Passing Exam
Anonymous devotee from UK says: Me and my husband are both doctors working in UK. My husband has gone through some exams which are mandatory for him to complete his training. We had stressful 12 months because he failed one of the exams twice.
We both are devotees of Baba and we both have been very depressed. The last 3 months of my life was hard as my husband was preparing for the third time. I have put my complete faith in Baba and in return over the last 3 months every moment I felt down I prayed to Baba Who made me aware of His presence by showing miracles all the time.
I have experienced Baba all around me with His innumerable miracles.
Just to quote one, we have fish tank in our house and I have sentiment that every time we loose a fish something bad happens in the house. Over the last 3 months every time I felt down and thought about Baba I have seen a baby fish being born in the tank. This didn’t not happen once or twice for it to be co-incidence.
It happened immutable number of times and I felt as if Baba was communicating with me every moment and reassured me over the last few months. This is only one if many miracles I have experienced.
We finally got the result and my husband passed his exam and completed his training. I can only say that this is because of Baba’s Grace.
Om Sai Ram
Home Loan Approved As Per Sai Baba’s Wish
Sai brother Mithun from India says: I am an IT professional working in Bangalore and married.
Om Sai Ram to all. It’s my dream to buy a home in my home town. I have applied for a home loan at Axis bank and identified the property. Later, the authorities from Axis bank didn’t show any interest for the property that i have searched for and expressed less interest. Hence, they have communicated that the land paper is not correct; the legal clearance is not happening and stuffs like that. As per bank terms, the home loan that’s been approved will only stay for 6 months and on the 180th day, the details will be removed from the system. Bank knew that and they delayed the whole process for more than 5 months and they knew for the fact that i defaulted in handling loan in the past and i will never get any loans in the future as my name is in CIBIL.
Its SAI Baba’s grace i got this loan. They have utilized me in a wrong way and have collected almost more than 1.5 lakhs and they know for the fact that once the loan get expired on the 180th day, they don’t have to pay me the money back. The same deal they have done with the builder itself so that the deed that i have signed is in such a way that if i withdraw from the deal, i have to pay the builder more than 75%. That means almost 2 lakhs i may be losing. 175th day, i got to know that the deal is not going to happen and i have escalated the matter to top officials at Axis bank stating that the local Axis bank folks are cheating me. Noting happened and the loan got expired on 180 th day.
I was depressed and prayed to Sai baba day and night. Baba advised me to do step by step procedures on how to deal these guys and i have done the same way i.e., police complaint, RBI ombudsman etc.
It’s just Baba Who came for rescue and the bank has asked for another set of documents/fresh ones for re-logging to the system and one fine day i got a call from Axis bank that the loan is re-sanctioned to me with an apology letter.
I just can’t believe it and thanked Baba. It’s Baba’s advice came at the right time. Now, we have completed the registration and house warming. Things are getting cool now.
Baba please bless everyone in this world and be with devotes who need your help and assistance. Om Sai Ram…
Sai Baba My Savior
Anonymous Devotee from India says: This site has always been a source of strength for me and it is here that I have known that the only thing that keeps us from seeing Baba, and having the courage to have faith in Him is our own doubt. Therefore, I congratulate everyone in direct or indirect relation to this site, for the extraordinary work they do of changing people’s life (by posting these experiences) in ways they wouldn’t imagine possible.
I have known Baba for all my life but have truly known His presence from only very recently. It is very true that if Baba wishes a devotee to realize Him, nothing can stop it from happening. In my case it was an intensely agonizing period and an aching heart that brought me face-to-face with Him in a way that I could no longer ignore.
I am in love with a man from the past 3 years and he loves me in return. After surviving the struggles that come as a part of every relationship, we are now facing a wall where his parents are unwilling to accept this relationship because I am from a different caste. We are not ready to get married without the consent of his mother (my parents have agreed) and cannot find ourselves to let go of each other’s companionship that has made life seem kind and loving. When we were being pulled in all directions thus, I started doing the Nav Guruvar Vrat praying to Baba as situations were worsening as both I and my partner began to feel this strain in our relationship. He had stopped speaking to me with the intention of making me used to managing without him, but for some reason praying for this to work seemed like the obvious thing to do, and not letting go of his hand. When I began the Vrat, I was in a desperate condition and was so blank with pain that nothing was clear to me, not even my reasons to pray. By the 9th week of the Vrat, my partner got back to me and even then, I was so scared of the intensity of my relief and the peace I felt having him by my side. He again started trying to convince his mother of this match but to no avail. His family is now pressurizing him to get married to someone else and he is stuck in the mess, I being unable to help him out of this one. In all this commotion I started ignoring my work, studies, sleep and would go on for days having only one meal in the day.
