My wonderful experiences with Sai Baba
Anonymous devotee from Australia says: I am from originally from India and lived in Australia from 5 years now. I think Baba has given me this wonderful opportunity to write about my experiences. I am pure soul and clean heart person. I have no hatred in my mind or heart for anyone. I love everyone and liked by all. Sometimes I find hard to express my feelings to others. This way Baba has shown me the path. Every day I read lot of devotees’ stories and Baba’s blessings. On them, I am and was strong devotee of Maa Durga always kept fast and did 40 days lamp lighting in temples for blessings. But in 2004 I was introduced to Sai and visit Shirdi in 2005 and again in 2006. I always believe God is one. So He was a saint for me and one of the visions of God. I don’t know my experiences with Sai in start days of my life as I was unaware what is happening. When I came close to Sai in 2013 in Australia I will narrate my experience. Because of my past karmas I have suffered a lot. I started worshiping Baba every day.

I use to light oil lamp in my home temple. One day I lit candle instead of lamp. That too in the plastic holder. I left home. When I realized I was so upset with what I did and was thinking my room and temple is not safe. I did blunder. When I reached home first thing I checked my temple there were no traits of candle. I was happy but shocked as well what went wrong. I asked my landlord he said he never saw any candle lit in my room this morning. Baba saved me from calamity. Another experience, I use to put dry fruits every day for my Sai while praying. This I was doing continuously sometimes fruits, dry fruits or milk. I use to eat that food in evening or morning when I returned home. One day I became speechless, my all prasadam box was empty. There were few left for me to share. I thought may be my landlord was hungry and he had it. He wasn’t aware of it. Something happened the next morning. I have lot of Baba’s pictures on my study table. They were turned towards the temple and my bed on the other side.
When I woke up they all were turned towards me and Baba showed his presence and blessed to take care of me whole life. He ate my prasadam. That is amazing. He accepted it. I am struggling for full-time permanent job from 2 years. I have trust on Sai but I was not showing it. I use to get upset even I had trust on Him. It was becoming hard and hard. My trust was increasing but my problems were not ending. My other devotee friends always explained me that if we trust on Baba do not worry things will be fine but my worries were not ending. They stopped talking to me. I was crying in front of Baba how it will happen. Please do something. I use to tell Baba I trust You Baba but I don’t know why I worry when you are there. I gave one interview. I told Baba rejection or selection it should happen only on Thursday. Yesterday, even after three rounds company did not hire me I thought Baba has another good job opportunity for me. He saved me for unforeseeable risk which would have been in future. My thoughts changed. My worries ended. My all worries to Baba now. Sai has solved my biggest problem and gave me the best in this world. I was having problem to get married. I liked a boy and he refused because of my deficiencies. My mother was upset too for me.
My younger brother marriage got fixed and I was left alone. I told my mom do not worry everything will be fine. One boy loved me truly from heart he approached to marry me. He is kind person and a good soul. Our parents decided to get married on Wednesday 25 Dec 2013 it got cancelled then we decided to get married on 14 Jan 2014 it got cancelled finally we got married on 16 Jan 2014 Baba’s day. I feel blessed. I thank Him for everything. There are more incidents to share and I am finding short of words and expressions. Please Baba in future give me strength and courage to share all my experiences. This will create a strong bonding between us. Jai Sainath
Miracles of Sai Baba – My Experience

Anonymous devote from USA says: I am a firm devotee of Shiridi Sai. What can I say more than this Om Sai Ram. Dear Devotees, Om Sai Ram. Don’t know how to start and where to start. I have experienced so many miracles of Baba. When no one is there He is there to take care of You. I have immense faith in Him. To share a couple of incidents: I feed a poor lady on my way to office. Last week on Wednesday I could not see her. So I felt little upset. Just a bit forward I went I saw an old man sitting. I stopped my bike and gave Him the food. Suddenly something I felt. I could not believe it was none other than my Sai. I cried and asked Baba is that you whom I feed? Immediately I saw Baba’s picture in a vehicle. Then I went to office. I was browsing through Internet and saw this picture which resembled the person whom I feed. Tears rolled from my eyes and I just could not believe to my eyes. The day got over. Then I came back from office. I got refreshed and I heard the doorbell.
