Story of My Faith In Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai Sister from India says: I am from India and have been following Baba from 2006. I have been following this page from past few weeks. This page is helping me and so many people. It makes us realize that Baba is still there and helping us. I am thankful to the page admin and all the followers. I read people experiences here, their problems, worries etc. It is job, studies, marriage, children, health, love, family etc. Somewhere everyone of us try to see if there is anyone facing the same problem we have, if so, we see if Baba help them or show them some way. Today I am experiencing the lowest and worst phase of my life. This phase has been there from June 2013. I went far away from Baba and have been only blaming Him from last June. I beg Baba to forgive me for all the mistakes. Today I have decided to pen down the most memorable experiences of my life with Baba so far. I regard this as my first step to move closer to Baba again.

I just want Him to give me strength to face anything and a hope for a better future. I have tears in my eyes writing this. My most memorable experience – I had always been an above average student. But after the death of my father in first year of engineering I lost all the interest in studies. I never used to study, instead was always lost in thoughts, even at home and college. During my 3 rd semester of engineering I failed for the first time in my life. My mom prayed to Baba a lot. Baba held my hand tight and made me pass in the subject in the re-evaluation of my paper. But still I never prayed to Him and thought I passed because of my luck. During my 4th semester, I had again done my exams very badly as I had never studied. My performance was very bad in 4 subjects out of 6 subjects. I had hardly written anything. And I knew that I will fail not in one, two but four subjects. I was feeling regretful for not having learned the lesson first time, when I failed and passed in the re-evaluation of paper. Our family is a great devotee of Lord Shirdi Sai Baba. But I never believed so much in Him.
I used to pray Him because my family had faith in Him. I was never allowed to go out without Baba’s Udi and His blessings. This time I had lost hope in each and everything. Now the only way was to pray to Sai. My mother asked me to do Sai Satcharita parayan. I agreed just for her and started my parayan. I still remember my first day of parayan I was not able to concentrate but things changed when my parayan was about to end. Every day after my parayan I used to do pooja of Sai Baba and offer sugar and banana as prasad. I took eighteen days to complete the parayan once. I became more calm now was ready to face anything. My love for Sai Baba increased so much that I started reading books about Him. My only prayer to Baba was to pass me in all the subjects. My faith in Him increased so much that one fine day I stood before His photo and prayed that I believe in Him and would accept whatever is there for me, but asked for His support and presence.
Now Baba was almost a friend to me. Holidays were over and my 5th semester commenced. Everyone was waiting for the result. I was more relaxed this time despite of the fact that my performance wasn’t good. I kept myself engaged in different activities. The results were delayed for a month or so and I was really happy. But one fine day the results were announced. I was scared and I kept convincing myself that I should accept the thing in store for me. The strangest thing on that day was that I had this smile on my face even though there was tension regarding my results. My mother was also tensed and read Sai Satcharita throughout the day. She randomly opened a page and the chapter carried this particular story of a medical student scared to attend His exams because of the astrological predictions made. Before going to get the results I stood before Sai Baba’s photo and prayed with full devotion. I still remember I heard a sound soon after my prayer was finished.
The sound was like the sound of a bell in a temple. Although there is a temple at the end of my lane, it could not have been from that temple because it usually remains closed during that time. I got my results. I passed in all the subjects. I got exactly passing marks in three out of the four subjects which I hadn’t done well. Rank holder students had actually failed in 1 of those 4 subjects. But even after this I never learned a lesson. I never studied and the same miracle occurred in all my semester exams and I never failed in my life. Baba was always with me then. No one can be lucky so many times. It was definitely Baba. Later in 6th semester got placed in the first company which visited the campus. Today I am paying a very heavy price for having taken Baba for granted. I request you all to ask Baba to forgive me for my mistakes and bring my happiness back.
