Sai Baba Blessed Me With A Baby Boy – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, First of all I would like to thank you and your team for the providing all the Sai devotees with a platform to share our feelings and thus form a huge Sai community! I have been following your blog for couple of years now and have been very regular in reading the experiences. It is the first time that I am sharing my own experience. Please feel free to edit it as required. Also request you to keep my name and email id anonymous.

I have been listening to the stories from Shri Sai Satcharitra since I was a kid. My paternal grandmother was a Sai devotee. She used to narrate to me the various stories from Sai Satcharitra. My parents are also Sai Baba devotees and we have a nice photo frame of Baba, which we have kept in our shrine at home and worship daily.

Though I have always known Baba from childhood, I was really drawn to Him only in the year 2010. After that I have had innumerable experiences and have received Baba’s grace on several occasions. However today I will be sharing an experience which is very close to my heart. I am born and brought up in a well to do family. My parents have always provided me with all the comforts in life. I have always done well in academics and by Baba’s grace I am successful in my career. By Sai’s blessing, I am married to a very nice person. I would like to thank Baba for providing me with so many comforts in life.

I had never faced any major problems or difficulties in my life until year 2010. In year 2010, I and my husband decided that we want a baby. However after trying for several months, I was not able to conceive. I prayed to Baba to bless me with a baby and started reading Sai Satcharitra. Finally after treatment for almost a year, I became pregnant in April 2011. My joy knew no bounds! I thanked Baba profusely. However in my 3rd month, I had few complications and had to be admitted to hospital. By Baba’s grace baby was fine and I was advised bed rest for few weeks.

Everything was going fine after that until my husband lost his job due to recession and we were under a lot of stress. I prayed to Baba for my husband and He answered our prayers yet again! My husband got job in a very good firm and also the profile that he wanted within one month. My pregnancy was also progressing fine. I was managing my professional and personal life very well. But I did not know that a grave misfortune was awaiting me! Baba tried to warn me in different ways. But alas I did not understand those signs then.

In the ninth month, I went for the routine check-up. My doctor asked me to do a color doppler ultrasound as a routine test to check for baby’s position / blood flow etc. I did the screening and the results showed that my baby was in distress due to lack of oxygen. So I was admitted for an emergency C-section operation. Operation was performed, but unfortunately doctor could not save my baby boy as he had a congenital heart problem. This incident shattered me and my entire family. I cried a lot and fought with Baba that why such a misfortune should befall me. But then I thought that it is happening due to some past bad karma for which I am repaying in this way.

Those were the worst days of my life. But by Baba’s grace I got the strength to overcome my grief and look positively ahead. I completed two Saptah Parayan of Sai Satcharitra after which Baba called me to Shirdi in Jan 2012. I had beautiful Darshan of our beloved Baba and felt immense peace of mind. After that I also successfully completed Nav Guruvar Vrat and asked Baba to bless me with a healthy baby soon. My Vrat was completed in April 2012 and to my utmost happiness I became pregnant in May 2012. By Baba’s grace, I had a very healthy pregnancy and did not face any problems during entire 9 months of pregnancy. Finally by Baba’s grace, I delivered a healthy baby boy in Jan 2013. Now my little angel is 3 months old and I am enjoying the bliss of motherhood.

I thank Baba from bottom of my heart for fulfilling my desire. Baba, I promise you that I will try to live my life by following your teachings. I may falter every now and then, but Baba please keep guiding me on the path of righteousness and devotion. To put in one line the gist of Baba’s teachings – “Love all, Serve all, Help ever, Hurt never”. May Baba bless all of us and show us the right path in life. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. he can understands all the feelings of others but except me.all devotees says thatbaba is very kind he never sees his devotee falls but i never felt his kindness towards me but i wont stop worshipping him because baba dont need me as his child but i feel that baba is my father.i cant express my problem right now but i surely express my problem at time i had to make it up.hope for the sai ram…

  2. Sairam sister,

    Congratulations on the Baby boy. Sai has blessed you. I really appreciate your courgeous nature. I can understand what you have gone thru. Enjoy this time with your little one. BABA's blessing is always with you and your family.

