Unforgettable Experiences Of Sai Baba
Sai Sister Neeta from India says: I am a very humble devotee of Shri Sai Baba, and I am attached to Baba from childhood. The experiences I had in the past years and with every passing day my devotion and faith is increasing. I feel His holy grace and blessings in everything that happens in my life. Om Sai Ram. I would like to share my experiences with Baba happened in the year 1999. I had a daughter, on 17th November, when she was of 4 years and 5 months, she was detected Blood Cancer (Leukaemia). She was our only child and this news shattered our family. It is our daily routine that we used to have Udi Prasad after our prayer and Pooja. My daughter was also very much devoted to Shri Sai Baba. Whenever she gets high fever (104°C) she used to tell us to give Udi Prasad, so that her fever will go down. She also used to listen to the “Sai Ram Dhoon” as she believed that she will be fine. During her treatment in Tata Memorial she had undergone Bone Marrow for 10 times. But when I cried she used to tell me that “Mamma don’t cry you pray to Sai Baba.”

One day when she was hospitalized in Tata Hospital, one of my husband’s friends came to meet her. And he told us that he is going to Shirdi. When my daughter knew it she cried to go with him to Shirdi, so we promised her to take there after her treatment. It was Thursday, and that day doctors told us to arrange platelets for her. So we paged this message on pager. Many donors called us to donate platelets. Among them one donor from Mumbai itself called me and told me to donate her platelets, but till then we’ve already got the donor, so I refused her. She then asked me to meet my daughter. And in the evening she came and bought Sai Baba’s Photograph and Udi Prasad for my daughter as if Baba Himself sent it. We were overwhelmed to receive it. Then after few days during her catheter implant surgery she told me that she saw Sai Baba in operation theatre wearing white choga with garland of red roses. Though she was in pain after surgery but was very happy and said, “Mamma I saw Sai Baba, He touched my forehead and said to come to Shirdi.” After three months of her treatment, doctors refused any further treatment as she was not responding to the treatment, so she was advised only symptomatic treatment and that her life is only for 3-4 months. So we with the girl (who came with Baba’s photograph) her mamma and papa went to Shirdi. We received Baba’s shawl which was touched to His Samadhi and Udi Prasad. After Sai’s Darshan we came back home.
Sitting besides my daughter, daily I started reading “Sai Satcharitra” (Holy Book on Sai Baba’s Life) On 21st May 2000 my daughter breathed her last breathe, with Sai Baba’s shawl around her and Baba’s photograph (which I used to keep on her chest from the time she was diagnosed cancer) and the last word she uttered was – “Mamma give me Sai Baba’s Udi.” I applied Udi on her forehead and also gave it to her as Prasad. After this incident I and my husband were totally blank. No reason to live, but by Sai Baba’s grace we managed to live. It was my strong belief that she is with Baba and I always prayed Baba to take care of her. I used to offer milk, food etc as “Bhog” to Baba and pray Him to have it both together. After few days on Thursday we met a Baba who himself was a devotee of Sai Baba told us that Sai Baba will visit to your house on 8th Thursday from today, you will have to recognize Him as He can come in any form. On 8th Thursday myself and my husband both prepared my daughter’s favourite food, as it was my strong belief that our daughter is with Baba and has her food with Him daily, so Baba will not come alone.
It was exactly at 12 noon (the time when Prasad is offered to Sai Baba in Shirdi), we saw the lane was empty, not a single person we could see and “A Pure White Cow With Her Calf” coming towards us. We offered them food and just after that when we saw them from the terrace they both disappeared. This was such a beautiful and amazing experience that I can’t explain in words. Whenever I think of that moment tears rolled down Om Sai Ram that’s it. Our entire life is insufficient to thank Him. Since it was my routine to read “Sai Satcharitra” specially Adhyay (Chapter No. 48)- In it Sai Baba gave blessings to the couple ( name Sapatnekar) whose child died due to some disease and Baba says to them that – “ I am here, not to take away anybody’s child but I can do one thing that I can give back the same child in her womb.” These words of Sai Baba gave me strength to bear my daughter’s loss and I believed that my same daughter will come back. Daily my prayer to Baba was to give back my same child.
