Few experiences are shared.
Sai Baba Cured My Son Eye Disease
Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: Dear Sai Devotees, I wish all are doing well by BABA Grace. I am ardent devotee of our father SAIBABA from childhood. Hetalji you are doing great job by maintaining this blog. Hetalji please edit if necessary. Every day i start my daily life by reading devotees experience in this blog. It increases our faith on our Guru and gives strength to face ups and downs in life. I have infinite miracles with our Baba. This is first time i am posting my experience as i promised to our father Baba.
I am staying in Singapore with my wife and my son who is 11 months old. We were to come back to Singapore from India on 30th October 2013. Before two days of our departure my son got affected with sore eyes. We consulted doctor in India, but they gave some eye drops and said it will cure within one or two weeks. So we came back to Singapore. Suddenly on 31st (Thursday) night around 10 pm blood started flowing from my son’s eyes. We did not know what to do.
Our minds were dumbstruck by seeing blood. Suddenly i got a thought to call my friend by Baba’s grace. He asked us to come to one hospital which is famous in Singapore. So we started by car and we are praying Baba and crying in our minds. We saw doctor in emergency and doctor advised that there is no problem with eyes as we thought he hurt his eyes himself.
We reached home around 3 am in the morning, but still blood was flowing from his eyes so we were praying to Baba in my minds continuously. I have a habit of asking question to Baba by seeing His photo and He gives answer in one form or other. So I asked Baba by crying in my mind and He said no need to worry, everything will be ok, have patience and faith on me.
After one day the flow of blood reduced than earlier. We had another appointment on Monday with senior doctor. She advised it is quite common in kids to get blood in eyes when affected with sore eyes, since kids eyes cannot be cleaned properly when affected. From the time we are interacting with doctor we were praying Baba in minds please Baba everything should be fine. We were just relaxed after listening to doctor. After another two visits to doctor, everything is fine. I thank Baba lot of times from my deep heart. Sorry Baba for delaying in posting the experience. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sadguru Sai Natha Maharaj Ki Jai.Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu
Sai Baba Is The Ultimate Helping Hand
Anonymous devotee from USA says: Hi Everybody. I am one of the very fortunate girl in this world. Baba Has given me everything. When I am in sad He makes me comfortable (By seeing his picture, reading Satcharitra , listening wonderful bhajans). I thank the moderators for posting my experience. I sincerely thank all the people for reading my experiences. Hope sai shower his blessing through out my life.
Coming to My experience, Sai came into my life when I was studying Degree. We used to go every Thursday to Baba’s temple for Aarti. First time I went to Shirdi in 2003. My son was 8 months and there was lot of crowd in the temple. We did not book any hotel so we went to Sai Bhakt Nivas and there was a very long queue, so we thought we will go to Sai Baba’s temple for darshan first. We had a very good darshan stayed for a long time in front of Baba. After darshan we went to Sai Bhakt Nivas and luckily we got room with help of Baba’s grace. This was my first darshan and I feel so blessed for the events happened.
Recently my husband was in a very difficult situation. He had to go to court and we had sleepless nights. I started Sai Baba’s Nine Thursday’s vrat. The next day attorney called and said case will be dismissed but he said he need to postpone the date to collect evidence. I felt so happy. I read Sai Satcharitra and completed it in 1 week. Next week was to be my 9th Thursday. We started watching Sai’s Aarthi everyday from Shirdi live darshan. Believe me as soon as I started praying Sai, I felt so eased (relieved from all my pain). On Tuesday when we went to court our case was dismissed.
Shradda and saburi are the two2 magic words which we have to follow throughout our life. I cried in front of Baba for the situation we were in. I see Baba (live watching at me) daily whenever I see aarti from Shirdi. I will not look at Baba’s idol. I will look at the pillar at the back of Baba where He will be watching me daily. I am so thankful to Baba for solving our problem. I want to tell devotees “Please don’t loose your patience and scold baba.” Baba will help those whoever cries in despair. Baba Please help us throughout our lives and please make me help many people.
Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
My Son’s Journey Abroad
Anonymous devotee from India says: I am a mom of 2 kids. This is the story of one who is an excellent footballer.
My son was playing a very crucial football match and I was doing my Nine Thursdays fast. I had finished my prayer and was sitting next to the phone as my husband who was watching the match was giving me all the updates on the goals scored by my son. He had scored 2 goals already and just for nothing I said Baba please make him score another goal and my husband calls and says that he just scored another very important goal. I was stunned and again I said Baba You are listening to me. Please make him score another goal if You really are listening to me. And guess what he scored another. His team won the match and I was stunned out of my wits. This display of talent started the ball rolling and someone watching that match advised us to start a procedure whereby he could get a scholarship to the USA. Based on his football skills, today my son is in the states on a scholarship.
Thanks to Baba and He decided to accompany him on his journey abroad in the form of a small photo I sent with him. I’m very confident that Sai Baba has been instrumental in his being there and he is taking care of my son and looking after his welfare. Thank you Sai Baba. We all love you.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om SAI ram to all !!
Very Nice experience. Tears rolled dowen When read first one.
om sai ram!!
Great experiences…Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
It is indeed a blessing to read this blog on daily basis.
My deva, youare great. Please always five us sadbudhi to be at your lotus feet.
All three expereinces as very much Blissful. Yes lucky we are to be in the fold of SAI BABA.
I love you Baba
Om Sai Ram….Wonderful Experiences….Baba Always be With Us….We Love You Baba…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai ram!!!
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
Sathguru Sai namonamaha
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
Sathguru Sai namonamaha
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
Sathguru Sai namonamaha
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
Sathguru Sai namonamaha
I Love you Sai baba. Please be with us always.
(Shri Sai Leela December 1983)
We were thinking of visiting Shirdi for the last several months; but we could not do so for one reason or the other. This time we decided to go on the pilgrimage after celebrating my grandson’s first birthday on 5th of March, 1982. We had invited quite a few friends for the birthday party but a couple of days before, the child took suddenly ill. The child was running high temperature besides having loose motions. We were much worried as to how we could go ahead with the celebrations. Naturally our thoughts turned towards Shirdi. And it was due to Shri Baba’s grace that a day before the celebrations, the boy recovered and the recovery was also very quick.
Then on 12th and 13th we stayed at Shirdi. When we were returning to Bagalkot on the 14th inst, our car developed trouble at Ahmednagar. We took the car to a mechanic, who first said that the cultch plate had to be replaced. This was a time consuming affair and therefore we were doubtful whether we would reach Phandharpur that evening as per our plan. So we prayed for Sai’s grace. When the car was thereafter towed to the workshop, the mechanic could set it right within half an hour and then we resumed our journey and reached Pandharpur for Shri Vithoba’s darshan.
We left Pandharpur a bit late and reached Sholapur in the night. We wanted to drive to Bagalkot – another 253 kms in the night. But at Sholapur the lights of our car failed. We could not locate the point of trouble and we could not also locate a mechanic as it was a holiday (Rangapanchami). So we had to stay with a friend, who strangely enough was waiting for us from the previous day. We learnt that it would have been hazardous for us to travel by this road in the night as there had been several instances of waylaying and robberies on this road. We feel that Shri SaiBaba did not want us to face any such risks.
On reaching Bagalkot next afternoon, When I related our experiences to a friend of ours, who is also an automobile engineer, he simply remarked,, “it is all due to Sai Baba’s grace that you had such a successful pilgrimage. The two mechanical faults, developed only at places where assistance was available. The first one could have been a serious problem had it happened on the highway away from the city”
Can anyone differ from this view ? Atleast we do not,
C.M. Chandawarkar
om sai ram
SAI’S GREATNESS (Shri Sai Leela December 1983)
At the invitation of Shri Sivanna, owner of Sai Mandir at Arsikeere (Karnataka), Sai devotees from Hubli were attending the annual functions of “poor marriages” conducted in Sai Mandir there every year. By Baba’s grace, I attended the same along with other Sai devotees from 21-12-82 to 22-12-82.
