Baba Always Helps His Devotees On Time
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hi Hetal Ji, I am from USA. I know Baba from 2012 Nov. From then on, lots of miracles happened in my life. Every second I feel He is around us, protecting us. No words to explain His grace, His blessings, His miracles. It’s a wonderful feeling to be a part of Sai family. Thanks Hetal Ji. I wanted to share my recent experience with all here. Please edit if required also please keep me anonymous.
I am in a relationship for around 2 years. As everyone face, we too had, still have lots of problem. We believe Sai will help us to get married soon. And this is my recent experience. I stay in USA and he is in Bangalore. He is a type of guy, who will never accept any gift from anyone. But since he doesn’t have any mobile, in which he can login in gtalk, which is the only source for us to get connected. So, I saved some money and got him a iphone4 and sent to him (Until then we used to talk only when he get time in office).
I Made him agree to get the phone from my friend through whom I sent the mobile and asked him to keep with him until he feels like using it. After 1 year, one fine day (3 months ago), he accepted to use that. I was so happy and it was going on cool. Suddenly yesterday (Thursday) phone got repaired and in shops they said it is gone, better to get a new one. Almost in two shops they said it’s gone. I was so upset since that is the only way for us to connect us and it got repaired on Thursday and felt like some bad signal. I kept on praying Baba that it should work fine again. And told him, please make it work, I will take that as a good omen for our marriage to happen. You know, who ever believes Sai, will never be in trouble. He is just trying to teach us the two great things in Life – Faith and Patience.
I prayed to Him and slept off. Suddenly after 30 minutes I got a message from him telling it is working. I don’t know how I got up, but I got up suddenly and checked the message and it was I was really very happy. The phone is working fine. I got a message from Baba that our marriage will happen for sure. My happiness knew no bounds. I got up immediately and thanked Him for His blessing. May be this looks like a normal experience, but it is really close to my heart. Thanks a lot Baba. Love You a lot Baba. Be with us every second. Help us to follow Your teachings. Please help us to get married Baba. Thanks a lot. Om Sai Ram!!!
Baba Does Unexpected Miracles For His Children
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hetal Ji, thank you so much for creating & developing this website. God bless you all, who have done this wonderful job. Please do not disclose my name & email id. I am sorry for the long post. The experience posted here is great inspiration for so many people, who have many problems in life. I have been Sai’s devotee from the last 5 years & many miracles happen in my life since then. But this one, which I am going to share is something miracles of miracles. And this experience I am specially sharing for other Sai daughter’s, who are not living with their husbands or get separated from them.
Mine was a love marriage after many hurdles and with grace of Sai Baba. I got married to my husband at the age of 32. But after my marriage my in laws start torturing me as they are of orthodox nature. They torture me like anything even I have to see the psychiatric for the treatment and my husband being an adopted son never said anything to them.
One day I got the inventory of my husband and I got to know that he goes to prostitutes & have physical relation with many girls even before marriage and still continue with the same pattern. I was broken and when I shared the same with my in-laws, they support my husband and then I decided not to live with them and I came at my parents place. My family is Sai devotee and every morning we play Sai’s bhajan every day and every time I ask Baba why He has done this to me as before and immediately after my marriage.
I went to Shirdi to take His blessings. For 5 months, I was at my parents place. With all humiliation and taunts, I cried every minute of 5 months. I have a habit of going to Baba’s temple every Thursday with palki. I started reading Sai Chalisa, Sai Satcharitra everyday and every time. My in-laws were eager to get me separated from my husband and encouraging him for divorce. Then I thought of my parents that what society will say if I get divorce. I start doing Nav Guruvar Vrat and asking Baba to do what is right for me. Every time, I ask question to Baba on website, I got positive answers of getting reunited with my husband, but I always says Baba if You let me go back then make sure I will go with full dignity and respect. And miracle start happening.
