Few more experiences are shared.
Sai Navgurvar Vrat Mahima
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram Hetal Ji, You are doing a great service as I feel this blog is more or less equivalent to the modern Satcharitra. Reading the devotees’ experiences here gives us hope that Baba is very much present and responds to His devotees in distress if their wishes are pure.
I come from a normal middle class family in USA where my father is the sole breadwinner. One day, my mother was complaining to my father that he never pays attention to God and does not do any puja. They had an argument and she felt quite upset. That day itself, we got a call that my dad was in an accident and he crashed into a building. We were relieved to hear that he was fine. However, when he crashed into the building, a lady who was in the building got hurt. We were scared as we know in USA that any small thing can be made into a huge deal if it involves people and make us pay a huge amount of money.
We got a call from that lady’s husband that they had to remove her gallbladder, which didn’t make sense to us. The next day, they already appointed a lawyer, who asked about my father’s assets. My father didn’t say any specifics, but he told him he was a normal person, who has to pay for my sister’s and my college tuition fees. Then my mother started the Nav Guruvar Vrat to get us out of this mess.
Meanwhile, our insurance wanted to pay all the money under our coverage for the other family’s medical bill without any investigation. Even after the insurance payment, we would have to pay about $200,000, which is a huge amount. While my father was consulting with his friends and his company’s lawyer, my mother was doing her Vrat as usual. On the 7th Thursday, my mom asked Baba to please show some indication as this is going nowhere. That night itself, my mom got a dream in which she saw an old Sadhu, who looked similar to Baba. She asked Him if their case is going to be solved. He said there will not even be a case and nothing bad will happen to us. She was happy. However, opposite things seemed to happen when our insurance told that they are going to pay the full amount and advised us to either pay the asked amount or consult a lawyer. It is as if Baba was testing our faith.
My father was very tensed while my mom had full faith in Baba. After the Vrat, my dad got an e-mail out of the blue from the family’s lawyer that they accepted the full amount from the insurance and they were fine with it. My dad was stunned and he himself realized it was purely due to Baba’s miracle. Out of this incident, two good things happened. After the accident, the police officer, who attended the situation, made my father take the health examination. In that test, we found that his blood sugar levels were very high and there was even some protein in his urine. If this didn’t happen, his diabetes would have gone unnoticed and he would have had much serious complications. Now, my father also tries to go to Baba’s temple every Thursday. From this incident, all I can say is that if we hold onto Baba and surrender ourselves to Him, He will always protect us and will look after our welfare.
Prayer Request

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Baba, in every aspect, You are helping me a lot. I don’t know what’s happening now Baba. Baba, I love Pardhu a lot. I don’t know what happened to him suddenly. He stopped talking to me and started saying that he is not interested in love. How can boys say like that? Ours is a matter of 3 years love. Not understanding what to do. I know he can’t live without me. Even I can’t live without him. I love him a lot Baba. Baba, until now You helped me in every aspect. Please bless me with him, Baba. Unless until he has some problem, he never talk like that. He is not even saying me the problem. Please Baba if he has any problem, please help him in solving it baba. Baba, You said to have faith and belief in You. I always believe in You only Baba. Please change his mind again. Except this I never ask anything to you in my life Baba. Please change his mind. Please bless us Baba. Ours is true love. Please Baba, please please please please please please. OM SAI RAM.
Devotee Experience

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I want to share my experience. I began praying to Baba from the last 11 years and He, because of His limitless mercy, has always answered my cries for help. This is my latest experience. I noticed a lump in my breast two weeks back and got extremely worried. The doctor advised for a mammogram to confirm it’s not anything suspicious. The day before the mammogram I went to our Sai Mandir. I wanted to do Archana, but was not sure because we were getting late. But the priest of his own accord took our name and gotra, when he was about to perform Archana for another family. I really felt so happy that Baba understood my fear and concern and spoke in the form of our priest. With Baba’s blessings, everything went on fine and there is nothing to worry about. I want to hold His feet and rest my head at His feet for the rest of life and in future lives too if any. May His grace act as a Raksha (protection) for each one of us. Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai maharaj ki jai ! Devotee 2 don't worry just hold baba tight ….he will always give u the best ….just remember sai all time ….he will keep u happy 🙂
om sai ram all leelas are very good reading experiences i became babas devotee i trust baba i love him very much my koti pranams to baba om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram his nama smaran is tarak mantra thank you very much
1st experience-very nice experience, Nice to see your Dad turning towards SAI.
Amazing last night I was listening from my sister (Who lives in Europe, while I in Australia)- How her friends' husband gave ultimatium to her saying throw statue of SAI out of house by 6 o'clock in the evening. If I see SAI here, I will throw you out of house with this statue. This poor girl thought okay you can through SAI out of house, but not out of my Heart. She was still unsure what to do by 6 oclock when her husband arrives home- things turned in such a way that her husband was in hospital by 11 that night, he had to live in hospital for couple of weeks as doctor gave him wrong treatment.