Sai – Guardian Angel
Sai Sister Sapna from USA says: I have been a devotee of Baba from many years. Dear Hetalji, Thanks for maintaining such a beautiful blog where devotees got to share their experiences. As many say you are Hemandpant of this age providing a divine opportunity to people who visit your blog to know Baba and increase faith and devotion in Him. I have been Baba’s devotee since my school days from past 17 years. He has been with me all the time, guiding me in my difficult times and has always been there. He has always kept me happy and blessed as His dear child. There are numerous experiences and miracles which have occurred and have been ongoing.
I shall post them as they occur to me. We moved to a new apartment about 2 weeks ago. It was a Saturday evening and we went out. On returning we found that we were unable to unlock our home door. The door had been locked from inside due to the automatic lock knob being turned on from inside. Due to this we were unable to unlock it from outside and we did not have the key to unlock the automatic knob as well. It was cold outside, none were available in leasing office and there was no response on emergency number. I had a video chat with my parents on that morning to show our new apartment and luckily had forgotten to lock the patio door which usually I do not forget.
Luckily through the patio door we were able to get inside. It not only brought us a great relief from cold but also saved from huge expenses of getting the door unlocked. I was observing the Baba’s Saptah in that week. Baba helped and saved us from cold and heavy expenses which were to be incurred. We are very thankful to Baba. Baba is always around us like a guardian angel, He always confirms His presence with miracles and beautiful experiences. Bow to Shri Sai, Peace Be to all!
Om Sai Ram
Sai Sister Diana Pourash from Australia says: Dear friend, Like many other devotees Sai has blessed me with many miracles. I will brief about them in other post but now I am sending a poem written by me few years back. Sai himself has encouraged me with beautiful words. So sending poem to benefit other Sai devotees.
Shri Sachidanand sadguru sainath maharaj ki jay, Guru-rupi ratan maine payo, Sai-swarupey dhan kamayo. Murkh agyani jeev moh mein fasayo Sahi samay aatey hi satya ka marg dikhayo. Phir se tere bhakto ki aankhen niharegi, Har ek dil ko teri yaad aayegi. Phir se is dharti ko pawan bana de, Tere mangal charno se is dharti pe gyan ka deep jala de. Phir se is dharti pe aake, logon ke dilo ki trushna meeta de. Shirdi jaise kisi aur ek jagah ko, apna pawan dham bana de. Dhanya ho gaye the ve log, jisne tujhe apni seva arpan ki. De moka hum ko bhi teri seva ka, Jise tere varad hasta hamare sir ko bhi chuke, hamara kalyan kare. Phir ek bar teri dhuni jalakar, Hey! agnihotra dev hampe daya kar. Mein agyani, kya kavita likhu tujh pe, Mera ahantva har tune hi mujh mein gyan rus sfurayo. Sada hum pe yuhi daya banaye rakhna. Teri prem bhari drishti se har ek Bhakt ki kamna puri karna. Omsairam and thanks. Diana Pourash

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
It was a great experience to hear from you. I hope i have the same faith created by him in me too.
Om Sai ram.. Om Sai ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ramm. Om Sai ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om sai ramm.. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. Om sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram,…Om Sai Ram.. OM sai Ram..
Wonderful experiences… Thanks everyone for sharing it.. Jai Sai Ram…
Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om sai ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram… Om Sai Ram,.Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai ram.. OM Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM sai Ram.. Om sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram..OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OMS SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM..OM SAI RAM..OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM..OM SAI RAM. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM.. OM SAI RAM..
Omsairam… very beautiful poem… thank you for sharing.
Really noce experieces, thank you dear devotees for sharing them,
I Received great help from Baba and his Apostles
By C.E. Gopalakrishna
I first heard of Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Baba in 1942 from my brother-in-law (no more now). I was a boy of 22. Many devotees like me, hailing particularly from South India, had not heard of Baba and many did not know where the sacred Shirdi existed.
There were not many books published then and even today also. The few ones that were then available were in Marathi, a closed book to South Indians.
