Sai sister Swetha ji is sharing few of her experiences with Lord Sai Baba in today’s post.
Sai Sister Swetha Ji from India says: I’d thank you for this wonderful blog. Let Sai always be with you and bless you. I am Shwetha from Trichy sharing few experiences now. Hi Hetal Ji, I have already written my experience in this blog. This is my second experience. Jai Sai Ram!
I am doing Nav Guruvar Vrat and it was my 6th Thursday. Every Thursday, when I read Sai Pamalai (given in Sai Vrat Katha Book), there are few specific lines, where my heart rhythms so much, when I read them. Those lines are “Baba the stones, sand and even grass of Shirdi is blessed as they had Your lotus feet above them. I do not know how much blissful I am, because at this moment I am reading Your Mahimas. Only blessed ones can worship You. Worshipping You itself is possible only if we have Your blessings. Were I been the Stone, Sand and Grass in Shirdi, I too would have wonderfully spent my life with Your lotus feet above me”. These are the lines where tears would roll down my eyes while reading them.

Usually I read them only on Thursdays, but Friday morning (i.e. Next day of Vrat) also I felt like reading Sai Paamalai and I enjoyed reading it. I left to office and I returned home little early that day. I called my brother for a walk and our granny too joined us. We just started and walked few steps. I said “Lets enter Baba Mandir once and then we’ll proceed with walking”. So we 3 went to Mandir and that day to my surprise few people were doing Pradhakshan in Mandir, keeping Baba’s Padhukas (Feet) in their head and Bhajans were being sung. That is not allowed everyday (i.e. rarely do they give Padhukas to Bhakthas to carry in their head). I just prayed and did a Pradhakshan singing the Bhajan with a thinking that they have given money for some pooja and Padhkas can be carried only by them. When I was done with Pradhakshan the priest called me and asked whether I wanted to have Padha Raksha’s on my head. I happily said Yes! And as I wished that day morning I had Baba’s Feet at my head and did another Pradhakshan with it. See how wonderful Our Baba is. I didn’t even open and ask Him to bless me like this. But my heartfelt while reading the Paamalai and He did as my heart wished. I never go for evening walk that too to Baba’s temple. But that day I was called by Baba and was blessed. Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Shree Sachidhanandha Parabrahma Sathguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Hetal Ji, I wanted to share this experience immediately. I don’t want to postpone this and so immediately writing this experience. Every day while coming to office I see Baba’s photo in any vehicle or shop. Somewhere I find Him and I won’t stop searching till I find one Baba photo. I have to tell you a thing if I have did a mistake (knowingly if I do that mistake) that day I didn’t find Baba’s photo anywhere. I have experienced this. So I asked sorry to Baba and after that He showed His presence in some vehicle. Coming to my experience, Today when I was coming to office on the way I was searching for Baba’s photo and I was asking Baba to show His presence somehow on the way. But till I reached the office, I did not find a single photo of Him. I did not do any mistakes too. So I did not know why I couldn’t see even a single picture of Baba.
I came to office and opened a Baba picture in my laptop and I asked Him why didn’t You come to see me today on my way to office. Believe me I could see a strange smile in Baba’s Photo today. I have never observed that smile before. It was a smile as if Baba was kidding and playing with me. I too smiled at Him in return and started with my work.
Before starting the work, I most often read devotees experience in this blog. Today also I did the same. While reading the first experience, I was thinking that it had been long time since I have posted my experience in this blog. But my experience alone is not published yet. I thought may be my experience was not worth publishing and read next experience. Then, I was at the 3rd experience. Guess what? It was my own experience which I was reading. First I didn’t notice the name. I just kept reading and felt it’s similar to my experience. Then I saw the name and realized it was my own experience published in this blog.
Then I realized why Baba gave that kidding smile to be. He had something BIG to give me today and so He did not come to see me on my way to office. Baba do play with His Bhakthas. I am really a blessed soul for Baba played with me too and He showed that with His kidding smile in my laptop. What else would a devotee need other than this? Om Sathguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!!

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
This experience brought a smile to my face. Bless you. 🙂
Thank You Deva for small mercies. Please bless us that the week ahead is filled with Love and Peace. Guide us so we hurt not a soul.
