My Sai Experience
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I live in USA with my Family. Life was going pretty normal till one fine day when an unexpected incident changed our life. Sai Baba came to our rescue. He is there with us. Keep faith. Shradha and Saburi. Jai Sai Ram.
Dear hetal ji, Thank you for creating this blog to share incredible Lord Sai Baba experiences. Baba is here with us and these experiences is the proof of it. I wanted to share my experience. I live in USA with my lovely family. I was working with a reputed alternative asset management firm. Things were going as planned till December 2013. But during second week of December, we faced an unexpected incident. I lost my job. No reason was given except HR told me that it is Not related to my performance. I was confused, frustrated and dejected. My world came to a standstill. It was a worst time to be laid off because US holiday had just begun. Nothing was working, no one was responding.
My wife is a Lord Sai devotee. She was very confident. She started her Thursday fast and she was sure that before she completes her 9 Thursdays, I will get a job. She kept saying that Lord Sai is with us and He will always look after His devotees. She told me to read Lord Sai Satcharitra. I started reading one chapter everyday for next 56 days. Slowly things started improving. I started getting reposes from companies where I had applied. Lord Sai came to our rescue. In last week of February I was offered 2 jobs. I have accepted one job offer. It is from one of the leading alternative asset management firm. The job profile is much better than the one I had before. There is huge scope to grow professionally. Just wanted to tell everyone who believes in Sai Baba that have faith and patience and Sai is always with you. If you feel that your prayers are not being heard, just have patience because Baba is going to give you much more than you have asked for. Keep faith in Him. He will certainly help you to overcome your difficulties. I am going to Shirdi to take Sai Baba’s blessings before I start my job. Shradha and Saburi – A Lord Sai Devotee.
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Blessed Amazing Experience
Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram. I am living in the Caribbean. I got married and came here. Thank you for creating this wonderful page, where devotees can express their wonderful experiences. There has been many times, where I have received answers to my questions from this page.
I used to visit Sai Baba Temple with my family at a very young age, but it was only in 2008 that my connection with Baba became strong, when I was going through a tough phase. Since then all my problems were solved gradually and i experienced so many Miracles. I would like to share a beautiful and blessed experience that I recently had in my house. Baba please forgive me for posting it so late.
There is a group that do Sai Mahima at people’s houses in a very beautiful way, may Baba Bless them. I recently had Sai Mahima at my home, where we felt Baba’s presence from start till the end. A day before I was clueless as to how to decorate the Mandir, I guess He knew what He wanted and came in the form of my very good friend who picked up all the decorations and she did it in a lovely way. We had a few hiccups during the making of the Prasad, but with Baba’s Grace everything was well done and on time. We kept the coconut on the Kalash and started the Pooja with beautiful Bhajans. After reciting the Sai Mahima, Baba gave us a Blissful Darshan. We could see an image of Baba’s Face on the coconut – a very unbelievable experience. We were so happy and couldn’t believe that Baba came Himself to bless us. Before the start of the Pooja, I wished that Baba should come to my house and ask food from me. I can’t believe Baba came in this form to fulfil my wish. Love You Baba a lot and thank You for everything. Koti Koti Pranam Baba. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
My Experience With Lovable Sai
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a Sai Baba devotee from around 17 months. I am very eager to share my experience with Lovable Sai. Actually i am from remote village. In my village no one knows about Baba very much. It is around 16 months back, First time when I went to my native, I had a thought to see Baba Idol. I prayed Him a lot. Suddenly after sometime I get down from my bike and I turned, I saw Baba’s Photos and Idols a lot in my village. That moment was really amazing. Tears rolled down from my eyes.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram !!
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
ohm sai nathay namah
ohm sai nathay namah
jai saibaba, jai saibaba, jai saibaba, jai saibaba, jai saibaba, jai saibaba, jai saibaba,jai saibaba,
jai saibaba
saimaa r u listerning to my prayers , I was confident that u would definetly help me, since 3 years am waiting for ur blessings, am in very bad phrase of life, pls save me by helping me and what ever is good for me may those things happen..jai saibaba..
