Sharing few more experiences of devotees with Lord Sai Baba in today’s post
Saibaba’s Experiences
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sairam Dear Hetal Ji, Thank You so much for your wonderful work. I like reading your blog. Please don’t disclose my name and email id. I had promised to share with everybody my experiences through your blogs and its been quite sometime that I just could not do it. Finally, today I am writng to you and please do make any corrections if any needed.

I am a devotee of Saibaba and have strong faith in Him. I faced a lot of problems in my life right from my childhood and more so after my marriage. But still I didn’t lose faith in Him cause I do believe what Saibaba had said in Sai Satcharitra that we all need to suffer the consequences of our previous actions in our last birth. It’s all about our karmas. I feel that Saibaba is always with me and whatever I have today is all because of His grace. Whenever i prayed Him for anything, I always got His blessings and if I didn’t get, then I felt that Baba must have thought that’s better for me to not have it. I have entrusted myself to His feet and accept everything as His will.
Well we have come to USA as my husband had to come on a project here for a short period, but then it got extended and now its been more than three years that we are here. I am suffering from a lot of health issues right after we came here. But though those were not very serious ones, but still I used to get worried as we don't have anyone here and I always used to think that what would happen to my kid if something happens to me. But by the grace of Saibaba, my health problems never created any big problems. It was minor one and never created any big problems.
Two years back, my dentist was concerned about a red patch on my gums and used to ask me a lot of questions about that whenever I used to go for the regular cleanings in six months. He asked to treat my acidity and also try sleeping in a different position, but since the red patch never bothered me so I was not very worried. But when I went for my cleaning in last part of 2011, He referred me to a pathologist for biopsy of that area as he did not want to delay any further. On hearing biopsy, I was very tensed and started avoiding to go the specialist for biopsy. But then sometimes, I could feel little discomfort in that area and finally thought of getting it done. I could not share with anyone about the matter as my mother and sister, who stay in India, would get tensed on hearing this, but I told my husband and finally went to the pathologist. I did my test and constantly prayed Saibaba to help me out of this crisis. I did Sai Satcharitra parayan and asked Him to help me. I was to get my reports after a week and since I had strong faith in Baba, so I somehow was not very tensed during that period. By Saibaba' grace, after a week, when we went to get the results, the doctor said that the report says it’s not cancerous. It’s only by Baba's blessings that my report turned out to be non-cancerous. But the doctor asked me to follow up every six months and get it checked as in rare cases this might develop into cancer. But I have faith in my Baba and I know by His grace this won't happen to me.
I pray Baba to bless and protect me. It’s my prayer to Saibaba to bless me and my family with good health and happiness. Please forgive me Baba if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Please give me realisations of my faults so that I can correct my mistakes. Show me the right path and please be always with me. Jai Sainath! Jai Saibaba!
Thank You once again Hetal Ji. Sairam.
Sai Baba Is Actually There To Protect Us Always
Anonymous Devotee from
Singapore says: Dear Hetal Ji, thanks for the pious service you are doing to all of us. I completely trust in my Sai. He is my mother and father and also a friend. Please do not disclose my name. This is the third experience, I am sharing on this website.
This is just yesterday that my child, who is 2 years old, did 4 times vomiting in the night and didn’t eat anything right after lunch till next day morning. I got too scared because this was all of a sudden. I had started giving him a new powder in his milk just 1 day back and I think this was all because of the same. I prayed to Baba that he should not vomit again and the night should go peaceful and it happened also. Since whole night my son was fine and then early in morning he asked for water, but again after 10 min vomited it out and then slept back. All this time, I was chanting Baba's name in my heart and then in the morning, I got up and prayed Baba with full trust that now my son should not vomit even one more time and be able to eat also. Miracle of miracles, it happened just the same way he took juice and then khichdi in the morning, but nothing happened by my Baba's grace.
All this time the only medication i gave to my child was Baba's UDI in forehead. Thanks Baba for always being there. I love You alot.
I would like to share one thing with all the devotees that Baba can do anything, literally anything for us. But what is required on our part is just blind faith and yes without it nothing can happen. So please trust Him. He is actually there. Feel His presence and you will know that He is just right there to extend His hand of help to you all.
