Sai Baba Made Me To Pass The Exam
Sai Sister Prathyusha from India Says: I don’t know what to say. No words can express or fulfil Sai Baba. It’s in 2002 I first prayed Sai Baba and read Sai Satcharitra. It was in my 11th standard. I did not wish anything at that time. But Sai Baba was with me taking care of me. It was my graduation second year exams. I was poor in one subject.
That day normally morning i prayed generally that it should be well written, but unfortunately i forgot to attend a whole answer, means instead of attempting 5 answers I attempted only 4 answers. Still worst is that I noticed it after leaving the exam hall after seeing the question paper to estimate the marks. Then I saw that I attempted for very less marks and I came to know that there will be a strict correction as it was a university exam. I just said Sai Baba to pass me that exam and I will be in fast (breakfast-lunch-breakfast) every Thursday lifelong.
Days passed and finally my results declared and to my surprise I passed. I was in a shock because I passed I realised Sai Appa heard my words and He saved me. From then onwards every Thursday I started fast but now i am facing a different problem. For this problem I went to Shirdi also, did Satcharitra Parayan completed in a week, after the completion I got Sai Baba in dreams and spoke with me, but unfortunately I could not able to recollect what Sai Baba said to me. Hope He will solve this problem soon. The problem is actually regarding my marriage. It’s really a miracle if my wish would be fulfilled and I will be Sai Baba’s slave forever. Thank You so much Sai Baba for making me pass in the exam. And please change his mind I want my lost love back. It will be miracle if my marriage happens with the guy I love.
Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Please keep my name and email anonymous. I live in the United States. My faith in Baba is growing through reading His Books, your blog and the live Darshan. I have not yet been to Shirdi but I know Baba is with me and protecting us always. Whenever I feel down He is holding my hand to lift me up. My daughter got 3 interviews in another State here and wanted to go. We were happy and thought if we talk to a distant relative she can stay with them for three days and then do the interviews. Once she gets one of the jobs she can be independent and stay in her apartment. The phone interviews had been done and only she had to go in person. God has a plan and we make plans thinking everything is as per our plan! She went there but none of the places were good. They offered very low salary that would not be enough for her to live there. She started applying to other places and interviewed. She must have done another ten interviews and another thirty applications. Time went by and she was staying over three months at the relatives house which we thought would be three days. Even she was feeling bad to impose on them and tried to shift between other friends place but without a car it was hard on her. The relatives were very nice and understanding. After three months of this she got a job in a very good place with good chances to progress higher. Things happen sometimes at their own time. I prayed to Baba all the time to help her and He showed me how to practice Shraddha and Saburi. I had taken for granted that things will all fall according to my plan but it turns out it is His plan which is better than our plan. I am learning to understand through this experience that nothing is under our control but firm faith and devotion is all we have to offer. Baba will take care of the rest.
Baba Always With Us
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I had some family problem and it was very serious. But we always keep chanting the name of Sai Baba, Then i decided to do Nav Guruvar Vrat and i saw the result of my first Vrat. I feel like everything is normal and ok. I have lot of experience of my Sai Baba. It was the time when my family members want me to marry but i don’t want that. I was felling so low and i was chanting name of Sai Baba and praying please Baba do something for me. Finlay i said yes for marriage but i was unhappy. But now today i am very happy with my husband and he met me only by my Sai Baba. I am always saying thanks to Sai Baba Who give me this type of husband. He is very caring and loveable person. Om Sai Ram. Baba gives me a good job. Baba gave us home also, only because of Baba we got that home, we did not hope for home but Baba gave us. Love You Baba so much.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Blessed Experiences:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL:)
very good experiences… devotee 1, I will pray for you that baba fulfills all your wishes … love you baba
Wonderful experiences.thanks for sharing..dear first devotee, do continue to have firm faith on our beloved Baba and he will definetely do the miracle. Om Sairam.
Om Sai Ram. Happy Thursday 2 all. Nice experiences. Sai from last 2 days my pet my dog is not well. He is suffering from fever 104 degree. Not eating, shivering. Sai plz bless him. He is just 4 months old. I can't see him like this. Bho bho b nhi karta, chup h. Do something plz. Love u Sai. Guide me dt I should keep fast 4 my love or not? M not getting any clue from u. Plz guide me. Jai Sai Ram. M waiting 4 ur sign Sai.