The South Indian devotees must feel grateful to Sri. N.V. Gunaji for having successfully translated the original Marathi book authored by Hemadpant, into English, and it has become the Bible to the devotees and a source for more writings on Sri Sai Maharaj. Sri Narasimha Swamiji (21.8.1874 to 19.10.1956) had gone further and published three volumes on the life of Sai Maharaj.
In 1939,1 started my life in Mysore State and after the Great War, fate took me to Madras to earn my bread and in 1952 or so, I had seen the photo of Sri Narasimha Swamiji in some of my friends' houses. To my ill luck, he did not draw me to him. But I learned that he used to take rest in the afternoons in the bungalow of the late Sri. P. Pannini Rao on Eldams Road, when he and today, Sri Pannaini Rao’s grandson took up the construction of Sri Sai Mandir is my son-in-law.
It is 'runanubanda' that I did not come in contact with Sri Narasimha Swamiji, but later carne in close contact with his chosen shishya, Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji, who had been specially chosen by him to spread the message of Sri Sai Maharaj and to build a Sai Temple in Bangalore.
I moved out of Madras, went to Delhi and came back to my hometown Bangalore in 1962. I was beset with problems, both official and domestic.
Like any other devotee, I sought Swamiji's help for my work needs and let me admit than I did not go on my own accord seek spiritual guidance. He therefore helped me to get my problem solved. I followed him to get closer to him, but he left us all early and what a fool I was that I did not realize his great achievement spiritually.
I have learnt a lesson to have implicit respect for the Guru and faith in my chosen Sri Sai Maharaj. By noticing that, whenever I approached the Swamiji with my problems, his stock answer was 'I am going to Shirdi' or 'I will submit your problem to Baba' but never said that he would solve the problems himself.
Whenever he left the Ashram, he always used to go with his human 'walking stick1 D.V. Krishna Murthy who I feel, has been greatly benefited inwardly. He had trained a band of dedicated devotees, some of whom are rendering dedicated service in an honorary capacity. Through Swamiji is not in flesh and blood, now, the Centre is shining in all its glory. Swamiji never encouraged idle gossip at the Centre and he encouraged the chanting of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Every brick at the Centre vibrates with this sacred stotra. Whenever bhajans were being conducted, I used to be in trance and he allowed none to disturb me. At the end of the bhajan, he used to apply vibhuti to my forehead and I would soon be my normal self.
During April 1995,I left Vancouver (Canada) for Bangalore and to my bad luck, I fell sick in June and the only place I went was to Baba Mandir to pray for my continued good health. I had a reeling sensation, breathlessness, and weakness and by his grace, I became my normal self. On August 21st again fell sick at Madras, where I had gone to be with my daughter. The heat here was unbearable and I became seriously ill. I am in the evening of my life, being 78.
I was admitted in a nursing home where many names were coined for my ailments, after conducting several tests. I was put on emergency treatment. One can imagine my anxiety and the agonizing time my daughter and son-in-law underwent. The doctors concluded that mine was a hopeless case, but yet they would give a try.
I was scheduled to leave Madras on 6th Oct. to be with my son. My ticket was already paid for. I constantly started praying within myself to Lord Venkateswara, Ragigudda Hanuman, Sai Maharaj and Raghavendra Swami of Mantralaya. To the great relief of all, the tests conducted showed normal.
I prayed within myself that I would go to these places before I -returned to Vancouver though the doctors had told me strictly before discharge that I should confine myself to ‘home. The first act on my reaching Bangalore was to visit the mandir and perform Ashtothra Pooja to Sai Maharaj through Sri Krishana Murthy and climbed Ragigudda with assistance the next day. After the pooja, I came down all myself without any help.
During September, I visited Tirumala with an escort as per the orders of my well-wisher and after having darshan of the Lord, I returned to Tirupathi the next day along with my escort giving him the impression that we would be returning to Bangalore the next day taking the night train. He was not aware of my plan.