The moment I opened the door I saw my neighbor aunty who told how her daughter is in trouble. With no time I ran for her rescue. It was a police case and we went from one police station to the other. There I prayed Baba no one is there for us, it’s You who can help. To my surprise I saw Baba’s picture in the police station. I realized our work will be done. You won’t believe the police man was very polite and helped us. Then next we moved to one more station where a case was supposed to be filed but got dismissed. At 9.30 night we came back home. Baba’s miracles are great and always help those who believe in Him. I wish the entire good thing to happen to the entire human being. Baba bless everyone, every child of yours. Om Sai Ram
Sai Baba Vrat

Sai Brother Krishnakumar Mohan from UK says: Om Sai Ram. Sai Baba is everything for me. I am krishna. I have done my Engineering in Chennai because of Sai Baba. I am from lower middle class family and I can’t imagine of doing Engineer at one point of time. But Baba helped me to finish my Engineering with good percentage. There are so many miracles which happened to me because of Baba. Some of them are described below, 1. Baba helped me to get scholarship after my Engineering degree I want to do my Masters in UK. As I am from lower middle class family I can’t imagine of doing my masters in UK. But I thought let me apply for scholarship and I told to Baba that if I get scholarship then I will do my masters if not then I willn’t. Miracle of Miracles I got scholarship. I am one among 80 international students all over the world to get that scholarship. Total students who applied for scholarship was around 800. But they selected only 80 internationally and I am one among them. To be frank I am not clever student or I don’t have great percentage.
But still now it’s a miracle that I can’t believe I got scholarship. This was during Sep 2010. After getting scholarship I started my Masters in Sep 2010 and successfully finished my masters in Jan 2012. After Jan 2012 I started looking for job in UK very badly. I was working in retail shop but that was not related to my studies and I was totally depressed. I stop worshipping Baba for some time. From Jan 2013 I started reading Sai Baba Satcharitra whenever I feel low. Then miracle happened. I got call from an electronics company in UK for an interview. I did not apply to that company but they called me for an interview. I got that job and I started feeling the presence of Baba in my life. After that, I started reading Sai Baba Satcharitra almost every day. Even though I got a electronics job but the salary was not good in UK.
So I started looking for good salary electronics role. I started doing Sai Baba Vrat. Miracle of miracles I got interview call from very big electronics company during my 4th week of Vrat. I almost thought the job is for me since I got selected for final round. But I did not get that job finally. But I continued my Vrat. Then in 7th Week of my Vrat I got call from another big company. To be frank I did not prepare properly for an interview instead of preparing for an interview I studied Sai Baba Satcharitra book. Now you know the result. Yes finally I got settled because of Baba. Readers, I studied Sai Baba Satcharitra with hope that Baba will look after me. Yes he did. I got confidence and patience, Yes Baba did for me. Please everyone start doing Sai Baba Vrat and you will start seeing the miracles in your life. Worship Him. Only Him. He is Hindu, He is Muslim, He is Christian, He is no other than our Sai Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram
Lovely Experiences.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
At an invitation from our close relatives, my father arrived in Avasari Khurd, a remote village in Pune District for a change of climate. Immediately after his arrival there, he was asked to visit the temple of Bhairavnath, the village deity for darshan as is the custom in the said village. My father instantly agreed and made his way towards the temple of bhairavnath. As he entered the temple premises, he noticed a dying cow near the adjoining hall of the temple. Some villagers, who were standing nearby, were gossiping and took no notice of the dying cow. This somewhat irritated, my father and he asked one of the villagers as to what had happened to the cow. He was told by one of them that the cow was bitten by a venomous snake early morning and she was to be revived by performing certain customary rites in the temple. Amazed at the villager’s statement, my father asked. “What on earth can now save this dying cow, who is breathing heavily with tongue lolled ? Is not this an indication of death ?” The villager asked my father not to argue and urged him to come to the temple as soon as the performance of the rites begins. Though my father had faith in God, he though that it was sheer madness to try to revive a cow, which was almost dead as a result of the snake bite. However, he hurriedly made his way towards our relative’s house and asked one of the respected elders whether it was possible to revive dying cow through performance of rites in Bhairavnath temple. He was told that the revival of a snake-bite victim was so common an event in their village and in the vicinity that no one takes notice of it.
