Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Shat Koti Pranam at Baba’s Lotus Feet. Please don’t reveal my name and email. Regards to my all Sai Devotees. I am an ardent devotee of Sai Ram since 2009. It’s Baba’s grace that I could become His devotee. Many a time I could feel His presence around me. Today I am sharing the most recent one.
My son is a pretty good student. He does well in his exams every year. His school gives prestigious MP Birla certificate to those who do extremely well in final exam. Previously he got this a couple of times but last year failed to achieve it. We were very upset. This year we worked very hard towards our goal. Day and night we prayed to Baba. In Sa1 he did extremely well. Final exams were tough yet good. We were anxiously waiting for the result.
One night Baba came into my dream and knocked my door. When I opened the door I saw Baba standing at my door step. He told me, my son would do well in most of the subjects but in some subjects he needed special attention. He told it and went away. I called Him from behind but He did not stop. Exactly that happened, when the mark sheet declared I found in few subjects he did extremely good but in biology and Bengali he was well short of target. We almost broke down because we knew that this year also we are going to miss the prestigious certificate. On 28th April the result was declared. I was only chanting Baba’s name. I could not believe my eyes when his class teacher handed me over his result along with the certificate. It was unbelievable as many students were well ahead of him in terms of marks. It was solely Baba Who made this possible. We often visit Sai temple near to our house and offer our prayer to His Lotus Feet. My life, whatever I am today is due to Baba’s grace. Bless my family. Give a place at Your feet always. Forgive me if I do anything wrong but don’t leave us. Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Our Sai Baba

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram I believe Baba is always with me and He proves the same. This happened in 2009. I was pregnant with twins. Since it was a pregnancy after long time. My doctor advised me to avoid public places so that I will not catch any infection. I wanted to go to Mylapore Sai Baba Temple before going to my hometown for delivery. Fully believing in Baba I went to temple with my mother and cousin brother. Temple was too crowded and we could not park the car. My cousin dropped us at the front of the temple and he went to park the car. We went and joined the queue. I forgot to tell my cousin that I wanted to buy two lotuses. I wanted to buy lotus and keep it at Baba’s feet. I did not have my phone and was really feeling worried that I was not able to buy the lotus. If I come out of the queue, it might take too long for Baba’s Darshan. Standing for long time is also not advised in my case. I just prayed to Baba in my mind. That I will get the lotus next time and to forgive me and bless us with healthy baby.
The queue kept moving and there were about ten people before us. Suddenly a person came to me and gave to me 2 lotuses. For minute I thought it’s a flower from Baba feet. Usually Pujari gives the flower and Kumkum. But my mother said no he is asking you to keep the lotus at Baba‘s feet. I had goose bumps. No one knows the conversation between my mind and Baba. Till now I’m wonderstruck about that. Baba Himself came and gave me the flowers to place at His holy feet. We had a good Darshan. Before my delivery one of my friends went to Shirdi and send me Baba’s Picture and Prasad on a Thursday. Next Wednesday our little girls were born. Baba was there in time during my delivery. By Baba’s grace our girls are healthy. I do not have words to express our thanks to Baba for all He has done to our well being. Baba please be with us always and bless us all. Victory be to our Sadguru Maharaj Om Sri Sainath. Om Sai Ram
Miracles In My Life
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi all, i am not very big devotee of Sai Baba, but i am very thankful of the owner of this website that increased my faith on Lord Sai. I am a girl, who was going to end up the life after my dad’s death, but my life is completely changed and i am blessed by Baba. Om Sai Ram to all. First of all i am very thankful of the owner of this website for providing amazing platform to share our experiences. I am from India, i belong to family of 5. My mom, 2 sisters and brother. My father passed away before few months. I went through a very worst phase of life. I used to blame God. I decided not worship God. Meanwhile i started reading few experience on this website and my faith on Baba started increasing. I was missing my dad badly. I decided to visit Shirdi. This was my first time. I was planning for Shirdi trip from last few years but never got the chance.
Baba gave Darshan in my dream and soon i went to Shirdi. The moment i saw Baba i couldn’t stopped my tears. After returning to home i started reading Sai-Satcharitra. Trust me guys my life changed completely. Even though we don’t have any support after death of my dad, Baba is helping us out in every difficulty. While finishing with Sai Charitra i got marriage proposals, for which we were trying from last 2 years. Don’t know how to thank to Baba but my life is completely changed. Very thankful as through this website i came across to number of experience and started believing on Baba. After my dad’s death i was going on finish my life. We were facing number of problems every day. But Baba has changed my life. Always donate food to poor needy people. Never lose faith on Lord Sai as whatever bad things happen with us is just because of the demerits accumulate in the last birth. Thanks a lot Baba. Bolo Anantkoti Parabrahma Sachidanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Nice Experiences….Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
S Sound mind in a sound body
H Hit the iron while it is hot.
R Rolling stone gathers no moss.
I Idle brain is a devil's workshop.
S Slow and steady wins the race.
A All is well that ends well.
I Ill got is ill spent.
B Birds of the same feather flock together.
A All that glitters is not gold.
B Beware of pick-pockets.
A As you sow so shall you reap.
S Stitch in time saves nine.
A All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
N Nip the evil in its bud.
S Sing for the Blessings of Baba.
T Truth is beauty and beautiful is divine.
H Honesty is the best policy.
A Action is thy duty and fruit is not thy concern.
N Necessity is the mother of invension.
O Opinion rules the world.
F Faults are thick where love is thin.
S Set good against evil.
H Handsome is that Handsome does.
I Ill luck is good for something.
R Reason rules all things.
D Death is the grand leveller
I Ignorance is the mother of sorrow.
This body of ours is just a piece of wood, made up of the file elements and remains only for the purpose of experiencing pleasure and pain, after which it will fall motionless and be reduced to ash with out fail. (Chapter 33 -ovi 12)
You and I are also in the same position. To remind you of it, and to keep this awareness in mind, day and nigh, I give this Udi. (Chapter 33 – ovi 13)
So says Sai Baba in Sai Satcharitra. Now we shall a miracle of Udi which helped a devotee to resume his office work in 1 hours time.
Sai Baba the protector of us all once again came to my rescue and this time I couldn't help putting this experience on paper, may be this too is under His direction and will that I share this with all His devotees.
It was the morning of 8th May that I got up with an unbearable pain in my back. Infact, the moment I sat up, I collapsed unable to breathe. My mother who entered the room saw my condition and panicked as I was gasping for breath and I asked her to call a doctor. I lay back staring at the ceiling and silently praying to Baba saying "how did I come to be in such a condition and that too on a day when I had a shooting for a film, what a loss it would be to the producers if I did not report for work." In my prayer I requested Baba to reduce my pain and help me report for work. As I was doing this, my doctor turned up and he was baffled by my condition, I couldn't even talk and explain to him where and why it was paining me. Between short breaths I gestured to him, he examined me and could not diagnose anything. But in order to reduce the pain he gave me an injection and asked me to take complete rest. After he left I asked my mother to give me Baba's Udi which I ate and applied some to the affected area. I also requested my brother to inform my director that I shall report for the shooting in the afternoon as I was confident that I would be better by then, as Sai was protecting me and He would cure me enough to report to work. I went into a deep sleep as the doctor's sedative started working on me. When I woke up it was 12 noon and I discovered that I was fit enough to work. Quickly I took a bath, said a prayer as is my routine and after a bath left for the shooting. Every one was happy to see me there that I could make it inspite of my being unwell but who would believe me if f told them that it was the hand of Sai that made me fit? Hardly 5 minutes after the pain started again and every body got worried as they saw that I couldn't even breathe. I motioned to them to take me to a bed room and lay me down quickly. I was put on a bed and I whispered to the director that he should not worry and that I shall be alright in an hour's time. He left me in disbelief as to how I could possibly be alright in this short span of time but then who could explain to him that I had a strong faith in Sai Baba. After about an hour or so when I got up and started walking about everyone was aghast to see me smiling and telling them to start my work.
The Kind Hearted Saibaba
Well, if this is not a miracle then what is. ‘Who else but SAI BABA could have brought about this' He always answers a devotee who has full faith in Him and rescues him from any trouble. After all He has promised WHY FEAR WHEN I'AM HERE
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai !!!
Hi all,
M very glad to see my experience posted over here…
After 5 months my experience got posted…thank you so much baba .. U r the biggest support in my life .. Please be with me …
Sai daughter
Om sai ram.. I want to share my experiences lot many Times and now I got chance to share.. feeling lucky.. I usually randomly select some baba website and check what I have to do for that day… it was saying to donate money to a Muslim phakeer.. I was hurry to office and I was thinking about it.. how can I find a Muslim phakeer in SEZ,Bangalore..evening after returning from office.. I stopped at some tailor shop.. when I was talking to the tailor.. suddenly one Muslim phakeer came to me and asked for money.. I was shocked to see him and donated some money.. he was rushing and dressing is same as Sai Baba.. but he looked like some middle aged person.
This is one of the experience.. I always feel baba listens to me.. and I always pray to him to bless me with good heart.
Iam a devotee of baba … Iam struggling with my carrer . The answer baba gives me many times is do not discrimate but iam unable to comprehend in what context is he saying so . what does he wants to tell me .
Iam blessed to his devotee . I know he takes care of me .but i smtimes feel i lack devotion …. not tht i dont trust him but the feeling that iam not a true devotee .
baba please give me sad buddhi and if anyone amongst you could clarify what does he wants to tell me
om sai ram
Are you too adamant about something? When I did my masters I was looking for job in my field, and used to decline job in IT. After struggling for 14 months, I finailly did take job in IT. Now I make almost double money than people in my field.
What I think is that you must be having some prejudice in mind about salary or job stream and by not discriminating he is asking you to leave those thoughts , broden your search, leave your comfort jone, and grab what you get for now. He will take you to the job of your dreams in no time if you trust Sai.
I hope this applies to you, what i said is based on my experience!
Jai Shri Sai! Jai Satguru! Jai Mata Di!
This is my ignorant self trying to decipher baba's message, I think he means that you shouldn't have reservations about a job is big or small for your qulaifications, accept it.
I did B.TECH in chemical technology and was always very limited to my field.Due to such stupidity of mine I am suffering a lot and most of my friends are in other fields, settled.I am not asking everyone to shift to tehir field but my only request to all is ACCEPT whatever field,salary u get at-least for now. Baba knows ur destiny but not you so if you have 100% believe in baba then grab whatever available now rather then waiting for best.
Wonderful experiences especially the 2nd devotee's is mind blowing 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for working Your sweet and beautiful miracles and filling our lives with love, happiness and joy 🙂
Jai Sairam
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
hi all. why you did this to me sai. i trust and pray you for 2 yrs. i read sai sacharitra many time.i done sai vrat two time. what you give to me. instead of giving good job.from a good job to without job. even i ignore other gods. is this the blessing of your praye. thanks and bye
have faith ..don't treat baba as ATM baba as u do your father and baba said sab ka malik ek .om sai ram
om sai ram…baba is like our father and mother
Saibaba leelas are great.
Jaijaisaibaba!!! Jaishriram:-)
Baba plz allow me to go. Plz I cannot stay here
Babaji protect all of us from all calamities…
You are the only saviour…
Bless us
Babaji protect all of us from all calamities…
You are the only saviour…
Bless us
OM sai RAM
Please make us hold your feet ever & ever Dear Lord:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
I holded the upper lid of kumkum box and it fell down on a mat on Varalakshmi vratham day. I am very much worried from that day. Is that a bad sign? Baba you are our saviour please save my family.
Sai Daughter
it is actually an auspicious sign! Jai Mata Di! Jai Satguru! Jai Sai Nath!
kumkum spilling in the floor is considered as a auspicious sign…like in ur home some good functions like marriage, child birth or some function is coming on the way.
So dont worry..
Always trust in baba… he ll do the best to us … (f)
BABA u r realy great.last week i was so hapy bcoz i visit ur temple n i gt chance 2 tk arthi.its realy unforgetable memory 4 me BABA.i gt ur darshan.tq BABA bcoz appear in my dream n give kumkumam 2 me.i knw u always vt me.I LOVE U BABA.LOVE U SO SO SO MUCH. U help me solve 1 by 1 my probs.Tq so much BABA.OM SAI RAM…
om sai ram
om sair ram..baba i m feeling very low for her…pls give us power …om sai ram tnku so much for this beauty full lyf… u baba
Sai maa
Please please please let ash get good marks and come out feeling happy my maa
Luv u
Falling at your lotus feet