This man still did not admit his mistake, for another couple of years he gave very tough time to wife by snatching from her everything including Kids. the day he snatched kids, this lady comes to my sister crying that Today I have LOST EVERYTHINg, my kids are gone too, I have nothing except SAI. my sister asked a question immeidately o SAI in question answers, Baba says you will buy a new house.
She says it is such a joke, I do not have money to buy food, what about house?
Things turned upside down, do not know what made this man He called his wife to meet him, said Sorry so many times, Buy her a new flat within a week (This man is Millionaire, acquired all his wealth after his wife comes into his life, but never admitted that she was lucky for Him, this lady suffered for 16 years).
Now he loves her to death, he had become ardent SAI devotee.
So SAI leela is amazing.
Second devotee- Baba will grant your wish on right time.
3rd Devotee- i liked the word "LIMITLESS MERCY" of SAI.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Really amazing experience. It is crystal clear that nothing is impossible to our baba. Thanks for sharing this experience sai sister. Baba bless us always.
Thx for sharing this sister- It so overwhelming to know what all Baba can do and how he can turn things just upside down:) except we need to keep the faith and the patience.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram !!
I am also a Sai devotee and the experience you have shared brought a smile on my face 😀 Really he can do anything and everything !!
In this u have told that, your sister immediately asked a question to Sai in Question-Answer. Can you please tell me where your sister get this question answer ? is there a link for that ? and do u really get an answer or hint from the question u ask ?
Thanks !!
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Devotees 1&3, thanks for sharing wonderful experiences.
Devotee 2, continue to have firm faith on our beloved Baba, he will solve all your issues.
om sai ram
Very nice experiences.
O Deva, Thank You for taking our hand in Yours and being with us all through our journey. Bless us O Sadguru that we remain, forever, in Your hands and never let go.
Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram!!
Om Sai Ram….Devotee 1 & 3 : Very Nice Experiences….Devotee 2 : Baba Will Do The Best For You…Have A Full Faith…We Love You Baba…Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
Baba, I hope you will give us a solution to this problem without loosing our fame. Please bless us with happiness. Please make my sister love her parents and come back to them.
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
Om Sai ram
You are my ma my saviour
First sai devotee – nice to see your Dad turning towards sai baba.. Thanks for sharing the experience… baba please turn my husband towards you…. please be with me always baba…. Please bless me with a job…. I am expecting for a baby. Please give me a healthy baby baba…..
hi sai devotees… iam gayathri.. i have completed mba but i did not get any job from the past three years.. i need a job desperately to help my parents.. i want to repay ma loan also.. so please can anyone help me to get a job…
Dear sai gayathri …where are u from …. Wt sort of job are u looking for …jai sai ram ….Baba bless u ….
Dear sai sister, i am a different devotee. U know any vacancy in chennai? Please tell me if it is related to english language editing or something like that. I am a post graduate in mass communication.
harshitha from india… seeking a job in IT industry as a financial analyst…
hi devotee are u from chennai? if u are chennai na.. just wanna ask abt u.. i ve got a mail from Act solutions.. is it a good company
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om saiarm om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
baba i do not want anything for me.. please keep my parents happy always… they should be happy forever..baba wru?? all are laughing at me… even ma father's brother has done a blcack magic to our family.. help my parents…i wanna de a very good daughter to ma parents.. it's ma responsibility to take care of them.. i do not want to be burden for ma parents… they are such a great soul.. love my parents like anything… love them a lot.. give me the opportunity to serve them…..
Sai bless this devotee
I am mesmorised by your post…love you so much for loving your parents this much….I hve seen girls in my own family…eloping with lover leaving their parents in agony….and was astonished to see your post for the love towards your parents. definitely baba will help you…that bloody black magic won't work before your love towards ur parents…God bless you my dear.
thank u dear for ur caring.. i hope definitely will help me to keep my parents happy always… iam in the need of job to help them financially.. i want to fulfill all their needs.. just want them to take rest… i wanna bare all the responsibilities on my shoulder… they should be proud of me..because i love them more than me.. because i have got such a wonderful parents.. still they are loving me like anything… please pray for me definitely it will help my family.. jai sai
Jai Sai Ram
om sai ram
Sai Baba Bless us all.
Om Sai Ram, Sai please bless me & my family, you know for wat i am waiting from 3 1/2 years, nothing is impossible to you my dear sai, you are everything to me, all are laughing becoz of me but i know you are always u r safe guarding me from every thing. & i know you will definitely give me what i am asking you. but i beg you please do it fast baba…. why i am telling this you know this also please sai baba grant my wish I LOVE YOU A LOT baba. please always bless who are in difficult situation & grant their wish baba…. please bless all of us….
baba knows when to give… watt to give… do not be tensed stay strong.. wattever happens is for ur good only.. i can understand ur feeling and emotions.. but you will have to wait till baba has to bless u.. bcoz after 5 yrs of ma graduation ly i have got a job in a big mnc with unexpected salary.. for the past 5 yrs i ve cried like anything.. but now iam getting mre than my friends.. stay strong.. do not be hurry..
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
pls bless me and save my life baba.pls make me write well and do well in my exams baba…thankyou for my previous exams….jai sairam
Om Sai Ram!! Baba please solve my problem deva as you only know everything what I wish for… Please deva please help me
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Sai Baba…Baba…Baba
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai ram !!!!
Sai please bless me with other suitable job. I cant do this job well. I face insults. Please baba. Don play with me n make me cry.
hello sai devotee read the chapter 15 from saisatsarithra for 108 times with in a day.. one of my friend has told me to do this.. i hope baba will bless u…
baba love you a lot..:)
Sai thank u. I surrender myself at or feet.
Ever guide us deva.
Dear devotee from India,
Love is not just having the person you want. Its about letting your partner what he wants as well. Discuss with him clearly what his problem is. Assure him that you will be fine. But since you both were in relationship for 3 years, convince him that you want to know his problem. Tell him that you both together can solve the problem and work towards it. Even after that he does not want to be with you, that is fine. Just let him go. It may be hard for you, I understand. But sticking to him will make things worse if he is not interested. You can not force someone to be with you forever. We all need to learn to let things go. At the end of the day, you leave this world all alone. So, why create trauma for ourselves in between. Give your best shot but dont let yourself down if it does not work out. I am telling you from my experience. I have no idea about your age but you seem like a younger me. You will realize in few years what I am trying to tell you. Take care and dont be too hard on yourself.
May our dear Baba bless you and give you strength.
om shri sai ram….baba in u we trust!!
sai ma please cure my baby health condition she is liitle weak now………..pls baba she should be fine by next day …..its very paining to see her like dis…pls ma next morning should be a fresh day without diarhea and make her to eat her food properly………..
Sure Baba will bless your child with good health 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sairam,
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Here i wanted to share an experience of mine.
Yesterday i asked a question from BABA and got the answer that i'll see my Isht God in my dream.
And i saw the miracle that just waking up in morning i saw the photo of BABA in my dream.
that someone is giving me BABA's photo.
& suddenly i woke op.
This experience strengthen my believe in BABA.
Thank u BABA.
Tomorrow is really a big day for me,please help me BABA.
I m leaving all my worries upto you.
please do something that my belief become more strong on You.
Om Sai Ram To All…………
so nice 🙂 om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba,please take me with you soon.i don't hv intrest in life.I am old enough
haha.. sundari k.. hold him tight.. ur problem is going to be solved soon… just start ur parayanam once again u will be blessed…. do not worry for anything.. you ve got lot of beautiful things in ur store.. how baba will kill his own childrens… your problem will be solved with in two months.. my inner heart is saying this to tell you… do not worry… wru from?? if u wish tell me ur problem…
om sai om sai deva my deva… iam ur sai daughter gayathri… appa sai i love you.. i do not get any angry onyou.. because iam paying for my past karma… iam ready to bear.. but my parents cannot sai… i cannot see them in a sad situation.. they should be happy forever.. even iam ready to shed my life for them.. but they will have to be happy… i want to born as a servant for them in my next birth to serve them… they are not parents.. they are more than god.. will always care for me and for my sister… and also for my wonderful grandma..she wants to see me as a great achiever… i want to fulfill all their dreams… my parents has started looking groom for me… iam not against of marriage.. with out fulfilling my commitment… i do not want to be married… my parents does not keep anything for them.. really iam very very lucky to get a parents like them..bless them
Nice experiences! 3rd devotee, although you may have had that health problem, Baba made sure you got a nice Archana pooja at the temple and took care of that lump and removed any potential health problem. 2nd devotee, although Pardhu is not talking with you much now, just ask Baba and do 9 Thursdays vrat, Pardhu may be going through some other difficulty he doesn't want to talk with you about, but Baba knows why he is not talking with you and Baba will help you both be together again. 1st devotee, although you could have faced a lot of financial and legal trouble due to that accident, Baba ensured everything will go well and took care of all difficulties. Baba is the greatest insurance policy of all, He takes care of all difficulties and makes sure when His devotees are in trouble, they will always be pulled out of any difficult situation they cannot handle themselves. Om Sai Ram!
Allah is my malik and i love sai baba and his teachings, :D. It started from last year watching an amazing movie on sai baba. I even read sai satchitra. I truly love baba, I just pray please cure my acne problems. Just started to get pimples, I have shraddha and patience :). I stopped all topical treatments and have just left it to him along with a healthier diet. Baba I promise you, if I get rid of this problem I will surely share this remarkable experience with everyone.