may sai bless your puppy…dont fast asking for your love but ask god to give you which is best for you ..even i have done fastings to get back my love but slowly i understood that he doesnt set me and i would not be happy with him.It was sai who made me understand this.i read sai satcharitra daily to come out of him and the deadly he is willing to come back but now iam in a position to say that i can manage without you.our father know which is best for us and he gives us the strength to overcome anything
Thnx dear. U won't believe this prayer I did today n I wrote comment also in this blog but some error occur so now I open this page again 4 reading comments. Here I m , ur pray 4 me n Sai send ur views 2 me by telepathy. Dts y my mind change n now m reading ur comment. Thanks. N one more thing my sweet pup is barking. Thank god. Thnx 4 sharing ur experience n u r blessed coz Sai ne aapke views mujhe pass kiye Oh! U r very gud person Sai loves u. Sai plz give her lots of happiness in life. Thnx again. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram. Dear Hetalji thnx 4 this blog. This is my 1st experience with prayers. Here devotees r so gud I mean the sweet devotee who advised me 2 not 2 keep fast 4 asking love. Her prayers were from heart. Seriously m feeling so gud may b some ppl think m mad. But I know when she was praying dt tym Sai was sending her love 2 me. M not on fast today b4 I read her comments my mind was set dt I want only Sai 's blessings. Yes I love dt boy but I don't know he is gud 4 me or not. He left me. Sai give me strength coz many tym I become week. Dear sis who advised me thnx a lot 4 ur prayers. Sai plz give her only happiness in life not sorrow. Coz I understand d pain m also suffering from last 3 years still not become too strong. Lots of love dear devotee n thnx 4 prayers.Om Sai Ram
Plz Sai help my pup. He is only 4 months. From 2 days he is not sleeping,eating, in fever. Plz bless him. He is crying from some hours in pain. I can't see him like this. Plz cure him. He is in pain. Plz save him from disease, evil sprits n ppl, bad luck. Plz cure him. Om Sai Ram
Sai plz save him. 106 degree fever h. His body is not reacting. Plz devotees plz pray 4 him. Oh ! He is 4 months old only. Sai save him plz.
My pet is no more. V all r in deep grief. Plz pray 4 him devotees. Oh! Sai y on ur day? Y
Sorry to hear that, Let the pully -RIP.
Om Sai Ram !!
May your puppy soul RIP. Thursday is a good day for that puppy he left this world. God bless!!
Om SaiRam.
your puppy reached baba dont worry dear….it will be more safe and happy with baba then it was with you……it was me who commented first..thanks a lot for your sweet words i feel the same that no gal should get into such pits wasting their time for undeserved..plz do sai satcharitra parayan and it gives you immense pain
Om Sai Ram. Happy Baba Day to all. Please Sai Ram fulfil my desire. Ananthakodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
om sai ram … blessed experiences , om sai sri sai jai jai sai .
blessed experiences ,, om sai sri sai jai jai sai
Jai sai ram
Baba pls forgive me. I knw i committed sin i beg u Baba, pls it shld not affect me or my family pls BABA
(Shri Sai Leela March 1986)
My wife and my daughters are Sai devotees. Daily we remember "SAI PRABHU" right from morning till we go to bed. Daily after bath, we pray to SAI PRABHU and take His UDI as prasadam. My daughters are aged 9 years and 6 years. In the midst of their school studies and games, they never forget to pray to SAI PRABHU and take His HOLY UDI. My family is so attached to Him.
My elder daughter, Chi. Santosh Laxmi, aged 9 years, was suffering from severe wounds in her head since 3 months. I had shown her to our family Doctor and given treatment. The Doctor had advised me to take tests of her blood/urine/motion. I got the tests done. Inspite of all these tests and treatment, there was no improvement in her health. My wife and I were very much worried about her health as she developed fever too during nights. The child was becoming weak and inactive. Though every care was taken, there was no improvement at all in her health. Due to her ill health, we had no peace of mind.
One of my friends, Mr. Raja Ram, who is also a Sai devotee, had given "SAI SACHARITRAM" to me and advised me to study it sincerely, as directed in the book. My wife and myself used to read a few pages of the book and discuss about Baba's great miracles and His great affection for His devotees.
One day my wife and myself decided to do 'parayan' of "SAI CHARITRAM", as directed therein. Initially, I was hesitant as I had doubts whether I could complete the parayana as prescribed. However, my wife encouraged me to go-ahead with His Sacharit-ram Pathana. The parayana is to start on a Thursday. I had a dream on the previous night, in which one of my collegues, Mr Rajaram appeared in my dream and advised me to start reading the Book, with devotion and sincerity. In the early morning of Thursday, I informed my wife of my dream. She encouraged me, saying that Baba had appeared as Seetharam and directed me to go-ahead. Taking her advice, as Baba's direction, I started to read the Book. I had to complete the Book on the next Thursday. My wife would daily ask me, whether Baba has come again in my dream, after I had started to read the Book. Till Wednesday, she enquired daily. I was disappointed, as she was telling me, that I should see Baba before I completed the Seva Pathana, as otherwise, there may not be any use. To my surprise, I saw Baba's Camera Photo, which I have kept on my T.V. on Wednesday night, in a dream. Next morning I told my wife about the dream. She said that it was sufficient that Baba had given me Darshan.