After 3 months, I got a call from my husband and we had a meeting and it was good. I asked Baba please do miracle and I want to complete Your fast at my husband’s place. And then again on question answer website the answers was that my problem will be solved and miracle will be happened and on the 5th month I got the answers that problem will be solved in 8 days . “Donate food”. I thought this is impossible as my husband can’t say anything to his parents and they have agreed for divorce, so I was mentally prepared for this, though I have donated food. And I completely surrender to Baba thinking this is only what Baba wants. What Baba is doing might be good for me and miracle of miracle happen on 8th Vrat (i.e. on Thursday). Don’t know how my husband come at my parents place and talk to them that he is ready to take me and will come on Sunday to take me home . And I and my parents was shocked to know this, there is no chance as he also agreed for divorce. He has made the papers for the divorce even. I went back at my husband‘s place on Sunday and complete my Vrat at his place.
Dear brother’s and sister’s just one request, Please have full faith and never doubt Baba and surrender to Him completely and then see His Leela. Whether I am office or at home or have any monthly problem, I read Sai Chalisa daily and I never did any specially thing for Baba. Sometimes I even do puja without taking bath. It’s all about Shraddha. Have full Shraddha (Faith) and then you will get the blessing of Baba. Who all are away from their husband, I can understand your pain Please have faith He never wants His children to be unhappy. Don’t worry everything will be fine. Just recite Sai Sai all the time. OM SAI RAM.
Baba Helped Me
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a great devotee of Sai Baba (I called Him Baba Ji). I started my Sai Panch Guruvar vrat last week and Baba Ji has shown me many miracles.
- 1. I was released from project and within 2 days got a new project last week.
- 2. I found one of my lost thing today.
- 3. Today I kept my mobile in office wash room and left by mistake. After 1 hour, when I was looking for it, I didn’t get and I rushed to the place and surprised to see it as it is.
Definitely it’s Babaji’s kripa that we call it as Miracles. Yesterday I did Sai Vrat and wished Baba to come. In the evening, I went to a shop to buy some household things (usually I never prefer that shop to go) and saw a beautiful Photo of Baba inside Mandir and within a second I decided to buy that and brought it home. See the miracle here. It seems all were pre-planned by my Baba Ji. Thank You Babaji.
Om Shri Brahmandanayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Sadguru Sainathji Ki Jay!! Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sairam,
Very nice experiences. Especially the 2nd devotee, Baba has really blessed you. I pray that Baba protects you always and is with you giving you a really happy married life. This is really a miracle of Baba. I am in same situation with my husband refusing to reconcile with me and for the last 1 year I am praying to Baba to show His miracle. Just now I was really very upset and wanted to write that Baba does not help His devotees who are in deep pain. I am sorry, Baba. And, opened this page and I read this experience. This is really the miracle of Baba that He knew what was going on in my mind and showed me this experience confirming that He is there and He will set things right. Om Sairam.
dear brother you are really doing a very good job,i appreciate u a lot
baba one day i wish i too can write what all u have done for me through ur blessings,love u a lot my world's best buddy,om sai ram……… 🙂
Very nice faith boosters- Dear Second devotee, your expereince is really nice.
My friend is suffering something like this for last 15 years, she is very devout person, very close to GOD, she is very very rich, she is so near to GOD & SAI, it seems like Baba is running ahead of her to take care of things for her, But only problem is her husband remains same, she been to shirdi, continously doing Nav guruvar vrat for last 2years, giving udi to her husband (Without him knowing it) for last 2 years. But nothing changes. She even requested Baba to take away all the wealth, as she thinks wealth is reason of evil.
After her marriage her husband, who was an average earner, became millionaire as she is told by many that she got rajyog in her hands, now anything her husband does, it mills gold, But she doe snot have relation with her husband.
We are all praying for her, Her mother is really devout & close to SAI, but nothing is working out. IS it KARMA?
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL.
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
Wonderful experiences .
Similar to the second devotee is my relatives daughter's marriage at stake.
Today is their councelling.
Today sai has given me hope through this experience.
I'm sure all problems will come to an end and she will have a happy life ahead with her husband.
Sai I love u
wonderful experiences… we all love you baba. today I have asked something from you baba . baba please fulfill my wish. and 17th is a special date for me you know it baba please give me your blessings in form of anything. your daughter is asking something from you please bless me. love you baba. Om Sainathaya Namah…
Om Sai Ram…Wonderful Experiences…We All Love You…Baba Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Very nice experiences.
O Deva, be with us as we start a new week and lead us through to peace and happiness. Bless us, O Sadguru, we are mere mortals and it is difficult for us to stop desiring till You proclaim so.
Thank You for a blessed life O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
1st is not common exeperience it very great..reading ur exp i felt very excited…it is a meracle of baba…thanku so uch fpr sharing
2nd devotee thaku so so much for sharing as i girl i relly apriciate u for coming out of ur in laws place when u came to know they are many women never dare to do that they bear all his husbands bad things and they eill stay there only…i fell that is wrong ….u r sooblessed baba changed ur husband..this is a great miracle it increased my faith on baba..relly thaku soo much for sharing i also surrender completly to baba he will take care of me also
3rd devotee very nice exp…thaku for sharing
Baba please help every one who are in trouble.
Om Sai ram
Om sai ram,Om sai ram
Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram ,Om sai ram
om sai ram!!
om sai ram
OM SAI RAM .Love u baba
Om Sri sai ram
Nice experiences.Got an answer for many things through all the three experiences.Even im of same character like the first and third devotee.I consider small small or normal things as miracles of my sai pa.It may be nothing to others but at that time the happiness what i get is enormous thats just because of sai.I thank all devotees for posting there problems,miracles,solutions etc…in some way its helping me and many people reading this blog.People taking care of this blog are really to be thanked.Baba im now confident with things and now i promise u that i will definitely share my miracles of this month and next month will your blessings to my friends in this blog..Thanks pa for everything…guide me and be with me always…bless all…good day!
Fabulous experiences
Sai ma
Your children ie me and my husband are waiting for you to help us my ma
Please ma help us ma
You know us ma
We r u r children ma
Please bless us maa
Please please please
Om Sai ram
jai sairam!!
Can anyone tell how to give dress for baba and samadhi in shirdi? I want him to wear it. Please guide.
Today i thanku sai maa
I thanku 4 holding my hand
Thanku 4 doing all my work
Thanku 4 giving me a healthy life
Thanku to bless me with all the love
Thanku 4 lovely friends
Thanku 4 the best family
Thanku fr giving me all tat i desire for
Thanku 4 fr daily giving me ur darshan
Thanku 4 being their in all my good and bad
Thanku 4 being their when iam alone
Thanku 4 giving the best to me
Thanku 4 residing in my heart
And thanku for loving me inspite of my never ending and foolish desires
Lov u sai baba……. ..
Whatever be the situation there is so much in our lives that we can be thankful for. When we start our day with new attitude and plenty of gratitude baba will be very happy with us. So keys be thankful for everything we have including our problems because they bring us close to baba. Om Sri Sai ram.
Yes we should never be complaining that brins a question mark on our faith.nd by fulfilment of our desire does nt mean he is there and when nt done does nt mean he is nt is all about njoi every moment even the pain.but always keep walkimg towards him.
Jai sai ram
Om sai ram
Baba even i am seperated from my husband ..plz help me..
Baba plz help me..evn i am seperated from my husband..waitng for ur miracle
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om asiram om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.
Dear Baba – i was very upset and wanted you to give me a mgs realted to my problem and was elated to read the second devotees experience , me and my child pray wholeheartedly to you Appa , pls help us . Love you Sai
Sai Daughter
Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha
baba i am scared baba please help me…
Baba u become the councillor. Both the children should realise their mistakes and come together forever with ur blessings deva.
Please bring joy and peace to akka and her family.
Please show your miracle today.
My words of assurance should not go wrong.
Please bless them.
Remove all the negative forces which is acting on them.
They have suffered.
Sai bring joy in their life forever.
Can't see them like this.
I believe in you.
On sainathaya namaha.
Om sai ram !!!!
