Baba You Are My Every Thing
Sai sister Anjali Reddy from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am Anjali from India 23 years old. I am doing my post graduation in one of the reputed colleges in India. Every day my day starts with Baba and it ends with Baba. I can’t imagine my life even a second without Baba. I don’t know from where to start because there are countless miracles that happened to me.

I am the only daughter to my parents, my childhood went very smoothly, lovable parents friends from childhood onwards. I don’t know about Baba till my 9th standard my Mom used to pray him but I always used to pray lord Shiva and when it was my summer holidays I was sick and I got very high fever at that time there was big photo of Sai Baba in my room. I don’t know suddenly I looked at that picture and I prayed if it is cured early I will believe you and I can firmly say that from that second onwards till now he is with me, he is my everything, my best friend, my mother, my father everything. I went for coaching for getting admission in famous colleges in India like IIT but in my UG my subject was not good though, I learned the subject and worked hard I didn’t get the seat I applied for all the reputed colleges which is conducting private exams but I didn’t get any one. I was very depressed and don’t know what to do. I lost total faith that I will get admission and I decided to go for coaching once again at that time the miracle happened.
I got a call from famous college that I have selected for second counseling and to come and attend the second counseling. I went to the counseling and I got admission in that college, after coming to the college I totally forgot Baba every time I was busy with my friends and classes and outings but he knows how to get me back to the way again my life and bonding started with him .Now I am in big dilemma regarding my personal life unless and until with Baba miracle only it will happen. Baba I don’t promise you that if that thing happens I will post it in his blog but I know you will fulfill my wish and I will show to the world there’s my Baba miracle.
Sai Saved My Sister’s Life
Sai Sister from Apoorva from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a student of class 9th and a great devotee of Sai Baba. There are not only one or two experiences. There is countless number of experiences.
Today I want to share one of my experience from March 2011. I was in 6th standard and was preparing for my final exams. At that time, I never believed in Sai Baba but my mother was a great devotee of him. I was just sitting idly and my mother was worshiping and chanting Sai mantras. I suddenly fell asleep and saw a dream in which I was myself with my sister in a film studio. There, we saw a bench on which we saw a Saint sitting, wearing totally white clothes. At first, we didn’t recognize him but when we moved towards him, I came to know that the saint was Shree Sai. We both were surprised to see him. He came towards us and blessed us. Later, Baba sent my sister ahead and started talking to me. Then after a few minutes, Baba told me about the calamity that was going to come on her. Baba stated “Teri Behan 25 saal se zyada nhi rahegi “(Your sister will not live more than 25 years). It just amazed me. Tears started falling from my eyes. I begged Baba to save her and he asked me not to worry. Baba said to me “Jab tak mai hu, to dar kis bat ka hai? Chinta mat kar sab theek hoga” (Why fear when I am here? Do not worry, everything will be alright).
When I and Baba reached to my sister, Baba drew a Lakshman rekha around me and her. I remember, exactly after 2 months, my sister started falling sick. She used to have extreme stomach aches. She went through a number of tests, endoscopy and colonoscopy. And finally went through a surgery. She was so sick that doctors said not to keep hope. But it was because of Baba’s leelas, that she lived. She received Baba’s darshan in her dream. Thank you Baba. I love you a lot. My life is incomplete without you. Please stay with me and my family. May Baba bless you all, Sai Ram.
Baba’s Miracle on our Visa
Sai Brother Balaji from USA says: I am Balaji, a humble devotee of our beloved Saimaa from Michigan USA.
Om Sai Ram. Bowing my head to the feet of Hetalji ji, Rana ji and Anil ji who is doing such wonderful Sai Seva and my pranams to all the Sai devotees who is reading this wonderful Leelas of Sai. We are here in USA on L1 visa. Due to medical condition of our younger son Shri Nikesh, we were in position to extend our stay here to continue therapy and treatments in Children’s Hospital. Normally in our company they won’t do H1 Visa’s but from last year onwards they have started to do for critical resources. Though I am not a critical resource in our company, I approached my management whether they will do H1 visa or not? Initially I didn’t approach them for medical reason. In Jan 2013 I was told that they are in process of short listing and not sure whether I am in the list or not. We prayed Baba for our extension and put a lot in front of Baba. Baba told that we will continue our stay here. Last week of February 13, they informed few people to submit the documents for H1 processing. I was again told that my name hasn’t been included in the list because of various reasons. At this time I approached my management with medical reasons. On Mar 12th 2013, again I got an email from management that they can’t process my H1.
