Baba Took Care
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am from Calcutta, India and currently residing on the States. My father has always been an ardent follower of Baba, but none of my other family members ever followed Him. I would say Baba was a mere idol in our Mandir. Rather I am one of those persons, who have even insulted Baba by imitating the “Shirdi Wale Sai Baba” song like a fakir and making people laugh. I even use to think in my mind “What can a fakir like you give me?”.

Little did I know about my life turning upside down, when I came to the States in 2010. I started my masters and got a job after 6 months. The day, I got my job, my 5 year old relationship came to an end. My boyfriend was in India and he simply told me over the phone that he did not want me in his life anymore. All the past years I spoke more to his friends than my own friends. Because he left me they stopped speaking to me too. My life was a complete mess with him not being by my side, no friends to speak to and a new country with no family.
Gathering courage I started my new job. I had a picture of Sai Baba in my purse, which I kept in my bag and placed it on my new desk at work. I still don’t understand why I kept the picture and where it had come from. Days used to pass well, but when I used to return home in the evenings, memories used to crush me. I cried every single day. My roommate told me why you don’t come to the temple with me. You will feel fine there. Upon inquiry she told me its Sai Baba temple and that we would go tomorrow (Thursday).
Upon entering the temple I got shivers. Seeing Baba’s picture I couldn’t stop crying. It was as if I was thirsty from birth and after years I was approaching a well. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t stop crying, and there was a voice telling me “cry and let it out”. That was the day I was enlisted in Sai Baba’s Darbaar.
Days passed and one fine day I happened to hear the same song which I once used to mock. The line “Jisse Sabne Nikala, Usse Tune Sambhala” touched me. I apologized to Baba. I kept experiencing Baba’s Leelas day in and out. I had it in my head that He is my mom, dad, sister, brother everything here away from home.
Two years passed and I wanted to take a vacation and visit Shirdi. At my workplace, contractors never get vacation. But I decided to approach my manager with the request and she denied. I was very upset because on one hand I wanted to go meet family and Baba, but on the other I did not want to resign at a time, when job market was not good. I came home with a heavy heart and cried in front of Baba and fought with Him. I told Him I want only few days with my family and want to see You in Shirdi, but You can’t even do that? Is it that You don’t hear me? Are You angry with me? How long do You want a daughter to stay away from her mother? Don’t You ever want me to see You in Shirdi? Do something please. I spoke to my parents and cried on the phone too. My father said don’t worry Baba will grant your vacation, you start looking for tickets.
I calmed down and spent the weekend planning a vacation and also planning a trip to Shirdi from Calcutta. I did not once think that this won’t happen. Wonders of wonders on Thursday morning, when I reached office, I had an email from the manager saying that they can grant me vacation for a month, if I would finish some extra work before I go. But they need me back exactly after 30 days since I was an important resource for the project. I could not believe my eyes and wondered how Baba made everything fall in place. Some colleagues came and told me that I am really lucky to have a vacation granted as they had been trying for years, but never got one without resigning.
With a happy heart I went to India and then to Shirdi with my family on a Thursday. Baba even gave me Darshan, when I was sleeping saying everything will be good. I bought Baba’s idol with me and worship it everyday. The idol is the only thing which I say is “Mera Hain”, everything else is temporary and will go away. But Baba is here to stay with me in this life and beyond. I even wrote poems for Baba. This has started with His grace too. When I start writing I am amazed at how words flow quickly as if someone is just holding my hand and making me write it. I know Baba does it. My family members were so pleasantly surprised after reading the poems. Today all of us in the family worship Baba. May His boon bestowing hands always be on everyone. Om Sai Ram.
Baba Helped Me Get My Phone Back
Anonymous Devotee from India says: OM SAI RAM. Though I knew SAI BABA from past 6 years, it’s only from past 10 months I have been drawn close to BABA. BABA has held my hand every time, when I was in need. Please do not disclose my name and email id. I am very poor at narrating the things and please forgive me for any mistakes. I would like to share one of my recent experiences of Baba.