My name is surendra chawla from pune maharashtra if any body needs shree sai satcharitra in hindi marathi english or telugu please mail me your postal address i will definatly send you a free of cost one copy this is only for seva nothing other
My mail id chawla.sur at
iam sure its just a seva.
sometimes we have to clarify our intentions also (smile) for even doing a seva. what a world we live in.
dear brother you are indeed doing a very good work.keep it up.
god bless you…
Sai baba, Today is I think our last hope for our work to get done. You brought us till here you have to make it happen. Only you can do this baba so please forgive us for our sins and please bless us. Thank you baba.
baba i wish one day soon i will write a post "MERE SAI" and tell all u have done for me!!!!
sai baba i need you now. please help me out. I can't live without him. i love him so much baba. Now nobody agree with our relationship. My only hope is you baba. PLease come baba where are you. I need you I need you baba.please do some thing baba. please agree our parents for our relationship. If this is not your wish please take me to you soon.You know baba how much i suffered in my life.Since 16 years i suffered like in hell. Jai sai Ram…LU BABA…
Om Sai Ram. Hey Baba save my 1.3 yr old bhanjii
Sai thank you so much for being with my daughter.
My humble namaskarams at your lotus feet.
I'm sure she will be successful with your hands on her head always.
thank you deva.
I love you sai.
I should always surrender at your lotus feet.
have a question….How long does it take to publish the submitted experience….Becoz i did it2months back on Dec 2013.eagerly waiting to see my experience on the wall…………..
experiences are posted in first in first serve manner.It will be posted for sure..dont worry 🙂
You are great baba….finally you have done what you want and are you seeing our pain, sorrow and depression in joy? Did u dance by seeing this Sai? I hope you r enjoying this time….happily….and make your innocent guys go in depression becoz of family member's deception. How did u plan this to us baba? After all we are all your devotees frm my childhood. Now my hubby is also telling why are u ppl still believe him, what did baba do to save you from this calamity? What should I reply him baba…should I tell baba is not there….that baba is only an idol and we are praying blindly…please guide us baba.
Dear fellow devotee,
Things go wrong in everyone's life and that is the time when you have to keep faith in Baba, that is the time when your patience is tested; so why fail the test…….why should we be afraid of tests………It is only due to tests our knowledge increases……and we become stronger and equipped to take on tougher challenges in life (just imagine if we hadn't taken any exams during our schools/ college? would we be the same person we are today?)
Please forgive me as I don't know the troubles you might be going through, but all I would say to you is treat these tough times as opportunity given by Baba to let you come closer to Him, because when it is good times, we tend to not remember Him much (we do, but not so much)……..
Your patience through these times will take your troubles away and the reward will be improved faith in Sai's feet and His blessings.
May Sai bless you soon!!
I just wanted to quickly mention here that I was a victim of an online fraud where substantial chunk of money was taken out of my account. I prayed to Baba and promised to mention about this experience when I get my money back.
Today after 5-6 weeks I got the money back into my account after Bank's investigation was over. Faith and Patience are the key, Sai takes care of everything else…..
May Sai keep blessing us all!!!!
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
why dont u punish those husband who beat thir wife ? talk rudely with
them , leave child and baby beside and go and settel to foreign country,
why dont you punish him baba arijit ganguli ? why?????
Sister, Baba is looking at us quitely….he don't want his devotees to be happy…always make them cry and have a look at them. From 12 years he has been doing this to me, now 13th year he gave me a bumper bonanza to my parents as well. Donno how to understand his leelas. I could see few devotees having all the good time and praise him for small happenings. I too agree he will show miracles in all the small things. Why can't he show the same in life matters which are most important in any one's life. I really don't understand. People say Shradda Saburi but those made me only more sad that situation slipped from our hands. I could only see my parents in deep pain and me facing the trouble and the person behind this pain is very happy roaming in abroad. That's why from the bottom of my heart I would like to tell Thanks to baba for making me to face this situation in my life.
Sister, I agree with you. Baba watches His people cry and suffer. I have been for the last 15 years and for a moment I thought things are fine but it was just an illusion. Within just few days Baba took away everything and those people who tortured me and gave me pain, they are all happy and roaming freely. My parents and me are suffering without any respite and Baba is just watching. He is just not interested in his devotees, all He wants is that we pray to Him that is all. Our problems are not His. For anything, He has a simple word, karma. He has the capacity to remove the karma, but He will not do so. He enjoys us suffering and crying.
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
Very nice experiences! No matter what difficulties we face in life, Sai Baba is always there at our side to ease the pain and help us get through difficult times. Baba never leaves us, even though we may ask Baba at times why we have to suffer so much, but as long as we can hang on and not give up, we are burning away all that bad karma and will help us achieve happiness. Om Sai Ram!
om sairam