We had darshan of Balaji three times in the course of the day and I got the opportunity to do 'Sashtang Namaskar1 just before the Lord which is impossible for any one and there I got the intuition to visit Hyderabad, Shirdi and Mantralaya. I attribute it to the grace of the Lord and Sri Sai Maharaj. The sale of laddu is restricted to one for one person and I got three extra tickets from a total stranger for three laddus. At the Tirupathi Railway counter, I requested the assisting hand to cancel my ticket to Bangalore and instead issue a ticket to Hyderabad by that day's night train by the shortest route via Guntur. It seems the intending passengers normally book their tickets day in advance and I booked it only 8 hours earlier! My escort was worried that I was taking a risk and I asked him not to worry. Then he returned to Bangalore.
I traveled comfortably on a lower birth by that train.. Low on my budget and I was carrying one pair of clothes, but yet ventured which is still a mystery.
On alighting at Secunderabad the next morning, I was pestered by the auto rikshawalas and the police came to my rescue. I soon reached home safe. There was no problem in getting a ticket (a lower birth) for the journey to Aurangabad and from there to Shirdi by bus. More than all, I secured good and inexpensive accommodation in a choultry. I had very good darshan of Baba and performed Sri Sathyanarayana Pooja and abhisheka to Sri Sai Maharaj. Next day, I left for Kopergoan to catch the K.K. Express for Bangalore after buying my ticket at Shirdi itself. I had no problem getting a reserved ticket lower berth even at such short notice.
The Express halts for two minutes only and it being a 22 -carriage train, I prayed to Baba to make the train halt longer and to make the carriage, which I had, to board to stop just before me. And the train did stop for 15 minutes and the carriage, which I had to enter, stopped just before me, as thought I was a VIP. The pantry Car attendant came forward to offer me food from a private shop at Dhond Station and suggested that I might visit Mantralaya also, all of which did take place and though my budget was too low. After darshan of the Lord, I came to re-book my ticket by the Udyan Express to Bangalore and an utter stranger and his wife hosted me. The booking clerk not only issued a ticket but saw me off to Bangalore. I traveled in comfort.
On 6.10.95 I left for Vancouver by plane and there being four seats vacant, I slept from Singapore to Vancouver and traveled more comfortably than a First Class passenger, though I had only an economy class ticket.
If all these are not miracles, what else, are? By the grace of God, my health is normal now. I suggest to the aspiring devotees to have total faith in God, and sincere efforts in their job.
No words !!!!! Beautiful !!!!!! Om Sai Ram !!!!!!
one thing I have learned from this experience is that we MUST have implicit faith in saibaba.I stayed near saibaba temple (opened by shri radakrishna swamy ji) for nearly 2 years but was very unlucky for not getting an opportunity to visit the temple even once.
Amazing Experiences, thanks for sharing. We are blessed to read such kind of experiences.
om sai ram
Very beautifull experiences, Yes dear 3rd devotee we wish Babaji to come again. A Beautiful poem.
BUT BIG QUESTION is will we able to recongnise Baba? Wont we behave with shopkeepers of Shirdi when Babaji sent someone to fetch oil? We are always ignorant, we always value great saints like Babaji when they depart from human body.
Yes dear devotee Babaji is guardian angel, who also save us from many many problems.
I leading a vey hectic life, I lose so many things, but Babaji shows in my imagination that your lost thing is sitting at this place, Go & get it.
numerous experiences- Once I kept the door of our new business unlocked for the whole night, nothing happeded,lost my keys & important documents many times- found them safe, lost gold was found on street after many days.
I have no words to explain how merciful our deva is. He takes care of things even before we know that this could cause a problem
Babaji you are looking such a CHIT_CHOR in last picture of the post today? Blue is suiting you a lot, you are looking so gullible, Bhola-bhala, But I know you are very clever.
Please deva, takes reins of our lives in your hands.
Love you Deva,
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL.
