Anonymous Devotee from UK says: First of all thanks a lot Hetal ji for starting this blog. I am Sai devotee from UK. I was not very strong follower of Sai. I just used to go to Sai Temple with some of my friends before marriage. After when I came to UK I started fasting on Thursday and use to visit Sai Temple in our area few times in a month. But then gradually my belief in Sai started increasing. From last two months I have started doing Aarti’s and reading Sai Satcharitra which has changed my life and attitude completely. There was a time when I was feeling very low due to some problems. I was searching for something to read on Sai Baba then when I came across this site. It was Thursday night when I read about Sai experiences for first time and from that very moment I completely surrender myself to Sai. I have experience Sai’s presence many time in my life this experience is just one of them. I am sharing my experience second time. Previous one is not published yet but will be soon. Sorry if my experience is very lengthy but i don’t want to miss any moment.

I was looking for job since long and nothing was getting clicked. In Feb I applied in two companies (we will name them as company A and company B) and I told Sai Baba that this would be my last attempt after that i will join my old company where I don’t like much. After lot of application I got call from company A that i have to attain recruitment evening on 19th Feb and got call from company B to attain telephone interview on 20th Feb, if I clear telephone interview with company B then my Face to Face will be on 27th (total is 9) which is Thursday. So I took it as Baba’s indication. So i went to Recruitment evening in company A which went pretty well. And next day i got rejected in telephonic interview with company B. So now only hope was company A. I waited for nearly two weeks and prayed to Baba day and night that i can get this job as it was one of the best company to work for. Then after two weeks i got call to attain Final assessment stage. I thanked Baba and prayed Him to get me this job.
My interview was scheduled on Friday 14th of March and Thursday one of my friend’s gave me Sai Baba’s Idol which they got from Shirdi. So I was very happy and confident. Even i kept Baba’s coin in my pocket when i went for interview. Now i have to wait for their answer. This was real time to keep patience and faith in Sai Baba. All this time I always asked Baba to give me indication that He is with me. So i was confident that Baba will get me job. I got all indications which I will list below this post. And finally after a long wait they said that I am selected but they can’t offer me job as they have got someone more experience. I was really upset but back of the mind i knew that Baba has planned something for me. Now good thing in this was that if there is vacancy in this company A i don’t have to go through whole process again they can hire me, i have to just meet branch manager and if he is impress i can get the job. Now the day when i got rejected same day there was a vacancy in a branch near my home so i called them and they arrange a meeting with the branch manager. It was on 10 April, Thursday so this time i knew that something good is going to happen. Normally i get very nervous for interview but on that day i don’t know i was so confident. I knew it was Baba who was with me all the time and very next day Friday the branch manager called me and said that i am selected and he was very impress with my confidence. This was like dream come true to work in one of the best company. This is all because of my Baba. He tried my patience for 3 months but finally gave me answers for my prayers. Really i love Sai Ma a lot and even while writing this my eyes get filled with tears. After this any person whom i know is in problem i always advice them to go to Sai Ma.
List Of Indications: During this process i use to keep asking Baba questions and answers. He always uses to answer related to my question. Then i use to do yes or no chit in front of Baba sometimes Baba will say yes and sometimes no. When i got selected i realised that yes was as Baba got me selected and no was not for the branch which i applied for as it was nearly one hour away from my home and the branch which i got selected is just 10 minutes. Two times it happened that i asked for indication and Baba was wearing same colour clothes as I. Every time when i used to pray i always imagine myself sitting at Baba’s feet and crying or sleeping in my Sai Ma’s lap. Then on Thursday when i was called for final interview, on Wednesday one devotee posted an experience with same picture. Baba even gave me Darshan in my dreams. So this is my experience which i wanted to share with all devotees. Always keep faith in Baba. Baba even solved one of our biggest financial problem which was connected to getting this job which helped us to save our whole life savings but i cannot elaborate much. Om Sai Ram. Always keep faith in Sai ma. Love You a lot my dear Sai Ma

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai , om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Om Sai Ram…Very Nice Experience…Baba We Love You A Lot…Always Be With Us Baba…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba bless me also with a job..i have been waiting for 1 year now.please bless me also
om sai ram
love u baba …thkuu so much…
Nee Rawat
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
om sai ram.jai sai ram,
Dear devotees,Baba blessed me to go to Shirdi in if you wish to send your prayers you can send it to
Please send them before 10.12.2014.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram…please releive me from my curretn job baba…soon i should get job in my hometown in good college…please bless my mom with good health baba….i need you baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram…bless all baba
BABA YOU know these days when im doing prayers for other gods im feeling like when YOU are with me why should i do other pujas. I dont know if my thinking is correct or not. Please keep in right path.
Sai Ram to dear fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Hey generally I imagine all other gods as baba only…. For example if i pray to ganesh then i will chant ganeshasai or if i pray for hanuman i pray as hanuman sai…. God is one
om sri sai ram
please forgive me baba
please pull me towards you. im going away. please protect the baby baba.
its your gift.
please baba. let no one curse go near the baby baba. i want to bring the baby as a good child whio will serve you and will teach the baby your teachings . im 15 weeks pregnant .no one near me . i dunno whether what i eat goes to baby. please give all nutrition to the baby
om sri sai ram
allah malik