Few more experiences are shared below.
Sai Baba Cured My Father
Sai sister Priyadarshini from India says: OM SAI RAM My self Priyadarshini from Nagpur. As I have many experiences to share about Sai baba but this is the one whom i can’t forget whole life. Baba blessed me everyway. He is there with me since childhood and I am experiencing His presence at each and every step. Kindly edit the wherever necessary.

My father was suffering from normal viral fever since three days from 7th day of Navaratra 2013 and taking normal paracetomol for fever, but the temperature was still high. It was constantly 103 degree to 104. 4th day we thought to take him to hospital and admitted on Dusshera (Vijayadashmi Day). Since 10 days there was no improvement in my father’s health and all the reports were normal. Doctor’s were unable to diagnose the problem. We all family members were in great tension. We thought to change the hospital; even my father was thinking all negative things. That night I came from hospital and prayed Baba whole heatedly to recover my father and help the doctors to diagnose the problem and see my Baba’s kripa on me that next day doctor suggested doing CT scan of my father and they detected that it was liver infection due to which my father was suffering from high fever. After detection of this, it took more 15 to 20 days to recover and by Baba’s grace my father recovered absolutely.
I really thank my Sai to shower His blessings on me and my family. If you have faith and patience BABA will never let you down. He is always with His devotees. Only you should have belief on Him. Whenever I am upset and think negative Baba always appears in the form of Photos or songs of Him or any posters and provide positive rays to overcome my problems. Thanks BABJI for being there in every step of my life and I need your blessings till the end of my life.
Sai Baba’s Mercy
Sai sister Shweta from India says: Hi, Sai Devotee Shweta greets you all. I am going to share BABA’s mercy in my life.
I work as a recruiter and got married last November. During break after marriage I read SAI SATCHARITRA but not in Seven days, as I was not aware that we have to complete this book in seven days.
I rejoined work in February, 13 post marriage. My company was very far from my new home. I was taking 4 hours in commuting every day. It was winters and highly unmanageable to do.
I was keeping a BABA’s photo on my work desk. I used to say BABA’s pic that Lets go somewhere else. It was February’s end, suddenly I got call from my current employer which was in very nearby area. I stay in Greater Noida and company was in Sector 18 Noida.
I was selected and I joined there in March Second Week. When I joined there I saw a very big picture of BABA was there in office. By grace of BABA everything is very fine over here. I thank BABA for my fulfilling my desires. BABA has plans for our tomorrow. We need to have faith in him.
Sai Baba Loves Us All
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am pursuing my MBA from IIM Raipur. I am from Karnataka.
I have had many wonderful experiences with Baba. I am citing one of them here. I organised a quiz competition in my college recently. Because of many reasons, nobody wanted to participate in the quiz. Reasons were we had assignments, projects, etc. I started to get upset since the event organised by me was going to be a failure. At that time I started praying to Baba. I begged him to do something so that the event would be a success. Within no time many people started coming. I was really very happy. And they all enjoyed the quiz. I couldn’t thank Baba enough.
Whenever I need Baba, he is always there. He is my best friend. He understands my problems. He is very kind. I am so thankful that I know Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
baba please cure my ringing ear and hair falling problem.. i took medicine for ringing ear but its not going.. and also my my hair is falling.. please baba cure my problem. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Even i have severe hair loss problem and dandruff issue baba because of which i get bunch of pimples in my face,neck and body.Im looking very odd now with fallen hair and pimples.Already im not a good looking girl have broad foreahead,grey hairs,long nose,if i laugh i look bad because my gums are bigger than my teeth.Generally people say smile will add beauty to face mine vice versa if i smile i look very bad.May be thats the reason you make me cry for everything in life:) I cut my hair short thinking atleast by then my hair will look thicker but now its even more worse.Its pulling down my confidence completely.Hope u understand the pain of a unmarried girl of 31yrs with these additional issues like appearance loss and joblessness in a middle class family in India.Do something about this and help people like us baba.People may laugh or think that we are senseless and demanding but i can share all things only with you and not with anyone else.
Dear sai sister, Very sorry to read about your plight. For dandruff , use some antidandruff shampoo. Even washing your hair with shikakayee seeds, your hair will become smoother and shinier. I have heard applying "khatti chhaash" for half an hour before you wash your hair will help reducing dandruff.