Yes dear anonymousji, BABA is always there as our Guardian Angel…and takes care of HIS children regardless they notice such help or not.
Your forgetting keys in the door reminds me that sometimes we are given a chance to be BABA's instrument in such cases. I had seen such key in the door of our senior people's apartment and knocked on that door to let the person living in there to take the key from the door. If we are not BABA's instrument how come we SEE the key in the door and in the first instance why should anyone BE there?
I have read Sapana ji's post reminds me my own experience that happened almost 40 years ago. I am posting it today on this site.
BABA surely is our Guardian Angel.
Jai Sai Ram.
BABA I was very happy that we were able to sell the land and it was your blessing. BABA to sell that I wanted to do 9thursday vrat but before starting it only we were able to sell the land. You know how I felt at that time. I was never that happy in my life. Though we sold the land I wanted to do the vrat and started it asking your blessings for parents as I wanted them to live happily and peacefully. BABA the biggest shock in my life happened when I started the vrat. On the 2nd Thursday I came to know that we have to cancel the registration and give back the money. Still I had faith that you will do some miracle and stop it. Now tomorrow will be my 3rd Thursday and tomorrow we are cancelling the registration. Why did you do this BABA? I am unable to digest this truth. BABA I thought you will never leave me. I never expected this BABA. This is a big shock. BABA you know how I am feeling now. BABA I am unable to take this BABA. I cant live like this. I am feeling so frustrated and unable to show my feelings. BABA why did you do this to me BABA?
Fantastic news :))
BABA see along with YOU someone is making fun of me. Are YOU happy with this BABA? BABA I wanted to pour my sorrows here in your place but people are making fun of my situation even here.
donot worry..if not this there will be other way.may be baba has a better plan than this..dont loose faith. first do the fast for as you have promised before later do it for your parents happiness
Om Sai Ram,
Dear Sai Devotee, There might be a misunderstanding.. i think the person who has written "Fantastic News" has just read the first line of your comment (which also gave me a diff picture when i read it first). Please do not worry …. Sai is with you 🙂
Om Sai Ram
dear,even I was very happy to READ 1st line & was going to reply but thank god that I read other replies and understood.please understand well that in this platform no one is here to make fun of anyone,may god bless u.
Wonderful experiences. Dear 2nd devotee continue to have firm faith on our beloved Baba he will always keep you happy. Beautiful poem, thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai sai you baba.. 🙂
Wonderful experiences and a beautiful poem. Thank You O Sweet Sweet Sai for making us feel Your chosen and blessed children and for all the beautiful miracles when we feel there is no hope left 🙂
Jai Sairam
omsairam. please bless my sister to come out of these problems. omsairam.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai
Baba has brought myself and my husband together. We both are from a poor family. Ours is a love marriage. When our marriage was fixed, my husband's relatives encouraged him to ask for jewels and a grand reception and many more. Though we didn't have money, we borrowed and arranged for all the things. Still, my husband and in laws created problems. Meanwhile, our marriage took place. My husband was not kind and I saw a different person in him. He drove me out of his house several times. Our marriage took place in March 22, 2010. We didn't even lived together for at least for a few months. Our relatives talked bad about us. I started having problems physically and mentally because of this. I lost faith in god n quit praying. Until then I didn't know anything about shirdi sai. One day a coworker of mine compelled me and took me to a sai temple. I felt very peaceful and overwhelmed there and I slept well at night. Next day I could concentrate better on my work. So I started going there every day. This is how sai came into my life. Slowly miracles happened. I bought a scooter and I got a better job. All these are miracles of baba and I have written this before. But the best part is baba brought me and my husband together after more than three years of separation. Baba slowly changed both our characters and mind. By baba's grace we started talking again, met and talked openly and then decided to adjust each of us and married again. We don't talk of our past. My husband is in lots of debt after his sister's marriage. I prayed baba to help him. Baba also slowly helping us. So my husband is also praying baba now. Though we have small small problems at home, I am happy for what baba has given me. I pray baba to help my husband get a better job to pay all his debts. I have advised my friend (whose husband is hating her) to pray to baba. Baba please help her baba.
