Baba Brought Back The Relationship – Anonymous Devotee

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: I am a medical professional and working in Singapore. Hetal Ji, I am thankful to you for this blog. I am writing my experiences as first time here. You can edit my writing. I am from Singapore. Please don’t share my mail and my name. I am not an Indian as well as Hindu. It means I was not familiar with Gurus or God or goodness, who Indian worship. But I became a Baba’s devotee since last 2 years ago.

I took an exam in Singapore, which is very important for my life and future. I was stressful. My friend from India told me that he would pray for me in Shirdi. Since I was seeking the help, I requested him to pray Baba for me. I studied hard with all my effort. I got full confidence and strength to overcome that exam. At the end, I passed the exam. I got promoted in my organization. My friend told me to come to Shirdi. It was not easy for me to go. Then I kept in my mind that I will go one day. But Baba brought me to come near to Him.

I got a relationship with a man. He looks a nice person. I like him. But I felt that he had some other relationships. Then we got a conflict. At last our relationship was stopped. He was angry to me because of my words. I didn’t want the situation that someone hated me. I was helpless. In that time, I found this website and read devotee experiences. I tried to find Baba’s temple in Singapore. I went there and bound under Baba’s feet. I sat in front of Baba and cried. I told Him that I didn’t understand your songs or chanting or books. But I trust Baba. But in my mind, I was thinking that I am not an Indian and not sure Baba will accept me as His devotee.

Then I went to the temple second time. In that day, I came down after I prayed in front of Baba and bound under His feet. A young lady wearing Punjabi dress took the lift together with me, when I came down from the Baba temple, which is in 3rd floor. In the lift, she gave me a banana and pointed to Baba. She spoke in Tamil language. I didn’t understand. But what I understood is that the banana was from Baba and she shared to me. I was frozen for a while. I took it and said “thank you” to her. I was so happy in that day. Baba knew what was in my mind and proved that He accepted me as his devotee, His child.

After I was promoted, I was tension in my work. Whenever I had problem or issue in work, I called Baba. The problems were solved smoothly. I felt that my heart was near to Baba. I stay near my working place. It’s about 10 minutes walk. So I usually go back home for lunch. One day I wanted to test Baba. After lunch, I came back and told Baba in my mind to show His presence. I didn’t see anything except the words “Jesus is the Lord”, which was written on the back mirror of a car. When I turned a block and came out, I saw that words right in front of me. I was thinking that it was not about Baba’s symbols or something related with Baba. It’s related to Christian. At night, I read this website. Someone shared his experience. He said that it’s not easy to see Baba pictures or words in other countries apart from India. But if we see that Jesus or Mother Mary or the word “Jesus”, it represents Baba also. He said that if we see the words “Jesus is the Lord” on the mirror of a car, it is also Baba’s presence. What’s coincidence! It’s really my experience, which I encountered in the afternoon. At night, it’s like someone explained me. Actually, Baba is the one, who clarify with me.

I did Thursday Vrat one round to bring back the relationship with the man I like. I told Baba if he came back to me, I would write my experience here. It is difficult for me to do Thursday Vrat due to working hours and staying with other people. But I finished it. There was no change. But I still pay homage to Baba every morning. I offer my breakfast to Baba before I eat. After eight months, that man contacted me. He sent SMS to me. Our conversation was smooth. I got back the relationship with as a friend. It’s a miracle, which is created by Baba.

I try to go to Baba temple every fortnight. I was busy with my work and tension. One day, I felt I had not seen Baba’s presence for long time. I was thinking that and walking to home. In that time, I saw a tattoo on the back of the neck of a young man walking in front of me. I looked at him curiously. It’s a word. I didn’t know what it meant. I thought it was a strange word and why he got that kind of tattoo. Then after a few days, I saw Baba picture wearing a crown in a website. In the middle of the crown, I saw that word which was the same as the tattoo. Then I realized that Baba showed me His presence. Now I am waiting for the right time, which Baba will arrange for me to come Shirdi.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. Om SAI RAM

    Oh my dear Deva, Thanks a lot.

    Dear Devotee

    Your experience brought tears to my eyes. Lovely experience.

    FYI- There are millions of devotee of Baba all over world which Include all relgions including Christians, Muslims as well.

    Babaji 's mission is to Unite all the humanity.

    Yes Dear deavote that Symbol you watched on the neck of a stranger must be "OM"

    Loads Love to you, Love to all, Peace to all.

  2. Baba has truly said that he'll pull his devotee from any corner of the earth like a sparrow having strings tied to its feet…very true,Baba pulled you too under his benevolence…very beautiful experience…Sai bless you and all his devotees.Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  3. jai sai ram …nice experience… baba doesnt discriminate. he loves all…nothing to do wd nationality caste color religion community… baba always says all gods r one…om sai shri sai jai jai sai !!!

  4. Very nice experience. Fondness and devotion knows no distance.

    O Deva, Thank You for blessing us with a wonderful set of family and friends. Bless us O Sadguru so we control our emotions and speak gentle and beautiful words to everyone.

    Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  5. Beautifull Experience… Yes Mother Mary , Jesus Christ , Sai Baba, Nanak, Gareeb Nawaz are all one… Sab Ka Maalik Ek… I Pray to my AAYI Sai who also drove me very close to Mother of Peace Momma Mary and Saviour Jesus christ… I sing Baba's aarti n also say the Rosary Prayers with Baba's photo in front and go to Church , Darga n also Sai Mandir… Sai is in all .. I love u Baba for showing me this truth. Devotees i jus wanna say Baba is every where n in every one

    Om Sai Ram
    Baba Maalik

  6. Really awesome experience. Nice to see this much of trust from devotee who is neither indian nor really blessed by our sweet sai.. BABA i LOVE YOU and speechless after reading this experience..OM SAI RAM!!!!

  7. Very nice experience.. thanks very much for such a faith boosting exp. Im a Hindu woman and married a christian, its nearly 1.5 yrs of marriage. Im finding very difficult to cope up with them we stay alone in Bangalore.Whenever we go to his place I have to follow all what they ask to do, and i don like it, but doing for my husband and his family sake.His family is very good and caring ppl except in this aspect. Im feeling very guilty and also feel that im hiding my devotion towards Babawithin myself.I love baba a lot and I still pray to him same as before my marriage except I don keep idols at home But im regularly doing vrats and mantra chanting at home & office.I just want to die as Baba's devotee. Just needed elders guidance and support to overcome and face this problem .

    • Jesus, Alla and All Hindu gods are same, there is no difference. I am a Hindu but still agree that all religions are one and the same. I am not sure what bothers you to pray to Jesus? See Sai in Jesus that is all. You are taking just different name but they both are same (the god's messengers or the forms of GOD who came down to teach humans the right path).
      As you said they are very nice people, then why worry. Can't we do things for our dear and near. Same way accept their gods as your as there is no difference between gods and all that difference is merely created by mean humans. Have a wonderful married life…..

    • I am also a Hindu woman married to Christian – I did not convert. If you both are staying alone – I think you should be able to follow your convictions – also, if you cannot place idols at home – you should visit temples and read satcharitra online.

  8. Sai Ram to fellow Devotees,

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.

    Dear devotee religion etc are different ways of reaching to GOD, who is one and only one; Our dear Sai Baba has said it time and again.

    You might want to read the story of one Dr Pandit (chapter 11 – Sai SatCharitra) applying sandal paste on Baba's forehead. Baba made an exception and let him do that (no other devotee had been able to do so until then) only because Dr Pandit believed Baba same as his guru.

    Therefore, even if you have faith in Jesus (or for that matter in any other GOD), you pray to Baba as if praying to Jesus or vice-versa; Baba is no different than Him.

    You can read the whole story@

    May Sai keep blessing us all.

    Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!

  9. Really thank you so much Hetal Ji. I am so happy that my first experience was shared here today. I m waiting for that. In that time, I was waiting for the time baba called me. Now I already bought an air ticket to go Shirdi. Finally baba arranged my trip after I read Sai Satcharitra one round. After I read it, I feel egoless. My mind is in peace. Now I m reading 2nd round.
    Dear devotees, pls surrender yourself totally to baba. Baba will be in your side.