I have not faced pimples problem so no suggestions to offer you.
For your sweet smile, do not worry about gums if the gums are healthy. You need to get gum treatment only if they are swollen due to gum disease.
Whatever features we are born with, it is not in anybody's hands. Do not feel ashamed of your looks. Your pure heart will shine when you deal with people with love.
May you be blessed and wishing you best life partner who will adore your inner beauty and pure heart.
Jai Sai RAM.
Some time ago I had read an Experieance in the same blog… A devotee had pimples on the face it was making her look very ugly… Every day she used to keep water in front of baba and have that with a pinch of udi with full strong faith… With in few days her face was so clear that people always complement her… Don't lose faith
Thanks a lot for your suggestions i will surely try and keep myself presentable to some extent.
many says i look gud and friends used to compared me with katrina :)) .and those were the days i didnt even dare to see myself in mirror.and i wondered how my friends sat beside me in class seeing my ugly face(if i were in their position i would surely avoid such person atleat during lunch).there was not even a inch on my face with out a pimple.not only pimples headful of dandruff used to irritate me.i thought those days were gone and i have have to continue with this.. used to cry a lot..but a simple thing helped me to come of it very soon.it may help you too try it!
drink a glass of carrot and beetroot juice(mixed) without missing a single day for atleast 45 days..it tastes awkward but take it as a medicine rather than a juice 🙂 your face will get better than ever before even your hair will be benfitted..
thanks everyone..
I used to have pimpleso my face too.
Simple remedy!Just take a pinch of babas udi,mix it with water,make a paste.
Apply before going to sleep.
It works!!!
I regularly read miracles of sai baba in this post. Wen u can do millions of miracles then y your blessings are not for our family. Y u snatched our krishna from us. U have to gv him back sai baba ji. We haven't seen any of the miracle in our life but this wl happen bcoz I believe n one day u wl listen to our prayers. Giv us back our krishna. Waiting 4 ur miracle 2 happen. Om sai nath
All the 3 experience are very nice and faith boosting….
Priyadarshani: Dear I love whenever I see devotees from India writing experiences and specially from my hometown Nagpur. I have been married since 1 n half mnths and now I am in US. Here I dint find any temple of our beloved Baba.
I miss the Sai Mandir of wardha road alot. Wish to see it as soon as possible.
Sai ki beti
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam oms airam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
om sai ram!!
Nice experiences…Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing.
Sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
What a blessing to read all these positive experiences everyday.
Baba you been merciful, thanks for taking care of my mother. Thanks to all devotees for your prayers.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Thanks To Baba 🙂 Om Sai Ram!!!!!!!!!
Om Sai Ram…Blissful & Wonderful Experiences…We Love You Baba….Baba Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai ram!!!
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
sadguru Sai namonamaha
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
Sadguru Sai namonamaha
Om Sai namonamaha
Sri Sai namonamaha
Jaya Jaya Sai namonamaha
Sadguru Sai namonamaha
Baba please be with us always.
Ratanlal G.Dave telegraph master of Kapadvanj Railway Station, Nadiad district (Gujarat) loved Sai Baba a lot and always worshiped Him and requested Sai to take care of him and his family. Sai always kept up His word. He had a miraculous experience. He was fast asleep and was in deep sleep. A thief broke into his house one night and tried to steal the ornaments worn by his wife. She however got up and looked straight into the thief's face and did not know what to do, cause she was too afraid to raise an alarm. Even when she wanted to shout for help she could not. Here is the leela of Sai Baba. Baba made her small child sleeping beside her to cry. This naturally alarmed the burglar who now wanted to escape and in the process he stumbled against a bucket which caused a sound. Dave got up and seeing the thief chased him but he had escaped. On inspection, Dave was much relieved to find that nothing was stolen or lost which he fully attributed to SAI's grace.
om sai ram
(Shri Sai Leela December 1983)
I am a devotee of Shri Sai Baba since 1947. When I was a boy of 13 yrs, I was a frequent visitor to Shri Sai Baba temple at Nellore. While working in Government service I used to frequently visit Shri Sai Baba temples at Guntur, Kurnool and Nellore. Later I happened to visit Shirdi Sai Baba temple at Mylapore in Madras. During all these years till 1981 I had an ardent desire to visit ‘Shirdi’ and worship Shri Sai Baba there. It did not however materialize till 1982. A friend of mine, Shri K. Subba Rao, Hyderabad Government Press employee and an ardent devotee of Shri Sai Baba at Hyderabad was responsible to advise me and he insisted that I must go to Shirdi and worship Shri Sai Baba. I therefore had the good fortune to visit Shirdi for the first time on 12-8-82.