Baba subtly worked on me and as my partner got back in touch, Baba slowly got me to eat and somehow finish the cartloads of work that had piled on my desk. I would not have taken care of myself or my family if not for Sai, and He taught me how to lead my life while at the same time pray for what I want. He held my hand and led me to doing what I had to when I didn’t have the strength to see for myself. I am still praying that I get married to the man I love with the permission of his mother, despite the situation we have known deep inside that letting go of each other has never really been an option. I believe in miracles and only pray Baba to fix this unintended mess with a miracle. And I thank Him for being there with me when nobody else was, and seeing meaning in my dreams without questioning them.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I think you should both get married – Om Sai Ram
Very Very True Om Sai Ram Dont worry Baba is there!!!!!
om sai ram!!
Dear Devotees, Please Please Please pray for my Mother's health.She is very sick.
OM SAI RAM.. Your mother will be fine very soon..Believe SAI BABA ..
Dont worry Baba is there pls keep praying to him Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
baba please save her/his mother..omsai ram
I have prayed for your mother and so many devotees prayers are also there so dont worry dear, Maa will recover soon with baba's blessings.
dear sai's kid,….don't worry at all…..just chant"sai sai sai"in your mind continuously……nothing will cause any harm to your mother…..not even her evil grahas……put all your burden on sai maa's shoulder and just cool down….don't think about any bad thoughts…..just chant"sai sai sai sai sai" in your mind…om sai ram
Om sai ram. Baba wl bles ur mother
Dont Worry.. Your will recover very soon..
Dont worry… Your Mother will recover soon!!!!!! 🙂
SAI Nath Tere Hazaron Haath, Babaji is helping all of us in different situations.
Lovely expereinces Indeed. May Baba Bless all.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
wonderful experiences all of them . devotee 3, I will pray for you that you will get what you want…baba please help her and bless her.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…Blissful Experiences….Devotee 3 : Baba Will Take Care Of Everything…Dont Worry Sister….Baba Always Be With Us….We Love You Baba…Om Sai Ram
Baba pls bless kardo ab to..sab taraf negative hi answers hai..apko sab malum hai phir bhi ur not helping…kyu has become meaningless now
Om Sai ram!!!
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
I love you baba…
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Yoginees of Amareshwar*****
Sixty-four Yoginees lived in front of Amareshwar at the confluence of rivers
krishna-Panchaganga. Every afternoon these Yoginees came out of the river to pay their
obeisance to Sriguru. They bowed their heads at the feet of Sriguru and offered flower
garlands. They would take him from his hermitage with great devotion to worship him
offer him alms. They followed this routine everyday.
There was no other settlement near the Audumbar tree. People from the nearby
Shirol village were rather surprised that Sriguru never came to their village to collect
alms. They were mystified as to how he was sustaining himself without food in that
dense forest. Some mischievous people from the village tried to find out the truth and
sent a person to investigate. This person hid nearby Sriguru’s hermitage and watched
the Yoginees pray and offer to Sriguru. He was practically scared watching this scene
and immediately fled from there.
om sai ram
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Favour Shown To Ganganuj Farmer*****
A farmer named Ganganuj was guarding his fields. One day, he saw these sixtyfour
Yoginees. They came out of the river and took Sriguru along with them to cross the
river. Surprisingly, the flow of river split in two parts leaving space for Sriguru and the
Yoginees to easily cross over to the other side. Once they crossed over, the flow of the
river resumed back to its normal flow. Watching this wonderful event, Ganganuj was
amazed with delight. He realised that Sriguru himself is God. Next day in the afternoon
he again hid near the Audumbar tree. The Yoginees came and started taking Sriguru
along with them. Ganganuj followed as if mesmerized by them. The Yoginees entered
the water along with Sriguru and reached there under water city. There they seated
Sriguru on a throne and worshipped him. Hiding near the door, Ganganuj witnessed the
divine festival. Suddenly, Sriguru caught the sight of Ganganuj and called him near.
Ganganuj was startled and said “Oh! Lord, please forgive me. Yesterday I had
witnessed this rare scene of your Divine Grace accompanying the Yoginees. Today too
when I came to witness this rare scene, I could not control myself and therefore,
followed your Divine Grace as though pulled up here. Please forgive me and uplift me
with your blessings”.
Sriguru was pleased to see the clean and innocent mind of Ganganuj. Sriguru
said, “You have come here with fully devoted sentiments. As of today your poverty will
vanish and you will live happily. Do not pass on this information to anyone else”. After
arranging meals for Ganganuj, Sriguru returned to his dwelling at the Audumbar tree.
After taking the blessings from Sriguru Ganganuj returned home. The same day, while
working in his field Ganganuj struck a hidden treasure and his poverty vanished
forever. After this, on a daily basis he visited Sriguru and offered his services thus
getting absorbed in deep devotion.
Once, the innocent farmer prayed to Sriguru “During Maghi Poornima73, one gets
lot of religious merit by taking bath in the holy waters of Prayag (now Allahabad)
located on the Sangam74”. The compassionate Sriguru said, “sit on my tiger skin and
close your eyes”. As soon as Ganganuj sat and closed his eyes the tiger skin flew up in
the sky and started flying with great speed. Very soon, Sriguru and Ganganuj reached
Prayag. After taking bath in Prayag, Sriguru took him to Kashi (Benaras). After taking
blessings of Lord Vishveshwar at Kashi, Sriguru took Ganganuj to Gaya in Bihar State.After visiting all the three holy places, Prayag, Kashi and Gaya on the same day,
Sriguru returned to his dwelling place at the Audumbar tree with Ganganuj. The farmer
was fully satisfied and felt accomplished with his objective. He was thrilled to narrate
the entire incident to his family after going home.
Sai Baba and Sai Sharanand
Once Shri Prangondji and his wife Mani Gowri had visited Shirdi and had darshan of Baba and Baba blessed them. Afterwards Vamanrao Patel was born to them on 5th April 1889 in Mota Village in Surat District. His full name is Vamanrao Prana Govind Patel. He later became with Baba’s blessings Shri Swami Sai Sharan Anand.
When he was three years old, he fell sick seriously. and his parents had full faith in Baba and at that time Baba went to their house as fakir and gave udi and asked his mother to give it to him mixing it with water and also told her as there was a scar in his right side back, he would become a "Satpurusha". The udi was given to him and the boy recovered miraculously by Baba’s Grace.
He had his primary education at Surat and Ahmedabad. When he was13 years old, he went to Somanath Mandir where Baba gave him darshan as a fakir. Later he had passed B.A. in 1910 in Bombay and also passed LL.B. in 1912. While he was studying, he used to question his college professors whether the God was Phenomina or Neomina.. The Professors could not answer him
This statue was made by late Balaji Vasant alias Babu Saheb Talim who made it out of sheer sense of gratitude. The idol statue was installed on October 7, 1954 by Swami Sai Sharanand, an ardent devotee from Ahmedabad. Swami Sai Sharanand is an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. He visited Sai Baba many times and stayed in Shirdi for a long time. He usually stayed with Radhakrishna Mayi. She also loved Him a lot. Here we will see a small leela of Sai with Vaman Rao
When Vamanrao Patel (Swami Sai Sharananandji) visited Shirdi in Guru Purnima 1912, SHRI SAINATH sent him to lodge at Radhakrishna Ayi's house. As Vamanrao saw, Ayi had acquired several yogic powers so many that any one could be inclined to believe from his experience that all her utterances were SAI's. During Vamanrao's stay at Shirdi, he began reading Jnaneshwari and with SAI's grace completed it. On SHRI SAI's instructions, Vamanrao repeated Jnaneshwari and also read Eknath Bhagawat and after reading Vashishta Gita started doing pranayama (not Parayan) but each time he started it, SAI called him and disallowed him to continue the same. On the morning of Guru Purnima, when SHRI SAI was all alone, Vamanrao went to see HIM. HE quoted Eknath,"NOT AN IOTA OF SPACE IS DEVOID OF ME" and thereafter asked Vamanrao to take udi and go. Ayi on that day called him and offered him SAI's prasad of a mango and a few bajri pieces with milk.
Thanks Sir for your kind posting. May BABA keep blessing you with abundance of love & compassion for other fellow human beings.
By: P.P. Sharma
Forgive me my transgressions mostly born out
of my ignorance in superimposing on You,
O Limitless, the configurations of my little mind.
Failing to grasp Your Reality transcending the three gunas
when I pray and sing attributing qualities
all foreign to what you are am I not taking liberty with you,
my Lord? Who has vision so large ,
as to encompass all the Leelas you are
performing some visible, some not,
some spectacular, some common like the light of day.
Isn't it a travesty to pickout some and ignore the rest?
Enamoured of your mop of hair the glow in your eyes
the shape of your nose the curl of your lips
the flush on your face the contours of your neck and arms
your cool tapering fingers the two lotuses half-screened
by the flowing robe
(I know not when to stop in this itemization)
how can I visualize you
without form when you
yourself have come in flesh and blood,
in mortal human frame?
The great monkey-god Hanuman
well-versed in all the branches
of learning and replete with wisdom
cared for no other,
pined only for Kodanda Rama.
Is my offence uncondonable
if my heart is exclusively fixed
on you Shirdi Sai Rama?
Where the milk maids had failed
how dare I hope for better luck?
Fever raging in their veins,
they would scamper through the woods
looking for the traces left by Krishna's feet
to track him down on hill, in dale.
They would mutter incoherently while asleep
trying to seize the elusive beloved
by the trailing yellow garment.
Would you still reprove me, Sai,
if driven by madness
I run helter-shelter in search of you?
If I'm floundering You have to take charge
If I'm going astray you have to set me right
If I'm amidst shadows you have to lead me unto light.
O Teacher Divine
You alone know how much this pitcher of mine
will hold of the boundless deep
If you want to hold it more
You have to make it more specious.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram, om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram, om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.
Thank you so much Baba!! I love you a lot!!
Wonderful experiences and to the 3rd devotee I am sure Baba has a happy ending in store for both of you 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for surround us with family and friends who are loving and compassionate towards us. Bless us O Sadguru so may pay the same love and compassion forward towards one and all.
Thank You O Sai for a blessed life 🙂
Jai Sairam
Wonderful experiences…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Devotees, i wish to have SAI Bhajan at my house in Bangalore. Please let me know if i can contact any group for the Bhajan who could come to my home. It would be nice. I do sing Bhajans for BABA, but the group does it in a very organized way. Any information on this will be very very helpful.
BABA please help me to arrange your BHAJAN at our home. We love you BABA.
Why don't you find them in Google… am sure u'll get an sai bhajan mandali
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Dear devoteess can any one plz clear.this….first time whn i started.reading sai satcharitha ma far relative got expired so i had to stop.reading it….second time i completed it successfully…..third time whn i started reading again my cousinz husband got expired….again i had to stop….ma mom and me are worried why this happening to me….shld i not read sai satcharitha whole life as something or the other is happening…plz clear this devoteess….i dnt want to leave baba through out ma life
Dear 3rd devotees ,
My situation is just same as urs. Now i'm also in wrost pain . His parents also not accept our relationship due to caste reason. May our Sai Bless us and fulfill our wish.
Jai sai Ram
Gift ur partners. mother sai satcharitra …..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Bless us baba
om sri sai ram
please bless avik.
he should forget me and move on in his life.
u know my situation .he should not trouble /hurt me or himself.
let no bad thoughts go near him
please bless him baba
send him an angel. please gve him happiness baba
om sri sai ram
Om sai rm,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
baba pls bless her
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Baba will i do my interview well today?will i get this job atleast.Im very tensed and afraid.This is my last hope.Please baba you come with me to the interview.You be my interviewer and ask me questions, also you be in my mouth and body make me answer correctly,convincingly and confidently.I should look relaxed and confident and honest.Pa please dont betray me pa.Im badly in need of this job.Help me appa.