  10. baba what is this baba please help me i should go to us baba please give me any good university baba..please baba do some miracle baba

  11. om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om saiam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairma om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam

  12. Dear sai devotees can anyone help me here..i prayed baba since 2012..i love baba so much.. i had face a lot of trouble and pain..not one or two issues but so may sine im kid..same like everyone i didnt hope nothing much from my life..what all i wan is true love from my i didnt get it till now.nnow im 24 years old still beg to baba to give me love..kid always love mother to feed and enjoy eating the now 24 stil beg for the same love from my parents but i didnt get now i beg to baba atleast give me loving life that i can get mother love and dad love from my mother in law and father in law..i have another problem im searching for job and im waited for the job i wan more then 1 years..i alreadt did sai vrat pooja and sai prayan..but until now i didnt get job and im jobless for more then one year..this problem all make me stress and im crying daily infront baba..because i dont have anyone to share my pain..i only will tell my problems to baba and im crying almost one year..why baba never answer my prayers? im hopeless.. i will only wait only for few months more if still baba never answer my prayer i think i will attempt suicide ..because i dont have anyone in this world to love me. ;((

    • Dear devotee,
      I can understand u rpain and suffering,pls dont make the mistake of suicide or dont even think abt it.Life is moreprecious than anything,baba is testing ur patience-dont lose it.have faith in him-he is always there for u and for everyone..
      We all will pray for u for good job and loving soulmate.Always chant the name of baba when u dont have confidence or feeling alone definately he will come to help u…..
      take care…..
      .in ur free time try to read vishnusaharanam….

    • thanks for ur guide dear fren..i am reading vishnusaharanam since last year..i know about it through sai satcharitra book..During i read the book i got to know that baba encourage one of his devotee to read i search for the text of vishnusaharanam in online and printed it out..and im reading it whenever possible..but still i dont know why i cant get any way to get out from this hell life..i dont know whether sai happy to see me crying infront him daily..and i had asked sai also better to kill me rather then let me to suffer everyday.. ;( why god giving me this terrible pain?? whenever i see other people living happy with their parents itz hurt me when see my situation beg to god to give me love.. sai also had mentioned that he dont need anything from devotees he only expect love.. but when i beg to him to give it why he didnt give me?? i lose my hope.. i dont have anybody in my life to love me.. to share my feelings pains.. i hope dear anybody forgive me if i written anything wrong here.. i just share my pains ..because i dont have anybody to tell other then this website which can help me.. and hope sai will answer me through this website by any of his devotee.. show me ther right path.. om sai ram

    • Dear frustrated sai devotee, I feel your pain and loneliness. Can I request you one thing? BE POSITIVE. Positivity attracts positive people near you. Try to see positive in everything, everyone around you. BE helpful to others not expecting anything in return. Have good faith in SAI BABA. You give selfless LOVE to people around you and you will see LOVE around you. And surely you will come across a loving life partner too! But be careful as not to jump into conclusion that the other person is "your life partner" You need to listen to your heart and verify with your mind too! Before proceeding further you may seek advice of your trusted person.
      May you find love and happiness in your life.
      Jai SAI RAM.

    • dear meera thanks for your reply..your words encourage me a lot.. if i need to ak advice from trusted people only baba can answer me through answer and question website..i lost hope and trust with people around me even family and relative..i has so face so many problem also because of for now no one i trust other then baba.. (p)

  13. Im standing hopeless with many issues and stress.Like the above devotee mentioned even i have both the problems and some in addition as well.But u are my only hope pa.Guess this 2014 and forecoming years will be a wonderful,blessed,lively and good year for me.Leaving my tensions at your feet pls takecare of my father…ur daughter…gn

  14. Om Sai Jai Sai. Sai sister thank you for your experience shared here. Even happy to know that you are visiting Shirdi soon. I was not able to read this blog since few days due to disturbed mind. While reading experience of last date a thought came across my mind that if next post would be of marriage I will consider it good sign for me, but when I read your experience I became dumb. I am having problems in relationship and deciding to quit this but in my inner heart do not want to loose him but just because of my ego I m doing this but after reading your post I concluded it as Baba's order that I shouldn't quit. This all fight is also because of my bad words. Deva I was praying you to show me some path so this way you answered my prayer. Thank you Baba for everything. Saiji please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.

  15. Nice experience! It doesn't matter if any devotee is Hindu, Muslim, Christian or any other religion, they are all the same and seeing Jesus, Buddha or any other form of God is the same as seeing Baba. Just as Baba helped you get this guy back as a friend, He will also arrange for you to come to Shirdi when the time is right, just continue to have Faith and Patience and soon you will have an amazing Shirdi trip! Om Sai Ram!

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