We were somewhat depressed but still we had hope that our stay will be continued. On Mar 14th, Thursday, I came to office and prayed Baba that I will start Guruvar Vrat from today and asked his help for H1. After one hour of my prayer, I got a call from my manager that my H1 process has been approved by director and HR and asked me send the documents to process. It was purely Baba’s blessings. Again another twist happened. This year US government is going to have lottery system to select people for H1 Visa. We got a note from office that they have submitted all the applications by April 1st and they US Govt is going to put lottery on April 7th.
After two weeks of time slowly people are getting notified that their application has been selected in the lottery . Everybody in my office got the details about their process in April 3rd week. As per my knowledge I am the one who left out. I asked with my HR but they responded that there is no notification from US Govt yet. On Apr 24th in my mobile, I asked Baba whether my application will be processed or not at 11.04 am. I got the answer stating that “You will get a answer in 24 hours”. The next day being Baba’s day, I thought something will happen. Yes, as Baba promised, I got email at 11.00 am from my HR that my application has been selected in Lottery. Tears rolled out from my eyes and thanked Baba whole heartedly. Below is my response to the HR and my manager “You won’t believe. It is a miracle kind of. I have an application in my phone through which we get answer from our Guru (Divine Master). Yesterday I asked about my H1 Status at 11.04am. I got an answer saying “You will get a reply within 24 hrs.”
Yes. It happened before 11.04am today. Thanks a lot for your help and efforts” My manager responded as “Wow. I need to download that app “. I prayed Baba that please Baba show your presence to them by some way. Baba always asked dakshina from his children that are Shradha and Saburi. For me it has been written that nothing should happen easily. To test my Saburi, I got RFE (Request for Evidence) from US Govt on my H1. Some of my colleague got approvals and some got RFE. HR forwarded me that RFE which has 13 pages and informed that this is a very complicated RFE. All other RFE’s are so simple like mark sheets or pay slips. Myself and my wife prepared on my RFE for a week. We prayed Baba to help on preparing documents. After Guruvar pooja, I went to my friend’s house to distribute the Prasad. I told him about my RFE. He asked to approach another colleague who is a Sai devotee for this RFE and who also got similar RFE last year. He gave me a sample documents to prepare for my RFE. Thanked Baba for that.
I had discussion with my Manager and HR and prepared the documents for long. With Baba’s blessings, we prepared all the documents and submitted in the last moment. i.e Oct 2 was the last date and we submitted on Oct 1st to the US Govt. After 10 days I started Satcharitra parayan for 7 days. My wife checked the status of my H1 on Oct 19th. It has been updated that my H1 has been approved from Oct 17th (Thursday). As gift of our Shradha on Baba and being Saburi, Baba gave us the maximum period of stay in US. My humble request to all Sai Devotees to be humble and be patience and place your head on the lotus feet of our beloved Baba. Thanks a lot Baba to give us this opportunity to share your wonderful leelas with other Sai Bandhus. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Very blissful experience…. Baba is always there for his devotees … every experince I read, my faith increases… Omsairam… may all continue to recieve his blessings…
Wow…all three are amazing experiences…Om Sai Ram
Such a wonderful and blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
beautiful sai ram
om sai ram!!
Thanks for the team for posting the experiences early….Om Sai Ram
Blessed experiences.second devotee tears rolled after reading your and your sister are so blessed.
Sai Baba's Help at Ahmadabad
By Sri Narasimha Swamiji
Life is for Service
Life is for service and for sacrifice
Spare life and you clog it with pain and sorrow
Expand it like clouds in the sky
And pour down the showers of joy and peace
On all the world's creatures
Reveal the hidden beauty of human nature
Like the verdure on the hills and plains
After the monsoon rains
Thus life is a potent power charged with goodness, kindness and love.
Sai Baba's chamatkars are very varied and have extended over a very long period. Ahmadabad is a strange instance of Sai Baba's chamatkars. Here a well-known lawyer of good standing, Sri C.C. Mankewatlah, was the person for whose benefit Baba's leelas were performed. We may give his experience as it appeared in the September 1953 issue of 'Sai Sudha', in the words of Sri Mankewallah himself: –
"From 1948 to 1952, I suffered from Dropsy and Gastric ulcer. I had no appetite. I vomited blood and could not eat anything or even take water. My weight became abnormal, viz., 300 pounds. I was bedridden and Doctors attended on me. In April 1952, the Doctors gave up hope of my recovery, when I started vomiting blood profusely. They gave two days time for me to die! Some friends had advised me to worship Sai Baba (his temple is opposite to my house) and I had hung up Baba's picture in front of me and worshipped Him. After looking into his photo, I got affection for him. The continuous attraction of his photo on my mind and my relatives' talk gave me a sudden vision of Sai Baba when I was awake at 6PM. He told me: 'I am not a fakir. I am an incarnation of Datta. I will take care of you – don't worry.' The next day, I got two books in Gujarathi on Sai Baba and read them.