    BABA, I am praying everyday and waiting eagerly for the blessing. Please bless me with a child soon. I know it is going to happen soon, but I am becoming nervous. Please return all the happiness in our family soon. I want to hear to the baby cries in my house soon. JAI SAI RAM


    SAI Sister you are really blessed.

    My Deva, My Karunamai Maa is very merciful.

    Dear Devotees, I have a question, I am really blessed By SAI Babaji. I always feel HIS presence around me, Very blessed in every matter of life.

    We are trying for a baby for last one year, But I have not concceived as yet. On4th July,2012 in my dream I saw Babaji's statue on a beach and then this statue itself turned into a baby & came into my arms. THis happned even I did not pray for baby then. He has given me answer like babay will be born in my daily blessings from questions answers many times.

    Now I never feel restless for not having kids or feel any sort of incompleteness for not having babies, As BABA is always with me. But my husband loves kids & He is also the only son of family. Its four & half years since we are married.

    Even now I am afraid for asking for babies from Babaji, as I think as Babaji is doing everything for me without even asking, then He MUST know when is the best time to give us baby (Girl or boy we dont mind, but preferance girl, I am 32 now) & I am not WISE enough to command baba Give me this or that, so I afraid to ask from Babaji.

    My husband is asking to see a regarding this doctor, but having blind faith on Babaji, I think Baba is my doctor, so he must take care of this, if it is appropriate.

    So am I wrong for not asking from Babaji (I Think Babaji lives with me, does he not know that I need to fulfil my social obligation to have kids and its my duty to give offspring to the family?) or Am i wrong for not visiting doctor?

    Dear WISE devotees,Need your advice on this.

    I have countless means so many experiences with Babaji that I can not count, But I am not sure for how long I will be feeling gulity for not being able to give fulfill my husband's desire for babies? I feel more gulity when I see how good my husband & my In law parents are.

    I have no complain with Babaji, as from past experiences HE DOES best for me. But I am unable to pray for myself, as I am unworthy foolish girl who might be asking for troubles in life.

    Please pray for me to BABAji to SHOW me the right path, to guide me, to be With US always.

    SAI PREMA TO ALL Dear Devotees. May Baba bless all with Healthy Babies & lot of SMILES.

    • Dear devotee,

      Drink water with udi daily with full faith on sai ji and in case you can read start reading sai satcharitra…have unflinching faith on saiji,,,he doesnot leave anyone emptyhanded.He will very soon bless you with a baby…just believe in sai ram and dont forget to share with us when you are blessed with a baby

    • dear sister

      I will do the prayer sake on your wish and our baba will give a bless with your desire.


    • I m in the same boat. I m married more than 5 years but still I 've not conceived baby. I m very much disappointed. I keep on asking this question from baba by some website. And one day he insisted me that a boy 'll born. I do Parayan also. Daily i use baba's Udi on my stomach and drink the Udi by mixing in water too. But still i dont know why Baba is taking my exam. I m not getting any result. My husband has taken an appointment for me for doctor. But the treatment is very painful and costly. I dont wanna go for it. Only few days are left to start the treatment. I m believing Baba 'll bless me with a baby very soon. Please Baba help me , I dont wanna go for this treatment. Please pray for me.

  4. Wonderful experience..All well that ends well. Baba might take us through a lot of hurdles but will surely make us reach the destination.

    Dear anonymous devotee in comments – It is great that you get such wonderful dreams and blessings from Baba. It is often hard for people to only have faith in Baba and completely leave the problem to him, the fact that you are able to do it shows how strong your devotion is.

    But not everyone might understand the way you feel. Even I had to face many comments from few people when I say "I'm not going to worry about it as I know Baba ji will bless me".