The second occasion I had visited Shirdi and worshipped Shri Sai Baba by His divine grace was on 30-9-82 when Arathi was going on in Mahasamadhi Mandir to Shri Sai Baba at (12.00 Noon).
All the land at Shirdi had become most holy to Sai devotees because His divine feet have touched that land and one can feel the presence of Shri Sai Baba at Shirdi at every step and every moment.
We need to ask or pray Him for any worldly things as they will automatically come to us. Shri Sai Baba gives to His sincere devotees every thing which He thinks right and also at the right time.
My daily prayer to Shri Sai Baba now-a-days is “Look at me ! Think of me ! Touch me ! Make me fit ! Ripen me ! Thou be ever my mater (Guru )! Govern me O ! Sai Baba !”
When I prayed like this atthe Mahasamadhi Mandir on 12-8-82 as well as on 30-9-82 at Shirdi ‘tears’ flowed from my eyes and I prayed, “Lord Sainath, O! Lord, bear with me and sustain me!”
I have been ever cheerful due to His blessings and divine grace only and have been facing all the mundane challenges in my life with courage and faith. Blessed is Shirdi as its land has been lucky and meritorious being consecrated by Shri Sai Baba, a precious jewel and a diamond, as observed by His other contemporary saints, who had seen Him. Shri Sai Baba never prescribed any regulations and any mantras. He always advocated us to always remember ‘Sai, Sai’. If anybody does repeat it, his shackles will be removed and he will be free. This can be followed by any Sai devotee very easily !
M. Narasimha Rao,
Om sai ram.thank u so much for sharing
om sai ram
Jai sai ram
Very nice experiences thanks for sharing.
Baba u knw when my mom fall down nd got injury on her left shoulder. Wat u said Sai ma my mom wil be alrite dnt worry but after 7 mnths also my mom cnt move her shoulder, hw many treatment Baba. Please make my mom normal im hvng my mom only pls soon make her normal nd vanish every health problem in my mom sai ma pls.
Baba im feeling very low. Dnt no wat im doing in my life. Trying to keep myself happy but i cant Baba. I cant concentrate on single things Baba. Pls give me job, good married life Baba beg u my Deva pls.
Dont worry. ….sai knows all your problems. …u will soon be happy by baba blessings. .. .om sairam….,, trust in him and leave all your tensions at baba's feet. …
May sai bless all of us….omsai srisai jai jaisai
Dont worry.near by there are all good things will happen.om sai ram
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Anyone please Help me … I wanna post my exeprience, But I don't know the email address.
It will be very helpful if you give the email address.. Thank you.
Om Sai Ram
got to the top of this page..you will find a option called SUBMIT EXPERIENCE..OMSAIRAM
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Devotee, you can mail your experience to 'hetalpatil@gmail.com' and 'hetalpatil@saimail.com' with the subject: 'Experience with BABA'. It shall be posted here.
May BABA bless us all always.
Anyone please Help me … I wanna post my exeprience, But I don't know the email address.
It will be very helpful if you give the email address.. Thank you.
Om Sai Ram
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
reallly nice experiences….baa love you alooott…thank u for everything
om sri sai ram
please bless avik.
he should move on in life
please baba
let no bad thoughts or intentions go near him
send him ana angel baba please
thanks baba
om sri sai ram
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Buffalo Not Giving Milk*****
One day when collecting alms, Sriguru reached a poor Brahmin’s house in
Ganagapur. The Brahmin had already left to collect his daily alms from different homes.