"Two days later, when Doctors completely gave up hopes and said that I may not survive till evening, Baba appeared in front of me at about 1 PM. First a light came from the door and Baba came in that light and my mother. I heard his words in Gujarathi which meant: "Child, fear not. I have taken away all your troubles. Send your son Turt immediately to Shirdi." Then he disappeared through the door.
I consulted my mother and we decided to send my son to Shirdi the same day. Again Baba appeared at 6 PM and said: "Don't worry! I am with your son also. Tomorrow by 12 noon you will receive a telegram from him saying that he has reached Shirdi safe." When we told our visions to the Doctors they laughed at us and made fun of me as well as Sai Baba. The Doctors felt them mere hallucinations.
"Next day, as Sai Baba had promised we got the telegram from my son about his reaching Shirdi safe. Then the turning point started. I began to purge. I continuously purged for 24 hours. Urine also passed. No blood passed. My body became light and the heart beat and pulse became normal. When weighed, I was only 175 pounds, as against 300 earlier. Doctors were surprised at the turn of events. From that time my health improved and in two months I became my normal self. I have been attending to all work as a normal individual I went to Shirdi and completed South Indian pilgrimage. Sai Baba commanded me to visit His shrine in AISS, Madras, which I have done. Indeed Baba is guiding me and. protecting me."
very nice experience..thanku for sharing
Baba waiting for your chamatkar!!! Om Sai Ram!!
Oh My Pops !! This si Mind Blowing !! I wish to meet . 🙂
In 1953 was the first appearance of Baba to Sri Mankewalla but this did not stop with 1953. He had repeated appearances and help of Sai Baba, 'Sai Baba is ever active from His Samadhi' is illustrated from the message {published in Sai Sudha – September 1954) from Sri Mankewalla runs as follows: " It is with great sense of surprise, joy and blessedness that I am penning these few lines to you, being yester night reminded by Sri Sai Baba, who, with His habitual smiling face, inspired me in semi-awakened state at the dawn of the morning to refer this matter to you, and to bring to your notice that 'Sri Baba is always present before His bhaktas.' He is the guiding and all pervading power that shapes the ends of devotees and even of the Universe. He has once saved me from the jaws of death, and he only guides me in all my and everybody's career, in this world. I saw Baba standing before me with his stick laughing, and telling me the above fact and especially asking me to refer the same to you (Narasimha Swamiji). Why? That I do not know.
By the grace of Sai Baba after I recovered from (attack of the icy hands of pluto) death. I appeared in many civil and criminal cases and I have become successful in all cases. Every moment in life, I feel the presence of Sai Baba. I always feel that like a parent taking care of his child, He always takes care of me. I have some times to pass through severe tests in life. I had to struggle hard with worldly affairs, but in all, I am triumphant. Even in spiritual worship, Baba's presence is felt. He always reminds me at the proper time, and makes me feel that He is present watching all my movements, and guiding and shaping my life's career in a wonderful way.
"I again remind you that I am writing you this at the express command of Sri Baba, who has commanded me to refer this matter to you."
Sai Baba is undoubtedly now living and retaining the same nature and carrying on the same mission. During His life in the flesh up to 1918 at Shirdi, Baba said "Maim Allahum". His nature, functions, and mission were all divine. These are undoubtedly to help people who put faith in God, especially in the form of Sai. So, Sai is still carrying His mission of removing the distress, of strengthening faith, of helping devotees’ in. trouble and of leading those who surrender themselves to Him to the highest goal that man can attain.
(Sai Padananda October 1994)
Sir, wonderful post & the message of BABA is heartening & soothes all the distressed souls. Thanks for your kind post & your service is BABA's blessing.
Om Sai Ram, Thank you
its really mornng i had decided that i will write in coment section that baba ur everything for me n i have completey surendered
in ur lotus feet.when i opened to start reading divoter's experience
todays exeperience itsely saying baba is everything.thank u baba.aapne meri dil ki baat jaan li.when u will bless me a happy married life with my husband.thak gayi hun par aapne hee mujhe sambhala hai aajtak.aage bhi aap hee sai ram
There is a great reward waiting for your patience dear sai sister !!! Om Sai Ram !!!
Om sai ram. Very nice exp.
Some wonderful experiences shared again.
O Deva, I surrender to Your Lotus Feet, please be with me at every step of my interaction today. Bless me O Sadguru so I bring smiles to the faces of people I interact with.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai raam
very nice experiences..
amazing experiences… om sai ram
sai meri puja aur koi nahi duja sai mere parabrahma mann me saama jaa (f)
Om Sai Ram, beautiful experiences. Thank you for sharing with us. It reinforces our faith in our Baba. Its wonderful to read about Sai Baba and his miracles. Thank you Baba, Be with us and protect and bless us always Baba
Hello Hetal JI,
aapne ye bahut hi acha work kar rakha hai ………love u and love u sai ram……he is always us…mer payre sai baba ….
nice experiences
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Compassion towards Brahmin Lepers*****
In the holy place called Haridwar in Uttar Pradesh, there were two Brahmins.
They were very strong. They became highly intoxicated with arrogance due to their
strength. They would find pleasure in committing evil deeds like killing people after
robbing them, and slandering saintly people. None was able to stop them from evil
activities. Eventually due to these evil activities they started suffering from Leprosy.
Their fingers and feet started rotting. Their families abandoned them. They started
begging on the street repenting their evil acts.
But they still had a bit of good merit left from their past life, due to which they
got an opportunity of getting Sri Swami Samarth’s ‘Darshan’. They both surrendered to
Sri Swami and begged for pardon for their evil deeds. It was due to their past life’s
merit Sri Swami showered his kind grace on them. He touched their bodies by his lotus
feet, which brought down the pain they suffered. Then Sri Swami told them “Now you
can go, abandon your arrogance, egotism, self-conceit and spend your life in the
constant repetition of my name. Then you will regain your happiness”. By the kind
blessings of Sri Swami, the Brahmins regained good health and happiness.
Om Sai Ram, thank you
Papa will i get a job soon and will i get married pa? Whenever people ask what are you doing and why you still not married i feel bad.My family also suffering because of me. Im like a burden now to myself and to all. What will i do if im not married evn after crossing 30yrs?People are speaking behind some non sense things as im not married. Similarly i quit my job due to heavy politics at workplace and a very big personal issue.Its 2yrs since i quit a job i havent got a job still.What will those people think about me?Wont they say im inefficient thats the reason i didnt get placed anywhere?Im feeling very bad and worried.Daily my day starts and ends with tears.Unbearable papa please do some miracles and make me understand that miracles do happen with the help of God.
Hold on to Baba's feet , everything will be fine and will fall in its place !! Om Sai Ram
Thank you Ji for your nice words.
don't b hopeless my dear.baba will bles u for sure.don't wory abt peiple .blive in sai.wht i got after geting married by keeping ful trust on baba that is at the after 30s.m sufering from yhe day if my marraige.still i hv not left baba.from my perrsonal exp m teling age doesnt mater fir marraige.wht maters tht is to get a gud life partner.hold baba tightly.he wil surely bles u dont hv gud time thts why baba is the book sai baba is stil alive by jaya wshi n u will get all ur answear.
May baba bless you soon and all your sufferings will end in this month…..
Dear Sister, please leave your favourite food until you get job. Baba will bless you soon. Have patience. Om Sai Ram
Dear Sai Sister, please do not worry about marriage. I understand its easier said than done, but trust that Baba ji must be having his own plans. I have experienced the same. I too got married late (nearing 30 yrs) and was very much worried as most of the people of my age already had children then. I had marital issues after that. When we consulted an Astrologer regarding the delay in my marriage and issues he said that had i been married earlier i would have been separated from my Husband. It is still better that i was married late. So people call it destiny, i call it Baba's will…
So, please don't worry Baba knows the best for us. Have faith and patience. Jai Sai Ram.
Papa i feel that u have answered me through these friends.Thank you. And thanks my dear brothers and sisters for your caring words and time.
Om Sai Ram!!!
Dear Sai Devotees,
As everything became online for Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir darshan or aarti, Is there any otherway to get the ticket to attend Madhyan aarti?? Can any one of Sai devotees help me out for the same. Awaiting for your responses.
Thanks in advance.
Om Sai Ram!!!
Sai maa
Please be there for us and help us n bless us in every walk of life
Hold our hands firmly my maa
Luv u a lot my maa
Falling at your lotus feet
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
Sai sai sai sai
Sai sai sai sai
Sai Sai sai sai
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
Baba, you are my father, mother and everything. Please bless my husband, my kid and me with whatever you feel best for us.