    We need to do our hardwork and leave the result to Baba. If your family is thinking that you are not doing anything about this issue which could be health related, atleast for their satisfaction why don't you just go to see a doctor. May be Baba will bless you in the form of that doctor? Baba knows what we want and what is right for us, whether we ask him or not he will eventually bless us when the time is right. I feel ,its ok to seek medical assistance while believing that Baba himself is going to take you through the process.

    I just felt like writing my opinion, please forgive me if I am wrong.

    Om Sai Ram

    • Just do what your family is asking you to do.Maybe ,baba wants that and as we know that not even a leaf moves without baba's permission .Therefore,if he doesn't want you to go to the doctor no matter how hard u and your family try ,you will not be able to reach doctor.Just go to the doctor and see if u are able to see doctor then that is what Baba wants and remember, you will only get baby by baba's blessings.Moreover,please ask a question is sai baba's question and answer book and ask baba if u have to see doctor for baby or you should sit quiet and be at baba's side and baba will take care of it.Please ask your question with full shraddha

  5. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  6. Om sai ram … baba will always protect his children.. pls dont let ur trust b shaken ..he k ows the best.

  7. Very nice experience….thanks a lot for sharing with us…OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA…..:):)

  8. todays
    dress of baba reminds me of someone whom i gifted the same design dress
    , whom i love the most , whom i dont want to lose, baba know i love
    him, please unite us baba..and always stay with us in our home,see that
    we never get sai.u r looking very nice baba in this dress n
    he too used to look nice.

  9. babas
    dress in this pic remindes me of someone whom i have gifted same design
    cloth ,whom i love the most baba please unite us baba i love him i want
    to live with him baba,u r looking very nice in this cloth he also used to look nice . baba please unite us .

  10. Dear devotes,

    can some please send me the source to get "Shri-Swami-Samartha-Akkalkot Biography" in tamil or English .Because BABA has asked me read his story yesterday , so I am bit desperate to find the above book.


  11. Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experience Sai sister.congratulations and may Saiji bless u and you family with loads of happiness.Your post really strengthen our faith on Baba and your concrete faith is really appreciated.Deva thank you very much for everything.Baba please bless Kingsley with decent business soon so that he can use his talent on good deeds.Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.

  12. Dear sai sisters and brothers im badly in need of all your support and prayers.My husband is after another woman dont know whether its because of her skin tone or body structure or her position in job.We three worked in a same company but now i have quit the job and staying alone with my mother.I quit my job because of two reasons one there was too much of polictics done by the manager and two my husband was after this female because of which we had enormous fight,misunderstandings etc etc.He says i should not question him.Also says that she is just his friend but it doesnot look like friendship.She belongs to some other team but she will always come and sit at his desk and speak for hours.whenever i get to see this my heart used to pain like hell,after she leaves i'll call and fight with him he will get irritated and fight with me.He used to pick and drop her almost everyday.I have seen them.He has gone for movies with if i ask he'll say she is his friend since years but im unable to take it.Something clearly says they are not just friends.He has not gifted me anything.But for evry birthday of her he gives watch,ipod,saree etc.It kills me.Even today his her birthday i know for sure he would have gifted her something valuable and be roaming with her.Though he doesnt love me i still love him i want him to be good.I dont want him to go after her or be a loafer.Though he is not with me his memories are with me.He was with me only for an year.In that one year only for 4 months we were happy then hell a lot of fight because of her.After an year he left me and walked.Since past two years im just crying.His memories are killing me. I want to forget him completely and move on with my life and make him regret one day for missing me but at the same time i dont want to show my anger when he speaks with me over phone i should speak politely which should make him feel that i have forgotten him.Please suggest me something how to go about life,how to forget him and move on,how to get a job im trying for job since 2 years but havent got one may be im a female and married.Please suggest me something to get peace of mind.I want to be happy and smiling.I want to teach him lesson by living happily abd progress in life.Iam unable to divert my mind from him.Something or the other make me get reminded of him.Immediately i pick my phone call him get hurt and after keeping the phone end up with tears.But those few words which he speaks give me that much of happiness.Please help me brothers and sisters.Is there any books which will divert my mind and boost me to forget him completely and move on with my life.Please list down those books or tell me what else i should do.