On Thursday, the last day of SAI CHARITRA PATHANA, we performed pooja in the morning and in the evening and distributed sweets to all children in our neighbourhood. We were satisfied with our Pooja, as we had taken the direction of Baba to start Pathana and completed it with HIS DARSHAN and ASHIRWAD.
The very next day, I took my daughter to Dr. Aurangabadkar, a Skin Specialist of repute in the twin cities. I saw the Doctor at about 7 p.m. While the Doctor was examining my daughter, I was explaining the Doctor about the complaint. My daughter noticed and pointed to me a big portrait of Baba, behind the Doctor. We saluted Baba saying "SAI RAM".
Doctor gave a prescription and we returned home. After reaching home, I told my wife that Baba had given the prescription through the Doctor, and that we need not worry from now onwards about her health. Though Dr. Aurangabadkar wrote the prescription sitting before Baba's portrait, we had come to the conclusion that Baba Himself was writing the prescription in flesh and blood. We started the course of treatment on the same day. After 10 days, we found tremendous improvement in her health. All wounds had healed and she is all right. This is nothing but Baba's Grace.
Happy Baba's day to sai ram
Good experiences and my prayers for the first devotee.
O Deva, Thank You for blessing us with good friends and family and showering upon us love, peace and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Tutelary Deity*****
From the viewpoint of accomplishment, there are three kinds of deity’s – Kul- devata,
Upasya- devata and Ishta- devata.
A particular deity worshipped by a family through successive generations is
called as a Kul-devata or Family deity. Thus family deity becomes the protector of the
family and man worships this deity for the well being of his family.
When a Guru advises a family to worship a particular deity, that deity becomes
the Upasya devata or Adorable deity of the family. From this deity, man makes
progress in his life. Through worship he pleases the deity and makes progress on the
path of accomplishment.
The deity, whom man sincerely worships in his heart, is called Ishta devata or
Tutelary deity. To attain this deity, man offers everything that belongs to him and gets
contended. Through this deity man elevates to a higher level, which leads him to
For a devotee, all these three deity’s might be one and the same or different.
Whether a devotee gains protection from his family deity (Kul devata), or makes
progress in life through his adorable deity (Upasya devata), still he does not get
happiness till he sees his tutelary deity (Ishta devata). Though the same principle is
inherent in all the deity’s, due of the attachment to the external attributes, man likes
his tutelary deity. This entirely depends on one’s wish or personal inclination.
Sri Swamiji himself was the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya, the Divine Lord, the
Supreme Spirit. However, a number of devotees, even after obtaining the kind grace of
Sri Swamiji, were earnestly longing on to their tutelary deity. Hence to expel this
diversity of sentiment and to infuse a sense of oneness in the minds of these devotees,
Sri Swamiji would grace them with a vision of Him appearing in the form of their
tutelary deity or Ishta devata.
Wonderful explanation, JAI SAI RAM.
Happy sai. day. May sai stay with all of us who ever are in touch with him.he is everywhere whenever we think of him he will be beside you. He is within us without us we just need to feel him
Om Sai Ram.
Baba ji Please bless me with a baby boy. You assured me by many ways, now you have to fulfill your words. I do believe in you only and you know it very well. Please take care of my family also, please bless my husband what is the future of that man only you know baba. What is going to next only you know baba i can only pray to you please do everything well in respect of piece and happiness in may family. It is having bad impact on my daughter's mind she is too small to understand these circumstances baba please do a miracle and do everything well…as you do with others please do for me also. i am very depressed ……Please baba only you can do miracles.
Raghupati raghav rajaram pateetpavan sai naam!!!!!!
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
love u baba.pls take care of everyone swamy.thank u baba.
BABA I am unable to take this pain. Its been 20 years since I am suffering with this throat infection. BABA last time when I got I did what I can and thought I will never get this again in my life. But with in 3 months I got again. BABA YOUR udi has power to make machines work but its not working on me BABA. Why so BABA? BABA I feeling to vomit now. BABA no proper sleep since 2 days. BABA in this world only YOU know how much I am suffering with this pain. But YOU are silent in this matter. BABA please help me to get out of this karma. BABA I cant take this pain any more. Please I am begging YOU BABA please remove this pain.
