Few more experiences are shared in today’s post.
Sai Leela
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello everyone, I am from New Delhi, India. I am an ardent devotee of Baba like you all. Baba fulfills all my wishes and yes He does answer to even the smallest of wish or doubt of His devotee. I have end number of miracles of Baba in my life, but I would like to share here the most recent one.

My sister was not well. She went to a general physician. That doctor was nice and he immediately diagnosed her disease. Her illness was a serious one. However, he gave one week medicine and asked her to come again after one week. She took one week of medicine and there was not major improvement in her health. She went again after one week to that doctor and he asked her to consult a neurologist. The moment we hear neurologist, we all got really scared because the problem was related to brain. In the past also, she suffered because of brain related issue. I did not know anything to happen to her again. All this while, I was continuously praying to Baba for improvement in her from the day one. We were also giving her UDI in water every day.
Now here the miracle of Baba starts. The neurologist that the physician suggested sits only on Sunday, and we did not want wait till Sunday. So, we decided to see another neurologist in one of the hospitals. We went to the hospital on Friday. Here comes the first miracle, after waiting for almost 2 hours for our turn, when we entered the doctor’s room, what I saw was a poster of Sai Baba in that room. Isn’t it a big thing? It was a big hospital and only that room had Sai’s poster. My happiness knew no bound. I realized that Baba is with us and she will be fine.
Then, she told everything to that doctor and he asked her to come again after getting the MRI done and he also sent us to a physiotherapist in the same hospital. We straight went to physiotherapist room and guess what. The first I noticed in her was that she was wearing a Sai Baba’s locket. Now, again Baba assured us that He is with us. I was quietly smiling at Baba’s Leela. Now, it doesn’t end here. We finished with Physiotherapist and decided to go straight to lab for MRI. We left hospital at around 1 and reached the lab at around 1.30. Now, guess what, just opposite to lab was Sai Mandir. I just could not believe it. I knew Baba is with us at our every step and He is watching us and assuring us that nothing wrong will happen.
We got the MRI done and they told us that we will get the report next day that is on Saturday. We left the place and reached home. Next day was Saturday, we collected the report. Now, we did not want to wait till Monday to go hospital to show report to that doctor. We thought of going to that neurologist who sits on Sunday. We took the appointment and reached there on Sunday at 11. Now guess what, right in front of his clinic, there was a Sai Mandir. I went mad with happiness. By then, I already knew that there is nothing wrong in the report, but I just wanted to hear it from Doctor. We again waited for almost 2 hours, our turn came and we showed the report to the doctor and he said there is nothing, she is fine. He only advised a few exercised that the physiotherapist in the hospital had advised her. She is doing it and she is now much much better. So, this was the Leela of our Sai.
I am sorry everyone for the long post. But I wanted everyone to feel what I felt. One more thing I want to say to all the devotees. It happens sometimes that He does not fulfill our wish as we want and He does not even answer our prayers. Please have patience because when He gives, He gives in abundance. There have been times, when I lost patience, but what I did not lose was faith. So, I request everyone here that don’t lose faith in Him. He will answer.
Baba Helped Me In Getting My Job
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Namaste Hetal Ji, Thank you for creating this blog, which gives many hard core devotees of Sai to share their experiences. I can’t imagine my life without the grace of Sai Baba because I have a bond with Him in all situations of my life. I started believing in Sai from my twelth standard onwards. From then I started looking out for Sai guidance in whatever I do. I want to share my most recent experience.
I completed my engineering with good percentage, but I didn’t get job. So I did my MBA, but then I was left without job. I gave my best efforts for every interview, but luck didn’t favor me. I got so distressed. I consulted astrologers and they said me that I have to struggle doing some small job initially. I got further disappointed. I almost lost my hopes. Then I did Sai Vrat for five weeks after which I got the job as assistant manager in a public sector bank. My interview was on Thursday because of which I was scared because I had attended many interviews on Thursday in which I got rejected. But this time, I succeeded on same Thursday. The same interview day itself I got a unexpected experience with Sai which signaled me that Baba will surely get me this job. And I have gotten the results also on Thursday, which is a proof that I got this job only because of Sai Baba’s grace. I can’t imagine my life without You Baba.
I want to share another experience after getting my job, which is about my visit to Sai divine land Shirdi. I prayed Baba that He should give me chance to do Aarti in Shirdi. I got the opportunity to do Aarti from Dwarakamai, where Sai stayed for almost sixty years. My eyes were filled with tears of happiness. After Aarti, looking into Sai eyes, I felt so blessed for Baba’s divine blessings on me. Baba, please continue to provide Your guidance and never get angry on me Baba.
