Baba Helped In My Job
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I read the experiences every day before sleeping and I feel peaceful and relaxed. So I decided to share my own experiences with you all. I was never a true devotee of Baba during my teenage years. I started believing in Baba after marriage, when I shifted to USA. I suddenly started a feeling that I was missing a true Guru in my life and that is when Baba came into my life. I started reading Sai Satcharitra and felt very peaceful. My cousin introduced me to 9 Thursday Sai Vrat and I’m very thankful to her to introduce me to such a wonderful book.

Experience 1: I got my first job in US, but I had to relocate to a different state and stay all alone. I gathered all courage and decided to give it a try. I was very scared when I reached there as it was a little shady area and I did not find any accommodation. I stayed there for almost a week, but never got my joining date confirmation. I got frustrated staying along and I got a call from hiring company saying that project has been called-off as they don’t need any resources there. I was upset hearing the news but also happy in one corner of my heart that I can go back to my family. So I immediately booked a flight and reached home. I again got a call from hiring company the day I reached home and they apologized for the confusion and requested me join back at the same location but I refused as it wasn’t a very safe place for me. They said there is also a branch near my house and I could work from there a couple of months and go back to the initial work place. I was very happy hearing that and thanked Baba as it was just a 10 minute drive from my house.
Finally 3 months were completed and they wanted me to travel to that scary place again. Meanwhile I was doing 9 days Vrat and requested Baba to help me as I wasn’t very comfortable to leave the house again. By Baba’s Grace on the 2nd day of Vrat I got a confirmation that I could continue to work locally as they hired another resource there. My joy knew no bounds and I completed the Vrat and did all the Vrat formalities. Couple of months later I got a chance to visit my family in India and Baba gave me a chance to have a very gracious Darshan of Him in Shiridi. I feel very lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful Guru in my life and I will continue to worship Him all through my life. Whenever I see Baba’s Face my heart is filled with joy and peace. Baba please keep Your blessings on my family, friends, myself and the whole wide world.
Experience 2: Baba helped me in visa stamping: Last year was a tough period for most of the people who visited India for visa stamping. Most of the cases were either rejected or kept on hold for indefinite amount of time which became a major stress factor for most of the people trying to visit India and join their job back in USA. I wanted to visit India as it was almost 3 years I saw my parents but it was also not a safe time for travel due to visa issues and I also had to attend the interview for visa stamping. I somehow gathered courage and left all my burdens on Sai’s Shoulders and decided to spend a quality time with family. Luckily I got my interview slot on Thursday. I prayed to Sai, did my Vrat and left for visa interview. To my surprise it lasted for just few minutes and my visa was approved by Baba’s Grace. These experiences have made me realize the importance of having faith in Sai Baba.
Baba Saved Me From Dishonour

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a 38 year old working in a MNC in Delhi. Dear Hetal sister, this is my third post. I thank you all for maintaining this site. I am writing this post from Shirdi. I would also like to narrate the experience of this trip later which was pure bliss. I joined a new company last year but could not settle down. I was under lot of stress, sometimes personal and some other time official. In these circumstances, I took some wrong decisions and did certain mistakes. Some people using this opportunity tried to pin me down. I was under heavy stress. I prayed to Baba for help. I also repented for my mistakes. Baba always gave me positive response. But I was very restless. Sorry Sai Maa for doubting. In the last question and answer site I got the response “Worries would be removed. You are feeling uncomfortable for no reasons. Remember Shree Sai. Shree Sai is with you.” After that I kept my mind cool and came for Shirdi Darshan. Sai Maa helped me to have a blissful Darshan and saved me from the dishonour. I am a very restless person always having doubt on myself and Baba. I pray to Baba from this blessed land to bless me with Shraddha and Saburi. Bow to Shree Sai. Peace be to all. Om Sai Ram.
Baba’s Miracle
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I live in US and I just began praying to Baba. I have not been a very ardent Baba devotee, though my sister and mother are very close to Baba. However one day I decided to like the Sai Baba Miracles page on Facebook. My plan was simple. Get up in the morning every day, open Facebook in my phone, read Baba’s Miracle every day and comment “Om Sai Ram” in the Miracle. I sometimes thought it was lame to do that, but I decided to do it anyway. Yesterday my phone broke. The screen shattered and hence I did not log into Facebook as soon as I got up.