Elaborate arrangements were made by Shri Sivanna and his dutiful sons, grand-sons etc to conduct the functions on a grand scale as usual (as is done every year). Before going to our lodgings, we went to the Mandir to take darshan of Shri Baba. As soon as I entered the Mandir, I found that I was actually at Shirdi as the marble statue of Baba, installed there, resembled that of Baba at Shirdi with the healthy surroundings. I was surprised to find huge crowd waiting in queue to draw water from the well situated within the Mandir. Shri Sivanna told me that he keeps the Mandir open day and night for the people to take water from the well as the water in the surrounding areas is salt and unfit for drinking. This is Baba’s Mahima!! I immediately remembered how our Bhagwan Shri Sai turned brackish water into sweet one by throwing flowers into ‘Lendi Baug well’ in Shirdi. All praise to our Sadguru Sainath Maharaj. !!
As announced in the papers, Sai Maha Mandal, Hubli did ‘Bhajan’ from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on 21-12-82. When I was in a high pitch (at the top of my voice in singing Bhajan) first I looked at the left corner where I saw a poor Fakir with chimta in his hand enjoying the Bhajan. I was attracted to him very often and wished that he should remain there till the end. But, I saw him going away from the ‘auditorium’. I felt sorry and I thought in my mind that he is going away because nobody respected him, including myself as he was clad in poor and dirty clothes. As soon as I saw him, I should have gone and prostrated at his lotus feet. But the ego and prestige in me prevented me to do so. Alas ! A golden opportunity is lost in life !! Throughout the night on 21-12-82, I was in a sorrowful mood brooding over for not recognizing Baba in the Bhajan, having failed to follow Baba’s advice, “See God in all beings, both animate and inanimate”.
Next day on 22-12-82, Baba’s photo was placed in a well decorated planquin and a procession was taken out throughout Arsikere town from 11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.. After passing two streets, a Hindi Sadhu appeared and shouted “Shri Sai Baba ki Jai” in a loud voice. I immediately fell at his feet and he was moving away quickly from the crowd. I followed him and in a second he entered a nearby restaurant and disappeared. I was looking inside all over the restaurant but he was not found. (This happened when other Sai devotees of Hubli left me and went to drink water in a hotel). So Baba fulfilled my desire by giving me ‘darshan’ again on 22-12-82 and blessed me. I wish to share this joy and happiness alongwith other devotees. I am sure every Sai devotees is being blessed by our Sadguru Shri Sainath in one way or the other.
Another happy event that took place on 22-12-82 was as follows:-
As announced in local news papers – A Sai Bhajan party from Davangere was to perform Bhajan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on that day. But, Shri Sivanna received a telegram from the Davangere party stating that some of the party members fell ill and could not be present. Shri Sivanna came at 6.30 p.m. and requested us to help him. We immediately responded and did Bhajan from 7 to 9 p.m. The Hubli party had to stop the Bhajan half heartedly on 21-12-82 at 9 p.m. as we were prepared to do Bhajan atleast for 3 to 4 hours on that day having three to four good singers in our midst. So Baba fulfilled our desire 22-12-82 by this Leela (miracle) i.e. the Davangere party not being able to come over there on 22-12-82 as previously announced in papers.
To conclude for the present, let us, Sai devotees, always remember Baba with love and devotion and always chant His name to get His darshan off and on.
R. Radhakrishnan
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.
Om sai ram
Really these are Wonderful experiences . Thank u Hetal Ji for providing us the platform to share our views and experiences.You are just like the messenger of baba. I really feel the heavenly bliss after reading these experiences..my mind enters into the calm state . Baba , i want to overcome my problems like getting angry frequently on small issues and not able to answer intelligently and smartly . I feel anxious and disturbed all the time . Kindly bless me baba. I want to get rid of all this uncertain nature of mine. Please bless me.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om sairam
Jai Sai Ram
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Departure from Narsinhawadi*****
The news spread throughout the village in no time and everyone started visiting
to pay their obeisance to Sriguru. Each one narrated their tale of woe to Sriguru and
prayed for a favour. With each day, the number of visitors kept on increasing. Therefore
Sriguru decided to leave this place too. Devotees became upset when they heard the
news. The Yoginees were also perturbed. Finally, Sriguru convinced everyone saying,
“Do not grieve. I will always dwell under this Audumbar tree and fulfil the wishes of all
my devotees. This Audumbar tree is my Divine settlement. Whoever worships this
Divine place would always get my blessings”. Sriguru then departed from this place and
manifested himself at Ganagapur, which is located on the banks of Bhima River.
The Audumbar tree still exists at the confluence of Krishna Panchganga Rivers.
Sriguru’s Padukas (an impression of the lotus feet) are installed under this tree. This
place has been turned into a pilgrimage bustling with devotees and is now known as
“Narasinhawadi” (Kolhapur district). Even today Sriguru, Narasinha Saraswati, the
incarnation of Lord Dattatreya dwells here and thousands of devotees experience his
kind favours.
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Fate Erased*****
Sriguru had promised his devotees that he would be divinely residing at the
Audumbar tree in the place now called as ‘Narasinhawadi’. Devotees even now
experience his divine presence and miracles.
A Brahmin named Gangadhar lived in Shirol village near Narasinhawadi. His wife
was very virtuous. She gave birth to five children, but each one died within a few days
after birth. They didn’t even survive until their naming ceremony. The Brahmin couple
was very unhappy. They prayed to all deities with earnestness to seek a child, but all
efforts were in vain. Once they both approached a well-known astrologer. He told them
that in the past life, the Brahmani75 had borrowed gold coins from a Brahmin of Shonan
gotra, but never returned it back. Therefore the Brahmin belonging to the Shonan gotra
gave up and committed suicide. After the suicide, he became a ghost and destroys all
her children. Since the Brahmin was childless, no one had carried out his funeral rites
after his death. Therefore, he suggested that they complete all his funeral rites, donate
the loan amount to a Brahmin and offer services to Sriguru in order to wipe out the
effects of their sins.
The Brahmani said, “I do not have wealth equal to a hundred gold coins. I am
even unable to perform all the funeral rites of the Brahmin. However, I will complete the funeral rites as much as possible. For a month I will stay at the confluence of
Krishna-Panchganga Rivers and offer my devotional services to Sriguru”. The very next
day she reached Narasinhawadi. Everyday she would bathe in the ‘Teerth” and
devotionally worship the Padukas76 of Sriguru and the Audumber tree. While carrying
out the Parikrama77 around the Audumber tree, she would continuously chant
“Digambara, Digambara, Sripad Vallabh Digambara”.
On the third night she had a dream with the ghost demanding for his money. He
threatened her, “If you don’t return my money, I shall eliminate all members of your
family”. Saying that, the ghost raised a weapon and came to attack her. Fear gripped
the Brahmin lady and she started running towards the Audumbar tree. At that very
moment, she saw the compassionate Sriguru personally standing in front of her. She
went and laid herself down at the lotus feet of Sriguru. Sriguru assured her of
protection. He asked the ghost, “Why do you want to kill this poor lady? ”. The ghost
replied “Oh Lord! This lady had borrowed a hundred gold coins in my past birth. She did
not return the money in that birth. I died out of grief and became a ghost. If she
returns my money, I would silently leave without harassing her anymore”. Then Sriguru
replied, “This lady is my devotee. You cannot harass her anymore. Whatever little
amount she can manage to give you, take that and go away silently. Only then you will
you be liberated from this state and the lady would also become happy. If you get
entangled in this web of money, you will never be liberated from this state of being a
The ghost accepted his suggestion. Then Sriguru told the Brahmin lady “You
should perform the Dashapindi78 funeral rites of this ghost. It will not only liberate the
ghost from its origin, but it will also make you happy. Take bath in the holy water here
and then perform the funeral rites. For seven days you bath the Audumbar tree with
this holy water. Then all your sins would be washed away”.
After saying so, Sriguru disappeared. The ghost also vanished. Then the Brahmin
lady awakened from her dream. She narrated the entire conversation to her husband
and as per Sriguru’s orders performed the Dashpindi funeral rites of the ghost, took the
blessings of Lord Amareshwar and then stayed at Narasinhawadi for the night. That
night Sriguru again appeared in her dream and offered her two coconuts. She ate those
coconuts and returned home. In due time, she gave birth to two sons with the kind
blessings of Sriguru.
After a few years, they decided to perform the thread ceremony of their elder
son who was five years old and the tonsure ceremony of their three-year-old.
Unfortunately, just a day before the ceremony, the younger son died due to a tetanus
infection. With the untimely death of their younger son, his parents were struck by grief
were completely heart broken. The Brahmin lady started beating her head. The
villagers’ came to collect the body for the funeral rites, but she did not allow them to
touch the dead body. An entire day passed, but she remained adamant.At this time a celibate boy arrived from nowhere. He tried his best to convince
the Brahmin lady, but in vain. The grief-stricken mother could not grasp the higher
principles of the Vedas. The lady said, “I don’t want to listen to anybody. Sriguru had
promised me in front of the Audumbar tree at the confluence of Krishna-Panchganga
Rivers, that both my sons would have long life”. Then the celibate boy, who was none
other than Sriguru himself in that form said, “If your devotion is really true, then
Sriguru himself would show you the right path. You should go back to that Audumbar
Accordingly the Brahmin lady took her dead son to the Audumbar tree. She laid
down the dead body in front of the ‘Padukas’ of Sriguru and then in an afflicted tone
started chanting loudly the name of Sriguru for help. In that state of grief, she dozed
off and had a dream. In the dream, Lord Narasinha Saraswati appeared before her and
said, “My words were true. Do not blame me. As per your son’s fate, he had to live up
to a hundred years. However, in your fate there is separation from your son. But, I shall
wipe out this aspect of your fate and make your son alive”. After saying so, he puffed
out holy ash from his mouth.
Soon the lady woke up from her slumber and to her surprise saw her son crying.
There was happiness all over. The villagers’ gathered and bowed before the ‘Padukas’
with great devotion. Then they gave holy bath to the ‘Padukas’ as well as to the
Audumbar tree and worshipped the same with great devotion. They all offered their
prayers to Lord Narsinha Sarswati for pardoning them and sang in praise of the Lord.
Everyone realised that even after his departure from this place, he still divinely
manifests there. If one worships him with true devotion, Sriguru certainly changes the
fate of the person for the better. Even today, lakhs of devotees come to Narasinhawadi
to seek the blessings of Sriguru and get their desires fulfilled. Depending on their
devotional service and faith, their wishes do get fulfilled.
*****Arrival In Ganagapur*****
After departing from Narasinhawadi, Sriguru reached the dense forest at the
confluence of rivers Bhima & Amaraja. Ganagapur village was located nearby. He
carried out his daily religious rituals at the confluence without any hindrance. Every
afternoon, he went to Ganagapur for collecting alms.
Thanks for sharing…Om Sai Ram
Beautiful!!!!!!Om Sai Ram
Can you please tell me the name of this book and let me know in which all languages the book is available.
Very thankful to you for posting daily little parts.
Jai Sairam
at present i dont have the link…its a book called A short biography of
Akkalkot Niwasi
Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj…
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Sai Maa
You made me go temole for afternoon arthi. Thanks a lot for that .
Maa please come soon and relieve me of my physical and psychological problems.There are people who believe that I can handle my new assignment well and there are others who feel and are happy that i am not capable of doing my new assitgnment well.
Maa my Sai maaOPlease give me physical and psychological strength to march ahead confidently.You are the only one with I can share all these.
Please be there maa
Also my husband is looking for another job. please please please help Sai Maa
We love you a lot
We bow to you Sai Deva
Falling at your lotus feet
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam…..
pls help me from all difficult suitations baba..pls save my life ..I had left everything on u now..pls take care…jaisairam..
baba, I don't know how people pray u,does fast and say lies to others.i am not understanding all those people, they want to break the relationships between others….make everyone as good human beings…om sairam..
Im totally down.I cant climb up in life its cristal clear.After all the struggle and tears, this is my situation.You dont like me asking for a job and a married life.I understood im not asking.So many satcharita saptahs, navrat i did still you are not ready to bless me.Today is my 3 rd week of fast though im unable to do as my heart is heavy i will successfully do it and finish it but my request is please stop my breath by the last week.I cannot stand and take anymore. I beg you badly pls give me this as donation.U ask us to donate now im asking u pa pls stop my breath im beg you to the core.MY heart is very very heavy…
Dear Devotee,
Life is a precious gift of Baba, don't ever think of ending it.Just have a bit of patience and faith in Baba. He will take care of everything.You will surely make it big in life.I will pray for you.
Om Sai Ram!!
I know how you might be feeling.But trust me i have been through your phase in my life. But due to baba's blessings i am able to become normal slowly. Still I have troubles but I feel that this life is not mine any more its baba's life. So let him decide what he wants to happen in it. If you are in pain ,actually u r not in pain Baba himself is in pain. Leave every thing to Baba. Evary thing will be alright soon.
I will pray for you Dear. Dont worry.
Om Sai Ram!!!!
Wonderful experiences!!
Dear Friends , I am not able to understand a dream I got this morning. Today is my 6th week of 9 Thursday Vrath. I have completed my pooja by 7:30 AM . I had a nap at 8AM . I got a dream in that nap.
A friend of my has sent some gifts through a small girl. And later my friend also visited my house .I have opened the gifts and all the gifts are Small Baba pictures . There are more than 20 pictures of Baba.
Can any one tell me what does it mean.Does it mean that Baba will fulfill my wish with which I am doing 9 weeks Vrath.
Thank you friends for you help.!
Om Sai Ram!! Om Sai Ram!!
Yes He Will !!! Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!!!!!
u have blessing of sai baba..
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences all.
O Deva, Thank You for bleeding is with love and success and being with us at every step of our lives. Bless us O Sadguru so we may share the happiness and bring joy to the people on need.
Thank You for all the love O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
wait and have patience…… and you will come to know the meaning..om sairam
Sanchita Karma (Total Karmic balance)
The accumulated result of all the actions from all our past lifetimes and from the current lifetime till this moment is called as Sanchita Karma. This Sanchita Karma is our total Karmic debt (combination of Karmic Credit and Karmic Debit.)
Every moment of every day we are adding to the account by performing a Good or bad Karma. We also reduce Karma balance from our account sometimes (Those rare moments in a day when we are doing meditation, spiritual practice, selfless service etc.)
Where are Sanchita and Prarabdha Karma stored?
The Sanchita Karma (as well as Prarabdha karma) are stored in Chittakash space or our Karmic body (There are three spaces every living being lives in – Chidakasha – Supreme Consciousness, Bhutakash – the physical body and Chittakash – thoughts and emotions)
Karmic account – Sanchita Karma – Credit and Debit Transactions
Our Karmic account works differently than the bank account. In case of a bank account the net balance of Credit and Debit is maintained as a total current balance. Let's take an example: If the balance is $1,000 in my bank account and I credit $100 to this account and withdraw $75 from my account, the net balance of my account is $1,025.