It was on 8th June 2002 Baba answered my prayer and by His Blessings and Grace I gave birth to a baby boy who exactly resembles my daughter (From nails to hair). My son now is 12 years old and he used to tell me – “Mamma its fine that I am born as your son because if I were born as a girl I would have left you after marriage, but now I will stay always with you.” Om Sai Ram
Sai Baba Showed Me The Way

Anonymous Devotee from UK says: I often visit a place called Wembley in London to buy groceries. I have been there many times before for the past 4 years. One day I was standing before a shop to cross the road, group of men came and asked me where is Sai Baba temple in this area, at that time I wasn’t aware of any Sai Baba temple so I said I don’t think there is Sai Baba temple here only a Shiva temple in the next street. Then I went to hotel to have lunch, the same group of men who asked me the way to temple came to the same hotel to have food. After having lunch I came out at the same time those men finished and came out as well. One of them told us that there is Sai Baba temple just opposite to the Shiva temple which I told him before. I couldn’t go to the temple on that day but when I crossed the temple door was open I was able to see a big picture of Sai Baba standing there. I have crossed the same road several times but never noticed the temple before but the temple has been there for years. Only a month before this incident I came to know about the greatness of Sai Baba and started worshipping Him. I don’t think it was a coincidence that the man came to me and told that there is a Baba temple in that street and never once before anyone has asked me whether there is a Baba temple there. It’s truly Baba’s grace that He showed us the way to His temple. Now I got a job at a place where Baba temple is very close by, I visit there every Thursday to get His blessings. There has been lot of changes in my life after worshipping Baba. I am happy now.
Stolen Bike – Given Back By Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from 12 years and all the members of my family are devotees to Baba. In the month of February, my bike was stolen from the house compound. It was a big disappointment for us. As we need bike for our day to day activities. So i surrendered and left to Baba to do whatever He wants to do. Exactly on 42nd day, it was on Sunday, i was at home, and suddenly someone knocked the door. He is a police constable and asked whether your bike was stolen? I said yes and showed my RC to him. He told your bike was caught. They caught the thief and the thief showed my house, from where he stolen the bike. In a week of time, all the formalities were finished and i got my bike back. Faith in Sai never fails.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Sai Sister Neeta ji , I read it and i felt very emotional after reading this. Salute to your courage and trust in Baba .. Happy to hear Baba returned the same child to you too. I remember the wordings from Sadcharitra " Vo Shirdi wala Fakeer bada dayalu hai"
Neetaji, ur experience withShree Sainath is really heart touching..shraddha and saburi are really very much require for getting Baba's grace!!
Dear Sister Neeta,
Tears rolled down my eyes when I was reading your experience. May Baba bless your family always. After all that happened in your life, you continued believing in Baba and Baba also answered your prayers in a most amazing way. Your experience has provided answers to all my questions. Thank you for posting this experience. My best wishes, blessings and love to your little one (Baba's Prasad).
Om Said Ram,
Sai Devotee.
Same with me.tears roll down from eyes.baba is telling me to wait with patience.. may baba bless ur family.
Oh such an emotional situation…tears rolling…Sai baba is the ultimate…Om sai ram..
Same with me tears roll down from eyes
Absolutely heart touching experience,sai sister neeta.May baba bless u always.
I feel I am a very small person and certainly not too devoted after reading the experience of Neeta ji. I am 32 and didn't get married yet. I keep fighting with Durga Maa/Sai Nath, that even though I am thier own daughter why out of all I am not married. After reading your experience I beg to Mata to give me as much devotion as you and help me surrender completely to Guru.
Jai Mata Di!
Jai Sai Nath!
Jai Sadguru!
Really amazing experiences.felt very sad about first devotee experience, but felt amazed that they were blessed with the same child back. It is Sai leela. Om Sairam.
My eyes are full of tears as am in the same boat as you. Yes, my oldest boy passed away before 5 and we didn’t realise until the last hour. He had fever on Saturday (had few doctor visits) and Sunday night went to the hospital for drips to hydrate him and he died there within an hour.
It was just a week before his 5th Birthday.
So, I knew the pain of loss. We are Lord Shiva’s devotee and it was Pradosham, my son’s last day. So we believed that he is with Lord Shiva and he himself used to chant ‘Om NamaShivaya’ till his last breathe to get rid of his pain.
Then, we came to know about Sai Baba and are his devotees till date. After 2 years of his loss, I am expecting now and family believe that it is him returning back to us.
When I read this experience, I felt a typical story of mine.
May Sai Bless you and your family.
100% your son,s soul is coming back to u dear.Sai baba is going to bless u.
