Beloved Baba’s Grace
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal ji, I and my family are Sai devotees from Hyderabad, India. I had sent my earlier experience in your blog. You are doing a great job of collecting and sharing experiences of people regarding Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, which gives greater satisfaction and insight on how Baba helps His devotees. I will give below two of my recent experiences:

We wanted to construct our house in our native town after I retired from service, since I could not get the time earlier. We were depending on our relative to get the approval for construction which he had told that it could be done in two weeks since it was a town. But after we applied through our relative it took a long time of 2 years. Every time he was giving some reason or the other. At last we got a doubt on our relative and his efforts, and started 9 Thursday Vrat sincerely. Before completion of 9 Thursdays, we got another relative through my mother in law, who took up the case and got the approval in a week time. This was just after the completion of 9 Thursday Vrat. This Vrat has helped us in achieving our approval and has proved that Shri Sai Baba will never let down His Bhaktas. Jai Sai Ram
This is our recent experience. Our daughter who is in USA was pregnant. Since she was studying in college she had the difficulty of managing her studies and also pregnancy. Furthermore our son in law was busy with his night shift job. It was very difficult for our daughter to manage herself, her husband apart from the study and non cooperative in laws. She was under severe stress. We were asked by her to be there two months earlier than the delivery date so that our presence is more required during delivery. Accordingly when we reached we found her health alarming since she was not able to cook and her husband did not know cooking, so they depended on Mexican or American foods. We prayed Shri Sai Baba and took up Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayan for 9 weeks continuously with a request that delivery be safe and both mother and baby to arrive safely at home. Ultimately with blessings of Shri Sainath, our daughter delivered through C-section, since it had an entangled cord, and the baby was moderate in weight. Now it is more than a month, both the baby and his mother are fine. On the first month birthday we took the baby to Sai Baba temple and he was placed before Baba and also on Baba’s lap. With the blessings of Baba everything went off well. We had the faith and He gave us courage to face the situation which worked out well. Jai Sai Nath
Sai Pa Miracles In My Life
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I knew Sai Pa after my marriage. Form first day of my marriage Sai Pa is with me. Without my knowledge Sai Pa helped me a lot and lot. I am very happy to share my experience here. I have many experiences with my Sai Pa. I will share some below. This is my first post, please forgive if i make any mistake.
Experience 1: After lots of obstacles, me and my husband travelled to US. After coming here my husband was suffering from acidity and stomach pain. He was not able to sleep in night. He used to put tablet and suffered a lot. Last Friday the miracle happens. He was crying in pain and here we don’t have anyone to help us. I don’t know what to do and i went to Pooja room. I cried and prayed to Sai Pa and took Udi and kept the Udi on my husband stomach and on forehead. Then he slept nicely. From next day he was perfect. Till time there was no stomach pain even he had nice Masala food. Sai is always with us to take care and i love You Sai Pa. My husband is also Sai Pa devotee. He also thanked to Sai Pa for His adorable love.
Experience 2: Before i came to US my mother in law got diabetic and the sugar level was 475. I was totally confused and next day i have to travel US. I cried and asked my Sai Pa to help me and in that time my husband was in US. Next day we went to check sugar level and then the miracle happen. Next day the sugar level came to 300 and after 15 day the sugar level was 140. All credit goes to my Sai Pa. I am thanking to Sai Pa and He is my father and mother. He is all and He is in all. Please Sai Pa help me in all situations and please be with me always and give me strength to handle all things. Please bless me and my husband and all your children. Love You Sai Pa. Om Sai Namo Namaha.
My Saviour

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I’m a media professional. I stay in Mumbai. When I was in 2nd year of engineering I had not performed well in the 3rd semester exam and I had a feeling that I would flunk in at least 1 subject. I had not put enough effort to prepare for the exams. Just a day before my result was declared, I decided to pray to Sai Baba to pass me in the exams. I sat down and recited the Sai mantra – Om Sai Ram. Soon, my result was declared and I had cleared all the exams and had got exactly 60% which made me happy. I’m thankful to Sai Baba for His blessings. Om Sai Ram. Last year, I left my job in order to pursue higher studies or to get a better job. I kept on job hunting for around 3 months but nothing worked. I appeared for around 20 interviews in such a short span but I was facing rejection everywhere. Relatives were demoralizing me for sitting at home and not taking my career seriously. I was losing all hope and even my parents were worried for me. I decided to apply for higher studies in my dream college and I had not applied anywhere else because I would not have studied anywhere else. I qualified in the written exam but could not clear the interview. I had lost all hope but there was still a chance of a waiting list to be released but that was very unlikely.