After a while of getting to work, I decided to login to Facebook and I saw a big Hindi post in the Sai Baba Miracle page. I could not read it as I don’t understand Hindi and I decided to carry on with my day. As I returned back to Facebook in a while, I saw one of my friends, write a post in English, that her parents were saved from a major accident, thanks to Baba. For a minute I was shocked. Baba brought me read a Miracle in a language I can understand, from a friend who usually does not make religious posts about Baba. My entire view toward commenting on Facebook has changed now. I believe Baba made me begin doing this, and He shows me, by His gestures that He wants me to continue to do it.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I m going thru Very tough time. My merried life is on stake. Please all SAI devotees please please pray for us. I m crying all the time. My husband want go away from us because of a girl. She is just cheeting him. Please SAI maa do miracal today please please !!!!
u should try to read sai sathchrita…baba'll surly help sai ram
Pls Baba pls help such souls who are troubled like these by other women and their own husband, its very very painful, Dear sai sister pls hold on to Baba he will do his MIRACLES , But do not take hasty decisions Hold him tight everything will be fine , No problem is greater than our sadguru Baba !!!!!! Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!!
Dear sister,
I would like to say something,it might irritate u but please bear with me.
dear for time being stop running behind your hubby because in such cases generally what I observed is that more we chase,more people get irritated & think cheap of us so for time being STOP chasing/begging him. Look for a job to boost up your confidence & most important completely get involved with SAI activities like visiting temple,namsmaran,singing aarthis,s. Be bold at least in front of him (hubby) ,sooner or later hubby will realize your importance and will come back to u.I tell you dear with my own experiences that such attractions (basically infatuations) can be very strong but are SHORT LIVED only. Just think that your bad karma is getting washed away and prepare yourself for a very bright future with ur hubby.
Dear Sister, Baba will surely help you ,just keep faith and be patient. Baba knows , what is good for you, so it will go according to his plans. Be Brave .
Om Sai Ram !!
Thanks broder m already doing such tings lets see When baba is goin to help me …. om SAI ram
I Very bold with BABAJI grace sister. I have tow job and kids. Very Busy women. My husband is a Very Rich man. He just thinking he can buy every girl in world. And he can do any thing. That girl is working for him from last 8 years. I tolrated all these years. I praying BABAJI last 2 years. Doing 9 guruvar vart and SAI SATCHIRTAR prarena
Oh Dear Sai Deva
Why you are not listening to all these distressed sisters?
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
OM SAI RAM…..BABA is always there..Shraddha & sabur
i request you to perform pooja or visit shibapur saibaba they have already listed in temple miracles that a married man had a bad relation with a girl in they locality had been changed and came to his wife, as she has offered poja to baba there.for temple details you can visit the official webpage in google
Jai Sai Ram.. jai Sai ram.. Jai Sai Ram….
Nice Experiences.. Jai Sai Ram..
Saints work jointly and their interest is that humanity progress and devotees progress on their spiritual path and the world is a good place to live. So for this purpose they work jointly with the common objective of the Universal good.
In Chapter 12 of Sai Satcharitra Sai Baba gave darshan of Guru Gholap to Mule sastry and removed His ego. In Chapter 24 Sai Baba identified Himself with Akkalkot Maharaj and helped Harishchandra Pitale recollect the Rupees two given by Akkalkot Maharaj to Pitale’s father and thus helped Harischandra Pitale to restart the puja. Similarly in Chapter 21, there was a gentalman in Vadagaon near Belgaum (Karnataka) who rose to become a Deputy Collector met the Saint Appa Maharaj who was explaining Vichar Sagar and at Para 34 the saint said to the gentalman “…when you proceed towards northwards on your way, you will, by your good fortune have the darshan of a great Saint”. In course of time through Nana Saheb Chandorkar he goes and meets Sai Baba and now see what Sai Baba says in Para 62 “What the Kannad Appa told you was climbing the Ghat mounted on a he-buffalo. But it is not easy to tread on this path. Here it is inevitable that one wears out the body in hard toil.”