Jai Sairam
JAi Sai Ram..Good experiences thanks for sharing it
Wonderful. I now understand what baba meant by sayiing 'Remember Sainath on thursday and friday'. I will start to recite his 108 names on friday too.
Your searching for baba's photo while going to office, starting of work after reading experience in this site and not seeing baba photo on the way to office. My god! This is what I do and I couldn't see baba's photo today anywhere. Yesterday I was alloted chap 5 & 6 but I couldn't read it as it was my 4th day. Now I feel that might be the reason. But I while entering into my site office I saw baba's photo behind a bus 🙂 I am happy. But devotee, you sound similar to me. I am waiting for my experience to be published.
May baba bless us all and give us peace. I wanted to be the first to reply.
Nice experiences.
Baba Thank you very much for the small small surprises and blessings you have been showering on me.
You gave me very good personal tutors to my son and that too very surprisingly.
Love you baba
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
Love you Deva,
You are embodiment of Mercy..
Keep Me at your Lotus Feet…
om sai ram…wonderful experience
Om Sai Ram.
Love you Baba. Very sorry for my mistakes Baba, i keep repeating them and i keep fighting with my sweet husband. Please help me Baba so that i do not get angry at all. I love my Husband a lot. Please bless him immensely and keep him happy always. Bless him to prosper well in life, guide him to do all good deeds and shower him with all your love and care. Make him your staunch devotee soon Baba and bless him to read 'Sai Satcharitra' also. Sorry again for everything, let us never fight anymore with your grace and blessings. Thanks a lot Baba for everything.
May your blessings reach all of us always. Please do bless us with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth, joyous relationships and happiness. Please do help, bless, guide and advice us always in all aspects of our life.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Omm Sri anantkoti brahamandanayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parambrahma sri schidananda satguru sri sainath maharaj ki jai
Jai Sai Ram
LU Baba
Baba please Bless all and be with me always
Myself also experienced the same thing several times. I'll go to Baba temple twice or thrice in a week whenever I'm having time after office timings.
I'm also saw many times, Baba kidding with me, speaking with me. But so many times, I felt that it is only my imagination. But reading so many devotees experiences..Its nt the imagination, Baba, Himself blessed me so many times..
A small one, frequently I'll visit Baba on evenings & attend for Shej aarati..One day, I hv attended Aarathi & got the chance to do seva for Baba..At that time, when I hv seen Baba face..He is very angry on me..I dont knw, kept asking Him, y u r so angry..? Am I done any mistake..? But He didnt given any reply..myself upset..After pranaam to Baba, left the temple.
Next day my father called me & said that my Grandmaa (Not own but she is having the same surname of us) expired. So, we don't go to temples & dont do any pooja upto 1 yr. But I told my father, I cant be like that without
going to Baba temple & without seeing Him there. I knew Baba is there everywhere but the peace of mind what I got in temple, never got in anywhere..
Then He said me, Ok u can go after 11 days (after sme ceremony). That
11 days really a punishment fr me, but everyday I saw Baba in my dreams. Then at 11th day, I hv taken head bath even though I'm nt feeling well & very eager to go to temple to see my Beloved sai. Then I got call from my Dad tht ceremony completed. Then I rushed to the temple to see my father.
After taking Blessings frm Him, I sat before Baba, kept on seeing Him..He
is also seeing me & given me a beautiful & splendid smile & kidding me, which I never seen before.I understood at that time, before 11 days, y He is very angry
on me..He knows that for 11 days, I wont visit Him..thats y He is angry. Now at present, after visiting Him..He is also very Happy by seeing me..
That is our beloved father..Hw much affection & luv, he is having on each & every devotee. No one can show that much of luv on us..
Thank You..
Om Sai Ram.
I am also not supposed to o to temple for a year, since my Mother-in-law has been 6+ months now and i have not seen Baba in his temple. Now i feel like going and devotees in this platform have also suggested me to go.
Hope i will get to see you soon Gurudeva Dattatreya.
Love you a lot Baba, you are the best FATHER to all of us.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. May you bless all of us always.
Nice experience_/_
Nice experience…Sai Ram
baba is everywhere everyday is baba sai ram..