Be with me always Sai (p)
om sai ram
Efficacy of Sainama Japa Yagnas
Baba's Presence
By R. Radhakrishnan (Sai Jeevi – Hubli)
(Source Sai Padananda – January 2001
Whenever and wherever Sainama Sapthahas, Sainama Japas Yagnas are conducted, Sai Baba invariably manifests Himself in some form or the other, and blesses the devotees participating in it.
A Saptha Sapthaha (non-stop chanting of Baba's Tharaka mantra, 'Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai' for 49 days (from Sept. 7 to Oct. 26, 2000) was conducted at the newly built Sai Baba and Datta Mandir, Metupalya village, Thavarekere, Bangalore South Taluk. (It was extended by three more days at the direction of Sai Baba. The Sapthaha commenced at 3 p.m. on September 7, after preliminaries like Ganapathy Homa, Abhisheka to both the Baba and Dattatreya idols, Archana Pooja, Bhajans etc. with Kakad Arathi at 5.15 a.m., concluding at 3 p.m. after release of the "Shathashrunga” – Sai International Magazine" by Sri R. Seshadri, Sai Spiritual Centre, Bangalore, and the Sai Bhajan cassette by Sri H. M. Revanna, M.L.A., Magadi.
As mentioned at the beginning , Sri Sai Baba, as an ordinary ascetic (zoli on his shoulder just like Baba going for Bhiksha at Shirdi, appeared at the Sai Baba Mandir, directly approached me, and said: "Don't you recognize me? I am from Shirdi." Then we both went outside the temple and sat near the Datta Mandir. I immediately recollected from memory that I had met him at Shirdi on May 8. He was at that time wearing 'kapni1 and head – dress like Sai Baba, when I inquisitively asked him: "How is it that Baba you have come here (to the Metupalya Sai Mandir), he said: "My sister is living near Mysore Road. I have come to see her after a long time and came here to see you."
By hearing these affectionate words, tears gushed out of my eyes and I was overwhelmed with Sai joy and Sai Bliss. I cannot express the blissful state of mind in a few words. One has to experience such Sai Leelas individually.
Then I took him to the Sai Annapoorna Dining Hall situated in the Mandir Complex (Aged Home) and requested him to have prasad to which he agreed. He only asked for pickles. The cooks told him that pickles were not available and 'chutney' was there. The visitor asserted: "Uppinakai (pickles) is available here, go and find out and serve me". A Sai devotee by name Manjula, who used to prepare separate food for me and my wife daily, at once took the lemon pickles from the bottle and served Baba. He was satisfied, blessed us and quickly walked away from the dining hall. Before we could follow him, he was outside the compound and disappeared. We searched all over the place and could not find him. What a wonderful Sai Leela!
It proves beyond doubt that Baba is Sarvantaryami (All-pervading). Otherwise, how did he know that my wife was having lemon pickles for our personal use? Our Baba is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. Let us always remember Him, meditate on Him, and chant His Tharaka Mantra, "OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI' constantly to cross over the sea of mundane existence (Samsara) easily and finally merge in the Eternity of Baba.
God is in everything, where else shall we go to find Him? He is already in every work, in every thought, in every feeling. Thus knowing, we must work; this is the only way, there is no other. Thus the effects of work will not bind us.
Beautiful, Heart touching 🙂
Wonderful Experience .
Jai sai ram
what a wonderfulexperience.u r so lucky.but I feel sad bcz I never had this luck.
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences everyone.
Thanks for sharing.
Om shri sainathay namah.
Very Nice experience. BABAJI please be with your all kids. Love You loads my dear SAI maa !!!
Baba maa
Please show me some sign maa
Please please relieve me of this mental and physical problem
Please come soon my dear maa
Falling at your lotus feet
Wonderful experiences.
O Sai, let our mind think only good thoughts, let our tongue speak only kind words, let our actions be out of love, let us see everyone as You.
Jai Sairam
Please help me to get my aarthi book my maa
Please please please
Fall at your lotus feet
I know you are so merciful, then why Babaji Weare still being tested again & again?
Maa, Bless all.