BABA I know even YOU are not happy with my throat pain suffering from 20 years. But why are YOU quite BABA. YOU have solved so many problems in my life. When I was not ready to see YOU, YOU made me close to Lord Hanumanji. YOU never left me alone. But why are silent in this matter? BABA when I get this pain, I always feel bad that YOU are silent instead of feeling bad for my health problem. BABA please take away this pain. BABA YOU made machines work when ever I applied udi but when I am applying udi on me and drinking udi water its not removing my pain BABA. Why BABA? Do I have to suffer with this problem through out my life? BABA YOU know now it will take weeks for me to recover. Please help me BABA
Om sairam .. Pls frnds am really facing hard time in my life … I had been in love with a boy but he does love me but bcz of his frnds he is avoiding me .. Now I want to come out of him .. Watevr baba thinks for my life let HIm do ..either he shld accept my love or I shld cum out of this .. I did 9 week fasting , I did 7 days parayan but s not showing me any hint for my prob … I dono wat to do now … M really disturbed I m not getting proper sleep also … All the time this boy s in my mind I m not able to get out of him …
i was in the same problem too……make a habbit of reading sai satcharitra daily….it was the medicine for me and it took 5 months to come out of him
Om sai raam
जिनके दरबार में ना कोई जात है न कोई धर्म, न कोई राजा और न कोई रंक॥
जिन्होंने सपने में भी कभी किसी प्राणी को कष्ट में नहीं रहने दिया॥ ऐसे गुरु श्री सांईनाथ महाराज के चरणों हम बच्चो की तरफ से शत् शत् नमन॥
ये नजर-नजर की बात है कि किसे क्या तलाश है,
लोग दोलत को बेताब है, मुझे तो सिर्फ साईं की ही प्यास है….
बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय
Tumhi Ho Saathi, Tumhi Sahare.
Koi Na Apna Siva Tumhare.
Tumhi Ho Naiyaa, Tumhi Khevaiya.
Tumhi Ho Bandhu, Sakha Tumhi Ho.
Harr Majhab Ka Sangam Hai SAI SHIRDI Dhaam,
मेरे साईं नाथ की महिमा बड़ी निराली है
बाबा से जिसने प्यार किया
उसके घर में मनती रोज दिवाली है
मेरे साईं नाथ की महिमा बड़ी निराली है
उसके दर पे बनके आया जो भी सवाली है
बाबा ने उस पे रहमत बरसा डाली
बाबा से जिसने जो माँगा उसकी बात कभी न टाली है
आ यहाँ जो खाली जाये हो तो कोई मुझे बताये
बाबा की द्वारिकमाई से मिलती सबको निवाली है
बाबा के शिर्डी आने से हुई जग में उजयाली है
तुम भी जाकर दर्शन कर लो
वहा सबको किस्मत बदलने वाली है
मेरे साईं नाथ की महिमा बड़ी निराली है…..!!!!!
Sai maa
Please let my program go well tomorrow. Maa please be there for us always and bless us .
Hold our hands my maa
Luv u
Falling at your lotus feet
sai baba pls save me baba pls om si ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Please bless me to get good job in Bangalore or Chennai before this month end and to relieve from current company. Sai Deva Please give me Darshan in my dream. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai .
Today,I am very happy because of Saibaba..Saibaba made miracle to me and my family by giving GC….I thought it would be late,but baba has some plans for me and he did good for me.
Thanks baba,no words to explain your leela..I will remember and pray to God…till I live..
Sai Baba ,please take care of our family health..its in your hands I know..Every thing is because of you only..Thansk baba taking car of my family….Please bless my family and parents…Love you baba
Please Sai Ram. I am in critical position. Please bless to get job and settle with my family
om sai ram
om sai ram
To First Experience devotee:
Dear Devotee, Keep faith on our Saima. He will help you and solve all your problem. Please don't do fast on Thursday or anyday, it really hurts baba if his devotees don’t eat food and starve, he will be more happy if you don’t do fasting. He never liked his devotees to do fasting, it is also mentioned in Sai Sacharita. You don't have to become slave to baba, just surrender yourself to baba whole heartedly and he will take care of you and guides you throughout the life.
Om sai ram
Om sri sai ram
please forgive me
i want to come close to u baba. i am feeling im going away. please take care of avik. give him all happiness.
please baba
im really thankful to you. please bless me with a helathy baby. his name will start with Sai only .
please baba
give me more happiness.please forgive my sins baba
all these experiences are related to me…..i think its an assurence from baba to me that every thing will be fine