Dear Devotee 1,
Your experience is so very touching and your family has been through a lot. Babas blessing will always be showered to you and your loved ones. Jai sai ram!
om sai raam
very nice experiences…first devotee really a very touching experience..
24 August 2014 by Sai Leelas
It was the April 28,1987, I was reading Sai Leela Magazine. There was knock at my door and when i opened it there was one Sai devotee (Vikas) who told me that he got darshan of Sai Baba in guise who asked him for the dakshina and gave proof by telling another devotee (Mr. Mukesh Saxena) that He gave him thumb and later when he went home he recollected that Sai Baba's statue kept on the shelf fell down previous day remained intact except its thumb which got broken up and that's what Baba reminded him in guise which he could not understand that time.
I immediately got up and went with my sister to see this Baba. He was sleeping on the ground near a taxi stand. We kept looking at HIM wondering whether it was Baba only and came back. Then again I went with my parents to see HIM. HE was having cough and fever and when my mother asked HIM for the tea He agreed for it. We took it for HIM which he drank.
I touched his feet and had brief conversation as follows which was very significant and had abstract meaning. I asked Him who he was and from where he has come and how long he will stay etc. He replied that He is coming from Kurukshetra where solar eclipse took place. When I told HIM that I visited Shirdi and got darshan of Sai Baba. He said yes that is also my place. He further said that it was his Janam Bhumi (Birth Place) and he was there for quite sometime. Then HE asked us if we know about Karim. When I replied "Yes" HE said Karim comes and washes HIS hands. Then showing us the light pole he said somebody wanted to give him food which he didn't accept and ran from there and stopped near the pole as HE found HIS house has come. He further told that he came there on HIS children s repeated requests, pointing towards the pole he explained that when we get enlightened with the light we find our house (destination) which reaches us to the head quarter {destination is GOD) He told us not to worry for anything as God has given us everything and we will get the results after performing prayer for five days which I presume is giving up 5 senses and sincerely praying to HIM. When I asked if we could bring something more for him. He said I would like to have breakfast and will be staying for some more time here. My father wanted to give HIM dakshina which HE accepted and after praying kept in his pocket saying it belongs to Karim. He further added that he always come for his children sake whenever they remember and call Him. After this we came back. The whole night I could not sleep remembering and chanting his name, I kept thinking He is so near to us which is really unbelievable
Next day early morning we (my father & myself) went with tea. HE was awake He blessed us by keeping His hands on our heads and saying that we got first number as we reached him first. Then when I asked him if HE wants to wash His hands. He said whatever child wants Him to do, HE will do. I made HIM wash His hands, He then told us to go and stand near the pole which we did. After the prayer HE came to us and sat on the cot and had tea. When my father told HIM to bless us he touching one finger of mine said whomever this child will bless he will get the blessings what else do you want. Later when we took his permission to come back, He said once he is after a person HE never leaves Him, He further added that as soon as you go back I will meet you. With this conversation and having HIS darshan we came back and I started my morning pooja thinking constantly in which form I'll meet HIM.
Later I realised that while performing pooja after coming back I met HIM in HIS picture as Baba has said that seeing his picture is seeing him in person. Next day when I asked HIM to confirm whether it was HIM only the answer which I received from 'Shri Sai Sat Charitra' was as follows :
Once Sai Baba visited Mrs. Appa Kulkarni (Chap – 33) as a fakir and when she asked HIM if HE was Sai Baba. He said He was servant of God who has sent HIM for inquiring about their health. I got the answer it was HIM only who gave darshan. Later also when I visited Sai Mandir, Lodi Road I saw same Baba's form in His picture whom I met. Next day also Baba was there, who left us on Thursday 30th April, 1987 as it rained.
From this incident it is evident that HE still appears in guise whenever His children remember HIM, crave for HIM, HE comes, reminding us constantly and confirming our faith that if we love him truly he also loves us with same intensity and will always show us the path of devotion/self realization which will take us across mundane existence.
Om Shri Sai Ram.
Miss Alka Chaudhry
New Delhi-110023
Baba…Pleasw mere aur meri family..uske aur uski family k saath raho..Baba..aapko koti koti pranam…:)
2 devotee very heart touching experience..om sai ram
Devotee 1: my heart melted and cried for that lovely kid's love for Baba. Amazing love and how yo
u were blessed with the same kid. Really amazing experience and love for Baba and Baba's for you and ur family.Thank you for sharing with us.
Om Sairam.
Dear Neeta
Your experience is such an eye opener , thank you for sharing .