Sai baba meri bhi sunlo pukaar. Apni kripa karo baba. Jaise aap apne har bhakt ko sunte ho , vaise hi iss dukh k waqt mujhe bhi sunlo baba. Sunlo sai…
BABA………..iam angry on u…….why u r playing like this…….same thing happened for which i was afraid and worried……..y baba?????? y u did like this………..inspite of praying sincce months u did which i didnt wanted to happen…………u do miracles for ur devotees which evn i hav experienced ..thn y u did like this…….leaving evrythng i was only trusting y??????????????,,,,do u like to make me cry for this issue so many times,,though i love u so much………..y BABA?????????
Om Sai Ram.
Do not worry, Baba loves his children and will bless you too.
Sometimes we do not know what is right for us, so let Baba guide us and plan our life for the best, since he alone knows our future.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Your experience is so sweet…thank you for sharing it. May Baba bless you and be with your family at all times.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experience. baba always listen us and fulfills our wishes either its very big or small.Returned from Shirdi after saiji's darshan on 6th.Really had a great darshan. Before leaving from Gurgaon I wished that this timee baba should surprised me by meeting me as a human form.At the time of leaving gurgaon I had very positive feeling that my wish will be fulfilled and see My lovely saiji fulfilled this wish and met our whole group on the last day when we went there to take his permission to leave holy Shirdi.Thank you saiji for everything and please always bless us all and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
nice experience.plz baba bless pk with a good job as he needed badly.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Really a nice experience… thanks for sharing it.
OM SAI RAM. Please baba bless me also for having your miracle in my life.
Dear Shweta i was spell bound when i read that u dont see baba's photo wen u do some mistake exactly same thing happen to me.. the moment i realise wat i have done n ask him sorry to him lo he comes immediately in front of me i jus have tears n goose bumps wen i read that
omsairam really very blissfull experience which brought tears into my eyes.omsaram
sai at the time of my delivery when i remember your name, you took all my pains but later on after 3 months you took my smiles 4 ever by making my daughter ill after returning from shirdi n till now tears are in my eyes. baba you know you are the one whom i love from the time i dont know your name. please bless my baby also so that she could walk on her feet soon she is turning 3 plz let her sit of her own on her b'day. please deva bless us n make me n my husband stay together by providing job to my husband in his home town. days are really going bad as i dont have any support except yours plz deva bless all of us
I didn't want to read todays experience as a fight with me no hard feelings for anyone but just that Baba isn't posting mine. But still I forced myself to read it and believe me though it happened with some other blessed soul but it stirred me from with in. I can feel Sai is with us whether we realize it or not. He is in us all the time. I want his hand on our heads and want him to give us courage to go through whatever is happening strongly.. Baba love u!
Awesome ! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your experience today.. your unbounded innocent faith brought to me so many smiles. You feeling his presence in every step, getting response in some or other form and you are actually experiencing that. Wah! nothing in the world can beat this. So blessed! Omsairam. Love you tandri..
Awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed reading to your experience. Your unbounded innocent faith on baba brought so many smiles on my face. You feeling him in every step of your life, getting response in one or other form and you actually experiencing it. Wah! nothing in the world can beat this! So blessed! Omsairam, love you tandri.
everyone please pray for my 5 year old son who is suffering. baba please cure him soon. I wont ask you anything else. please make him alright. everybody please pray on my behalf.
your prayers will be accepted daughterhe will be alright soon…..SAI baba will bless him….
Om Sai Ram.
Baba please cure the little child soon. Love you Baba.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Dear Sai Devotee,
What to say! I felt like I am reading my own thoughts here! It shows BABA is present in everybody and takes care of each of us. May we all remain blessed and praying for all who are disturbed by harsh realities of life to have them reduced to zero and all can enjoy this wonderful LIFE that BABA has designed for each of us in a unique way.
I specially pray for my younger sister. She is neither very clever nor street smart. She can not speak for herself or perhaps would speak at a wrong time as she is not smart to grab a right moment to choose for such a topic! Well, I visited India after so many years and yet her husband did not allow her to come and see me. She lives just a few minutes walk from where I was staying during my visit! She did not even call me over the phone. Instead when I called, she was rather dry in talking and did not even ask once to visit her home by just using an excuse that since she can not come, please you do visit me!
She is not allowed to accept ANYTHING that comes from her parents' side! So whatever goodies I took for my all 3 sisters, she said she will not keep as her husband has asked her NOT TO ACCEPT!