Photo Miracle
Sai Brother
Sahil Ji from
India says: I am Sahil Taneja. I Want to share my experience. When I was a child, since then my mother used to apply Saibaba's vibhuti on my forehead. I wonder what this vibhuti is and why to apply this? When I grew up and I was in my 11th standard, I was extremely unhappy with my life. I was facing many hardships and miseries. One day while Walking from roadside, I saw Saibaba's photo in which Baba was wearing red coloured clothes. Then I took that photo and pasted on wall in front of my study table. I used to share everything with Saibaba. Whenever I feel good or bad, I used to tell Baba everything good or bad going around me. One day something hapend and that ruined my heart and soul. I lost trust in Baba. After that after sometime everything got normal. I started workshiping Baba's photo. I used to sing bhajans for Baba, whenever I feel like.
After few days, when I was studying on my study table with table lamp, I suddenly looked at Sai Baba’s photo. I got shocked. I saw an old man laughing with long beard. Oh my God. What is this? I got shocked and I told everybody at my home. But the family members saw that miracle and went at there rooms. They didn’t even took blessings of Baba and they didn’t even paid much attention on that miracle. But only my mom was happy and amazed with that miracle because she was also a devotee of Saibaba. Whole night, I sat with Baba and thanked Him for this miracle. I cried for Him. I said sorry to Baba on behalf of my family memebers because thay didn’t even tried to say something good to Baba. My family members are ill minded. Whenever I tried to sing bhajan for my Baba, they used to laugh at me saying that I am mad. Since then I started workshiping Baba, I felt that I am special one. I said to my family that I want to show this image to all devotee of Baba, but they didn’t allowed me because they want nobody to come to there home. I got an indication from Baba that i will get ill. Believe me, I suffered from dengue and my plateletes count was very low, but I was as healthy as I was before. 2-3 tests were done. All reports were positive and indicating that I am seriously got effected from dengue and plateletes were very very low as if I will die. But I was feeling very active and there was no sign of illeness on my face. All family doctors were amazed. One divine power was before that - my Baba's power.
I was indicted that i will soon met with an accident. The next day, my bike got struct with a car and believe me that was a disastrous accident everybody felt that I will die. But I started my bike again and went to my college. I was having no sign of injury at my body or face just because of my Baba. There are many more miracles. Om Sairam.
Sorry, I can’t share that photo with you because its being a long time 3-4 years. Baba's image is not clearly visible on that photo.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
u r truly a blessed child….om sai ram…baba shower ur blessings on all ur devotees…
Om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram
Om sai ram , om Sai ram, om Sai ram
Jai Sai Ram…Its really miraculous one ..Thanks for sharing it ..Happy to know that
Nice experiences thanks for sharing it.
All nice leelas of Baba…glad to read about them.
@Sahil ji: You are such a blessed child of Baba. It might be hard that no one else in your family or friends is with you at this stage but even I got blessed by Baba and became his devotee before everyone else in my family & friends. But now my parents are such ardent devotees of Baba that I'm nothing compared to them. It took few years for this to happen but now all of us pray and praise his leelas together and have experienced many miracles in our daily lives. Hang in there a little longer and just walk towards increasing your faith towards Baba. If now you have experienced so many leelas, no one can imagine what else is coming your way from Baba.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram .really ur blessed.Iam waiting for some miracle's of baba in my life too…Sai Ram.
nice experiences…my baba is everywhere always watching his children with love and care..baba always be with us baba…om sairam…
Dear sahilji
really u r a blessed child of baba.Baba loves persons having innosence .You r so open hearted n innosence that babas love is always with you.
may baba protect u from all dangers……
Om Sai Ram
All experiences are wonderful and hearttouching. Thanks for sharing.
hw you get to know all about your illness and accident. does baba gives you any indication
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences. Sahil ji, you are really a fortunate & blessed child of Baba.
Om Sai Ram.
such a wonderful experiences. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Nice ones, Sai Satcharitra Parayan is really a miraculous..Om Sai Nathaye Namah
keep up the faith…baba's blessings be upon you alwz…
Very nice experiences! Devotee from USA, it is due to Baba's blessings that everything with the red spot in your mouth turned out to be nothing and I'm sure Baba will continue to protect your's and your family's health so no harm comes to all of you. Devotee from Singapore, Baba's Udi is the best medicine when combined with faith and love, so it was Baba who helped your son get better. Sahil Ji, Baba gave you the strength to survive all those illnesses that you went through and the criticisms of others. Baba is our strength when we face difficulties and we just need to remember, would we feel so scared and worried if Baba were standing or sitting there right next to us? Om Sai Ram!
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram