Few experiences are shared in today’s post.
Baba Blessed Me With Baby Boy
Sai Sister Swarupa Ji from India says: I got married in June 2005. My marriage is also miracle. Baba blessed me with good husband. I aborted a baby in August 2006. I prayed Baba very much. We decided to go to Shirdi, but whenever we plan to go to Shirdi, we cancel our journey due to small reasons.

I understood that we can go to Shirdi with Baba’s blessings only. So I prayed Baba very much and we continued our doctor check up, medicines everything from 2007 to May 2009. We went to USA in February 2010. In November 2010, I did Sai Paryana. On the end of that parayan, my husband’s manager said like this, “No need of treatments. Go to Shirdi immediately.
You will bless with baby”. We stopped our treatments in May 2009. He believes his manager’s suggestion. In December 2010, we came to India. Now my husband wanted to go to Shirdi as soon as possible. We went to Shirdi in February month. On March 10th, I got my positive pregnancy result without any medications. I blessed with baby boy in October 29, 2010. We named him as Ananatha Sai. Baba gave this child .Whenever I read miracles in this blog, I pray Baba whenever I blessed with baby, I will also write my experience here. With Baba’s blessings only, I can write this experience. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.
Sai In My Life
Sai Sister Shanthini Ji from India says: Hi Hetal Ji, Om Sai Ram. I am a working woman from Tamil Nadu and living in a joint family. My heartiest wishes and thanks to you for such a wonderful blog. Even today, I very well remember when Shri Sai entered into my life. During 2004, when I and my husband were facing severe family problems, which arose from his own family side, we were mentally much disturbed.
One fine day, my husband applied leave to office and carried out an important work. Yes, He went out in the Morning and by afternoon, he came home with Shirdi Sai’s photo. We got that photo of Sai just like that and we were having it unframed. During this family situation, Sai decided to come into my home to safeguard us from all evil things and His decision went smooth, when my husband did this job.
So Sai entered our home and from that second we started feeling His warmth, love, care and affection towards us, which can’t be explained in words. For the past 8 or 9 years, I am having my parents with me as I am their eldest daughter and they are age old and suffering with chronic kidney problem and diabetes. I got two daughters. With His blessings, I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting Shirdi and had Shirdi Sai’s Darshan and got His blessings during 2009.
I felt that Sai is with us FOREVER, when my daughter got placed in a prestigious college after her Higher Secondary with the ultimate blessings of Sai because during that time I started doing
SAI NAV VRAT POOJA and I didn’t stop it in 9 weeks. I do it continuously till date to the maximum level extent. I feel Sai has come to my home every Thursday though He is with us always. Then and there, I used to face some financial problems, which is easily solved by SAI. Yes, somebody will help me by the Ultimate Blessings of Sai.
Each and every moment, I used to pray Sai and shed tears to Him regarding my problems (which need not be explained as HE knows everything) and with lots and lots of privilege will beg Him to solve it for me. That’s all. I can sense HIS BLESSINGS live and really each and every thing is a miracle in my life. I usually used to chant “Sainatha” and “Thatha” (grandfather). Now with lots and lots of love, I call Him as “Saima” as He is more than a mother for me. SAI MAA. I had totally surrendered myself and my kids at the feet of Shirdi Sai and my family too. Sai Ma had called us again to Shirdi during August 2013. Let Sai bless all those who go through this blog. Sai Ram.
The Omniscient Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetal Ji for giving opportunity by this site to the SAI devotees to share their experiences. Baba came into my life around 7 years back, but I was not attached to Him completely, which I started one year back. I am sharing my experiences for the first time in this wonderful blog. Don’t know how to write. Baba, please help me in completing this. If Baba wants, I will write more experiences in coming days.
I have faced and still facing lots of problems in my life of course due to my past karma. But after I have started believing in Baba completely, I got some eternal power to face the problems. Always I am experiencing someone is there to take care of all my problems, but sometimes my faith gets shattered, which should not happen if you are a SAI devotee. So it’s a humble suggestion to all the SAI family that never doubt on Him. He is always there for us.
Here is my small experience. In last Ramanavami (19-Apr-2013), I went to Baba’s temple (almost every day I go there) and offered one coconut and I had a hidden wish that if Baba will return me half coconut, then I will be happy that He has accepted it. I waited, but the priest did not return me anything. After sometime, I asked, but no result. I didn’t get the half coconut. While returning home, another small temple of Baba is there, I went there. And I prostrate myself in front of Baba’s statue. After that suddenly that priest gave me half coconut with some prasad as well, which he didn’t give to any other devotees present there. I was very happy and stunned. Baba knows everything. He will give everyone what he needs, but in proper time, just we need to surrender everything. Thank You very much Baba for being with me.OM SAI RAM.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
OM SAI RAM…Sorry for behaving badly today BABA…I want to follow all your teachings and reach you finally…Please help me on this BABA…
Baba you are the only one we know who understands us, just keep us at your lotus feet.
Lovely experiences.the first devotee blessed with the child,one doing nav guruvar vrat and the third getting the half coconut.all you blessed devotees thanku for sharing your experiences.
Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
BABA u can only care ur kids and love them even they forget u and scold u. SAI MA just now i started parayan "SAI SATHYA CHARITHRA" OH BABA… I dont ve words to explain how much i feel peace full and happy.. Now my soul is being purified u SAIMA:-) MY HUMBLE TO REQUEST TO ALL DEVOTEES TILL NOW THOSE WHO DIDNT READ SATCHARITHRA PLS READ IT… IT WILL U IMMENSE PLEASURE, HAPPINESS, WEALTH, HEALTH AND ALL… SAI MA i promise u my Vrat is going to finish with in two weeks… BABA PLS bless me tat i should present tis book to atleast one on 9th week… Love U ONLY SAI MA:-) Thanks for sharing ur experiences… It was awesome:-) SAI NATH MAHARAJKE JAI
Only sai sai sai……
Wonderful experiences, especially the 3rd, Baba blesses and answers in His own way 🙂
O Deva, I surrender to You body, mind and soul, let whatever thoughts, words or actions that come out of me be sanctioned by You. I do not want to bribe You, I am Yours, but only ask as a child asks a Mother, help me in achieving my goals O Sadguru.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Wonderful experiences. I am waiting for Baba to bless me with a child, and was very happy to read the first experience.
Om Sairam
lovely experiences.. its amazing how saima fulfills even the smallest of our wishes, he is truly the loveliest mother who knows whats best for his children and loves with no limits and takes care and protects us.. may saima bless all.. om sai ram..
first experience,so many confusions in date!! anyway,baba blesses all of us! jaisairam
Sai Baba, please bless us with healthy baby as soon as possible. You know everything what is going on in our life. Please help us and shower your blessings in the form of a baby.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba ji i love u lot…you know what i am facing…i am zero…babaji i waited for so long…as i believe what u taught…but babaji we our fool human being…we do mistakes…tht doesn't mean you will leave us like this.baba ji my family is suffering financial problems,no peace at home,
iam jobless,there is no one to help me and my family please bless and give me very nice job where i get positive and nice people.i never got appericition in my last job…i was humilated by most of the staff.
but this time i can't afford that kind of experience again.babaji give us health,wealth,happiness,love,peace.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Nice experiences, thank you Hetalji and team for posting it.Deva how do I express my gratitude to you as thank you is a very small word for everything you doo for us. Oh Saiji please accept me I surrender myself physically and mentally.Please help me to control my anger and let me be a humble human being. Deva day by day I am becoming very arrogant please cease this kind of nature. Baba please help Kingsley to start a decent business soon.Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Om Sai Ram,Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences! Last devotee, probably Baba wanted to teach you patience so that is why He waited until you went to this other Baba temple before giving you the half coconut (but He never forgot your wish). Swarupa Ji, it was Baba telling you through your husband's manager about how to proceed and following Baba's directions you gave birth to a wonderful baby that will also have Baba's blessings for his whole life. Shanthini Ji, Baba has helped you so much in life like getting your daughter into a good college and I'm sure He will continue to give you His blessings and help throughout your life. Baba is always there for us and always hears what we ask, we should just be patient and keep our eyes open for the opportunities that Baba has laid out for us. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Baba Thanks for being with us…
Blessed experiences…
Love you baba
Jai Sai Ram!
could anyone suggest me that during periods time we can or can't touch sai satcharitra? one of my aunt told me thatyou can even lit a aoil diya in front of babaji during periods time,as there is no hard and fast rule of doing sai pooja.hetal can u sugest me ? i m confused as per hindu rituals we should not touch idols or do pooja.plz sai devotees i need ur views….
As far as I know, they say that we shouldn't touch or read Sai Satcharitra during those days. But I have a desire to read during those days also. Can anyone answer it? Also, can we apply or take udi during those days?
jai sai sadguru….my bolster….support me please…omSAIram.
Kindly give me second baby baba.om sai ram om sai shyam.kindly take care of my health
please call me and my family to shirdi baba…..please
sairam please help me to join in the job soon my lord
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
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Baba i am facing a problem.I know you are with me.How to solve that problem i don know.Give me strength.You know me and u know which is good for me and which is not.So give me good future
Om sainathaya namah, om sai nathaya namah, om sai nathaya namah
Om sai nathaya namah, om sai nathaya namah, om sai nathaya namah
Om sainathaya namah, om sai nathaya namah, om sai nathaya namah