    • I am very sorry for you Sister. I can totally understand how one feels when their loved ones don't care about them. First of all, surrender yourself to Baba. Leave everything to Baba. He will take care of your problems. Start reading Sai Satcharitra everyday. You will very soon gain peace of mind and come out of your thoughts. Also, do Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat. You will get a good job by Baba's grace. Learn some courses which will be useful for your career. Stop calling your husband and go on with your life. He will definitely repent one day for losing you. You have to wait for that day and Baba will surely give you that day.If Baba feels that your husband is fit for you, he will surely unite you both. Don't be idle. Make yourself busy and never sit alone. Talk with your Mother, friends, relatives etc. The more you become busy, the less you will think about your husband. I know it is difficult to forget the person whom we love a lot. But, you have to. Pray Baba as much as you can. Whenever you feel sad or depressed, chant our Baba's name. You will see the difference. All our prayers are with you. So, don't worry and move on with your life. All the best.

      Om Sai Ram

    • Sorry to hear about your problem. But in this situation my sincere suggestion is that, never ever call him or pick his call for sometime(until you settle in your life with career). I understand that with this sorrow you would have lost your self confidence because of which you are not getting job. After career break settling back in job is little painful but not impossible.
      Regain you confidence, work hard and settle well in your career (not as a revenge on him, but for your good). I am glad that you still don't have kids with that guy. For few years forget about this guy. What guarantee that he mayn't cheat that girl and get hooked up with other. So leave him for now. When his enjoyment age is over he realizes his mistakes and looks back to see what he has lost in life.

      Once you settle well in career, start doing some charitable works which give lot of satisfaction personally. At that time with your parents suggestion you can think of different alternatives based on the situation (if your husband wants to join back with you or what ever)

      That is the time you will be in right position to take any further correct decisions. The decisions taken when we are in grief or anger will not be correct.
      My sincere prayers to SAI for your settlement.

    • Felt really bad after reading what you have been going through… Please be strong and try to come out of that pain. Baba is watching everything and He will bring your husband back to you.. That day is very close. But till then please be strong and wait..

      OM SAI RAM!!

    • Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thanks for your time and kind words.

      May baba bless each one of you.


    • my dear friend it is very painful to see your husband with someone else. i have and we all have prayed for you. i hope that he understands your love and pain that you have been through and it ends up happily.

  13. baba u saved me from the danger again thanks a lot baba . i ll never have pride n ego. pless bless us . please give happiness to my parents they r depressed. please baba . im sorry if i had hurt u baba.please forgive . if my way of praying is wrong please correct me baba. im sorry baba please forgive me .



    you know all my pains, by this time I would have left my soul from this sin body ,If I haven't had your words via qestions and answer web site.I still don't know if I am good enough in FAITH and PATIENT to come closer to you.I want you to get rid off all my pains as early as possible and bring my beloved wife back into my life who is seperated at the moment due to my faults. But please BABA cahnge her mind to have full of love on with me.please BABA get rid off all of her misunderstanding about me and give me strength to keep her happy by all means until I only how much love I have with her though I made some mistakes on her life.But she gives priroty to other temporary happiness than my valuable realtion ship.So please BABA can you make her to understand my true love on her and bring her back into my life without any further issue.Also BABA just advised her not to speak about past incidents where we both made mistakes due to our misunderstandings.

    • u
      will definetly get back ur wife, she will realise how much u love her ,
      speak to her after reading sai charita book of saibaba taking name of
      baba om sai ram.