At that time, I saw a video where an astrologer told to light 3 Diyas, 1 Guggul dhoop and offer any 1 fruit to Sai Baba for 5 days in order to get your wishes fulfilled. The fruit was to be eaten by you and your family members. Well, I started doing this remedy and only after two days, a waitlist was declared and my name was there. This was the happiest moment of my life and it happened only due to Sai Baba’s blessing. My parents are so proud of me for being a part of such a nice college. My only intent in life is to make my parents proud of me as I have always disappointed them. They have suffered a lot due to me. Currently, I’m facing few issues in my career and personal life but I’m sure that it’s Sai Baba’s way to bring me closer to Him. I was planning to do 9 Thursday Vrat but I won’t be able to do it now so I have decided to do Sai Satcharitra Parayan. Sai Baba never disappoints His devotees and He loves us all. We should remain patient and never lose faith in Sai Baba and ourselves.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
very good experiences… OM SAI RAM
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Saipadananda – The Ever Vigilant Parent
By a Doctor devotee of Swamiji who wishes to remain anonymous.
It was 11 a.m. on the 18th March 1989. I was just anticipating a happy blissful evening at Sai Spiritual Centre as the 'Akhanda Sai Nama Saptaham' was going on. Just then a patient entered who had cracks in feet and sought a prescription for an ointment to heal these fissures of feet, which is quite common. As I was writing the prescription, Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji talked to me from the small desk photograph I had kept on my table: "Have you seen Krishna Murthy's feet". The message came twice. Immediately I got up from my seat to get one small jar of the ointment used in cracked feet.
Devotees who regularly visit the Thyagarajanagar shrine of Sai Baba are familiar with Shri D. Krishna Murthy, the most intimate devotee of Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji and is more or less Swamiji's 'foster son'. When I met Shri Krishna Murthy and handed him the jar of ointment, tears flowed from his eyes and told me "Doctor, my feet gave me so much trouble yesterday that I could hardly walk. I prayed to Swamiji who has taken care much more than a true father to his infant son".
Shri Krishna Murthy gave me Baba's prasad and then listened to my story. For a minute he was flabbergasted. He could only say : ''As Sai Baba is blessing from his tomb at Shirdi, Radhakrishna Swamiji is taking care of us in every moment of our life".
Sri Swamiji is our Guru and it is needless to say that Guru is greater than God. Pranams to Swamiji and Sai Baba.
Source Sai Padananda April 1989
om sai ram
Happy ganesh chaturthi to all the devotees…om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
om sair ram…tahnku so much baba n love u……sai rahem nazar karna bacho ka palan karna….we all love you baba..thaku hetal ji and whole team…
Happy Vinayaka Chaturthi to all.
Wonderful experiences. Thank You O Sai for bringing love, peace and happiness into our lives 🙂
Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu
Jai Sairam
Dear 3rd devotee i wanna ask u tht we should lit diyas at home or in the temple and can we keep any fruit.
Pls tell me as i want to do d same to get my wish fullfilled……i cant depend on my parents now and cant let them down anymore.
Please help
Om sai ram.
happy vinayaka chaviti i did pooja to ganesh maharaj and read story and put ashintalu
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Raman
Om Ganapathy Namah
Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to all …May Sai Ganesh always be with us ….
Happy Vinayakar Chathurthi !!! Om Sai Ram !!
