Recent Experiences with Baba
Anonymous devote from USA says: Hi Hetalji, I would like to thank you and the contributors of this website. Every time I’m depressed I read this blog and Sai devotee’s experiences. I’m thankful for all the people who share their experiences here. I’m a working woman living in USA for the past 7 years. Hi, First of all I would like to appreciate the owner and contributors of this blog for their hard work in maintaining this blog and letting us to share our experiences with Sai Baba. Please don’t disclose my name or email ID. I would like to share few experiences here. Please edit wherever necessary.

I’m currently in USA. I have been Sai Baba devotee from 1 year and have seen many miracles of Him since then. I started worshiping Baba because of my roommate who is a Sai Baba devotee. I’m very blessed to have Baba in my life. Experience 1 : Recently I left my job because of too much stress. After that I got a new job and was about to join but I got an email saying the project is cancelled. I was very depressed and was scolding Baba for all this. But to my surprise, on the same day another job is posted and I got selected for that job. Unfortunately due to some reasons again the project got cancelled. I was very depressed this time again and was crying like hell. I was losing confidence on myself as the jobs (projects) are getting cancelled for some or the other reason, by that time I have already started reading Sai Satcharitra and thought of completing it in two weeks instead of 1 week. But the second project cancellation was told to me on Monday (I have started Sai Satcharitra on previous Thursday).
So I changed my mind and thought of completing the book by 1 week, but it was already Monday and I read on 2-3 chapters, now I have only 4 days. Usually when I read the book, I take a lot of time, so I didn’t know what to do. I just prayed to Sai Baba to give me enough concentration to read the book and only with His help. I can complete the task and started reading the book. To my surprise I was able to read the book continuously for 3 hrs and finally was able to finish the book by Thursday. I always doubted Baba that He would not help me like He is helping others, but Baba proved me wrong. He was with me. Thank you so much Baba for being there for me.
Experience 2: This is related to experience 1. When I got second project assuming that I will join the company, I took an apartment for rent with a lease of 6 months and moved into that apartment. But since my project got cancelled, I didn’t know how to come out of that lease. In USA if we rent an apartment for lease and if we want to move out of that apartment before lease period, we have to pay 2 months’ rent (varies on the rules) which comes to around $2,500. I don’t have job, so I don’t need that apartment because there is no guarantee that I will get a new job near that place only. I was in a helpless situation. I asked Baba help through question and answer website and it said “work will be done by 3 people” and guess what, 3 guys came forward to rent my apartment for 6 months and I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I moved to another state for a new job. I’m so thankful to Baba for helping me with the apartment and also for getting me a new job.
Experience 3: (again related to above experiences) After I moved to another state for joining my new job, I wanted to do Nava Guruvar Vrat. So I started it last week Thursday. As I just moved to the new place, I haven’t received all the luggage from my previous place and I’m receiving the bags one by one. I was thinking that it would have been nice if I had Nava Guruvar Vrat book with me (on Thursday evening) and was upset but then magic happened, I received one of my bags that day and that bag has Sai Baba photo and the book. I was very happy that I received that bag on that day. I couldn’t believe how Baba fulfilled my small wishes also. Thank you Baba for being there for me. Each and every time I think Baba is not with me, He keeps showing me His miracles. Please bless me like this and everyone who needs you and be with me for the rest of my life.
Baba Gave Me Job in My Dream Location
Sai Sister Sunitha from USA says: Hi Sai sisters and brothers, this is Sunitha. I am small devotee of Baba. I shared so many Sai Lela’s earlier in this blog. Thank you Hetalji for giving us this opportunity to share my experience. Our Sai bless your family always.
Earlier Sai blessed me with a job when I desperately needed it during my engineering. After that I always have a dream to travel to USA as many of my friends were traveling but I never get a chance to travel even after joining my job for 6 years. Recently Baba blessed me to travel to USA for 3 months. This is one of my desperate wishes. Thank you so much Baba. But I don’t want to travel for short duration, because my fiancé is also working in USA. So I asked Baba to bless me with this wish for long duration. It is very difficult to move from my current project India to USA as my Indian manager is very arrogant.
I left one of my favorite dishes asking Baba to fulfill my wish and told that I will visit Shirdi till then I will not have this food. When I asked my Indian manager for internal transfer to USA she did not agree and she started creating problems. I kept on praying Baba and left everything to Sai ma. There after I was very cool, thinking that Baba is there why to take tension. Slowly things started changing and my both USA manager and Indian managers agreed to transfer to USA branch.
