Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: I am a devotee from Malaysia. Before I start writing my experiences, I would like to thank Hetalji and the entire team for this great service.
Om Sairam, I had many experiences with Baba and I’ve shared few of them through this blog. Coming to my recent experiences with Baba, I had some work related pressure and my boss was a bit upset with my deliverables. Also the servers were down all of a sudden and I prayed sincerely to get the issue fixed without any service outage or major escalation. Same day Baba listened to my prayers and the issue was resolved.
Next day the issue recurred and I prayed to Baba for resolution. Baba really helped me as always. Services were up and running for two weeks. Again the third week the issue started and I didn’t inform my manager about the situation and the issue got fixed through a workaround. To some extent now I understood the cause of the issue and we know how to deal with that problem in case if the problem reoccurs.
My boss’s perception towards me is slightly changing and his attitude is sometimes hurting me. Please Baba please save me from all these troubles and help me to progress well in my career.
Thanks for all Your help Baba. I got all my prayers answered until now including the health issue which I was facing the past few days. I was having slight chest pain during the lock down period and was not sure whether it was a covid symptom. I prayed for Baba and the very next day I felt better. I would say 100% recovered. These two experiences I wanted to share and somehow it was getting delayed. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam. Baba forgive me and bless all Your devotees. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: Om Sairam devotees. I am from New Zealand. Please keep my name and email-id anonymous.
Coming to my experience, today my heart is filled with happiness. Sai has made me come out of the situation that I was going through since fourth months. Sai You made such a peaceful and respectful ending which is beyond my imagination. You solved the situation so gracefully Sai. Thanks a ton Sai. My parents will be so happy to hear the news.
You know the current situation Sai, today my loved ones are going through a test. Please be by his side, give him strength to fight this phase. I have complete trust in You Sai. I have surrendered everything at Your lotus feet. Give strength to everyone. I know the storm which has risen is eventually going to be turned into a beautiful bright day by You Sai. Bless everyone Sai.
One of my friend’s family is going through a rough phase. Help them Sai. You know they have a small kid. They have made a mistake but please forgive them Sai.
Sada Nimbavrikshyasya Tasyadhe Mule Bhavadbhava Bhudya Saparyadhe Sevam Nrinam Kurvatam Bhukti Mukti Pradantam Namameshvaram Sadgurum Sainatham. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am Sai’s Daughter. Thanks a lot Hetalji and team for this blog and thank You Baba for giving me this opportunity to share my experience and Your miracle.
My daughter recently developed an allergic reaction to Pringle’s brand potato chips. We first noticed it a couple of weeks ago and by Baba’s grace we were able to figure out that the reason for her itchiness was pringles.
Yesterday, my husband was eating the same chips and daughter was sitting near him but did not touch or eat them. Within a few minutes she again developed the rash and itchiness on her hands and this time it was severe. We applied some cream and she was using the cold pack the whole day but she still had the rash when she slept at night. Around 3 am in the morning she came crying to our room that it was very itchy. I got very scared because of covid as I didn’t want to take her to the emergency room. I calmed down and prayed to my Baba to help my daughter and somehow a thought came into my mind to apply Vaseline instead of cream. I just believed that it was Baba’s indication and applied vaseline to her hands and prayed to Baba that she should sleep well. By Baba’s grace she slept well after that and today she is feeling much better. Thank You Baba! Om Sairam, Shree Sairam, Jai Jai Sairam!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Rosy Sai deewani from India says: Thank you all for all your blessings. I would really like to thank Hetalji for providing a platform to share our blessings. In 2016 in my married life there came a storm as my husband and I had a lot of problems. I left my husband’s house and went to my parents’ house with my son. We had many problems. Even after we reached a stage of divorce. l prayed to Sai Baba. l “>read Sai Satcharitra so many times. Each time Baba said not to worry as that was my house and no one could take. That time was too miserable.
In June I prayed to Sai to please show one way whether I should live with my parents or go to in-laws. I did not eat food for days not a single day. l said when He would make a decision only then I would eat. After 5 days Sai Baba listened to me and decided that I should go to in-laws. My husband realized his mistake and he came to take us home. All happened due to Sai and only due to Sai. After that we live happily. Today whatever I am it’s due to Sai.
l love You Sai Appa. Love You too much. Sai l love You. l had promised to Sai that I will post, sorry for delay. Sai Babaji please clear all my debts as early as possible. l will post my experience again.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Thanks to my father Sairam Who has helped me during difficult times.
I am from India (Chennai) and during this Covid 19 pandemic we were one among the worst hit states. The place where I stayed was under double lockdown and no one from outside was allowed. It was a Thursday evening and I was about to start my Sai pooja, while I went to the kitchen to fetch the naivaidyam to my dismay I found water flooded under my fridge, and it had stopped working. Immediately I called out to my husband but he was held up in a board meeting on a conference call. I was helpless. I gained my strength back, took some Udi and put it on the fridge door and unplugged it. I finished my prayers and my allotted chapters in Mahaparayana, bowed to Sai Baba and went back to switch on my fridge where I found that it started working. Tears flooded my eyes and I hugged my fridge. Even when we have no one to help us around just remember Sai, He’s our Father and He will be our shadow to help us during tough situations. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Dubai says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I am a member of Mahaparayan group MP- 9243. I am writing this during the Covid pandemic. On the fourth I came to know that one of my husband’s colleagues got Covid positive and he used to sit next to my husband. We were very scared. On 9th May we went for a test. We both read Sai Satcharitra and took Udi as a prashad before going for a test. I was constantly chanting Om Sairam. Today on 11th May we got our results and they were negative. It’s a miracle and blessing of Baba. Baba is always with us. Please save the earth from the Coronavirus. Om Sairam!
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Omsairam..i love you..thankyou so much for whatever you have blessed us with…forgive our dins..
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa cure your world.baba today is my parents marriage anniversary please bless them to live together healthy and happy always.please sai save this world
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful Sai experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Please save this universe from COVID-19 Deva.