Om Sai Ram : Dear 3rd devotee – I would be really obliged if you could tell me that if we wish to light 3 Diyas daily or to light them first and keep them lightening for 5 days – the aame query for Guggul Dhoop – also what is Guggul Dhoop and where can I get it
Also , about the fruit – is it the same fruit or a new fruit each for 5 days – please answe Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram. Nice experiences. Plz Sai help me. Here in family m facing very bad situation. Plz send him back. Nobody loves me. Only u love me. Plz do something. I want peace n happiness. Plz bless me. Om Sai Ram
I also want 2 share something. When I lost my love dn our Sai temple priest told me 2 do 5 guru war of Sai fast, he gave me vrat book too. I started n at 1 guru war I met him too,after arguments I prayed Sai plz show me wt he want actually. Suddenly after prayer his behavior changed he became calm n I saw love in his eyes. Great na! But after some days he again changed. I don't know wt happen 2 me I said Sai m loosing faith n can't do vrat n I return book in shri Sai feet. Now I don't know it was bad thing I did or not? Plz Sai forgive me, bless me. I love him, send him back. If u want me 2 do vrat dn give me some signs. Om Sai Ram
sureśaḥ śaraṇaṁ śarma viśvaretāḥ prajābhavaḥ |
ahaḥ saṁvatsarō vyālaḥ pratyayassarvadarśanaḥ || 10 ||
85. Sureśaḥ: The lord of the Suras or Devas. It can also mean the
greatest of those who bestow good.
86. Śaraṇaṁ: One who removes the sorrows of those in distress.
87. Śarma: One who is of the nature of supreme bliss.
88. Viśvaretāḥ: The seed of the universe.
89. Prajābhavaḥ: He from whom all beings have originated.
90. Ahaḥ: Luminous one.
91. Saṁvasaraḥ: As Time is a from of Vishnu, He is called
Samvasara or a year.
92. Vyālaḥ: Being ungraspable like a serpent, He is called Vyalah.
93. Pratyayaḥ: One who is of the nature of Pratiti or Prajna
94. Sarva-darśanaḥ: One with eyes everywhere. As the Lord has
assumed all forms, the eye-sight of all beings is His.
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Four Thousand People Ate the Food Meant For Forty*****
Sri Swamiji took a halt in village Rampur near Akkalkot. Raoji Patil of Rampur
had vowed that he would feed forty Brahmins in the honour of Sri Swamiji. Now when
Sri Swamiji had come to Rampur, Raoji Patil decided to fulfil his vow. His relative
Vithabai collected food items meant for forty people and prepared the food. Then Raoji
worshipped Sri Swamiji and then offered naivedya food but Sri Swamiji did not accept
it. After sometime he said, “Feed everybody”.
However, this created a difficult situation for Raoji. The food was meant for
forty people only and thousands of people had come for Sri Swamiji’s ‘Darshan’.
Meanwhile Sri Swamiji asked Vithabai to come there along with a basket.Then Sri Swamiji placed food items like rice, bread etc. in that basket. On these
food items, Sri Swamiji arranged to keep idols of God and Goddess of that house and
then covered these idols again with bread. Then Sri Swamiji asked Vithabai to carry the
basket on her head and walk around the Tulsi plan from left to right. Then Sri Swamiji
took the Basket and kept it with him. Later, Sri Swamiji gave an order to feed all the
people who had come for his ‘Darshan’.
People started enjoying the food. This continued till late night. Four thousand
people enjoyed the food meant for only forty people. Still there was lots of leftover. This
leftover food was distributed in the village. Even the next day, people accepted this
food prasad. Thus Sri Swamiji saved the honour, of his devotee Raoji Patil, by his
miraculous work.
Uske dar pe "sukun" milta hai,
uski "ibadat" se noor milta hai,
jo jhuk gaya "SAI" k sajde me,
use kuch na kuch zaroor milta hai……
होके शर्मिंदा गुनाहों से
उसके दर पे जा तो सही
वो करेगा माफ़ तू अश्क बहा तो सही
वो जो साईं है सुनता है सबकी दुआ …
उसके सजदे में तू सर को झुका तो सही..
ॐ साईं राम. ..
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam.
pls help me and resolve all my issues. jai sairam..
love u baba…….pls help my sister
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
OM sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
pls take care of all of us u and thank u baba.
My sai maa
As u told us yesterday things are happening
Please bless us
Be there holding my hand my beloved sai and remove all mental and physical problems
Please please help us to stay fit and healthy
Luv u my sai maa
Falling at your lotus feet
Sai Deva, I was staying alone in Pune for job for past 2 years leaving my wife and child . Please bless me to get job in the company scheduled interview tomorrow so that I can bring my family here. As You know very well my situation Please bless Deva. Others forcing me to get reference from relatives to get job. I am sure You will give at right time. So I am expecting good solution from You Deva. Anantha kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
All about lighting lamps
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram