Sai Sister Meera Ji from USA says: Hello, by now you all know me as Meera from USA. I am blessed and feel each day full of BABA’s blessings and always want to share with my fellow devotees. Sometimes my memory brings back certain events, when I read other devotees postings and this one is one such recall.
All 3 experiences in are faith uplifting. Dear 1st Sai devotee, Ahalaya ji, your working in a Call Center, how critical each day and each communication description reminds me how this type of job was not for me and how BABA saved me by not getting into it! I was working a full time job with health Insurance option available and I had health coverage through my job. But as many suffer from discrimination at their job place, I was one of them. And such non-satisfaction of doing faithful service to the company made me try other job options.
At that time I felt I was lucky when I was called for the interview, passed the interview and to attend the job orientation. We all in that group of selected candidates were given out line of the job exactly what you have described. In my mind I thought, oh, I love helping people for their issues, I love talking to people in person, how would I be able to do my best just talking over the phone where I have no eye contact and I would not know whom I am talking to! And the fact that I am always being watched critically about how I am performing in each case. Anyway, I attended 3-4 days of orientation and during one such session we were told that this is going to be Full time or Part time position, but whatever is the position , this is going to be ONE YEAR Contract job and NO HEALTH INSURANCE!
In the USA, I had been working for almost 3 years without the option of Health Insurance because it was available only to Full Time employees and wherever I worked, the hiring employer would not give me FT position for the main reason to avoid providing health insurance. And now that I had a Full Time job and my health Insurance covered, I could not risk that taking up this contract work and no health insurance.
I requested my training supervisor to give me part time position, so that I can continue with my old job as a FT employee and can work here too, where I do not have to worry about this job being a contract work or no health insurance. He was ok with my suggestion and gave me schedule to work accordingly. Now on the 5th day of my orientation, I was called by the Manager in the office. He said how come I am on the PT schedule? I explained the reason. Very upsetting and very strange as I have never met such heartless management personnel so far, that he rudely said, we are hiring FT and PT employees, BUT I want you on the FT team. IF you do not take FT position, I don’t need you. For you, I have no PT position. I was stunned with his illogical argument, but I think BABA gave me courage to say NO to this option. I came home that evening declaring I am not accepting this offer as there is no Health Insurance and it is a Contract work so after One year we are not sure if I will have this job or not.
Let me tell you another miracle attached with this episode. On the very same day, where I was to join for orientation, my husband had to go visit the skin specialist as on that particular week end my husband was told by my PCP doctor, who is my husband’s brother in law (Behnoi) too!, that the mole on my husband’s arm is suspiciously large and may be a case of melanoma skin cancer. So on the very same day of my orientation day, my husband’s sister was to take him to the skin specialist for a check-up. My husband got such an immediate appointment due to my PCP doctor’s recommendation to that skin specialist. The Doctor removed the mole and samples were sent for biopsy. The results were very scary! The doctor told my husband on his face that the report says, cancer has found to be of level 4 melanoma and my husband has only 4-6 months to live. I was not told about all these and I was out from home since 6:30 am till 9:30 pm. I used to come home after the orientation duty (9 am-5 pm), only to change clothes as at my FT job I had to wear uniform to attend from 5:30pm till 9:30pm. My sister in law used to be with my husband, when I come home and she would say, she is taking care of my husband’s dressing for that mini surgery on the arm.
On that day also she was there and she said, oh, Meera you did a correct choice. Now that we will need Health Insurance the most. I was not told about this Melanoma or any of it’s details! So when she said, this treatment of my husband may require a long term Chemotherapy, I was stunned. See, how I was saved by that crudeness of that Manager! Must be that BABA made him behave this way to stop me going ahead for that job. I have another miraculous episode in connection with this Melanoma calamity that I had posted on this site. It was a real SUPER NATURAL help, I would say! All such caring gestures make me strongly believe that BABA is always there to care for me, helping me pay my KARMAs and yet move forward live my life as HE has designed for me! Link is here. Jai Sai RAM. May we all be blessed by BABA.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram!!
Awesome experience Dear Meera Aunty ji.
Loads love to all. Peace to all
Om Sai Ram
Dear Sister Meera , your experience is really nice. I am eager to read your second experience but that link is not working.
Om Sai Ram.
You are such a blessed soul Meera Aunty. BABA loves you a lot and i love reading your faith-boosting experiences showered on you with love by BABA. Am sure BABA always will keep you and your family wrapped up in his love filled protective wings. He is always there to care for you and may he keep blessing you and your whole family with good health, peace, joy, prosperity and abundant happiness. BABA is teh best and we are so lucky to have him in our lives. Please be with us always BABA and guide us in all aspects of our lives.
Om Sai Ram.
The link to the other experience is not working Aunty. Would like to read that as well.
Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram! Thanks meera aunty its really very energetic Whenever i am reading your post
Such a nice experience .Baba saved his devotees at correct time.OM SAI RAM
baba show me some way baba….
Really nice experience meera shows that baba is always there with us even in our speech..or the words we speak…
may baba cure your sai raam..please give udi mixed with water as we all know that it is the world's best medicine baba left wih us…
pm sai raam
om sai ram
Wonderful experience as usual Meeraji. Baba is smiling upon you 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for blessing us with family and friends who care about us. Help us reciprocate their love O Sadguru and help us make them happy.
Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sairam.
om sai ram all experiences are very nice and good i love sai baba with my heart and i am happy which he gave to me thank you for every thing you have given to me sai baba my father
Om sai ram !!!
Meera Didi…thank you for sharing your experience…I felt really shocked and sad as I read through that your husband had melonoma.. I hope he is completely fine now and with good health.I pray for his health and your family happiness. May Baba be with you & your family forever
Om Sai Ram
Om sai sri sai jai jai sai
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairma om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Dear all sai devotees and Chandana,
I am thankful to have such a loving family over here too! I would request Hetal ji to re-post my past episodes so that you all can read ALL of my experiences posted so far. She used to provide past posts' links in the past, but now may be she has changed the structure, but surely she must be having those on her archive.
With this note, let me add my current act of BABA to have me pay my KARMA and at the same time saved me from big big big hassle!
Here in my town I came to know aout a shop where you can exchange your old but in good condition clothes and they give you credit. With that credit amount you can buy other clothes (used ones of course!). I bought 2 tops and were not of right size, so I went there to get exchanged, she allowed me to have them exchanged…again they were little small for me so on my next exchange I asked if she has a "fitting room" where I can get what is of right sizes for me and do not have to bother her for such exchanges. I was wearing my fleece jacket that I hung on the hook on the fitting room wall. and tried out all 4 tops one by one. OK, now one was not fitting properly, so keeping one separate I stepped out of that fitting room taking all 4 tops with me.
I have one more fleece jacket so I took that one when next time I needed to go out in this cold days here. I was wondering where is my blue jacket? I kept wearing other sweater and jackets but my mind was not at rest for not finding my blue favorite jacket. I searched every closet and possible places and thinking back where my jacket could be, I thought of checking the only place could be at that clothing exchange place!
I inquired her and she was rather sorry saying it might be on her sales floor and helped me search for that jacket. I did not find it. She has been kind enough to let me know if she locates it, just in case. She noted down my phone number to call me if she finds my jacket.
Now I want to tell you why I feel BABA saved me from big big big problem. Sometimes when I don't want to carry my purse, I just keep a small wallet in the fleece jacket pocket. Usually in such a case, I would keep it in my pant's back pocket but if my pant's pocket is shallow I would rather use my jacket's pocket thinking I am very careful! What if I had placed my wallet in that jacket? My driver's license, 2 credit cards, my health insurance card and other store credit cards (sometimes when we return an item without receipt, we get that store's credit on that type of credit card, that I can use only in that store!)
Well, if I can not find that jacket I will lose only that jacket but saved from correcting loss of all those cards. It is such a lengthy process in getting a duplicate driver's license, cancelling current credit cards and getting new ones and of course I would not get those store credits cards for sure because they are as good as cash, no record can be traced even with those stores that gave me credit for my items. I would see BABA's mercy in this episode!
Jai Sai RAM.
Om Sai Ram Aunty.
This is again a nice Leela of BABA, HE is always around to help us.
Jai Sai RAM.
Dear Sai Devotees, Thanks for your caring thoughts about my husband's melanoma cancer. This happened in 1996 and after that miraculous episode (you might read if Hetal ji re-post it) as well as 5 years of thorough verifying that my husband has been clear of that melanoma cancer he is pronounced "cancer free patient" since 2001. He is keeping very good health by BABA's grace.
Jai Sai RAM.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Meera Ji faith boosting experience from you as always. I feel happy whenever I read something from you because you are a blessed soul n lovely child of our merciful Saiji. Hope uncle is fine now. Deva thank you for everything. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Dear Meeraji, such a wonderful experience. You have very nice writing skills and make readers in a flow to follow you. Thank you very much for sharing this experience.
Jai Sai Ram
Dear Nikita, thanks and very happy to see you here. How is your studies going on? And how is your son? My good wishes to you all.
Jai Sai RAM.
Om sai ram meeraji these posts boost our faith and energy…thank you..Om sai ram.
Dear Sai Devotees, I am happy to see that I have been an instrument bringing hope. Through my experiences and the way I am writing, faith among other devotees is boosted. I have received comments about my writing skills not only on this site but also from my friends and family members reading my e-mails. This skill is also BABA's mercy on me. I love expressing my thoughts in writing.
Jai Sai RAM.
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
It gives me immense pleasure eeading that your husband got cured.
Thankyou baba…although i dont know you but we are all siblings of a common sai maa