In case of Karmic account (Sanchita Karma) the Credit (good karma) and Debit (bad karma) are always maintained separately. The Credit and debit never cancel (subtract from) each other (unlike a bank account). The reason to maintain both the Credit / Debit is that the soul (Jivatma) has to face consequences of each type of karma (good as well as bad) through the cycle of several births and deaths. Good Karma is used to deliver rewards, while the bad Karma balance is used to deliver the punishments, in the chain of lives that soul will go through in the future.
Since every soul (Jivatma) must face the consequences of his karma (good and bad) the balance (credit and debt) is always kept separately and never cancelled against each other.
Dispensation of Prarabdha Karma by the Divine
All karmas do not produce their results all at once. From the accumulated karmas (sanchita karma) a certain portion is taken out for being worked out or consumed in this birth. Many ripe karmas amongst the accumulated sanchita join together and bring one life. This forms the prarabdha karma of the present life.
When soul takes a new body (rebirth or reincarnation) a part of his Sanchita Karma (some portion from credit balance and some portion from debit balance) is dispensed as his Prarabdha Karma. According to Vedanta, The Supreme being (The Divine) plays a major role as the dispenser of the 'fruits' of Karma.
This Prarabdha Karma is called as the Destiny of that soul in this life. The Good karma portion of the Prarabdha karma becomes rewards in this lifetime (Good health, Wealth, intelligence, matching partner, good children and so on.) The bad karma portion of the Prarabdha karma becomes punishments in this life (Disabilities/diseases, Poverty, lack of intelligence, discontent with mismatching partner, betrayal by the children and so on.)
In case of ordinary people: The account of Sanchita Karma is updated (with Credit and Debit) every moment by their actions.
In case of Yogis and Saints: The account of Sanchita Karma is almost 0 (depending on the spiritual level or Sattva guna of that individual). Their actions every moment add very small (or nil) portion of credit/debit to the total Karma account (Sanchita)
ONLY those that do Karma without attachment and expectation of the fruit (Performers of the Karma yoga as explained by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita) DO NOT generate Good or bad Karma even though we see them doing Karma just as we do. Their Karma is purified Karma without any attachment and expectation and hence it does not add to the karma balance.
Om sai ram !!!!
Om sai ram. Baba ji plz gv shradha n subri to my family. Send our krishna back to iur lives. Waiting 4 ur miracle n i believe that it wl yappen. Om sai nath
Hi Ishu,
Sorry if it is too personal, Has Krishna left you guys or have some problem, I was curious because my sister also left our family for her bf. I am praying from long but baba didn't listen to our prayers and our entire family is in full trauma. With this comment I deeply pray from my heart to fulfill your wish and my wish soon. Non baba believers says that all baba believers are tested to the full extent every time. But I say at the end it will be happy ending for all the baba devotee families I hope baba will keep everything fine at the end. Hope baba will make everything fine at your end and our end. Om Sairam.
Jai Sairam,
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Love you so much Baba.
Baba please help me to get rid of my proud and please help me to live life in a way which you like.
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing.
Jai jai sai
om sri sai ram
baba i ll take his pain
give him happiness
om sri sai ram
please baba
Sai Ram to all fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all !!
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
om sri sai ram
Om Sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram
Nice experiences! 3rd devotee, it was always part of Baba's plan for your son to be an excellent football player and to go to USA, so that is why Baba is also there helping him do well in the football matches. 2nd devotee, Baba was the one who took care of getting rid of that court case and was the one who made sure it got settled quickly. 1st devotee, your experience is similar to that in the 9 Thursdays Vrat and shows how Baba took care of your son's eye problem and reduced the bleeding and took it away since your son is also Baba's son, and Baba didn't want to see His son in any pain. Om Sai Ram!