Few more experiences are shared.
Sai Baba Prevented My Grandma From Multiple Disorders
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a proud devotee of SAI BABA from Chennai. BABA’s miracles are mind blowing. If we surrender ourselves completely to Him, I am damn sure He will let us to taste the fruit of joy and peace. If we start trusting Him, day by day Baba Ji builds your confidence by taking you at greater heights. I have experienced this many times and my family members and friends get influenced by my experiences and they too have started to love SAI BABA JI. To everyone, who see this post, I would like to tell you something. If you people have some stress or problem, surrender yourself completely to BABA JI and forget all sorrows (for the solutions of your problem will be solved for which you have to wait patiently).

My grandmother is an heart patient since in the month of January when she got her first attack. The Doctor said, considering her age factor into account, operation is not possible, instead we can clear the blocks through injection. The doctors proceed with their treatment and with SAI BABA’s grace my granny recovered soon and she was discharged within a week. We all thanked Baba for His grace showered upon her.
Everything went on fine for some days. Then she got mild attack again in the month of August and she had been admitted. She suffered a lot. Her blood pressure level beeps to a higher rate. Pulse level counts down than the normal. Later the doctor diagnosed her completely and found that her kidney function was not up to level. While counseling session was held, the doctor said that my granny has been surrounded with multiple disorders and her stage is critical now. We all of us got shattered with the doctor’s words. But still I had hope in SAI BABA and I convinced my family members.
The doctors started their treatment with a full swing and it went on for more than a week. At that time I saw a post on face book about SAI BABA’s solutions for our problems. I opened that tab and followed the instructions that were given and the solutions were surprised as the answers made me happy. The solution was, SAI BABA said that my granny will be prevented from death. The results made all of us happy. Day by day my granny’s pulse, kidney function and blood pressure level got balanced and the block has been removed. Even the doctors were surprised. Now my granny is normal. It’s all because of my Satguru Sainath Maharaj. I love You always Baba. You are my soul and everything. Bless all Your devotees, who are in need of You, bless the whole universe. Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
My First Experience With Baba
Sai Sister Prasanthi Ji from India says: I am Santhi, 23 years old. With Baba’s Affectionate grace, I completed my M. Tech. from IIT Madras and working as a Design Engineer in TVS Motor Company from past 2 years. He always makes it clear that He is behind me always to guide me, to support me, to protect me etc. In single word “To Love Me”. If I share my experiences with Baba, it becomes my Diary. Now, few moments before, I was thinking ‘what to do now?’ and I felt like writing something, but don’t know what to write. Thinking of it, I opened my Laptop and Sign in to Facebook and found this site. Very surprised to see this web site and felt very happy about it. Can’t you feel it is Baba’s response to my thought? (or) the thought of ‘writing something’ is also given by Him? Only He knows!! Anyway, I will share my first experience with Baba now.
When I was studying my 10th class, Test was a total of 600 marks and it was considered as remarkably great in my village if someone gets more than 500 marks out of it. So, That was my first desire in life to get more than 500 marks out of 600. I sincerely prayed Him for it, asked him to teach me, guide me and train me so that I will get it. Sometimes I used to feel “It is asking too much”, and I so changed my dream to ‘at least 500’! Only one goal day and night!! 500 500 500. I kept on asking Baba to give me that.
When my exams got over, I was terrifically upset because I spoiled my Social studies exam, the subject in which I never had any interest. But I didn’t ready to lose hopes on 500 marks! I kept the burden on Baba and used to chant His name inside my mind whenever I remember. Finally, Results were out!! I am surprised to know that I have got marks of exactly 500/600 and in social studies 91/100. I was very clear that this is done by Him. Giving exactly what I asked is the beautiful way in which He clearly expressed that He is listening to me. It was proved to me that He is listening and responding to me. And later I experienced many more experiences, which are nothing, but the love He shows to us. He was there, is there, and will be there always!!!
Thank You Babaji For Answering My Prayer
Sai Sister Soumya Ji from India says: I am Sai Daughter from Mumbai. I am working with cosmetic company in Mumbai. I am devotee of Swami Samarth and Sainath. I have also got lots of experience in my life. I have been drawn to Sai since October 2012.