Knew you will do only this to me.You are happy when i cry thats the reason keep on making me shed tears in loads..THANKS…I think all the miracles posted here and in satcharita are humbug…You are not a miracle king…
wonderful experiences devotees
Baba please help me to recover from this mental and physical issues completely.
I am sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry for what i did. I have deleted as per your instruction. Sai maa
please help me soon.
thank u sai maa for having blessed Ashwin with excellent marks.
Waiting for your hand to hold me firmly.
Fallihng at your feet.
please friends go for saibaba question and answers site and ell me a reply for my joblife.
Nice ones, but the third experience has really being a touching one. Beautifully narrated. I can imagine what you are going through, since I had been through the same. But believe me Sai had held my hands through the toughest times and I emerged as a winner. He won't let you down. Miracles do happen and I have seen many of them…Best wishes for your happy wedding in advance with your love…Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Hi I am a saibaba devotee. I am 35 year old lady staying in chennai and yet to get married. Some one who predicts said that we do some parikara to overcome this We have already paid the parikara amount and given the lady Rs 5000/- for annadhanam. Now the lady again says what to do with 5,000/-. you will not get married. this is hurting and affects my mother's health..i also asked baba a year ago regardning marriage. baba said a year will get married. This was in feb. I am confused what to do. Can someone help.
Please chant the following sloka to Lord Vishnu, 28 times everyday
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Source (vak mar 2014 issue, page no.5)
Dont worry dear devotee ji baba will definitely be with you..please dont get satcharitha and complete within 7 days(parayan) by pouring your heart to baba with full faith and if possible be in nav vrat..baba will surely make your marriage possible..
don't care about people who only wants your money , they nothing to do with your marriage.u can keep sai baba9 Thursday vrat for marriage.i hope baba fulfilled your sai ram
this is the year in which i had loads of tears in my eyes due to a personal problem even on my birthday.i know about baba but never showed any special interest on him but used to pray my fav gods very much.on vaikunta ekadashi( a fest) i went to vishnu temple and was playing god to solve my problem.a old lady came and she gave me a book of baba.that time as i know nothing much of baba i ignored it.later i came across this blog and came to know that if we get a picture of baba it means baba has approached us by i belive him very much and he is my lovely father as gave me peace of mind..
when comes to your problem it is there in the book to read SAI PRADANASTAKAM for 9 sundays,, 108 times on each sunday to get married soon and to get a good husband.try it it may help you..i have searched in google for you..may sai bless you..and tell your mom not to worry for that womens words.see this is a world with selfish soles around us.sai will be pleased even if we feed a that case 5000 is a big do not worry and have faith in god.
Waste…dont do vrat and parayan all waste.Baba will help only people those who evrything.He wont answer girls aged above 30 and dont have anything to feel good about.Im not discouraging you just warning you not to have false hopes and get hurt even more.
A Cup Of Tea Arranged For Nanasaheb By Shirdi Sai Baba
Nanasaheb Chandorkar, an ardent and staunch devotee of Sai Baba, needs no special introduction since in Shri Sai Satcharitra there are many instances wherein his name has been referred. Devotees who were fortunate to be living in Baba's times were indeed incarnations of Almighty, otherwise how could they take birth when Baba was in bodily form on this earth. Stories of such incarnations are really wonderful which contains messages for us from Sai Baba.
We are aware of an incident wherein Nanasaheb Chandorkar's thirst was satisfied by Baba Who appeared to him as a woodcutter. Now another more interesting incident of the same kind is being shared in this post. It is very well known that Nanasaheb was of spiritual intellect and thus any place of worship attracted his attention and earnest desire to go for darshan of any deity was always present in him. He had immense faith in Baba and Baba too reciprocated his faith. As a part of his complete surrender, Nanasaheb never doubted Baba's words. In fact, his immediate actions were to abide by Baba's words bearing full confidence that whatever Baba will do, will be best for him.
Lord Ganesha temple was situated in deep forest of Padmalay and to reach there one had to cross the forest. The temple was about 10 miles from the nearest railway station. Nanasaheb, serving as a Deputy Collector, a very respectable position in those days, had made all arrangements for reaching there. But when he reached the point of starting, he did not get any conveyance to reach the temple because train was late by few hours. On reaching the station in evening with his friends, due to unavailability of any other means of conveyance, he decided to cover the distance of 10 miles by walking. By the time they all reached mid-way, it was already nine at night. As per practice, authorities of the temple leave for their homes at about nine or ten at night. So a wave of worry passed in Nanasaheb's mind whether they will be allowed to enter the temple or not, let alone having darshan. After walking for more one-two miles, i.e. covering total of 6-7 miles of their journey, Nanasaheb was felt hungry. He said to Baba mentally, "Baba, i will not ask more from You, but please take care to provide atleast a cup of tea on completion of this journey, so that my hunger is appeased". Saying these words to Baba, Nanasaheb started walking towards his destination with double speed.
At about eleven, they reached near the temple and saw doors of the temple open from a distance and the priest when seeing few men nearing the temple, shouted right from his place, "Is Nana coming"? It was considered to be an insult as a person of such high profile position was being called by his short name. But Nanasaheb was not angry at this, instead he was very happy and replied, "Oh, how did you come to know that Nana is coming?"
Priest answered, "I received an aerial message from Sai Baba saying – My Nana who is thirsty, hungry and tired is coming to you. Please serve him with a cup of tea. Come on, tea is ready for you all". Thus Baba takes care of His dear devotees at any time and at any place.
Om sai ram !!!!
Dear above devotee asking for suggstn for her mrrg n 5000/- i suggest not to giv money but just hav faith n patience n pray BABA
it is also given that…….
this sai pradanastakam is written by sri dasa ganu.who ever reads this with devotion they will get baba in their dreams,their wishes will be fulfilled.unmarried men/women should read this for 9 sundays 108 times on each sunday to get married soon and to get a suitable match..
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
Thank you Sai Maa for miraculously savings my Dad from death threatening incidence.
Please take care of my Dad like it always .
Send our krishna back sai baba ji. Call me 2 ur temple 2moro. Om sai nath. Jai sai shree sai
OMSAIRAM all dear SAI devotees THANKS A LOT for praying for my mother. She is doing well now with SAI bäbaji grace and with yours prayers!!!! LOVE You Lods !!!
May BABAJI hear all your prayers!!!
happy to hear this from you 🙂 sairam
Very Happy To Hear , Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram
baa plzzz please help all …. luv u verryy much…n thank u baa for everything…
Sai Prarthana Ashtakam
1.Shanta chitta Mahapragnya Sai natha Dayaghana!
Daya Sindhu Satyaswarupa Mayaatam Vinashana!!
2.Jaat Go tateeta Siddya Anchitya Karunalaya!
Pahimam Pahimam Naatha Shirdigram Neevasaya!!
3.Sri Gyanarka Gyanadaatya Sarvamangala Karaka!
Bhakti Chitta Maralaahe Sharnaagata Rakshaka!!
4.Srishti Karta Viranchi Tu Pata Tu Indirapati!
Jagatraya layaneta Rudratotunche Nishchiti!!
5.Tujaveeney Ritakotthey Tthav Naya Mahavaree!
Sarvagnya Tu Sai Natha Sarvanchaya Hridayantree!!
6.Kshama Sarvaprardhanchi Karavi Heychee Manganey!
Abhakti Sanchayata Latta Sheegrah Nivariney!!
7.Tu Dhenu Vatsa Me taney Tu Indu Chandrakanta Mee!
Svarnnadhirupa Tvatvapadha Aadharey Dasahanamee!!
8.Theyva Aataa Shri Majhya Krupeychya Panchara!
Shoka Chinta Nivarayi Ganu Ha Tava Kinkara!!
!!Om Namo Sachidanand Sai Nathay Namah!!
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
Nice experiences! 3rd devotee, don't worry, Baba will help you both get married and Baba will be the one to convince his mother to accept your relationship. Mithun Ji, it was Baba who helped you each step of the way when others were trying to cheat you and Baba showed to you how He always protects His devotees. 1st devotee, it is so nice how Baba shows you the miracles in your life through the fish tank in your house and shows you also how Baba controls everything in the universe. Om Sai Ram!
Om namaha shivaya, baba ki palkhi, dattatreya, jai muruga, jai durga, tirupati balaji, jai hanuman, om shree ram, jai ganesh,