Babaji you are amazing !!!! Love you aiyaaa !!! Om Sai Ram !!!!!
hy really feeling happy to hear you again.when iam reading your comment i thought this story is similar to the one i had read previously(you also said that there is a baba temple where you wait for your office cab daily and you started visiting it daily after you had a peaceful nap after your first visit).iam very very happy really dont know why! iam feeling as if you are my sisiter and problems got solved..thanks a lot for sharing this 🙂 baba bless you with a happy family life 🙂
My dear friend…lots of good wishes for ur married life n ur family.
Ur today's post gave me more hope coz m away from my husband.even we have spent few month after our marraige then got separated bcoz of some problem n after one year again we lived togsrher for four months n now again separated since few months.but my problem is different n m waiting when band will shower his blessing in our married life.
Baba is there for for everyone. om Sai ram
dear sister
I remember reading ur experience and very happy about u.ur like my sister so would like to pour few words of advice with my own experience.Mine was too love marriage and believe me my MIL never left any chances of creating misunderstanding between us,she even tried to poison my mind that our horoscopes were not matched so we will never be happy (later I came to know it was all lie). We both are engineers from same college earning same salary but she never respected me,she was cheap enough to go to an extent of not providing me proper food.we use to go to my hubby,s house almost every weekend (as we were working) and she use to make sure to get all expenses from us even though they are very rich.she use to spend every money of us for her daughter.My hubby was very calm and quiet nature so it took sometime for him to understand her cheapness but at-last he understood and now by saibaba,s grace we are very far away from them.
The only thing i would like to advice u is that don't believe ur hubby immediately (please forgive me for this). Take ur own time,may be he has come to u just to get solution from monetary issues. As I have seen many such cases so use ur MIND rather then HEART. Boys generally realize their wife,s importance only after knowing real face of their family which might even take years depending on our KARMA.
I am grateful to all who have recognized me by my previous post. Even more, I feel very happy that a sai devotee (please tell me you are a brother or sister) has accepted me as his/her sister. This relationship is created by Sai. What else can I say? My name is Pratharathi. It feels amazing when devotees listen to us and support us. Sai is in everyone.
To the devotee who advised me, thank you for your care. Many of my colleagues, relatives and my friends told me the same thing you said. But I wish to trust him blindly. I love him and true love never allows doubts. I believe how he acts is true and not fake. And even IF he pretends, I won't worry much because if I don't help him, who else will? If I save money but he is not with me, I am not going to be happy. So let me spend whatever I can and be happy with him. After that, it's Sai's wish. I will be a good wife to him and I will love him truly and give him whatever I have no matter what. My Sai mother will save me from getting hurt.
Dear sister you have written that you re married your husband. .did you divorce him first? Pls don't take me wrong because I am also in the same situation. .omsairam
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
baba pls be with us all the time and tc of us.
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Omm Sai Ram….!!!
To the 1st devotee, wonderful narration,i can visualize your situation,what you are going through.And ,I thank my baba ,that finally you are back under his wing for your own good.I hope you have learnt your lesson this time,though hard way. Nevermind,he will sail you through your difficult time,just don't dare to ignore him,again.My prayers are with you,you will definitely come out with flying colors,i can say this coz I have full faith in my Baba.You have not talked about your problem ,but I can sense that it's really painfull,Anyways,just try to love him,the way you love your family,friends n partners.No strings attached in his devotion.
Jai Sai ram.
Om sai ram
I need some help. Can anyone tell me what all food can we eat during sai vrat?
om sai ram
pls baba help me and save my life. pls take care of us. pls take care of my fathers health. jai sairam.