Really nice expereinces.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Sai pa, i have come begging to you requesting for two is job and other one is my marraige.You know what alll had happened in my past in career and personal life.U know my current situation as well.Please bless me with a good and real man to takecare of me,love me and marry me with what i have and with the real me.I should also fall in love with the person i get to marry.People are mocking at me.If a girl cross 30 yrs why the hell people are looking at her like something else?Men no matter of age elder,younger,married,unmarried are trying to play pranks, they flirt like something and take advantage. If we deny they go spoil our names or insult us in front of others.Women speak behind our back or mock at us or create stories like we must have been married and got divrced or had some affairs and got broke up etc etc…Rest of the people keep on asking when is marraige, why not married, loads of advices etc…im unbale to tolerate…i had to go for work earn money and save for marriage as i dont have a responsible father or anyone else to support so till the age of 28 i was busy, later i didnt get a man of my choice…Should we girls get married to men we dont like or go only as second wife to a divorcee or widower is't?What mistake i did in this.I didnt choose my parents nor my financial situation nor my skin tone nor my beauty nor my horoscope …they were designed by you right?then why am i being laughed at?Now i dont even have a job.Since last two yrs im spending all the money in bank…Hope u show me brighter way soon…Request alll sai brothers and sisters to pray for me and keep me in your prayers whenever possible.Please i need job and marraige at the earliest.Else people around me including my family will push me take a wrong decision.I dont want to die or choose a life out of hatred after all these years of pain and tears…Om sairam
Dear Sister, Do not worry, age is not an issue anytime, irrespective of the gender. Please stay calm and take a right decision. Baba will surely help you.
om sai raam,
very nice experiences…
Very Nice Experiences.
Baba, please bless me with a good health, guide me the way I need to travel, help in getting good thoughts,please let me not hurt anyone knowingly or unknowingly. Please help us in taking a decision.
I surrender myself to you completely. Falling at your LOTUS feet. Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai !!
Om sai nath. Sai babaji plz handle my family. I had left evrythng on u. I casted my burden on ur lotus feet. Plz bear it. I m not so strong to handle my family. Plz bless all of us k ye dukh thoda km hi ske. Ye to km hee nhi ho rha.. bahut kmi hai sai babaji is ghr me mere kishi ki. Plz use pura kr do. Bles us with the same holy spirit with same features n ur reachings. Bles her mother as she is too weak 4 normal delivery. Bless her so that evrythng cud b fime. I kno u r listening 2 me n i kno this time evrythng wl be normal. N u wl direct each n evry person 2 do the ryt things. Bless us wid shradha n saburi. Give kishi a long n healthy lifw this time. Om sai ram
Om sai ram. Baba ji aj apse bahut bate krne ka mn kr rha time i dnt hv anyone 2 share my feelings isliye plz mujhse bat kro. U kno wtevr i want 2 say i cnt say 2 anyone. I dnt kno wt i m writing. This time i mnot at al able 2 xpres my feel8ngs 2 u but i kno that u kno evrythng. Tears are rolling 4m my eyes. I am helples. Plz help me. Plz guide me. Plz babaji i am losing my patience. Tel me y i m crying coz my baby is nt wid me. Plz send hm back. Plz shiw me sm sign of ur existence. Plz meke me believe that only my baby is coming. Plz plz plz. Casting all my burden on u n falin at ur lotus feet. Lv u n missing u my baby. Om sai ram
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
baba please bless me with my love.. i love him so much and want him back in my life. please show me the ways to get him back. om sai ram
Om Sai Ram….Blissful Experiences….We Love You Baba,,,,Always Be With Us….Om Sai Ram
omsairam. please bless us with a kid baba. omsairam.
om sai ram hetal ji, Rana Ji & Anil ji…..thaku so much for this beautiful blog……love u baba…you are always with you so much..
om sai ram!!
Om Sai Ram. Baba please protect my family and guide my husband and children through out their life.
Om Sai ram…SaI ma please forgive my mistake ..please forgive me m take me to ur feet SaI….Om SaI ram Om SaI ram Om SaI ram
Om Namah Shivaya!om shree ram, om ganeshaya namah, baba ki palkhi ayi re ayi re.. Lak lak ashirwad barasaiyi re!!