My father then returned to the temple. The priest of the temple had arrived and with wet clothes on he entered the inner chamber of the temple, where the idol of Bhairavnath was installed. The priest went in deep trance while the villagers assembled in the outer hall of the temple and forming two rows, began to ring the bells violently, reciting the incantation “Bhairavnath Changbhale” at the top of their voice to the rhythm of the ringing bells. After about an hor, the reciting of incantation and ringing of bells reached climax and lo ! The trident erected in front of the temple door moved slightly. The villagers were jubilant since the moving of the trident was taken to be an indication that the dying cow was sure to be revived. After a while, the cow got up suddenly as if awakened from sleep. The owner of the cow, who was among the onlookers came forward, patted the cow affectionately and bowed down before the deity with gratitude and deep reverence. The villagers then dispersed.
Taken aback, my father made his way towards the house of our relative. The topic regarding revival of the cow was opened by my father after supper and in the course of the conversation he requested one of the family members to account for the phenomenon. He explained the phenomenon thus.
“Deity Bhairavnath” is the form of Lord Shiva and exercises controlover the reptile world. In the said village, in case of snake bite, all that we have to do is to take the victim to the temple of Bhairavnath and pray with utmost devotion. The temple priest plays important role in revival of the victim as you have yourself noticed. All that I can say is that there is a supreme power which pervades this Universe. Nothing is impossible if you surrender whole heartedly to the said power with utmost devotion. The very power violates the limits set out by science and the phenomenon such as described above occurs”.
Incidentally, Sai Baba had been preaching to his followers to cultivate in them good qualities, the main quality being ‘devotion’, may devotion is the basic principle on which Sai Baba’s philosophy rests.
omsairam. please bless us to come out of these problems. omsairam.
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sia ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
baba pls take care of us and everyone .love u so much baba
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram !!
Baba, Please help me. I am not sure, if I can fall under your tree, If I do, I am a lucky person. I don't need to tell you anything, since you know everything in my life. I lost my energy, i gave up. You decide what is best for me.
Om Sai Ram !!
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Sai maa
Please please please come soon
I am waiting for u to hold my hand firmly
Luv you a lot
Falling at your feet
Baba today is my birthday….last year birthday main mujhe mere husband ke sath milwakar merit zindegi ka sabse badi gift aapne mujhe diya tha…but this year nothing except ur blessings which I need most…
Plz bsba bless me n my husband a happy married us to shiridi…..m waiting patiently baba.on Sai ram…
Oh Dear Friend
babaji is always here for us.
Happy Birthday.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Wish you a very happy birthday (belated)!!
I hope you are the same sai ki beti, who had some marital problems. And they are all resolved now by Baba's grace.
Jai sai ram,love you baba…
Such a wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Baba, I imagine I talk to you and write this. Please solve my problems baba. Please make me think of you always. Please make me chant your name all the time. Please make my devotion for your grow day by day. Accept me and show me mercy baba. Change me to your child baba. Please baba. You know what I go through. Save me baba. Please don't let me down. I beg you baba. Listen to me please.
Thank you for sharing wonderful experiences with us
it grow our faith in baba tones of time………
Baba i know that you are with me and you know whatever i am doing and the problem i am going through please sai solve my problem and bless my family we need your blessings all the time, and thanks for giving me peace of mind………..
love you so much
Om sai ram
Sai Ram to all fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Nice Experiences!!
Yes I do believe miracles happen , and it is only due to BABA. Even I expereinced many miracles in my life only due to BABA. I wish that BABA will bless us all.
Please BABA bless me with your child. I am doing Nav Guruvar Vrat, today is my 7th week.
Very nice experiences! Baba brings us wonderful things when it is the right time for us to receive them (just as He gave the third devotee that scholarship to study in UK at the right time and helped the first devotee have her wedding date on Baba's day). Baba is always looking out for us and helps us when we need Him the most, but we should also be patient with His plan and have full faith in His plan for us. Om Sai Ram!