Few days back, I lost my pen drive and I was worried because all the important photos and other documents (scan copies) were saved in that pen drive. I was not tensed of losing pen drive, but was worried that pen drive must not get to any wrong person. I prayed to Baba Ji that please help me to get my pen drive or destroy it where ever it is. If it gets in wrong hand, then that person may miss use that pictures and documents saved in pen drive. I prayed Baba that once I get my pen drive back then I will post the experience of Baba on the this website.
By grace of Sai, I got my pen drive back in next 12 hrs. I found my pen drive unexpectedly in my office drawer. Baba Ji, thank You lot for Your unconditional love, care. Thank You for giving me an opportunity to post my experience. Sorry Babaji for writing this experience so late. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shri Sachidhanandha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Shri Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Thanks all for sharing wonderful experiences. Om SaiRam.
om sai ram!!!
First Devotee: Thanks a lot Dear for reminding us to SURRENDER at HIS Feet, Your wording to tell us all to Surrender is As LOVELY as BABA Himself is Telling us to Surrender. (WE all know that Surrender Helps, but we forget)
Second Devotee: Your name is SO SO beautiful Prasanthi, & lovely experience as well.
Third Devotee: Lovely experience.
Dear SAI FAMILY: Hopefully eveybody is okay & I assume most of us are still holidaying after Christmas & New year., Thats why we see less Number of COMMENTS these days?
I was also away to India for a month, did not get chance to open this site & comment.
Our Sharmaji is also Missing from Comment section?
OH deva, Please give us Sadbudhi, Sharda, Saburi & make us Surrender at your Lotus feet.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
I apologise to our Dear Deva and the rest of you for missing out on the comments section. Warms my heart when I know that my comments are being read 🙂
Jai Sairam
Only sai sai sai……
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Dear Sai Devotees,
Please read this Sai Leelas also. It will improve your faith and understanding of our beloved Sai more and more. Please read without fail and are free to download.
Pray God Sai to bless this world with peace and devotion. Share with known devotees please…
Om Shri Sai Ram.
Baba you are simply awesome…the divine magician,the thing that you showed me in newspaper today was a sign from you na,that you are with us,listening to my prayers,please grant the pure wishes of all your devotees,please Baba fulfill the desire you've arisen in my heart, I know what ever you've chosen for us is the best,please Baba give both of us enough courage,confidence and dedication to work hard,please Baba,Baba please make me clear this exam also,please Baba,bless us Baba please…love you Baba,You only know what's best for us…please guide us and make us lead a virtuous life…Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Very good experiences. Thank you baba for giving back my memory card. I had fully trusted you and assured my daughter that we would get it and I got it !
Like the second devotee pls. bless my son son too and help him in getting good marks . He is really trying too hard.
om sai ram
Om SAI RAM .Please take care of my nani.She is suffering a lot.Give her freedom in form of death otherwise cure her Baba.I have faith on you.As she lives far away from us couldnt see her .Please take care of her.She had one wish that she want to see me married to a good person .I am 30 yrs old still not married,everyone says that she is waitin to see ur marriage then she will die but I dont want to see her in sufffering .Please Baba take care of her.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba bless your Nani with good health and may BABA fulfill her wish to see you married to a nice person soon. Best wishes to you to get a nice life-partner soon by SAI DEVA's grace.
May BABA bless us all always.
Om sai raam,
Dont worry dear soon you will get married to nice person by baba's grace..Drink udi with water and do parayan of satcharitha baba bless us all…
Om Sai Ram!!! Don't Worry Dear,Ve Faith In Our Sai.. Soon Your Nani will fully Recover n Will See U Getting Married To A Person Who Will Love n Take Care Of U!!!
Om Sai Ram!!! Don't Worry Dear,Ve Faith In Our Sai.. Soon Your Nani will fully Recover n Will See U Getting Married To A Person Who Will Love n Take Care Of U!!!
Thanks to all .God bless u all.Om SAI RAM
Thanks all for ur wishes.OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai sai
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.
@ sai sister Prasanthi,
was very happy to ready our post today, I too have written one exam and praying Baba day and night to get me through it. Baba knows how important it is for me to clear this exam at this time, when all doors seems to be shut on me. Iam just counting on you Baba. I did take effort for it Deva, Now i need your help to clearing it. Please deva bless ……
Om Sai Ram.
Best Wishes to you dear SAI DEVOTEE. BABA bless you to clear the exams with good marks.
Very nice Experiences. Have faith and Patience on our beloved Baba.
Baba please take care of all your devotees…. OM SAI RAM.