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
pls baba help and save us..jai sairam
Sai maharaj ki Jay…I would like to share the miracle happened to me …..and everytimbaba is with me ….last saturday I went to see a doctor since I have been observed a pain and swelling in my neck and doctor diaginised it might be a thyroid tumor and suggest the CT scan…I was praying baba to save me from this tumor for my surprise in CT scan it has been shown that I dont have any problem in my throat and no need of any surgery or medicine…its all becoz of baba grace and really thankful to him…..Baba pla forgive my mistakes and be with me always as a father to lead a happy and helathy life ….jai sai ram
om sai ram
Om sai ram. .pls Baba forgive me for my mistakes and re unite me with my husband. .falling on your lotus feet
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Kanoji Brahmin*****
In Mumbai there was a gentleman named Govindrao. He went on a pilgrimage to
holy places and then came to Ganagapur along with a Kanoji Brahmin. There he started
performing religious ceremonials. One day, both got a visionary insight wherein Lord
Sriguru spoke to them “My personal SELF is present in Akkalkot. Go there and your
wish will be fulfilled”. Accordingly, both went to Akkalkot and started rendering
devotional service at the lotus feet of Sri Swamiji. Kanoji Brahmin would food to Sri
Swamiji and Sri Swamiji would accept the same. One day Sri Swamiji spoke to the
Brahmin “In that mosque out of the village, a fakir is sitting along with a dog. Go and
feed them food”. The Brahmin went to the Mosque. Seeing the Brahmin, the fakir spoke
“You are sent by Sri Swamiji. Give me the food offerings”. The Brahmin placed the plate
containing the food offerings in front of the fakir.
The fakir and the dog ate the food, leaving some Vada and Kheer in the
plate. The Brahmin took the plate with the leftover Vada and Kheer and came to Sri
Swamiji. Sri Swamiji asked the Brahmin and Govindrao to eat the leftover Prasad of
Vada and Kheer. Govindrao hesitated as to how to take the left over food, eaten by a
fakir and a dog? However, the Brahmin ate the Prasad. Sri Swamiji became very
pleased with the Brahmin and said, “Go to Mumbai. There you will get ten thousand
rupees”. He told Govindrao “Your devotion is still not ripe. Hence continue the
devotional service”.
Kanoji Brahmin returned to Mumbai. A rich merchant had just died. His widow
wanted to give anonymous donation in charity. One day she sat at the entrance of her
house with ten thousand rupees. She decided to give the anonymous donation to the
first Brahmin who appears. By coincidence, Kanoji Brahmin happened to pass by that
side. The merchant’s wife gave the package containing the anonymous donation to him
since he was the first Brahmin she came across. Words of Sri Swamiji manifested. The
Brahmin happily returned to his hometown with continuous shouts of Victory in the
praise of Sri Swamiji.
A young man from Marwad, Rajasthan state, came to Akkalkot and stayed there
to render devotional service unto Sri Swami Samarth. He would get several letters from
his family to return home, but for three years he continued his stay in Akkalkot. One
day his father and uncle came to Akkalkot to take him home along with them. When
they asked for Sri Swamiji’s permission, Sri Swamiji addressed the young man “Go
home now and then come here whenever you wish to come”. Taking orders from Sri
Swamiji, they worshipped him and offered food to Swamiji.
Before leaving Akkalkot, they all went to Sri Swamiji for his ‘Darshan’. At that
time, Sri Swamiji was present in the locality of the Mahar community. The young man prostrated at the lotus feet of Sri Swamiji and prayed for his blessings and favour. Sri
Swamiji spoke to him “There is nothing to give or take here. If you want any favour,
pick up and take with you four bones lying over there”. A big heap of bones was lying
nearby. The young man nervously picked up four bones from that heap and put them in
a cloth bundle. After reaching his home, he kept the cloth bundle containing the bones
outside the house. Next day, when he went to pick up the cloth bundle, he found it very
heavy. When he opened that bundle, he was surprised to find pure gold weighing five
seers. This drove away the poverty of his house completely. He became a dedicated
devotee of Sri Swamiji. After a few days, when he returned to Akkalkot to take Sri
Swamiji’s ‘Darshan’ he offered ten tolas of gold to Sri Swamiji. When he gave the
details of this incident, all devotees came to know about this miracle. The devotees
started continuous shouts of victory in the praise of Sri Swami Samarth.