BABA u knw im nt talk wit my mother 4 past 2 weeks bcoz she realy hurt me.bt i dont like be like dis.pls BABA let my mother realized wat she talking 2 me.u knw im nt going stay longer here.bt b4 im moving out from here i wan all going smooth.pls make me humble n patient in every situation.dis is my request to u BABA.i dont want fight wit anybody.pls make me like my father BABA.he is very patient n very nice person.bt nw he is no more.as his daughter i wan bcome like him.I LOVE U BABA.OM SAI RAM…
To the 1st devotee, can understand your agonising pain as we too have gone through a similar experience. Our child suffered for a couple of years and it was our faith in Sai Baba that kept us going. We expected a miracle till the last breath but the lesson that we had to learn was to let go as our possessiveness was prolonging our child's suffering. Even today I pray for peace and happiness for my child's soul as I strongly believe that my child is in Baba's care.
One of the most touching experiences I've ever read. Dear Neetaji, your daughter is a special special person and a blessed child of Baba.
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
bhrājiṣṇurbhōjanaṁ bhōktā sahiṣṇurjagadādijaḥ |
anaghō vijayō jetā viśvayōniḥ punarvasuḥ || 16 ||
141. Bhrājiṣṇuḥ: One who is pure luminosity.
142. Bhojanam: Prakruti or Maya is called Bhojanam or what is
enjoyed by the Lord.
143. Bhoktā: As he, purusha, enjoys the prakruti, He is called the
enjoyer or Bhokta.
144. Sahiṣṇuḥ: As He suppresses Asuras like Kiranyaksha, He is
145. Jagadādhijaḥ: One who manifested as Hiranyagarbha by
Himself at the beginning of creation.
146. Anaghaḥ: The sinless one.
147. Vijayaḥ: One who has mastery over the whole universe by
virtue of his six special excellences like omnipotence,
omniscience etc. known as Bhagas.
148. Jetā: One who is naturally victorious over beings, i.e. superior
to all beings.
149. Viśvayoniḥ: The source of the universe.
150. Punarvasuḥ: One who dwells again and again in the bodies as
the Jivas.
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Darshan of Lord Dattatreya*****
An ascetic was restless since a number of years for the Sagun ‘Darshan’ of Lord
Dattreya. He undertook a number of pilgrimages. He performed a number of religious
ceremonials. While wandering such he came to Sri Swamiji. Seeing the lustrous
physique of Sri Swamiji, the ascetic was stunned. His penance became fruitful. Sri
Swamiji stood up and manifested himself in the form of Lord Dattatreya, with three
heads, six arms, each arm holding Mala (Rosary), Kamandalu (Holy pot), Damaru (Holy
musical instrument), Trishul (Trident), Shankh (Conch) and Chakra (Holy weapon).Seeing the all-attribute form of Lord Dattatreya the ascetic got deeply immersed
in the sea of happiness and started saying “Sri Swami Maharaj you are the Supreme
Being Lord Dattatreya himself in person. You have given me your Darshan. I have been
fully blessed by the grace of your Darshan”.
*****The Incarnation of Lord Dattatreya*****
One fine day Govindrao, son of Chintopant Tol, worshipped Sri Swamiji and then
asked him “Maharaj are you also present at the confluence of the holy place
Ganagapur? ”. Sri Swamiji said, “Yes, I am present there too”. Govindrao got visionary
insight in his dream, that Sri Swamiji is sitting in the temple of Ganagapur and wearing
the Padukas of Lord Dattatreya. Govindrao asked the residing priest “Who is sitting in
the temple? ”. He replied, “Sri Swamiji of Akkalkot is sitting there”. Govindrao took the
‘Darshan’ of Sri Swamiji who had manifested in the form of Lord Dattatreya and felt
fully blessed, as he had accomplished his cherished object. He became a great devotee
of Sri Swamiji.
Dear Sister Neeta,
Such a heart touching story. I was feeling very low when I read your daughter passed away but the faith in Baba restored when you told me, you had another son in 2 years.
Sri Sai Ram.
Faith and Patience will truly pay off.
Baba Bless All..:-)
baba bless their family baba ,om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
OM sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram'
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
pls take care of everything baba.love u and thanku for everything.
Om sai ram" baba u know how much I love him n even he too..just becs we bth r from otheer caste we cnt b together.n I cant go against my parents , I dnt want to hurt them..I cnt leave wudout him also..so pls baba kuch miracale kar do baba pls..I realy want him in my life bt wid my n his parents bleesings..not agianst them…plss baba help me do somthnh..I need u sai…love u baba..
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
om sai ram ….
BABA u knw im suffering vt my hand pain.i already did 4 operation bt my hand still cannot straighten.i realy shy when i talk vt people BABA.i lose confident while im talking to them bcoz of my hand.i feel like im different from others.y dis all hppn 2 me BABA?? Im nt born handicap.bt bcoz sum incident my hand bcom like dis.i dont mind bout the scars.i can cover it by wearing long sleeve.bt my probs is i cannot straighten my hand BABA.somemore every day i realy suffer vt pain.pls BABA pls do any miracle n pls straight my hand n pls release me from the pain.mayb dis all hppned bcoz of my previous life sins.pls forgive me BABA 4 all of my bad deeds b4.pls help me BABA.I LOVE U BABA.OM SAI RAM…
lit lamps in sai mandir for 9 weeks and apply udi to your hand daily
ठोकरें खा कर भी ना संभले
तो मुसाफ़िर का नसीब,
वरना पत्थरों ने तो
अपना फर्ज़ निभा ही दिया..!
साईं वार की हर्धिक शुभकामनाए…..बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय
आँखों में मेरे खवाब हैं की दर्शन मिले तेरा..
रहा अकेला इस दुनिया में, ना कोई साईं मेरा..
जब जब रहा मैं अकेला,बाबा तुझे है मैंने पाया..
आकर तेरी चौखट पर ही चैन मुझे है आया…
बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय
मंदिर में बेठे हो साईं
कभी बाहर भी आया जाया करो
मैं रोज तेरे दर आता हूँ
कभी तुम भी मेरे घर आया करो ।
मुझे साईं तुमने बहुत कुछ दिया है,
तेरा शुक्रिया है,
तेरा शुक्रिया। ना मिलती अगर दी हुई दात
तो क्या थी ज़माने में औकात मेरी।
तुम्ही ने तो जीने के काबिल किया है,
तेरा शुक्रिया है, तेरा शुक्रिया॥
बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज जी की जय
Sai maa
Luv u a lot my maa
Went through anxiety and panic after a long time .
Please don't make me go through this once again my maa
Please shower u r blessings and hold my hand to make me live happily and healthy
Let my darling ash do his exams well .Please bless him my maa
Luv u a lot
Falling at your lotus feet
sairam neetha ji,
you are the best mother a child could get, in imbibing all the values in a child, your daughter was sent from baba for a specific time only to be reached to you again with 10 times goodness,blessedness by baba. Baba always says if he takes any thing from his devotees he has to give them 10 times, so baba returned you a son who will be with you life long, blessed 10 times. A really spl gifted child, she stayed with baba for again 2 yrs of specific time and again returned to you as your son. Baba is leela natakasutradhari, no words to praise his leelas, he drowns he lifts us very highly, he will never ever leave us till our souls merges in him. I cried a lot while reading at your divine meaningfull amazing experience. No words to praise him, just to bow down to him with humbleness utmost faith total surrendrence.
Devotees, I have a doubt….Can we make more than one wish and do one Nav Guruvar vrat? Please reply…I want do it from this Thursday….Your suggestion will be greatly appreciated….Om Sai Ram 🙂
i think only one wish
Neetaji I have no words…..Baba is there for you and your family….Om Sai Ram !!!
BABA u knw im suffering vt hand pain 4 past dis 1yr.my heart very pain BABA if im thinking bout my hand.wat is my fault BABA until my life become like dis??im nt a born handicap.its suddenly hppend due 1 incident.i cannot straighten my hand BABA.i realy shy when i talk vt people.i fell like im diffrent 4rm others.i dont mind bout the scars BABA bcoz i already done 4 times operation 2 my hand.i can cover it by wearing long sleeve.bt i cannot straight my hand.its realy hurt me.pls BABA pls do sum miracle through my hand.pls release my pain.mayb dis all hppned bcoz of my previous life karma.pls forgive me BABA 4 all of my sins.pls BABA pls help me.I LOVE U BABA.OM SAI RAM…
Devotee 1 u have experieced realy unforgetable incidence. Very heart touching story. Felt sad when u lost ur child but was happy to know how Baba blessed u same child again. Ur family is realy very lucky and blessed one. May Sai always be with you.
