family. thanks for sharing it
Wonderful, Baba did a miracle….baba keep doing the miracles. We all are under your feet…
If we have no idea in such a situation please hold our hands and show the right path.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
His Sister-in-law and mother are very very very lucky persons… they got baba's physical darshan.. They are the most blessed people.. very happy reading this experience. Sairam.
Wow…what a great experience…i'm not having anywords to say…very strange experience….we all thank u for sharing this experiencee…baba makes impossibe things possible…omsairam!!!!
Om Sai Ram
Really wonderful&Amazing. This this experience shows baba's kindness towards the devotees. Your total family was blessed by baba. Pl baba save my uncle who bought up me from my childhood. Kindly cure his health problem.I can only pray for him and nothing else.
really heart touching experience. thanks for sharing it. baba always with those who beleive him with full faith. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
ohh god!! i am dumbstruck to respond…..no words….i have read this kind of experiences only in sai sacharithra and sai leelamrutha books and used to wonder if any one in this generation would get such blessings…….your faith, baba's blessings,our experience….everything is marvellous and incredible…
Om Sai Nathay Namah!!
om sai Ram
sai kehte h jaisa karma karoge waisa hi phal paoege miracle nahi hote mein aisa manti ho per baba dukhoo se ladne ki shakti jarroor dete h
jai jai sai ram
Really a nice and amazing experience. i was totally lost while reading this experience.I was imagining all the things which happened with your mother and sister in law how they would have been react after that…. they would have been totally speechless how baba showed them his presence….
Thanks for sharing this experience.
No words to thank Baba dear.
What an unimaginable beautiful experience.Your mother and sil are so very lucky to see BABA AND TALK TO HIM.Baba do some miracle for me also.I also want your darshan.I love you Baba very very much.Few days i lost faith but again i have got that enormous faith in you Sainatha back.
Thanks Baba for all the wonderful blessings so far you have done to me ,my husband, my parents and my siblings.Continue to bless us and all those who believe in you deva.I love you very much BABA.
My god! Unbelievable!
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Truly a WONDERFUL experience…..thank you so much for sharing this with all. You and your family are truly blesssed.
Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram.
Baba you are wonderful. We love you a lot and need your blessings always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Heart throbing experience. lucky ones to meet baba in physical form.really wonderful.om sai ram
Dear Sai Devotee, BABA has really cared for your family and I can see that HE has forgiven your angry words spoken in distress! BABA cares for all. Happy to know that your father is having good health till now. Wish you and your family all the best. Jai Sai RAM.
Very heart touching experience….thanks alot for sharing with us….love u saima….
nice experience.. was the milkman able to see the old man when he saw your sister in law standing on the lane early morning???
no words to explain baba's miracles.OM SAI NATHAYA NAMAH.
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am speechless..that's what i can say…:)
om sai ram
ShivaKiran ji your family is blessed with Baba's blessings. He showered his love on your family by curing your father, by giving darshan to ur mom and sil, thought to you about Udi through your friend. I am eagerly waiting for Babs's physical darshan. Baba please give me darshan and bless me with Shradda and Saburi. Give me strength to face any situation which comes in my way. Love you Baba. Ek baar tharas dikhake darshan dedo BABA please please
No words, i am speechless after reading this experience. Thanks dear for sharing. Also thanks a lot baba for saving the life of his father.
Jai Sai Ram
very glad 2 c ur dad in sound health. Sometimes I really wonder how would I be without Baba taking care of me or his devotees. I am just wondering how would be if you are supposed to admit your dad in a corporate hospital earning 8000 per month. May we all live in complete faith with you Baba and please take care of us all the time.
Om Srimanth satchitananda samardh sadguru SAINATH maharaj ki jai 🙂
my body hair stood up….Om Sai RAm
SivaKiran Ji, very nice experience! The old man was certainly Baba telling your family not to worry about your father's health and also guiding you to seek the other opinion of the other doctor. I'm am glad your father's health is fine and it is due to Baba's Udi and Baba's grace. I hope Baba's grace and blessings are with you and your family always. Om Sai Ram!
Just got goose bumps and had tears in my eyes by the tym i finish reeading the experience… "Ho nirdhan ke tum dhan baba" Deva proved this readily… He can do any thing to save his devotees..
Sai Naath Maharaj ki Jai
Baba Maalik
wondeful experience…I really felt very happy after reading your experience.Baba will always be there with his devotees.Thanks for sharing.om sai ram.
amazing …no words..om sai naathaye namah………
om sai rai………
Om sai ram…Really a wonderful experience, thank you for sharing this..om sai ram…
Spine chilling Experience! I had goosepumps reading this. I have already read it like 3-4 times….I just feel like I am experiencing it…..your sister in law is the most fortunate who got baba's darshan. I must praise the way you have put it in words. It is very inspiring and makes our faith Strong like concrete.
I found that I had a breakin in my home, somebody entered the home because my alarm started ringing he ran away. I was very scared to know this and hence I opened this site (which I always do whenever my faith flame fluctuates)….reading your experience I had tears specially when your mother felt like thief have rushed in home…I felt like baba talking through you telling me not to worry he is always there.
Really Baba bless you and your family alway.
Om sai ram
As always Baba is there take care of his devotees and their family.. Jai Sairam
Jai sai ram,Surely baba rescue whoever believe him deeply from heart
Your Family and yourself are deeply blessed and what a wonderful Darshan and Miracle from Sai Nath for you!
Realy mind blowing but am realy happy for you and thanks for sharing such a treasure.
Om Shri Sai Ram
Hi Brother kiran,
Very very nice experience. Thanks for sending this experience. After reading this experience hair stood on end. Your mother, sister-in-law, father and you are blessed souls. surely after reading this experience "Faith in sai(OUR APPA)" grows more than the thousand times. You are one of the proof that SAI BABA will do any help at any time. Thank you very much brother for this experience. 🙂
Tears rolled down my eyes while reading this that baba himself came to your house, how lukcy is your family .may baba bless all his devotees and end their promblem . baba will surely help, after reding this i have got a hope ,thanks for posting it, om sai ram.
Awesome Experience. No words to say anything. Really Heart touching Experience. I was goose bumped while reading your experience. You are very fortunate Siva Karan Ji that Baba Himself came to your house. Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram,
Brother Sivakiran. Your Innocence and Honesty has been proved to Baba. Thus Baba has saved your Dad.
He is the only one who can control this universe, no one else has the power to with stand it.
Allah Mallik.
Servant of Baba
really heart touching experience.saima never leaves his devotees who remembers him.he never disappoints.so devotees have faith in saima..om sairam..
amazing experience…Sai doesn't leave his devotees in pain..om sairam…
Om sai ram.. sai maharaj ki jai
om sai ram