    • U are great brother as u realized ur mistakes and u love ur wife alot…only few people will realize their mistakes . Even am facing same problem. All the best..baba will bless us

  15. BABA i feel the way i approched to you last 2 weeks is wrong.please dun punish me . please bless us baba.
    forgive me baba .

    • Don't worry, Baba will forgive the mistakes done unknowingly. He will never punish us. He will make us realize our mistakes and directs us in the correct path.

      Om Sai Ram

  16. Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

  17. Beautiful experience. Reminds me of the Sapatnekars story from the SatCharitra. May Baba continue to bless you and your family.

    O Deva, forgive us our wrongs and help us walk in Your Shadow. Help us be better human beings and show compassion to people in need O Sadguru.

    Thank You for all the Love & Peace, do bless and unite us O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  18. om sai ram….i had a very bad accident when i was in 12 class.that accidents change my whole life and spoil my life to because in accident i had a skin problem almost burn my face….i give my exams but could not clear 2 exams.then i repeat my 12 class nd i passed.on my 20th birthday m praying to sai i want my gift from you.early mrng i went to mandir i do pooja and attened sai mrng aarti nd i had bring baba dress with along with me (chola)then there was some uncle ask about my skin prblm i told problem wat i had .he told me i have ayurvedic medicine it will surely works on ur skin .after that i applied on my skin little bit its working .on my birthday i thank to sai baba a lot that he creates me a way to get out in skin trouble.i thought baba gives me a gift to introduce that uncle nd he gives me a way to get rid my problem.i applied that med.regularly but i could not that affective was i believing.dnt knw where my lacking why baba not listening my prayer i went mandir daily and attened evening aarti.please guys pray for me i very tense.i thinking to do 9 fast of him

  19. baba im sorry the way i approched to u and asked questions were wrong and u taught me a lesson i ll stay humble and waiting for ur blessing baba.
    om sri sai ram ki jai

  20. Your experience is really nice to read. I like your last statement and I feel Baba will be more happy if you raise your child to live by Baba's teachings too.
    Jai Sai Ram





  23. om sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai ram…….baba mujhe bhi rehmat kardo aap ………sai nath maharaj ki jai

  24. Wow, wonderful experience and congratulations. May baba bless you and your baby with all the happiness in life…Om Sai Ram

  25. Very nice experience! Although you had to go through a traumatic experience of losing a baby, Baba made sure that when you became pregnant again, He stayed with the babay and ensured that nothing at all happened to your beautiful baby boy. Your son is after all Baba's child too and He wouldn't allow harm to come to His child. My wife and I are expecting a baby soon, and I pray to Baba daily that He stays with the new baby and ensures it is a very healthy baby. Om Sai Ram!

  26. Sai Ram… I am really sorry for all the mistakes that I have committed, I really do repent for it..please be with us always.
    Please bless me with a healthy baby and make me a complete woman.
    Jai sairam

  27. SAI BABA… Please bless me to get concieve very soon. Please BABA.. I am feeling very helpless this time…
    Please baba help me….I will be grateful to u till end of my life….
    OM SAI RAM….

  28. SAI BABA… Please bless me to get concieve very soon. Please BABA.. I am feeling very helpless this time…
    Please baba help me….I will be grateful to u till end of my life….
    OM SAI RAM….

  29. Jai Sai
    We tried for kids for more than 9 years . 3 years ago , we were in India went to shirdi and we did seva to BABA and came back to Canada . My wife had IVF and now we are blessed with TWINS(Boy and Girl). BABA took care of everything (financial, emotional..everything) . Who ever has issues with pregnancy, please ask BABA through "Chits" , whether you can go and see a doctor, whetehr you can go for a treatment. HE will tell you . This is our experience . We asked HIM whether to go to a doctor, HE said "YES", we asked HIM whether we can go for IVF , HE approved, then we went to a good hospital and had IVF . May BABA blesses you health,kids, Happiness and wealth . DO NOT FEAR. Jai sai