This are only some small incidents which are mentioned in Sai Satcharitra. There are many incidents which are not recorded in the Sai Satcharitra. During Sai Baba’s time there was another great saint called Gajanan Maharaj at Shegaon in Maharastra, He was also like Sai Baba of Shirdi. Radhakrishna Mayi, Bapusaheb Buty among others were among His devotees and after Gajanan Maharaj’s Mahasamadi they came and settled down in Shirdi at the instructions of Gajanan Maharaj.
Shriman Bapusaheb Buty who built SAI's Samadhi Mandir at Shirdi was at one time very much devoted to SHRI GAJANAN MAHARAJ of Shegaon. Besides Buty's frequent visits to Shegaon, SHRI GAJANAN MAHARAJ HIMSELF also once visited Nagpur and stayed at Buti's house. During this visit MAHARAJ repeatedly emphasised upon Buty to settle in Shirdi and serve SAI as he had a very important work there which of course HE did not reveal. Later, after GAJANAN MAHARAJ attained Samadhi in 1910, Buty settled in Shirdi and served SAI. The important work of Buty was of course building SAI's Samadhi Mandir at Shirdi. So its clear that the planning of SHIRDI SAMADHI MANDIR was 1ST conceived at Shegaon and that this noble work was to be entrusted to Buty.
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences…Om Sai Ram
om sai ram!
Only sai sai sai….
Happy Thursday to all.. :d
Baba.. today I'm going to start with my final round of preparation .. please be with me and make me study like a Mother .. everything should go on smoothly as planned .. bless me sai.. (p) (f) OM SAI RAM
Good Luck with your preparation .
Baba.. Somehow I believe that what happened yesterday should not have happened. What is the point in surrendering to you if you have your own agenda. I have done so many guruvar vrat s that now a days it has almost become a routine. You name is always in my mind that other sometimes thinks that I have become some sanyasi. Even after so much of trust and enough patience you are delaying. Please show me some sign that you are there and will take care of me.
You do not seem to understand the meaning of surrender—letting Sai HAVE HIS OWN AGENDA in our life while we give what he asks for namely Shraddha and Saburi is what is true surrender. This CANNOT be like a barter or trade (teli ki deevar-asSai says). A little true devotion toward Him for His sake and not for the fulfilment of your desire only, can also help. If you are asking for SIGNS to believe that He will take care of you, you are showing complete lack of basic faith in HIm.
Baba, I asked you to show some sign. I believe you came my dream though I am not sure. Belief and hopes keep us living. Baba, you know me. You will take care of me.
Blessed are the people, who can have such Nice Experiences,
Om Sri Sai Ram !!
I made mistakes in the past, I had boosted my ego and I now know what it meant to be a true devotee.Please give me a second chance to correct myself, I will be at your feet all the time.
As you know about the proposal I got this week, Please guide me in a proper direction, as I don't 'want to hurt anyone in the end. Please take care of this situation.
Falling at your lotus feet.
Om Sai Ram || Om Sai Ram || Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram|| Om Sai Ram || Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram || Om Sai Ram || Om Sai Ram
Jai sai ram
Blissful experiences.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
omsrisairam. baba please be with us baba. please show your blessings on us baba. omsairam.
Om Sai Ram…Baba's Leela have no limits….Wonderful Experiences….We Love You Baba….Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
(Shri Sai Leela November 1983)
Upon my return from West Germany in 1976, as usual there was no position or job awaiting me and both my wife myself decided to settle down temporarily at Hyderabad with the expectation that some opportunities might be forthcoming soon, but the days went on, months passed by and there was no sign of getting any employment for either of us. Obviously, we got frustrated and during this period, my wife and myself made our plans to visit SHIRDI and that was our first visit too. Admittedly, even though we had offered our PUJA as usual, but were deprived of participating in the ABHISHEKAM, since we simply missed the number in the queue, which naturally made us dejected and upset. During 1978 both of us got positions, one in Delhi and the other at Ranchi. I got my next call to visit SHIRDI in December 1978, while I was participating in an International Congress in Bombay. I was looking forward to this opportunity. This time everything went on so smoothly that is appeared all the events were pre-set, planned or even destined by BABA and to my heart’s content I could fulfill my desire with BABA’S darshan.