I know she must be longing to see me and spend some quality time with all sisters together meeting after so many years!
Why her husband is being so harsh on her? Why he let his ego come in the way for his own wife to hurt her feelings? He is not earning a dime and has taken up a fight with my whole family! He has become blind with anger towards all of us in a way not to keep any relationship with his wife's relatives! And his wife obeys blindly whatever irrational demands he places on her!
I pray BABA to make my sister's life pleasant and may she be treated the way she deserves to be happy!
Jai Sai RAM.
Lovely experience,
Baba we all love you, but forgive us when we are angry with you.. As today morning i was also angry that you are not listening to me.. I was telling my sister baba is very busy not listening to me at all. But now i understood when baba does not listen he has something good for us. Baba please help me as my husband is becoming aggressive day by day… He shouts a servants which pains my heart.. sometimes he gets angry and does not talk to my children for months.. I tried to explain him but he does not understand at all.. Please bless him baba with good thoughts and understanding so that he does not hurt anyone..baba nowadays i cant keep fasts please help me to keep Thursday fasts…
Thankyou Baba
Even I am facing the same problem but it is with my elder sister.I have the same questions what ever you asked.why do they do like this.They are not only hurting their wives but also their family members.I cant explain what pain we are going.Baba please make my sister's life pleasant.Please Baba Please Baba
I really feel great to see such wonderful experiences of so many. Just remember that his blessings are to be equally experienced and humbly accepted in your unfulfilled desires and prayers. Not sometimes, rather always allow him to be the true judge of right and wrong. Also do not try to justify everything with logic, rationale and your likings.
All those devotees who didn't had any miraculous or dream come true experiences shall remember, it is Baba who made you stand against all the odds you faced today.
Om Shri Sai Nathai Namah
Nice & sweet experience. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
om sai ram!
nice experience. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
lakh khushiyan patshahiyan je satguru nadar kare…..mere liye sirf aap he ho baba…..mere satguru….plz baba help me… shree sai samarth
Very nice experience! Baba showed you that He wanted you to also do the Pradhakshan in the Mandir and has always been there to show His presence in various forms wherever you go to show He is always there with you, as He is there with all of us no matter where we may go. Om Sai Ram!
Horripilating experiences shwe..what a devotion u've on a child's pure and innocent love..everytime u show me that this life is a biksha he has given..nothing to be so proud of ourselves..thanks a lot shwe..:-)
Om Sai Ram
Baba please help my bava and me. we both want to get marry soon. we work in corporate world. so we have location problem. both of us sacrificing our lives for each of us. please make us to be in same location and have growth in our personal and professional life. Thank you baba.
Hope you may help me.
I love shirdi saibaba
Sai Baba please forgive me I promised to visit Shiridi, I did not do that so far. Now I am very sick please give me strength so that I can get better and visit Shiridi to do your Darshan. Forgive my sins.
My mother was detected with a tumour in her dudenium( the pipe coming out of the stomach) in early 2016, we were all aghast with the findings and didnt know how to react as the surgeons suggested a major surgery where they would cut open to access the dudenium and trace the tumour and get rid of it as they suspected it to be cancerous. Just before the 2nd endoscopy prior to surgery i went to sai temple and prayed to baba that if you feel ahe deserves this then let it be we shall face it, but if that lady has done any good deeds in her life please baba give her another chance . i was given babas tirth ( the milk water with which baba was given bath in that temple that morning) for her to drink and you guys will not believe till today all her tests are coming positive . Even the surgeons cant believe this miracle of baba. Baba i love you a lot thank you is lot, thank you will be an under statement for this amazing miracle that you have performed . You are the ultimate divine love you loads . Om Sai Ram
I don't believe any god. I was a Santhoshimata devoti. I was believing her from 8 years. I want a perfect husband like any other girl. I believed in her and married him, thinking that he is a blessing from her.but very soon I experienced, iam wrong.Then also I believed her like anything.but, second time also I cheated by, I don't believe any god. I want to say something to everyone with my experience, that God doesn't exist.may be karma will get whatever destined for you.nothing more or less.god doesn't do anything for you. It's your perception.god doesn't exist.please don't believe.
Now, I pray to God with fear,not with belief. I saw soo many worst things in, I have a fear of God.Now I don't believe believe God.but fear of God still exist.