It was Saturday evening. I had gone to a stationary shop to buy envelope cover. After paying the money I took the envelope and left the shop, leaving my phone in the shop itself. It was 8 PM when I reached home and I completely forgot about my phone (as I am not much used to phone). It was at around 10:45 PM, I realised that my phone is missing. I tried calling to my number, but it was not reachable. I could not go back to the shop as it would have been closed by that time.
I was very tensed and I prayed to Baba to help me get back my phone, as I had some important information stored in it. The next day morning, I rushed to the shop and asked the bhaiya there if I had left my phone in his shop. He said yes and he has kept it safe. Thank You Baba. Thank You very much for Your blessings on us. Please never leave us and guide us in the right path of our life. Om Sri Sachithananda Satguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. OM SAI RAM.
Sai Baba Saved My Father’s Life
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from Meerut, India. There are many experiences in my life to share as Sai Baba is always with me. This experience is one of the biggest experiences in my life. My father got a severe heart attack on 4.september.2013. It was a major heart attack. For 3 minutes my father stopped breathing and doctor said that we are trying it for last time. I was in tears praying Sai Baba that please save my father’s life. You take my life, but please return my father’s life. I was crying in front of Sai Baba’s photo and after few minutes Dr. said that he is out of danger and that time I thought if Sai Baba wouldn’t be there for me what would I do. Thank You Sai Baba. Thank You so much. You returned my life my papa. Whosoever, who do not believe in Him, do believe in Him as He will be there for you every time and will take care of you.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Baba, please end my troubles soon. Please make me happy soon. :'(
om sai ram very beautiful leelas i liked very much- i feel baba takes care every body in this world please sai be with us and guide us
Very mesmerizing experiences.
Dear First devotee, You have narrated this experience too well.
yes, "Shirdi Wale SAI Baba, Ayaa hai tere dar pe sawali " is very special song to me, as I used to sing this since childhood,even without knowing who Shirdi SAI is.
Yes I was singing this few days before SAI entered my life in Australia & I was 29years old then.
Babaji please bless us all.
Love to ALL, PEACE to ALL
Very nice experiences. Om sairam.
I would like to share one of my daughter was supposed to stage her bharatnatyam performance . It was in d year 2009. She had to perform for nearly 2 hrs. I thought she may require sum energy drink to give her stamina. I was busy enquiring about it.
Wonders of wonder just the night before her performance, we have a gud friend in shiridi from whose househit water goes for sai's abhishek. He came home around10 pm saying he had some work in Mumbai and thought he would cum and meet us also. I told him about my daughters dance program the next day. Will u believe. He handed me a 1lit bottle and said it is sai's abhisheka JAL. Want more energy drink will my daughter require. The program went on well with my sai's krupa..
Sai has helped me and my family all d time. I selfishly keep asking him something or the other. My sai I luv u. I bow my head at or lotus feet.
Om Sai Ram.
This is awesome, nice to read. BABA is the best 🙂
We love you BABA, you are so we are , life is empty without you. Please be with us all always.
Oh .. what a mesmerising experiences…..thank u all for ppsting such beautiful experience … stay blessed. .. om sai
very good experiences all three. one questions to sai devotees , if you asked question to baba on question and answer site and you get an answer which is not related to question then can you ask the same question second time?
Om sai Ram …. Baba will never let us down … Trust him …hold him tight …. Always remember him …all he needs is our love ….feel him … He is with u within u …. Jai sai ram …
Om sairam. plz baba plz show me way.plz help me to come out of this. Om sairam
Baba, thank you for your blessings deva. This site comes me come closer to you day by day. Please take me under protective shelter Deva ……………
om sai ram!!
Wonderful experiences all. As He said, He will draw His own people in His own ways 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for blessing us with wonderful family and friends who bring us joy and happiness, Bless us O Sadguru that we may spread, only, cheer and love to everyone who touches our lives.
Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Lovely experiences
Love u sai ma
Loveeeeeeee u
om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram….Blissful Experiences…Baba Waiting For A Good News…Send Your Blessing To My Sister….We Love You Baba…Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairma om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Baba Show me the right path
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram.
BABA, i am sorry, i am not able to do my regular Puja and lighting of lamps for you. I feel so tired in this early part of my pregnancy and i keep resting. I do not get the energy or will power to do much. I am sorry DEVA, please forgive your daughter. Please help me to remember you always and do your Naam-Jaap in my mind always. Please bless us with a healthy baby and help me to have a healthy and safe and easy pregnancy. Let the blood reports and all be all ok today. I seek your blessings BABA.
Love you BABA.
Jai Sairam,
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai ma my ma.please end my low phase and make me happy and peaceful ma.luv u ma.please do away with all my fears and be with me always Sai ma pleaseeeeee
Nice experiences from all 3 sai devotees. Devotee from USA (Calcutta) I can see that you have been pulled towards Sai Bhakti and you are blessed. You experience BABA's love in your day to day life. I am very happy for you. I would love to read your Sai poems. May be sometimes you would think of posting here.
Wishing well to all Sai Devotees visiting this site to read faith boosting posts by Hetal ji.
Jai Sai RAM.
I have commented a few times but has not been published Sai ma. Are you angry with me Sai ma?Please please ma.dont be angry ma
om sai ram
very very nice experiences…thanku so much for sharing…….
om sai ram
sairam please bless all!!! please baba come and guide me help me and win it!!
very nice experiences..
baba today you know i cried so much baba… thought the one who loved me is not true baba as till now he has not expressed anything baba please baba do something baba really i am not able to forget him please baba i am crying daily you know..
baba and todays incdent really hurted me baba i am scared baba..
please bless me with happiness baba please baba i love you..
om sai raam
om sai ram
sai ram please fulfill my wish… i m begging you baba… please be with me forever….
Om sai ram !!!
Om Sai Ram
Dear hetalji thanku soo much for this site where we can share our experiences. I m sharing today's experience . Almost a year before my 6 year old son used to blink his eyes abnormally. So I took him to a eye doctor and prayed baba please cure his eyes I don't want to see him wearing glasses and if the reports come normal I will gift you with golden eyes. To my surprise the eyes were perfectly fine. One of my sai devotee aunt told me how will you donate golden eyes rather donate some amount to satya sai baba eye hospital. So I decided to donate 3000 rupees cost of one gram gold. But in due course I forgot to do so. Yesterday my son opened his piggy bank and said mamma please open a junior account for me . He had some three thousand sixty rupees . He kept it in a box with sai babas photo in it. But today the box was found nowhere in the house it is lost. I have an habit of asking baba question on sai baba q n answer site. So I did the same as my son was worried about loosing his money. The reply came this happened due ti your past deeds don't worry sai baba is with you. Then I realized sai baba has tsken his donation himself. Thank u soo much baba for being with us always. Put me under all your tests in this birth because you are with me to shower your blessings. Who knoes in my next birth I will have you with me or not . Om sai ram.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experience all. Deva thank u for everything. I m very confused please clear this confusion Saiji and suggest me conclusion. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Very nice experiences! 3rd devotee, it is only because of Baba that your father was saved from death, Baba has saved many of our loved ones from health problems (even if our family members are not devotees of Baba). 2nd devotee, Baba helped nicely to keep your phone safe and didn't allow some bad person to get a hold of your phone or steal it, Baba knows how important that phone is to you, so He kept it safely for you until you returned. 1st devotee, although initially when you couldn't get that time off, Baba ensured you would get to visit your family and have a Shirdi trip; although others tried to get vacation, it was because of Baba you got that vacation time. Om Sai Ram!