Sai Is Not Looking At Me

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I always thought to write my experience when something good happens, but i am tired of waiting, No Good things are happening, i am so depressed. I lost my father when I was 8 years old, I don’t have any siblings. My Mother is a working woman, so no problem to lead a lower middle class family. I have done my B.E, I don’t have a good job.

From past 3 years I have been working for 4.5k and 8k salary. I always wanted to get a good job and look after my mother well. I am reaching my 30, not finding a suitable groom. My mother is trying hard to find an alliance. I have met many grooms’ family. After meeting they reject me because i am not having good job, we don’t have enough property or they say horoscope is not matching, some of them don’t even bother to reply after meet. My mother is very upset. I have done Nav Guruvar Vrat, read Sai Satcharitra couple of times. But still no results. After starting the Pooja, things got more worst in my life. I am feeling like ending my life. Thinking of my mother I drop it. I have not hurt anyone, not cheated anyone. Why God is killing us daily. Apart from all this, people’s taunt will hurt us very badly. Nothing is working. Why Baba hates me so much. What should I do? Life is a big question mark. Myself and my mother have suffered lot in life (which i am not able to share everything here) when’ll we get to see light.

Baba Brought My Love Back

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a student who just completed my graduation. I was introduced to Baba long back by my father. I found Baba’s temple the most peaceful place on the earth. Even i was lucky enough to put my feet at the Dwarkamai at Shirdi twice and i am planning to go to Shirdi again this year. My Shirdi trip was also a miracle by Baba only. I would like to tell that last year in June my girl-friend broke up with me due to foolish reasons. I was shocked at the same time, depressed and disappointed. I found peace at Baba’s feet only. I used to cry and prayed to Baba to make things alright. I came to know about question answer site and when i asked Baba, He answered that things will get better at proper time and suggested many things. I followed the same but nothing really happened. I realised that i was just bearing the fruit of my past karma. But Baba always came up with a positive answer and i still remember that Baba answered that work will be done on date bearing number 9, and to my surprise it was 19 March when everything settled at a happy end. I was happy but i became a bit selfish and forgot to fulfil my promises that i did to Baba. As a result it all messed up again. I apologize Baba and beg Him for His blessings and beg again to bless me again and make everything alright. Please forgive me Baba. Beg You. Om Sai Ram Baba please forgive me. I am sorry.

Sai Deva Saved My Son

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, may Sai Deva bless all of us. I am Sai devotee from long time and experienced lot of miracles. I am today because of His blessings. Today I would like to share my recent miracle. My son is suffering from various health issues from about 6 months and there was a time when doctor told us that my son need to undergo surgery for some health issue. We were prepared for it too. But a day before surgery we thought of going to other doctor for second opinion. Miracles of miracle happened. He told it can be cured without surgery and he started recovering with medications. Our happiness knew no bounds. Sai Deva please shower Your blessings to all. Hope our son recover fully soon. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Sairam
    First devotee don't worry our Baba will never leave our hands. Something really good is waiting for you. I will pray for you.
    Bow to SriSai peace be to all

  2. Jai Sai Ram.Nice experience. To the exp no 2. Dear sister please do not loose faith our Baba is very kind. He 'll help you soonn.By the time he is just making you to finish your bad past karmas. Trust him fully. He 'll help you soon.exp no2. Baba will help u too. Trust him fully.Exp no3. Very nice exp , i liked it.

  3. Sai baba, bless everyone. Be with us baba.
    Dear sai devotees, yesterday baba made me happy. I was wishing to see baba in green for a long time. Last night, I opened live shirdi darshan before sleep and saw baba in green and his samadhi too was covered in green. I felt very very happy. I felt as if baba has shown me green signal for some good thing. Thanks baba. thank you so much my dear sai father.

  4. Devotee 1:

    I used to pray to Baba only because I wanted results; things to happen my way etc……it went on for sometime and guess what! nothing really happened ………….I got frustrated but in the end I left it to Baba and said whatever it is in my life, is the balance sheet of my past Karmas and I do realize that You (Baba) do not interfere with it, the only thing I want from You is that You be with me, whatever happens from hereon in my life, You support me and give me the strength to face the circumstances and come out of it victorious………,my bad time did not finish even then, but I was at peace in my mind, happy and all geared up to do something about it. I noticed all of a sudden I was a stronger person dealing with the issues in my life and not just cribbing about or blaming others for problems in my life……..

    …….well ! in the end, things turn around for better for me as it is meant to happen one day……….I was even congratulated by few who knew about my circumstances, for holding on until the end; But I thanked Baba, the Saviour, from the bottom of my heart.

    Now when I look back and think what if I had not surrendered to Baba? I think, I would have been wanting to die every single day until my problems got solved (which were to get over anyway as soon as I'd paid for my bad karmas); plus I would not have got this NEW confidence of facing up to the problems and making efforts to find solutions.
    Now, I can say bad times, in a way, are welcoming thing in one's life as these are the character defining moments in one's life; bad time has to get over sooner or later, but the advantage it offers is in developing the personality and character – which becomes the foundations of achieving higher goals in life.