Not only that Baba helped me in getting my visa done which is also critical part. But nothing is impossible to Baba. He is there with me all the time during this tough process. Everyone was shocked in my company that I got transferred internally that too within short span of time, as it not that easy to transfer and many of them trying to get transferred but they failed. They don’t know that Baba is with me. This is only possible because of my dear Baba. Baba without You I would not be in this position. Thank you so much Baba. Koto Koti Pranamam to lotus feet of my Sai ma. Dear readers out your burden in Sai and keep relaxed he will take care of rest of things. Have Shradha and Saburi. Jai Sai ram — Sai’s daughter.
Baba Blessed Me with a Job, Change in a Day
Anonymous devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram, I would take the blessings of my Baba to write down this miraculous experience that I had. I got little close to baba through my college where I did my engineering, the management was Sai devotees. After getting married my in laws were also followers of Sai Baba, Baba blessed me with my first job after which I started doing a small fast on Thursdays after my wish was fulfilled.
This is an experience on my second job that I am posting here. Please do not publish my name or email Id. I was working for a reputed MNC and I live in Columbus Ohio. My husband also works for another MNC over here. We both were on our H1 Visas. It so happened that all of sudden my project here was about to end. There was a situation that I must go to India for a week or two and then there is a possibility that I can come back to Columbus or should be choosing to move to any other location in USA. I did not even have resume prepared since I was with this company for almost 7 years and had no idea of changing my job. My friends suggested me to create a resume and start looking outside.
I just did that but had no hopes since it was just two or three weeks left (not sure exactly though how many weeks it was). While all this was going on, all of sudden my husband was told that his project is also ending and must be prepared to move to a different location. We were so confused not knowing what to do. I could not ask my manager for a project in any specific location since I was not sure where my husband will get a project. Same was his situation too. Finally I chose to go to Seattle and we decided that my husband will also ask for a project there or would search for another job. I told my manager that I am ok for a project in Seattle. My interview was done and I was told to go to India for 2 weeks till I get my LCA and travel to Seattle after that. My tickets to India were also booked. I was supposed to travel to India on Sunday. It was a Thursday, I was in my office. I got a call from a consultancy for a position in Columbus Ohio. I told them I am not interested since I am going to India in two days and changing job in 2 days is very risky for me. The consulting person told me that if ever I change my mind, he asked to give him a call back.
I went home and told my husband about this consultant. He forced me to give a try. So I left a voice mail to the consultant to give me call back and went to Baba’s temple on Thursday. I didn’t know what to ask Him because asking Him to show me a job in 3 days, I thought I cannot even ask that thinking it is not possible. I did not know what to pray. So I was just telling my husband, “Can Baba do something so that I will stay with you here instead of going to India all alone”. All the while in the temple I was thinking of the same. We came out of the temple and when I was about to come out a car from behind hit our car. I was so tensed, I am traveling on Sunday to India and then go to Seattle. I have to repair my car now. I was asking my husband why did this happen. We came to see God and why did this happen. I took off on Friday since I had to fix my car. I got a call from consultant that morning saying he can schedule an interview on Friday and get me an offer letter the same day if I clear the interview. I was still nervous but my husband and my friends were telling me to give a try. I think it was Baba in their form who forced me try. I went to the interview, got selected by noon and by around 3.30 or 4.00 pm I got an offer letter as well. I was so scared to give resignation to my old company.
Please note I got my first job also because of Baba’s grace as mentioned above. My hands were trembling. I called my manager and told him this. He was very upset. He did not believe that I could change the job in a day. It was hard for me myself to believe. No wonder if someone will ever even believe if I tell this. They cancelled my tickets to India and accepted my resignation. I was feeling bad for hurting my manager. I was very scared and upset but priority for me was to be with my husband. So I had to take that decision. I don’t even know if this ever again possible to get a job in day. It was just possible only and only because of Baba. After two weeks my husband got a different project in the same company where he was earlier. Baba’s mercy is unexplainable. I know Thank you is not enough to tell him, but I will ever be grateful and thankful to him.
I pray to Baba to bless me and my family to be his devotes always and place his humble blessing hands on me and my family and all the Sai Devotees. Anantha koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainadh Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
nice experiences….om sai ram
Sai Baba and Sai Sharanand
Once Shri Prangondji and his wife Mani Gowri had visited Shirdi and had darshan of Baba and Baba blessed them. Afterwards Vamanrao Patel was born to them on 5th April 1889 in Mota Village in Surat District. His full name is Vamanrao Prana Govind Patel. He later became with Baba’s blessings Shri Swami Sai Sharan Anand.
When he was three years old, he fell sick seriously. and his parents had full faith in Baba and at that time Baba went to their house as fakir and gave udi and asked his mother to give it to him mixing it with water and also told her as there was a scar in his right side back, he would become a "Satpurusha". The udi was given to him and the boy recovered miraculously by Baba’s Grace.