Please bless my family with happy and healthy life Baba.
Please excuse me for my mistakes Baba.
Love you so much Baba.
Anantha Koti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Bramha Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Om sai ram iam feeling very low baba..plz be with me and guide me.
sorry baba i cant control that habit..i know it is wrong but i am addicted to really hurts me baba i cannot overcome it..inspite of promises to you i beak every time..baba please tell me a way or else take me with you..i dont want to be sai raam..
Om sai nath. Waiting 4 ur miracle n blessings sai baba ji. Kitne din ho gye u gv me assurance that m6 work wl get done bt nthng is happening. Plz help.. do wtevr is in favor of my family. Plz bles my family wid krishna. Faling at ur lotus feet n giving al my worries 2 u. Plz b there 4 us. Gv us sm hope 2 live. Bless my family baba ji. Plz gv sm gd news. M waiting 4 ur miracle. Om sai ram
om sri sai ram
im sorry baba
i didn forget u
please pull me towards u
any maya or myth souldn come near me
please bless me baba
im sorry baba
please accept me again
thanks baba
im waiting for avik to get selected in H1 lottery
please bless him
please give him happiness baba
om sri sai ram
allah malik
thanks baba
love u baba
please dun leave me baba
give avik happiness baba
he should move on in life
om sri sai ram
Very nice experiences. First devotee good luck and don't worry baba will solve your dilemma. Second devotee even though you are in 9th grade your narration was excellent, god bless you. Third devotee baba took care of your visa, he also took care of my visa. Baba please take care of my green card too. Thanks you all for sharing your wonderful experiences.
Hi I need advice from anyone to clear my doubt . I know baba only one year . In that one year I got closed to. Baba I m not Hindu or I m not from India .at home I keep baba foto and light a candal and I don't know how to do the puja. But when ever I Have time I go to temple even though I can't understand I just talk to him . Even though I m not doing puja baba help me a lot . My only pray was from the one year to get a promotion for my job that is my biggest and only wish because I was long time in the same grade and if I get this lot of my problems will go. Away . I was asking baba to help me out when go to web site of ask questions. Baba always give me answer and it is really really true . One answer was inedible friend will help u it was true from nowhere one of my friend came to help me she said I will help u to talk to the manager .so she talk to the manger regarding me the manger also said that he will help me he will talk to the higher manger . But nothing was happing when I chk with the answer website it baba answer was true and I could not believe. You are not believe ing me that's. Why u r work is dealing …. this was true really true I m afraid that if I don't get I will get upset and leave baba . I want to trust him but don't know how to do it I need this so badly … please let me know anyone how can I have fully faith on him and I can I do puja for him.
Dear Devotee, I think your strong faith in Baba will be your best puja. Performing puja is only a ritualistic matter and Baba doesn't care for that. All He wants from his devotees is true, strong faith and devotion.
In Chapter 26 of Sai Satcharitra – book about Sai's Teachings & Life which Baba himself got it written by Hemadpant – following is written about worshiping Baba:
Inner Worship
"Hemadpant has given us a novel form of worship. Let us, he says, use hot water in the form of tears of joy to wash the Sad-guru's feet, let us besmear His body with sandle-paste of pure love, let us cover His body with the cloth of true faith, let us offer eight lotuses in the form of our eight Sattwik emotions and fruit in the form of our concentrated mind; let us apply to His head bukka (black-powder) in the form of devotion and tie the waistband of Bhakti (devotion) and place our head on his toes.
After decorating the Sad-guru with all jewelry in this way, let us offer our all to Him and wave chamar (fan) of devotion to ward off heat. After such blissful worship, let us pray thus:- "Introvert our mind, turn it inward, give us discrimination between the Unreal and the Real and non-attachment for all worldly things and thus enable us to get Self-realisation. We surrender ourselves, body and soul (body-consciousness and ego). Make our eyes Yours, so that we should never feel pleasure and pain. Control our body and mind as You will and wish. Let our mind get rest in Your Feet".
This will be the best puja you can perform for Sai Baba. I hope it answers your question!
Dear Devotee, you can start reading Satcharitra in English. It can change lives…..
Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai…..
Dear devotee, as mentioned reading sai s atcharitra solves all your problems and also meditate on baba comely figure and smear his name. Jai Jai Sai
Vow!!!! Thanks for sharing these wonderful experiences…. Lord SAI BABA will definitely be with you all and shower his blessings
om sai ram