Lost Bike Found With A Letter
Sai Sister Samiyuktha Ji from India says: It is a great pleasure to me to post one of the miracles of Shri Sai Bhagavan. This miracle happened in my aunt’s house, which boosted me up to pray Sai and love Him so much rather than before. Well this happened in the 2011. My aunt’s son bought a high range bike of nearly about one lakh and above. He bought the bike and parked in front of his house gate and went to his home leaving the bike unlocked. When he returned down to have a ride on his new bike, he found his bike missing. The bike also did not have number plate registered to give a police complaint.
He disappointed so much and tried his level best to find his bike. My aunt at that moment started reading Sai Satcharitra wholeheartedly. And imagine the next Thursday the bike was parked in front of their house, where actually it got missing. And they found a letter attached to the bike with the statements “I am sorry for taking your bike as I was in need of that at that time. I sincerely apologies myself for troubling you, I am sorry” . This is such a miracle, which shows us that Shri Sai Bhagavan is receiving our prayers and hearing to our sorrows and He will be with us all the day, all the time.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
nice experiences.. Om sai ram ! Please advise on doing Navguruvar sai vrat – I cannot distribute vrat books as we have to make sure that people who receive it should do vrat also.so please advise on any alternative to distributing books.
sai devotee
It is not mandatory that people who receive has to do vrat. We are giving them with a hope that it would benefit them. It is up to them if they do immediately or later or what ever. So do vrat and distribute books either as booklets or as electronic copy.
To the devotee in the above comment, thanks a lot for clearing the same doubt which I had in my mind since many days 🙂
Baba You are great….Your leela is great.
Baba's ways are unique..
Love you all, Love you Baba.
On Sai devotee who is inquiring about Navguruvar sai vrat.
There is no hard and fast rule to perform the vrat and distribute books. i live in USA and here it's difficult to find people. So, I did simple vrat in the form of 9 Thursdays doing Sai naam jap and reading Baba's 108 names.Bless fulfilled my wises. I always belive that irrespective of pooja vidhan have faith and do his pooja in any form, Baba will surely her your prayers and will bless you.
Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
PLease give peace to my mind and forgive my all mistakes…
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
the last experience is just toooo toooo tooooo miraculous…….baba is the best
om sai ram…dear sai devotees please give me seggesion…i am doing sai 7 days parayanam..i completed 5days of parayanam now i got periods..i am in confusion whether i can continue doing parayanam or i have to stop..i am unable to decide.please give me answer
continue wid ur parayan …………..
sais amazing leelas………………..ivani vintunte chala parasantanga vundii……love you baba…………nee ee biddanu kshaminchuu , tappu cheste
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba bless us all
Om Sai Ram
Wonderful and nice experience which increase faith in our beloved baba. Thanks for posting.
BABA why doesn't he agree his mistakes. I have never felt like this before. Baba he gave my son to his mom with out asking me for 1 and half years. He and his mom never bothered to ask me if I can live without my son. You only know how I used to cry. We fight a lot irrespective of whose mistake most if the times I will ask for apology. Even he does mistakes he won't say sorry. I have tolerated that also. Every time he says get out of my house. You only know how I feel at that time. He says go to ur parents sarcastically as he knows they are dependent on him. Baba as I love him I beg him for everything. I know he gives me what I want and takes me to places where I want to go. But when he is angry I have to bear his anger and his words. I'm doing that from past 13 years. But Baba he made my parents cry thus time. My father sat at his feet and asked for forgiveness. Because of all these things my mother is sick. I have agreed my mistake and said sorry and begged him like anything. You know that. I was frustAted and did that. Instead of understanding me he created a big scene. Baba though what I did was not a big big mistake(at least from my point of view) I and my parents asked for forgiveness. But what he did is correct? Making my parents cry for my mistake is correct. Baba we got married 13 years back. I have been suffering all these years. I don't say he I'd bad. He I'd good but when he is angry I can't bear him. He doesn't agree even if he does any mistake. He just blames me all the time. Baba this time I'm unable to be normal after this big fight. He is normal but not me. Please baba I don't want to create any more problems. He says as they are my parents they had to take this pain. But he is not ready to accept his mistake. Why can't he say sorry to my parents? I never behaved like this when I was with my parents. How can he blame them. How can he ask how they raised me. Eeryone know how he and his brother were raised my his mom. Baba I'm unable to come of this. This is effecting mine and my parents health. Please show me a way to get out of this. Baba still I want to live with him. That's why he is taking advantage of me. What to do I'm an unfortunate Indian girl who love her husband and can't live with her family. Baba please bring change in him. Make him respect my parents. Please baba I have change myself and treating his mother with respect now. Please help me.
Dear sister calm down.Do one thing when ever he starts scolding you start chanting SAI SAI.So you wont get angry and wont say anything harsh that may put you into problem.And as you remembered baba he will surely handle the situation.After the fight until you are normal and out of sorrow continue chanting baba's name.And don't let your husband know that the quarrel any way affected you.Surrendering everything to baba, do your daily tasks normally.Baba will give you peace and he will handle your husband.Start doing nav gurvar brat.Baba will surely change your husband's nature.
Sister I am not married and I may not know the real situation.But I don't know why I felt telling you this.Its a suggestion from my side.
Thank you every much for your reply. I feel Baba made you to give advise. You said I should not let my husband know that the quarrel has affected me. I don't know why you said this but even my mother says the same. She has been telling me this since my first quarrel but somehow I will become very very weak when we have fight and I will start crying and asks him to forgive me even though I don't do any mistake. But I think Baba wants me to do as you said. Thanks a lot and will try to be strong. I whole heartedly wish you should get a good life partner and should have all the happiness in your life.
when my father starts scolding my mother i start chanting sai,sai…..many times i observed him controlling his anger suddenly..try it really it will help you
Dear hetal ji, leas post it as experience or in comments as you feel appropriate.
I have read in sai-satcharithra about the damu annaji story , about saibaba blessing him with a child, My doubt is if damu annaji had two or three wives does saibabaji meant papi planet as third wife?
In brief could you please publish/explain/ or any experience/opinion of amra leela described about damu anna in sai satcharithra
Its my humble request to see how you may help me to get answer for this confusion
May baba's grace answer my & all of us doubts
sai sai sai
Dear sister, It's not only your unfortunateness, it's every Indian girl's who's inlaws are not treating them as a family members…..but baba will keep seeing all these and I don't understand why he keeps calm if others raises that hatredness on others. Baba Why are you keeping calm seeing all the pain of your devotees? We can pray for our husband's qualities and see whether he is good or not. How can girl's parents see the qualities of in laws before getting their daughter married. Is it a rule that a girl has to leave her parents after marriage? How can she avoid them after marriage? After all they are her parents who have raised for long 25 years. But still we love you baba as you are the one who is a shoulder to cry at our bad times. But no one can escape their past karma that is for sure.
BABA love u……..pls bless all ur devotees for whom ur evrything…pls bless me with good job soon, waiting for ur another miracle….protect my family n my husband's family. cal us to shirdi soon.
can any one guide me how to do aarti or have aarti darshan in shirdi
Baba ,I am also in the same situation…I am really worrying about my husband's character ,he is not liking my parents for that sake i am not talking to my parents ( i am suffering that pain) all the thing is i want to live with him for that reason i am staying alone and listening his words alone and he is staying in his hometown.No one is talking to me ( My inlaws).He is testing me how i am listening his words .he is expecting my salary.I am requesting in the blog readers can you suggest me what kind of devotion baba like to unite my husband and me in one place and to be bless with child
dear sai sister,after reading your story i felt a sort of pain in my heart.what i can say is that whenever your hubby gets angry on u ,you immidiately start chanting baba's name in your heart & immidiately you will see his anger will be crushed within minutes by babaji's naam jap.secondly,you please start doing sai satcharitra parayana.i expect you to have a copy of it,in case you don't have please let me know,i will send you one,kindly tell me in which language do you want.don;t everything will be ok.and one more thing,do you have udi????if you don't have then then kindly go to any sai manfir and bring it,and make it a habit of giving it to your husband either in tea or coffee or juices.place it in front of babaji's photo and praying him whole heartly to make him a ego=less,&humble human being who loves his wife very much,give that liquid to your husband & i am very very sure that this will do WONDERS!!!!amen!!!!and along with it please start performing 9 sai guruvar fast………waiting for your positive reply in which baba has done miracle and giving you a happiest life with your humble,very caring hubby….
priyanka how butyfully u explnd to that sai devotee….baba bless u priyanka…hope she follows ur advise and she finds a relief and happiness in her life…om sai ram
dear sai sister,in your comment you have asked about "doing sai satcharitra during periods".even i too did have the same question in my mind and i published my this curiosity in the comment section 4=5 days back,and after recieving a very beautiful advice of one of my sai friends,i can say yes!!! we can!!!,as which mother prohibits her child to touch her d
during periods!!!!
i would like to thank that babaji's bhakt through this comment who has given me this advice….thanks once again….
Dear Sister , I am also in the same situation & i sued to cry to baba many times. I have posted many prayers as well thru online. as the Other sister said, Please start using Udi and start doing 9 Weeks Vrat. I am very sure that this will make great change. Both of you , go to shirdi. Once he reach dwarkamai , all his ego's and other bad stuffs will get crushed in to peices. My husband used to argue with me about baba , but he had changed now liitle bit and we are starting shirdi soon. I am sure that baba will change all his bad characters and give him all his blessings and change his character. Dnt worry sister.. Baba will take care of you. You will soon be relieved from all worried and going to lead a happy life. and yes , Baba will make your husband to ask sorry to ur parents. Trust him.. Dnt leave your hope. Light lamps in front of him and do arti..
Baba,Now i am loosing all my patience.how many times i cried in front of u.Why r u not listening.Give me atleast one sign that u r there at the other end for me my kids and my family.Daily death like expereince i am facing.
Due to my sickness everyong around me are in huge tension.I am not asking u for any miracale.It is some punishment i am geting for something wrong i wld have done in my past or present birth.You give the punishment i am ready to take it.Please keep me alive since my kids needs me.They are very very young.BABA only hope r u now…….
I wish for a happy and long life.I am also praying for you.
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram.
Thanku soo much priyanka for your advice i will continue doing my parayanam
Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Baba am 35 plus not yet settled down and dont even have a job.I have crossed my marriageable age.At least give me a job now so that even if i cant get married i will not have to depend on my parents.I will be happy even if u dont bless me with a married life.I already crossed my marriageable age so i wont ask you for it now.Its too late.I know the whole society laughs and makes fun of me but still i will face it throughout my life patiently.Now at least do me a favour by giving me a job.I wont ask u a high salaried job ..just to earn my livimg without depending on my parents.They are old enough to bear my burdens.All these years they have been crying only since i am not getting married.Cant see them crying for me anymore.Now we all lost all hopes so pls give me a job.Pls baba i beg of you.
Keep praying to saibaba, chant sai name often, do sai satcharithra regularly definitely sai will see you through all difficulties
Sai is here to help devotees , kindness shall definitely solve all worries
sai sai sai
Thanks sai devotee who replied above comments,I have been doing everything reading sai charitra,108 names,sai kasht nivaran mantra,sai moola bheej mantra,stavan manjari everyday without fail.even performed nav guru var vrat twice,41 days sai pooja,prarthashtkam eveything.even visited shirdi 3 times.recent visit about a month ago.I feed crows since last 15 years.Dont know what else to do to wash away my karma.Baba is not listening me.
Sairam,I need peace of mind ,have to forget all the people who took help from me,and crushing my heart, i con't baba,so painful Please let me have happiness in my life
saima will surely help, keep chanting sai sai sai your pain will vanish
Very nice experiences! Samiyuktha Ji, it is truly Baba's miracle that your aunt's son got his bike back with the note apologizing for taking the bike (only Baba can produce such a miracle). First devotee, it was Baba who cured your sister and although she had to go through some tough times initially, Baba took care of her and removed all her illness. 2nd devotee, no matter what any astrology charts say, Baba can change our futures for us and Baba helped you get the good job and Baba knows you will do well in the job He selected for you. You are very lucky you had a chance to do Aarthi in Shirdi. Om Sai Ram!
Wonderful experiences, pray with the utmost faith and Baba manifests Himself at every step and resolves all our problems 🙂
The comments section I see many devotees are troubled, please ease their Baba, let Your light shine through to their lives.
O Deva, please give us the strength to go through the days where we feel helpless and lost. Help us maintain our composure and keep a watch on our words O Sadguru.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai raam,
I am feeling ver ba today baba feel really like dying i cant study so much an I took it and the staff is also very strict..please help me baba..love you…devotees please play for me..
My humble request to every devotee that plz read this book " power of sub conscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy" it Will explain the things written in sai scharitra on scientific basis and will do wonders in your life and will double your faith in baba.I was going through similar problems but now everything is beautiful in my life. my faith is infinite now..om sai ram
Dear SAI DEVOTEE…..telling abt the book "power of sub conscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy" i hav already downloaded and started reading it…..and at this period iam struggling to get job………hope this book helps me to face the tough situations by BABA'S GRACE………pls pray for me
pls send me the download link ..am not able to find it
Dear devotee here is the link
thank u i got the link…i am reading it
thanku..may sai bless you 🙂
Sai baba ji your are the only hope for us….life is very tough….baba ji please fullfill our wishes.
om sai ram..
om sai ram..
om sai ram..
om sai ram..
om sai ram..
om sai ram..
om sai ram..
Don't worry this book will teach you how to make your life beautiful and make impossible things possible with the help of " Faith, love and confidence". You will start believing in sai much more than before.may sai bless you all
Thanks for all the devoteee for suggestions on navguruvar vrat. om sai ram!
For all solution only sai sai sai……
also read the book THE SECRET by RHONDA BYRNE it will help you doing exact prayer to achieve your goal. and also strong bond with BABA
om sai ram
Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experiences.Deva thank you for everything. Saiji please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
Dear devotee….telling abt the book THE SECRET by RHONDA BYRNE pls send me the free pdf download link..iam unable to..
jai sai sadguru ki! baba please help all and bless.
Lovely experiences, thanks for sharing them…Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om namaha shivaya. Om shree ram, jai ganesh, maa durgaashtmi, dattatreya, jai hanuman, baba ki palkhi, jai murugan