The calamity once again came to me and this time with great severity and I had to undergo suffering, humiliation, and mental agony for quite a pretty long time and it was really a great test of BABA on me. BABA HIMSELF went on helping me in developing much more faith in HIM, much more dependence on HIM, much tolerance and patience with HIM. The magnitude of bhakti was at its height this time. I could not have been able to withstand these critical days, had BABA not been there, helping me always in fighting against frustration and pessimism Baba, at one hand, went on experimenting on me with HIS tests; while on the other hand, HE gave me enough strength to withstand and to overcome to critical period with great courage. And this is our BABA! speaking frankly, during this period I came to realize BABA’s sermons and HIS blissful love and blessings. I could make my trip to SHIRDI twice in 1981 and thrice in 1982. Then came the most interesting and exciting event. My wife got herself settled in Delhi with BABA’S blessings. All her obstacles in connection with the current position could be solved smoothly by BABA and HE always remains with her since she has to remain alone in Delhi and BABA is her guardian. In order to bring me closer to HIM, Baba brought me to Pune and I fully believe that BABA has brought me here because as and when HE desires, I can be summoned by HIM. Already I could go to HIM once by this time and hope to go as many times as possible if HE desires. We therefore firmly believe that BABA is ours, BABA is our SAINATH and BABA is our GOD.
We have surrendered ourselves at HIS LOTUS FEET and HE WILL look after us and why at all should we bother ?
Sri Anantakoti Brahmandanayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !
please bless us to come out of these problems. omsairam.
Please let lakshmi problems come to an end
Let chitra wedding take place happily
Please bless them my maa
Sai maa
Please make me healthy and happy maa
Please remove my doubts
Please please let me sleep well in the nights next get up in the morning feeling fresh and good
Falling at your lotus feet
Sai maa
Please make me healthy and happy maa
Please remove my doubts
Please please let me sleep well in the nights next get up in the morning feeling fresh and good
Falling at your lotus feet
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
Ananta koti Bramhanda Raja Di Raja Yogi Raja Parabramha Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!!!!
Wonderful experiences.
Sai is always by us.
Sai I love u.
Make me good at heart.
Im sorry for d mistake i had done.
Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!
om sai ram
very nice experiences 🙂
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
since im a sai devotee i was praying to god to get job in an MNC to a person close to me. Did sai nav guruvar varat twice and finally as i was praying day by day i had faith in BABA that he will fuL filL my wish stiLl i used to doubt. Im so sorry baba that i doubted on u.
But finally one thursday there came a news like selected for second round of interview and finally the next day news came like selected for job . i was so happy to hear that and i was so pleased of my baba . Thus my sai maa filLfilLed my desire by giving job. love u lot baba and sorry for doubting on u
please help us to settle well jai sai ram
SAI has helped me in many ways like curing my stomach pain by drinking udi ,udi have cleared some black pathch. sai s protecting me in small things too. bt some times i doubt atill god holds my hand and so im ever greatful to u baba and plesease be with me.
udi has helped me in curng many many deseases and in many situiation worked has done by applying udi.
Baba please be with me till end still lot of things has to be done only by u.
sachithanatha sathguru sainath maharaj ki jai………. ohm sai ram
BABA im worried about my husband. He shows too much interest to talk to ladies You know because of him I closed all my social accounts and even though I hv only 2-3 male friends I stopped talking with them. I have blocked them. But he still has his accounts on social sites and too much interested to talk to female co-workers. What is this BABA? Now he wants to talk to his cousin sisters who showed me hell when I got newly married. Now im peaceful as they stopped talking with both of us. But don't know he has changed and now he wants to talk to them but BABA I don't want to talk to them. YOU know what happens if they come in to our lives again. Please change his behaviour towards ladies and please BABA I beg YOU his sisters should not talk to us in this life. BABA thanks for what YOU have done. Please be with me all the time.