  30. Jai sai ram
    Best of luck to all devotees
    Pray fr me too have a baby boy
    Sai bless every one and all obstacle fly out

  31. Please baba bless me a baby boy…. Love u baba . And I fully surrender at your lotus feet. Om sai ram
    Om sai ram
    Om sai ram
    Om sai ram
    Om sai ram
    Om sai ram

  32. Jai Sai Ram…Today One of my friend suggested me to do guruvar vrat for sai ji . We are trying for a baby since 2013 but still no good news.. I am very disappointed. I am having hormonal problem. Pls Baba ji I wanna get pregnant very soon. pls bless us …Please babaji help us….I will be grateful to u till end of my life….
    OM SAI RAM….

  33. Om Sri Sai Ram
    I am a devotee of baba and believe in his miracles. Now I want such miracle to happen in our life too. We are trying to have kids since 5 years but we are not successful.I am doing 9 weeks guruvaar vrat for sai baba as suggested by my best friend and hoping that it makes me pregnant this month. Please baba bless me with baby very soon.We are tired and getting depressed a lot.I also did baba parayan twice and now everyday I read 1 chapter of parayan. I need wishes from my fellow devotees also.Please baba I will owe my complete life to you. This month is very crucial baba please bless us.
    Om Sri Sai Ram

  34. Baba pls bless me with a son…. i am 21 week pregnant nd i already have a beautiful daughter who is 17 months she is v dear to me nd my hubby… now i really want a family will be complete with the birth of a boy …pls baba pls hope the baby in my tummy is male pls bless us.

  35. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.baba please bless baby boy with us soon ..I promised on you.we happily accept your decision because you know what are important in ourlife and everything happens with your blessing..we love you baba. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  36. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.baba please bless baby boy with us soon ..I promised on you.we happily accept your decision because you know what are important in ourlife and everything happens with your blessing..we love you baba. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  37. Hi everyone, I had a miscarriage on the 2nd of June I went for a 11 week scan to find out the baby diet at 8 weeks so I went for a natural delivery that happened a few days later I then started to hemeridge and was rushed to hospital but was sent home about 6 hours later as I felt fine. Bleeding continued for 5 days then stopped but when I checked to see if I was ovulating on day 6 which I was we decided to try again but 3 days later I've had like a muddy but very light period. Would this be the start on my normal period? As I'm confused..I have 4 children with no problems and my youngest is 8 now but I am a rhes neg blood group and I didn't have my anti d jab after having her so I have lost about 4 babies very early into the pregnancy apart from this one I'm also just turned 41 so I'm worried my age isn't helping I don't smoke or drink I eat healthy so I no it's nothing to do with that.. I've had my anti d jab when i was in hospital but was wondering if anyone has had the same experience and is it still possible that I could get pregnant straight after a miscarriage or do I have to wait for my period to come again. My cycle has always been all over the place so I can never keep track of it only if I use ovulation tests, i discus this with my friend who advice me to contact Dr abacha for solution to my problem which i did, after contacting these Dr abacha from Africa he told me all that i need to do, actually he's not a medical doctor but a very powerful traditional doctor, he told me that the gods will bless me with children of any kind after i finish using the traditional herb he is going to send to me from his country to my country here in USA, i was very amaze when the package finally reach my hand, he told me how i was to use it for a perfect result, my dear sisters do you know that after 2 weeks i have used these traditional herb he send to me i began to notice some changes in my body and after 3 weeks i took in that was how i got pregnancy help from these Dr abacha the traditional spell caster, i am recommended anyone to these great traditional caster, and in case there is any one out there who is still searcher for pregnancy help should please contact Dr abacha in his email or visit he in his website // for immediate help, THANKS TO YOU DR and may God bless you for your good work in my family.

    Cynthia frm Chicago Illinois

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