Therefore, his wife paid obeisance to Sriguru and offered him a seat. She said, “My
husband has gone to the village to collect alms. He would return shortly. I will offer you
alms after his return”. Sriguru said, “I am very hungry. If you do not have alms, then
give me milk. I saw a buffalo in your courtyard”. Hearing this, she replied with tears in
her eyes,“Respected sir, there is no milk in the house. This buffalo is unable to give
milk. She is very old and is just like the other he-buffaloes; people hire her to carry earth load”. Then Sriguru said, “I do not agree that this buffalo is barren. Go and milk
her”. Therefore, to respect the words of Sriguru, the Brahmin lady went near the buffalo
with a pot and started milking her. And to her great surprise the barren buffalo started
giving milk. She immediately warmed the milk and offered the same to Sriguru. Sriguru
drank the warm milk and with satisfaction he said, “I am very satisfied with the
contentedness between you and your husband. Even in poverty, you have maintained
virtue and righteousness. Your poverty will come to an end from this moment and
Goddess Laxmi79 will bestow her blessings on your family”. After blessing her, Sriguru
went away.
When the Brahmin returned home, his wife narrated the whole story. She
showed him the milk. Then both husband and wife came to the confluence and
worshipped Sriguru with great devotion. They returned home singing praises in the
honour of Sriguru.
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****The King Of Ganagapur*****
The news spread like wind in the entire village. The village Officer conveyed this
news to the King. The King was amazed. He thought no human being could make a
barren buffalo produce milk. This is definitely a miracle. It is certain that Sriguru is the
incarnation of God. I have to prostrate at his feet. To my great fortune, Sriguru has
made his abode in my kingdom.
Therefore, the King paid a personal visit to the Brahmin’s house. He was very
excited to listen the story about the barren buffalo producing milk. He touched the feet
of the Brahmin and said, “You are really a virtuous person and therefore Sriguru
personally came and blessed you. Sriguru desired that you should be freed from
poverty. Hence I shall give you twenty acres of fertile land immediately. I got this
inspiration from Sriguru only. Please take me to Sriguru”.
The King, along with a huge procession continuously glorifying Sriguru reached
the confluence. As soon as he saw Sriguru, he went running with bare feet and
prostrated at the lotus feet of Sriguru. With great devotion, he worshipped Sriguru with
a lamp ceremony. Sriguru was very satisfied. He asked the King “What do you expect?
”. The King prayed with humbleness, “Maharaj, I pray that you should have your abode
at Ganagapur. I shall raise a Temple-Shrine for you. Then I shall get your blessings
daily. The Temple-Shrine will be equipped with all facilities. For the daily religious
ceremonials, you shall be able to go in a palanquin. This kingdom belongs to you and I
shall look after your kingdom as your representative”. Sriguru accepted the King’s
prayer. Then people brought Sriguru to Ganagapur with all the fanfare in a flowerdecked
palanquin, with the entire procession dancing and continuously glorifying
Sriguru. In fact, it was like a great festival being celebrated with joy everywhere.
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences
Sai maa is always there to take care of us
Maa pls be with me and help me to Come out of this mess
Sai my Sai
Please please please
Be with me maa
I fall at your feet
Om sai ram !!!!
Om sai nath. Let him be free god. Let krishna be free n send him to us. Let him play in my bhai bhabhi dadu dadi n chachu's lap. Gv him life sai baba g. I request u 2 send him back n let him sing jai sai shree sai. Waiting 4 ur response baba ji.
Om sai ram.
I have trouble with my career for about 5 years. I have everything except a little bit of luck.
I was a great devotee of baba. I prayed for the job this time so hardly . I couldn't get it. I am really upset and tired. I had a dream in which I saw baba saying that I got the job. I used q &a it says I Will get it. I am not sure. I saw a lot of positive experiences this year when I talked to him but am disappointed. Is this karma??? I have a real deep pain.. please help me to come out of this.
Nice experiences! 3rd devotee, Baba helped you a lot by ensuring your quiz show idea was a success and probably it will also be a help for you later on in your career (as Baba was the one who made sure you succeeded). 2nd devotee, Baba was the one who got you that posting in a place closer to your home as Baba also knows what a strain it was to commute for so long. 1st devotee, Baba helped nicely get rid of the high fever your father had for so long and also was the one who took care nicely to cure the liver problem as well. Baba helps us in so many ways (ways sometimes we are not even aware of). Om Sai Ram!
Sai really helpsus