You also talk to males.
Add every male friends on social acc.
Do same how he does.
Om Sai Ram.
BABA .. dear BABA.. how should i thank you .. all i can say is many many THANKS to you and i am grateful to you for protecting my family and saving them from the earthquake yesterday. I get so scared on thinking about it. But yes, why fear when you are there with us !! I will be ever grateful to you DEVA.. please keep us all under your protective wings always and bless everyone with good health, long life, peace and happiness. Love you BABA. Please make us good human beings and make us do loads of good deeds.
Aum Sai Sharanam.
Thanks a lot my baba for saving my parents too. Jai sai ram.
Great post may sai bless all
om sai raam..
Sai please be with me always i am worried i dont y i know that you are watching me & you are waiting for the right time to bless, i am tired of this life Sai, please take me with you baba, i am not interested to live this type of life. please forgive me for all my sins & faults…. please bulalo muje, give me shraddha & saburi please…………… make me happy & meri maan samman aapke hath me sai please bless me….
Om sai ram
Sai Ram to all fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Wonderful experiences.
We surrender to You O Sairam, our pride, ego and our self, let all our bad karma be destroyed and let peace and happiness prevail.
Jai Sairam
Baba, I am taking a decision this Saturday. Please be with me always. Baba, I should not loose my job with this. I trust you that you will be with me….
Happy Thursday!! Love you Sai!!
Letter to sai:
your man
sai baba
Baba unless we are associated with you in several previous births we cannot take to your worship in this birth. oh sai i was told lying and breaking promises are greatest of sins and it takes us far away from you. please dont throw me away from you. i want to be a at your feet always
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
pls help me and save my life saimaa…u have told me that by end of today all my worries would come to an end,I trust u a lot baba…pls show me ur miracle baba…day by day my faith on u should get increased. pls help me saimaa…am surrending at ur lotus feet.
jai sairam
Please help me Baba in recovering my health completely. Surrendering at your Lotus Feet.
Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram. Nthng to xplain babaji. U know my wries tensions. Plz bless my family. Dnt let my family cry. I beg u. Plz dnt do rhis wid my family. U had already takwn so many exams of them. Plz bles them wid hapines now atleast. Now they are at the last stage of their lufw. Plz gv them hapines. Faling at ur lotus feet babaji. Gd nyt. Lv u.plz tk care. Om sai nath
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Sai ram
Read This. i Gracy try so many of this spell casters when my husbands tends to divorce me because he thought i keep a secret from him before we get married. they all ask of different thing with money and i provide to each because my husband is my life and i love him so much but they all disappoint me till the court finally sign our divorce document so we go apart last 3years 2012 march 15 i packed to my new house……one day while i was alone( within February ) i just decide to get some knowledge on how to cope with divorce and forget the memories of my past husband because i thought he had marry another woman. while i was reading online i saw how Dr ( help some men and women get all they desired including healing the sick one. i just decide to contact oshogum also and just ask him how much his work cost but replied and said it free but i most tell the word how he solved my problem if he can do it. so i promised and he sent me the name of materials that his great god demand to get man back. my friend in Norway help me get the items because i could not get the materials here in Germany and she also send it to him. after two days he told me to call my husband but his number was disconnected but he direct me to call my husband work phone that i did, once my husband heard my voice he was very happy, he asked me were i was, i told him my new house. i was so surprise to him in my house. i never believe he can ever come back again. he beg for forgiveness and true love. We both go the same court to terminate the divorce agreement. Still like i am dreaming to see Davidson came back and we live together now even expecting our first kid soon. Thanks to Well you can contact him case you suffer any problem.
Baba every time I wait in vain. This time it's been seven months, still nothing is happening. Please don't disappoint me baba. Every time I get only disappointments. I trust you and want to be patient. But I can't keep on facing disappointments, and what's the use if you give me that if it's too late? My bad half is tempting me to decide that you won't bless me with what I want. But I don't want it to dominate me. I want to trust you. Please help me and bless me.
Om shree Ram om namah Shivaya