    I imagine a situation – if I was born in the most affluent family, I'd have been someone who never had to worry about anything in life – what sort of life it'd be – would I be able to deal with adverse scenarios? certainly not!
    So whatever is written up for us in this life, we have to manage from that only; Baba is a great support but we need to do our bit, i,e. keep making efforts PATIENTLY with the FAITH that Baba is out there to help us deal with bad times.

    It is all narrated in chapter 20 & 26 of SatCharitra through Namya's sister and Gopal Ambadekar's stories.

    Without knowing much about your personal situation, I can only recommend you to start networking people in your field – people with same professional background (college mates, seniors) who are doing better. Linkedin a good place to start with…..if you realize you need to have some extra skills – may be attend some workshops, courses etc – prospective employers appreciate the initiatives taken. You might have to spend something extra but it pays off in the long run. If you have to travel a bit initially, do so; sometimes people start small businesses using their knowledge of the local market; with internet so easily available and so powerful these days, one does not need to spend so much to start a small venture.

    If you feel bit better reading this, imagine your positive attitude and efforts would help your mother also a great deal.

    Rest all is in Baba's hands, He is watching over you and has already blessed you because you have reached this forum.

    May Sri Sai bless you soon.

  5. Wonderful experiences.

    1st Devotee: Stay positive. Surrender to Him and believe He will do only good to you. That's it. Stop being sad and stop the self pity and just trust him.
    2nd Devotee: He forgives and forgets.
    3rd Devotee: I am sure our sweet lord is taking care of your child.

    O Sai, Thank You for your umpteen miracles on a regular basis that bring us love and joy 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  6. thanks for sharing your experience for 1st and 3rd devotee dont worry everything will be alright by baba's grace…. keep faith on him….


  8. Dear Sai brothers and sisters,

    By Baba's divine grace, I will be traveling to shirdi on dec 19th with family and plan to reach there on dec 21st. Kindly forward your prayer requests to will make a humble attempt to print your requests and place it on Baba's Samadhi , seek his blessings…sairam

  9. om sai ram… Baba if any good things happen to me i always think that you are the one who stands behind it and do it, but if i share all those things with my friends and if i say, that because of baba's grace only all these happened, they are not at all listening to me instead they are laughing at my trust and faith. i know baba its you who take care of me but they are thinking that am blindly believing you. you are always there with me baba but if they comment about you like this i badly get hurted. 🙁 right now this incident happened, and i feel like crying. whatever the comments may be and who ever tells it i still love you baba for all your blessings and bless me forever, and bless my friends too.. 🙁

    • why do you care about them? i remember a story in sai satcharita where someone wanted to sit in exam and his friends made fun of his trust in baba then the friend who was making fun lost his kid and went to baba. It took him one year just to talk to baba. Your friends might beg baba for forgiveness one day.

    • Thanx a ton for your reply. I dont want baba to punish them because i still love them all. But i want them to stop commenting about my trust and baba.

  10. Sairam Devotee 1,
    Please do not worry. I have prayed to Sai Guru to bless you with a wonderful marriage soon. Let your future be full of success,happiness and peace.

  11. Sai Deva Please forgive my mistakes. I completely surrendered myself to You. Please bless to get good job to stay with my family. Please make me Your ardent devotee and always think about You. Please Sai Deva give me Darshan

  12. BABA my husband and mother says i should reduce doing pujas and visiting sacred places. Even today after booking shirdi tickets they are saying dont promise HIM that you will go to Shirdi every year. BABA please dont get mad at them. I dont change and even i wont change. Please BABA dont get mad on what they said. Please bless my trip a safe trip. I want to visit the other places in Feb. Please be with my family all the time.

  13. I am completely broken. I have lost everything. I can only sleep by visualizing suicide because I don't want to live this life anymore. Everytime something bad happened I thought it's ok baba will take care, it's ok, there is something better. How many time. Now I have lost everything. Dignity confidence happiness and hope. Hopeless I am. I kept praying and praying to you for years. People kept telling better days will come. Nothing came. Only disappointment. I asked you and did everything. You gave me signs. Why did you lead me to this. I pray every minute that somehow I die without committing suicide. I used to pray earlier for a good job, for health and happiness for my family, for my friends, for a good life. Nothing happened. Now I just pray for peaceful death so that I don't have to live this cursed life. Will you grant me that Atleast?

    • Dear sister, i am not too better than you on this. I am trying to get better each day. No matter how bad your life seems to you, its worth living and you can change it anytime. There are many legeands who did that. Google about Louis Hay and listen to her on you tube. It might help you, if you have strong will power you dont need to die and you can still manifest life of your dreams.
      Also you can read, "Joseph Murphy: The Power of your Sub-Conscious Mind" its avaiable free online. Just give it one try and 2 months of your life. Now that you waited for years 2 months is not much.
      Good Luck! Sai Ram! Jai Mata Di! Jai Sad Guru!

    • Suicide/death is not a solution to any problem…its better we should live this life in rememberance of sai baba and surrender to him completely…everyone person on this earth have problems…not only one but in multiple…just think of people who have life worse than yours..and be grateful to Saibaba for what you have …Instead of praying for death …pray for his blessing so that at end you get salvation..God bless you..never ever say all hope s have ended…there is always a hope just you have to look for it…read sai will bring peace.

    • Baba please give her strength and hope to live peacefully.Please bless her/him.
      I pray lord sai baba to pull you out of troubles and give you your family health wealth and happiness

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