He had his primary education at Surat and Ahmedabad. When he was13 years old, he went to Somanath Mandir where Baba gave him darshan as a fakir. Later he had passed B.A. in 1910 in Bombay and also passed LL.B. in 1912. While he was studying, he used to question his college professors whether the God was Phenomina or Neomina.. The Professors could not answer him
This statue was made by late Balaji Vasant alias Babu Saheb Talim who made it out of sheer sense of gratitude. The idol statue was installed on October 7, 1954 by Swami Sai Sharanand, an ardent devotee from Ahmedabad. Swami Sai Sharanand is an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. He visited Sai Baba many times and stayed in Shirdi for a long time. He usually stayed with Radhakrishna Mayi. She also loved Him a lot. Here we will see a small leela of Sai with Vaman Rao
When Vamanrao Patel (Swami Sai Sharananandji) visited Shirdi in Guru Purnima 1912, SHRI SAINATH sent him to lodge at Radhakrishna Ayi's house. As Vamanrao saw, Ayi had acquired several yogic powers so many that any one could be inclined to believe from his experience that all her utterances were SAI's. During Vamanrao's stay at Shirdi, he began reading Jnaneshwari and with SAI's grace completed it. On SHRI SAI's instructions, Vamanrao repeated Jnaneshwari and also read Eknath Bhagawat and after reading Vashishta Gita started doing pranayama (not Parayan) but each time he started it, SAI called him and disallowed him to continue the same. On the morning of Guru Purnima, when SHRI SAI was all alone, Vamanrao went to see HIM. HE quoted Eknath,"NOT AN IOTA OF SPACE IS DEVOID OF ME" and thereafter asked Vamanrao to take udi and go. Ayi on that day called him and offered him SAI's prasad of a mango and a few bajri pieces with milk.
Wonderful experiences all.
O Deva, Thank You for granting us peace and happiness. Thank You for coming rushing to help us in our hour of need O Sadguru.
Thank You for all Your miracles O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram!!
Om Sairam!
Om sai ram…. Please mere sai baba fulfill my wish as your blessings. Please all devotees pray for me to get baba blessings.
Sai maa
Feeling better today my Maa
Pls help me to recover completely
Be with me holding my hand my maa
Luv u 2 much my maa
Falling at your lotus feet
-sai maa daughter
Hope soon with sai ma blessings I would post my life related important leela of myn…. Please bless me baba… Om sai ram
Om sai ram. Thanks baba for everything……
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
pls help me and save me saimaa….I was hoping since years that u would help me and make my life happy ,but nothing is happening saimaa..pls help me and make everything proper.jaisairam..
Very nice experiences and all are well narrated. Dear devotees , I am trying to conceive from long. With Baba's permission i request all devotees to pray for me. Omsai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai….
wonderful experiences…. om sairam
Reading these experiences boost my confidence levels. Heart touching experiences. Thanks a lot for sharing.
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
Dear First Devotee- Your experiences were truly beautiful. I too am always little worried whenever I think of starting Sai Satcharita's Parayan but it is only Baba's divine grace which helps me to accomplish my wish in the desired time. May Sai Ma bless you and your family for ever!
Dear Sai daughter Sunitha ji- Your experience was truly beautiful and will definitely help all of us, Sai's children in strengthening our faith in Sai Ma's Holy feet. May Sai grant you all your wishes and shower His love on you always!
Dear Third Devotee- What an experience! I just could not stop my tears from falling. Your experience will act as a guiding light for all of us Sai children who are struggling in different ways. It will surely bring a lot of solace and comfort to the readers as it clearly indicates that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE in SAI MA'S DARBAR. May Baba grant you even more miracles so that you can lead a happy life and share them with all members of Sai family so that we all can dive deep into the ocean of Baba's Grace and collect the treasures of Sai's Mercy and Love.
Sai Ma You are our life.
Please never leave us.
Pardon us for our sins.
Show us the right path.
Teach us self control.
Give us place in Your Divine Lotus Feet.
May we see Your Lotus Feet the moment we wake up and before going to sleep each day of our lives.
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
Sai maa
V luv u a lot
Please b with us always holding our hands
Falling at your lotus feet
Jai Sairam,
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Love you so much Baba.
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
Nice experiences! Even when we have something planned for our job or other things, Baba may have something else planned for us, but rest assured whatever Baba has planned for us is far better than anything we can dream about and have faith in Sai Baba's plan for us. Om Sai Ram!
Baba ki palkhi aayi re!! Shree ram, ganeshaya namah, om namah shivaya, tirupati balaji ki jai