JAI SAI RAM…BABA s always with us…
Sai maa
Thanks a lot for aarthi ticket
Please help me to get my aarthi book maa
Please make me healthy and happy my maa. Waiting for u r hand.
Luv u and falling at your feet my maa
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om Sai Ram !
Dear Friends ! I would like to leave my issue here asssuming I must be one of the devotee who is suffering a major set back. May be one of the biggest bhakt pray for me .
I dont have a Job past 1 and a half year. I have sold of my house as well.
I also have issues like insults from my wife , and many reletives. There was a time I was in a senior position and today even if consultants pick up my cv I am not selected further.
In every discussion and arguement with my wife arising due to my mother or sisters I am cursed I will not get a job. ( We are not staying with my parents )
I tell baba atleast help me do my duty towards my children and family.
My wife say I am a sinner hence even after my devotion to baba I am not being sucessful having a job.
I request my friends brothers sisters please pray for me . PLEASE request baba to forgive me .BABA CAN DO MIRACLES.
Om sai ram . Jai jai sai ram.
Babaji will surely help you dear…& you are not a sinner.
Om Sai Ram !
Dear Friends ! I would like to leave my issue here asssuming I must be one of the devotee who is suffering a major set back. May be one of the biggest bhakt pray for me .
I dont have a Job past 1 and a half year. I have sold of my house as well.
I also have issues like insults from my wife , and many reletives. There was a time I was in a senior position and today even if consultants pick up my cv I am not selected further.
In every discussion and arguement with my wife arising due to my mother or sisters I am cursed I will not get a job. ( We are not staying with my parents )
I tell baba atleast help me do my duty towards my children and family.
My wife say I am a sinner hence even after my devotion to baba I am not being sucessful having a job.
I request my friends brothers sisters please pray for me . PLEASE request baba to forgive me .BABA CAN DO MIRACLES.
Om sai ram . Jai jai sai ram.
Very nice poem!! Touched my heart!!
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai!! Love you Sai baba!!
Very nice poem!! Touched my heart!!
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai
Dear Sai pa,
Thanks for everything especially for the recent ones.But i need your help on M and G matter please.I dont want any enemity or problems.Be with me and guide me on that.I should be wise and sharp from now on.Have done many foolish things till date shouldnt repeat henceforth.Now im badly in need of a job, help me out pa. Today one company has asked me to call, if that job will suit me and if i will get all that i want in that job please make them call me for an interview today without fail, i should do my interview with full confidence.Should not stutter or stammer.You should be my interviewer and you should speak from my mouth pa.If this is not suitable and if i wont get this job let them not call me for an interview today.This is the 3rd time im going to step into the same company.Im fedup but at the sametime im in need of a job and above all i need and want good things to happen only on your day(THURSDAY).Got a mail from one consultant also, they should atleast call me for an interview and if they get me a job in my dream company i'll feel really very good and get some confidence in life.Leaving everything in your hands and lotus feet.Help me and bless me pa….
Please help me, Baba, I will be your servant all my life. Please let me know,whether I should travel or not, and If I should proceed with this.Please guide me , Baba.
Falling at your LOTUS feet, Om Sai Ram !!
Om SAI ram to all !!! SAI BABAJI need just true love towords him. We dont need to be hungry We fasting. I had always my all meal on trusday fast. Thats the day When i remeber BABAJI all day thats all. Love You SAI maa !!
Gurudeva dattatreya!
Om shree ram, jai ganesh, om namaha shivaya, jai murugan, baba ki palkhi ki jai, jai hanuman,