Pls Baba. .I'm sorry Baba..pls give me one last chance. .Om Sai Ram
Sai baba,
you are always with me and helping me in all situations..yesterday mine,my son and my daughter gc cards tracking number was emailed to us…But they did not update status of tracking number for my husband….baba is always and helped us getting tracking number for my hsuband also..we are very happy now..thanks baba…please be with us always and help us ..love you baba
Om sai ram…….the above experiences aré true testimonials for shraddha and shaburi……love u baba……..sri sai never leaves his child …..at any given situation…..
Dear Neeta Ji,
Koti koti pranams to you…You have given me the answer for all our prayers and your family's devotion on baba is very pure and adorable.Loving your kids sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. JAI BOLO SAI RAM KI
Hi pa,
Thanks thanks and thanks a lot. I did well today, not too good but it was good. My following sessions should be even more good and my trainees should understand and get the knowledge which is transferred to them. Be my guide and help me throughtout this period…..Thanks a lot pa….
Tears rolled down from my eyes when I was reading first experience.Thanks baba for blessing her healthy baby
Dear neetaji, I am very lucky today to read your experience. May baba bless our child with good health
Neeta Ji
Very Much Faith boosting exerience- Tears rolling down my eys:)
Love to ALL, PEace to ALL
Jai Sairam,
Sai Sister Neetaji: Couldn't stop my tears on reading your experience. Thanks for sharing it. You paid baba such a big dakshana Shradha and Saburi because of which Baba returned your daughter. May baba always bless you and your son.
I couldnt stop the tears when i read your experience and truelly baba's leela when you said youhave a 2 year old son.
I lost my child when i was pregnant at 5 months and it was a girl, at that time i was very upset with Baba and one night when i was crying and went to sleep i felt like baba was standing next to me and brushing my head like a loving mother would. Then later one day i read the Satcharita and came to chapter 48 , i really understood the meaning of that chapter, i felt like baba was telling too,i will give back your daughter to you and he surely did . I have a 15 month old daughter now and she smiles when i sing Om Sai Namo Namah to her. its like baba is smiling at me .
Lastly i just want to share something i read somewhere and its so true to what Baba said.
" Always ask God to give you what you deserve, not what you desire. It's because your desires may be few, but you deserve a lot!"
God bless you and your family and all the sai family i have here.
Love you lots Baba, please be with me and my family always.
Neetaji, Amazing experience. Cheers to your Shradha and Saburi 🙂
Devotee 1 i realy appeciate u coz eventhough ur daughter no more rdy bt u still very humble 2 BABA n didnt put blame on Him.bcoz of ur faith on Him, nw ur son born bc n replace ur daughter..BABA IS GREAT..OM SAI RAM..
Neetaji you and your family are blessed souls. All the experiences are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Om Sai Ram !!!
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai !!!
Hetalji why didnt you confirmed my comment?
Neeta ji….power to u…my faith has also increased in baba aftr readin ur miracle..cudnt stop cryin bt happy dat baba blessd u.
My tears rolled down after reading the experience. Plz give me the patience and devotion that they have after facing such an incident.
Plz bless me with a healthy child.I am feeling sad without a child after having miscarriages.
Hi Neeta ji
Baba is there with you… I am still crying..not minding being in a public transport….. God Sai Blessed your sradha and saburi……
Beautiful experiences! Neeta Ji, I had tears in my eyes reading your beautiful experience, the loss of a child is something that is the most painful thing in the world for a parent to go through, but Baba brought your daughter back to you in the form of a son and now your son will be with you and so beautifully said that he will stay with you even after marriage, it is truly a beautiful and wonderful miracle of Baba that he came to you and told you such a beautiful sentiment. 2nd devotee, it was Baba who arranged for your work to be so close to the Baba temple so you can easily come and visit Him. 3rd devotee, Baba was the one who got your cycle back for you and just as Baba helps us find lost things, Baba helped you recover your lost bike. Om Sai Ram!
Dear Neeta Ji, Your experience gave me goosebumps and throught out tears were rolling out of my eyes. Baba is great. Aum Sai Ram.. Jai Jai Sai Ram
May Sai bless you and your son with all the happiness and healthy life.
May your daughter rest in peace. Sai is with her. 🙂
Sai Ram, bless all. Love you Sai Ji.
Heart touching experience..
Dear Devotee,
Great devotion . was crying while reading your exp. Sai bless you and your family.
Jai Sai Ram
In chatcharithra its given that those who chant or remember God at at last minute will reach the god they thought.om sai Raja ram