Baba I understoos finally that you are not there for me completely. Daily the problems are getting worser. I would not cared if it is money problem or health or something temporary. This has a bad mark on our entire family which will not go with the time or no one will forget this incident including my family.
Dear Devotee..Some Time Baba Test Our Paitence, Instead Wandering Your Mind Unnecessery.. Have Complete in his HOLY FEET.."HAVE PAITENCE" Your Payers Will soon be Answered..
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Family, i seek your wishes and blessings as i share with you the happy news of me being pregnant. I had been to Shirdi in December and wished to get a coconut from BABA, as a blessing before i get pregnant. And BABA fulfilled this wish and me and my husband both got 2 coconuts from BABA in SHIRDI. After coming from Shirdi, we learnt that i was expecting. It is all BABA's blessing and am sure he will bless us with a healthy baby.
In the first scan that i had last week, the heart beat of the baby was a little lower than expected and also i am low on some hormone. So the doctor has given me hormone tablets. I was a little anxious and worried on knowing this, but soon i got back my confidence that BABA is there for us always and he will take care of everything. I seek your prayers and blessings for my family.
Love you BABA and grateful to you for everything.
Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
om sai raam..
devotee ji,very happy for you..baba is always with you..
om sai raam
Saiji wil bless u with a healthy baby…chant saijis name n drink udi..saiji will bless u..om sai rsm
Really Happy for you dear, Please bless me Baba as well.
Loads love to all
Om Sai Ram.
So happy to read such experiences. I am trying to share my experience but I am having trouble submitting it. When I click on submit button, I am getting some technical error. I tried to give a feedback in the contact us link but even there it has an error. It says mailbox is full and cannot accept any new messages. Please help me.
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Devotee, you can email your experience to Hetal Ji at the below email address : hetalpatil@gmail.com, hetalpatil@saimail.com . You can mention 'Experience to be Published' in the subject line.
Today's last experience is simply a miracle for me also . Today being thursday , I was chanting Baba's name and the thought that I should see Swami Samarth's name in today's experience flashed past my mind . After my meditation , I forgot about it . While reading when I saw the name of Swami Smarth in the last experience , then I realised the grace of Sainath on me , He is readily waiting to fullfill even this kind of wishes of his children . Thank you Baba for your graces and bless all your devotees
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
om sai sree sai jay jay sai baba i love you sai please with my hubby and children take care
OM SAI RAM..Wonderful Experiences!!! May SAI BABA fulfill all your desire and wishes :>)
Sai ram to all
I need a small help from devotees living in dubai. …can anyone tell where can v feedthe poor ….I want
to do annadaan since im completing nav guruwar vrat next week. …pl let me know
feeding to animals, birds will be like to feed Sai if you don't get such people near your locality
Wonderful experiences all.
O Deva, Thank You for blessing us taking us into Your fold. We are mere instruments in Your hands O Sadguru, guide us so we can spread Your good words and emulate Your good deeds.
Thank You for a blessed life O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram !!!
Sai Ram to fellow Devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
Devotee 1: Similar experiences of Baba helping devotees in their exams are posted at the end of chapter 48 in:
May Baba keep blessing us all.
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Thanks for this second thursday appa…very confused and helpless without any hope in all things…be with me and guide me…make me take right decisions pls…goodnight appa
I am not an ardent Sai Devotee 3 months before!!!!
But things changed in my life. I had to seek some divine intervention and I realised nothing in this world is in our hands. I needed peace and mental calmness.
I started going to Sai temple just like that. Once I enter the temple, I become null. There is nothing I can ask for. I feel so sa=tisfied and thank Sai for what ever he had given me so far. I just tell him "SHRADHHA SABURI" "NISHTA SABURI". I say to Sai " I trust you completely and I believe you completely". You know what to do. I am not expecting anything. You ll take care of everything. I know you are capable of doing miracles." Thats all.My mind becomes so relaxed. After all we are all human beings, and Sai knows what to do and when. He loves his devotees and he ll show who he is when time comes. LOVE YOU SAI !!!!!
Very nice experiences! Soumya Ji, it was Baba who helped get your pen drive back quickly and protected His daughter by preventing any one else from seeing it. Prasanthi Ji, sometimes when we think things are impossible, Baba always comes to our rescue, and Baba helped make sure you acheived your goal of getting at least 500 marks even though you thought your social exam was a failure. 1st devotee, Baba helped make sure your grandmother was saved from death and solved all her health problems. Om Sai Ram!
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram