Lord Sai Baba makes all arrangements as and when needed. So there is no reason to for us to get anxious about anything as He is always present to give what is really needed by us.
Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Please do not disclose my name or email address. Thanks a lot Hetail Ji for this blog as it give us a family to share our thoughts and doubts with. Really a great work. May Baba bless you thousand folds. Many doubts get clarified, when we read experiences. It is making us closer to my beloved Baba and Instilling Faith and Patience in us.

I studied in a christian school and used to belived in Jesus a lot. No matter what I used to pray to Him everyday. When I joined Engineering, I was feeling guilty of myself and stopped praying. My late grand mother, if I recollect, used to pray to Sai Baba and my mother also used to pray, but I never realised. Later I don’t remember, when I started to get interest in Sai Baba, my beloved father, after I started working.
My aunt met with an accident. That time her daughter was reading Sai Baba’s book. Then also I wondered how a book can help. But of curosity, I started reading Sai Baba’s book, which had a great experience of Sai Baba after His Samadhi and I later started feeling I should go to Shirdi. But my belief has always been that God is everywhere and I don believe in going to temples. I tried so many times to go to Shirdi, but noting worked out.
Later I found Sai Satcarithra at home, which my mother had got from her Shridi visit. Later when my marriage was not getting fixed I gave up non veg food for 6 months and read Sai Sachcharitra. I don’t read fast and I love to read understanding each and everything. So I read it for months and finished it. In 5 months, my wedding was fixed that too in Dec 2010, when they say that is not a good month. But I am happy in my married life.
Later I had to apply for spouse residence visa as I was working I wanted to move with in the same company to Sydney. I was getting opportunities, but my visa was getting delayed. I prayed to Baba and again left non veg for 6 months and again read Sai Sachcarithra in my own leisure. I got my visa in 2 months. During this period, I determined to go to Shridi and booked everything and went there. But I never felt much and my mother in law was there with me. Her health is not great, so I was always trying to see if she is comfortable as I was newly married. But I was happy finally that atleast I saw Baba and have touched His soil.
I got my visa and was able to work for the same project by Baba's grace only. Now my project is over. My sister delivered a baby and she is in India. I also want to go there, but my husband is like you find a job or project and then go. Only by reading this blog, I have understood the new Nav Gurvar Vrath and have started that for getting my next assignment. I was staying at home. Some times, I just become upset. I keep asking Baba come in my dream. Some devotees say that they imagine Baba is wearing this colour dress and it’s true. I too keep looking for that, it does not happen. When I do the Sai Baba Answers your questions I get answers like your work will be done donate food. As I am in Sydney, I'm not aware how to do so and I did to Shridi Sanstan and my friend told do Kabul channa seasoning and give it out as Prasad. I did that and gave it in the temple.
Just 2 days back, I had a dream that I was in a place, where there is food donation going on for Baba. I went and enquired and I don't know what I do after that. I came out and went in again and I was thinking that I should help people, who want to do annadan (food donation). The dream ended. Today I got a dream like I have received tickets to go to India, which my father has sent and I was happy.
Actually after reading one of the experiences, I felt as if Baba is trying to indicate book your tickets do not worry rest I will take care. Or He is confirming to book my ticket. I was worried if I get a job or a new project what I will do. I will not go. I will stay back in Sydney. I have started reading Guru Charithra from an online source, which is easy to understand and I love reading it.
Just wanted to know if this is a right source. Pasted the link below: http://www.saibaba.us/texts/gurucharitra/index.htm.
If anyone has already read and just let me know if I can continue to read from here. Thanks a lot Baba for all Your care and love for me. If I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowlingly please forgive me. Please forgive my doubts. Please frogive my sins. Please help me not to sin anymore. Please bless and be with all devotees, who are suffering and requesting You.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
You can donate for Annadhanam online. HDFC Bank has recently provided an option where through online banking (if you have an HDFC account), you can donate to any religious place. There is an option to donate for Annadanam in Shirdi Sai Baba's temple. Check that out.
hi i am kavi from malaysia…..past 1 year i been suffering in my life to settle down where i don't have work,ma relationship with my gf always having a fight, and i really lost my self esteem and confidence because it is already been 1 and more year where m keep on praying to baba day and night but i never see any sign yet from him that my life is going to be good…..and i really very very down as i lost all my happiness and when everybody out there really enjoying their life by putting a lot of effort but i am just sitting down and crying in front of baba why my life gone to this level…i already face what ever i should not face in the age of 25…why when things happen so fast for most of them here but ntg is well for me….do anybody here know how to pray for baba because i already tried everything…m just pulled to prayed to baba because my house is near to the first baba temple which is formed in malaysia….did anybody faced life like me out there….plz do help me !!!!
Nice experience. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam. May Baba bless us always. Love you Baba.
Nice experience, thanks for sharing it.
Dear Brother,
Things will change have faith and belief in Baba. Do what you can do.Once the time comes the blessings will never stop.Baba will surly take care of you.
Nice Experience,Jai Sai Ram!
Om sai ram.,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram
Dear Kavi,
I am in a similar situation, a guy at 29 with no professional settlement…no relationship untill now….coz m not settled so I can't even marry…my marriage is getting delayed coz of this settling issue…..even though i have great qualifications but still i have achieved nothing untill now….people of my age are married, well settled n have kids….i feel down too n highly depressed….but m sure Baba will do some miracle soon….so plz dont worry u r just 25….Baba will bless u too with a nice life ahead….
Jai Sai Ram!!
such a wonderful experience. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
yeah but why i need to face even problem everyday…today so i have to face problem which make me cry over and over…i duno why all my decision gone wrong…i dun have way to overcome in my own at all…i never dream about baba even i pray very hard…i almost give up….even there is so many things going on in ma place like one guy who were been telling he were given power by baba and he can talk with baba all…is this true…plz if nybody been shrdi please do tell me weather you all gt experience like this kind of things there…
please if there is anybody i just share to you all that i dy avoid everything i don't kill insect, i not doing any single bad things like drinking,going out with girl,smoking,i don't use bad word all this i changed once i went to baba temple…but i cnt really avoid lying to my gf because of current situation…but the relationship with my gf really going worst day by day….i already prayed to the max i already finish read Sai Sachcharitra but to tell the truth my life even get worst but never change…but always dream to support my family and my sister studies but guess wht my sis don't even talk to me…what should i do now…i lost everything in my life…my happiness almost 1 year and more i just being like this…i am very sure if things continue like this my gf also going to let me go…plz if someone there who always can see baba in dream please ask me why do i am facing all this problem….when did i will get release from all of this and back to my confidence life again…i really cnt continue like this anymore…plz i need someone to really help me !!!
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
both long reply just now is sent by me…kavi from malaysia please do help me !!!
sairam anonymous devotee,
After reading your comment I feel to reply about your situation. Saibaba always there with all his children, and babaji never leave us in middle. No matter how worst the situation is.
The bad time and pain you bear in present situation is nothing but a test of saibaba ji. test for your faith and patience. saibaba ji gives us difficult time because he want to see that his devotee truly believe him love him or fed with situation and leave him.
Its all up to you whether you hang and face the difficult time and faith and love babaji or you leave it.
The most convenient way to face all problems with faith love and patience in saibaba ji is chanting," sai sai sai sai sai"
Believe me, this method is really works and remove all your difficulties, problems and increase your faith and give you patience to saibaba ji.
shirdi saibaba naam jap, chanting sai sai sai sai each and every time, every day gives you new life, remove your difficulty.
om sairam.
sairam anonymous devotee,
thanks for sharing us gurucharitra book link and blessed us.
om sairam
Om sai ram.
sai baba useful links.
From my experience sai sai sai sai is the best mantra. I say it when i got hard times or feeling sad and I felt better. Try saying that and you will see the difference. Whatever the situation is say sai sai sai sai sai it will help you.
May sai ram bless all of us 🙂
Thanks for the experiences.
Here is another link for Gurucharitra.
Om Sai Ram
thank u veru much saibaba..
appreciate ur help
Dear brother Kavi and anonymous,
sai will surely bless all his children,but all of us to bear some difficult situations in life,I know this is not that much easy like i written in one sentence,but we have to face,but beleive me if once sai is showering his grace on us that time all our difficulties,sarrows and all will go,we can not imagine how sweet fruits he will give to us in life,if we remember a single word SAI,whole heartedly he will do everything for us,
please keep faith on baba in this tough situation,all will get vanish soon,I also personally experianced this.one time will come that time u cant imagine also that much grace he will shower on u,keep chanting sai,sai,sai……………
thanx alot ..if your word come true i will surely write my whole story what happen to me and i am very sure i dont want anybody face life like me…i duwan i really duwan anybody suffer…baba plz make all of them who is suffering 2 b stay happy and peace…baba have !
@Anonymous devotee..Thanks for sharing your experience. Baba will surely show you the way. Have faith in him. It is great that you decided to read Shri Guru Charithra – it is really amazing book. The link posted by another devotee in Bharadwaja books is what I have always used. This author has written many wonderful Bhagawan Leelas.
@Kavi from Malaysia- I am going through a very similar situation. I know life feels horrible with such issues but as everyone else is saying, the only way to get out of this is to pray to Sai and think of him at all times. Remember the more you think of Sai, the more closer he will be to you. Not just us, everyone in this world is going through some or the other problem and sometimes its much worse than ours. But life doesn't stop for anyone or anything. All we have to do is bear the consequences of our previous deeds, think of Sai and move on towards the real meaning of life.
May Baba bless us all
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experience. Thanks for sharing with us.
Very nice experience! Baba is present in all places throughout this world and the entire universe and Baba will call you soon to Shirdi, and when Baba calls a devotee to Shirdi, He takes care of all the arrangements and makes sure everything works out well. Even though others told you December is not a good month to get married, Baba will remove any evil omens that may come and just give you many blessings. I hope Baba will call you to Shirdi soon. Om Sai Ram!
kavi, iam also in the same position….. i did not get settle in my life… but i did not lose my hope… definitely you are going to achieve a great thing… thatsy baba is making you to wait…. i can understand your problem well.. chant the name of sai continously … he will show you the path…….
To all who are going thru so much in ur life now.. dont ever give up ur hope on BABA. Baba give his test to his best soldiers.. and Sradha (Hope) and Saburi (Patience) is the Baba namam. Please try to do 9 weeks vrat and offer our Babaji with ghee lamp and start reading Sai Satcharita with full of devotion while doing the 9 weeks vrat, i'm sure at least one of the door will open and you will for sure see changes in your life. Do believe that ever single sufferings that we are going thru in this life is all due to karmas and sins that done with or without realising . Face it and accept it rather than keep on pushing it away and you will find that this is much easier to face. I'm telling from my own experience this. Whenever you get chances to go any Baba Ashramam or Centre, take some navadaniam and place in Dhuni. Slowly you sins will be washed away. Feed at least 1 and do seva with full of ur heart wherever u can .. always remember there are people are goin thru worst than us and i'm sure buy doing this slowly things in ur life will change and Baba will never ever let go any of his child's hand. My humble request DONT LOSE HOPE ON OUR BABA .. HE KNOWS ALL and he will sure show u the path… OM SAI RAM (malaysia)