Shraddha And Saburi
Anonymous Devotee from UK says: I am 30 years old married husband and father living in London for the past 9 years. I have been a Sai devotee since I was 12 yrs old. One of our neighbours’s introduced us to this Saint/God. So I have been a devotee for almost 19 years. But when I was young I was not very devoted. I was only praying to Sai Baba before exams. Some months during college days, I completely forgot about Sai Baba. But Sai Baba always created some problem or the other and pulled me closer to Him. Since the last 6 years, I have been very devoted and been doing Pooja daily and I pray to Him to give me the strength to continue. After I finished my Master’s course in 2006, I had a lot of trouble getting a job and visa. Although I was at top of my class because I had no visa, no company was interested in hiring me. Finally as a last resort I emailed a contact I had made through my lecturer and was pleasantly surprised when he invited me for interview. The interview went very bad as I was very nervous and kept stammering. I had no hope of getting the job and decided to book my flight tickets to go back home. However after 2 days, the interviewer gave me the job to my shock. I came to know later on that the interviewer spoke to my professor who told him that I’m a very good student but get nervous once in a while. Based on my professor’s kind words I got the job, but I know it was Baba who did the whole thing. Although I was happy to get a job, the company had only 4 people and was very small. All my friends were working for large MNCs with great salaries.

After a few years, I was tired of the job as there was no growth opportunity for me and I was doing the same thing every day. I was praying to Baba to give me a way out. In 2010 I got another interview call from a big company. After 6 rounds of interview I was very excited in the last round. But I failed in the last round and was depressed for a few days. Then I resigned to my fate and continued my job. Meanwhile I got married and stopped searching for jobs. In Dec 2013, I was extremely bored of my job and had no motivation to work. I was still doing the same job after 8 years with no growth. I was praying to Baba every day to give me some job in a large company. I also started applying for jobs and started working on my CV. I put my CV on a job board, but all I got was rejections for the jobs I applied. I was getting quite angry and frustrated.
Finally Baba heard my prayers and all of a sudden a recruitment agent called me and told that he saw my profile on a job board and he has an opening at a large bank. I quickly agreed for the interview process. I had 5 interviews spread over 1 month and was competing with another person who had more experience and was from a bigger company. Because of my past failures, I was not very hopeful but I knew that whatever Baba decided for me is good and I should accept it. Some days I was thinking that the company will choose the other candidate as he has more experience and is from a larger organisation. Why would anyone choose me with lower experience and from a small company with 4 employees? However, miracles do happen and I was selected probably because I was younger and more energetic. Anyway, I know all this is Baba’s Leelas. Anyway now I’m happy thanks to Baba. He also blessed us with a cute daughter but that is another story! Baba is always with us, He is only testing our faith but we should never lose faith. Even if we are in trouble it is because of our past karma and we should not blame Baba. He is our only savoir and whatever He has chosen for us, is good for us. Om Sai Ram
Baba’s Blissful Experience
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I come from Southern part of India & work for an export firm. I am a graduate. I happened to go to Sai temple along with my friend, when i was in a career drown period and within a day Sai has done me a miracle by sending me an offer from my old company & i also got my expected salary. From that day onwards He has done so many miracles for me & i have promised Sai Maharaj that i will share my experience when one of my most wanted prayers is fulfilled and He has done that miracle to me in July 2014. Myself & my wife were married in 2008 & we have a beautiful, lovable girl child. She is 5 yrs now. The second one we expected a boy. But most of the Kundali/tarot readers & elders predicted we have very less chance for having a boy baby. We are very fond of boy baby & prayed to Baba that only if it is going to be a boy baby my wife shall get conceived.
In Oct 2013, my wife missed her date & as usual she tried so many country methods & Medicines to get her dates to regular, because we planned for next baby in 2014. Against all her medicines she conceived a baby in Oct 2013 and it was an unexpected one for us, since we did not plan. Anyhow we prayed to Baba & started doing check up & other activities. Midst of this so many elders & people predicted it is going to be a girl baby. Since in India it is an offence to disclose sex before birth we did not had any chance to know what child during scan. I went to Shirdi & requested Baba that we wish for a boy child & Baba has to bless me. I came back home & did 9 weeks Thursday fasting. What a miracle. My Wife gave birth to a Boy baby, when i was completing my 9th week fasting. Actually it was 2 weeks earlier than doctor’s schedule for her delivery date. Our entire family is happy & i thank Baba for my life time for this blessing. It is Baba’s bliss which is showered on us & His unconditional love for which we are thankful for our life time. Om Sai Ram
My Delivery By Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba, but was not very much attached to Him. My delivery phase made me more attached with Baba. I lost my mom in a young age so there was no one to take care of me during my pregnancy till my 9th month. I used to do all the work in my house and I felt so lonely and started missing my mother a lot at these times. I used to pray Baba only to give me strength. During my 9th month I started reading Sai Satcharitra. My due date was given by June 28, but I never got any pain or cramp. Doctor told me to wait for another 2 days. Then we again went on 30th June since there was no labour pain. Doctor advised me to get admitted so that we can induce injection to get pain. To my surprise my doctor was a Muslim but only that day morning she has returned after visiting Shirdi. I was feeling so happy that Baba is along for delivery. They induced 3 injections but still i didn’t get pain. Doctor suggested for caesarean and the reason for not getting pain is because my baby had umbilical cord wound around his neck. While operating doctor was telling me it’s the right time we operated or both lives will be in trouble. It’s all because of our Baba that critical delivery has been made at ease. Also Baba was sitting as an idol in Operation Theatre blessing me. I love Baba so much. Baba forgive me for my mistakes. Always be along with us.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
love u saimaa…….i cannot think about my life without ur presence///be with me always even your small glimpse fill me with bliss
Blessed experiences :))
Baba I know you are listening to me and You are with me mere SAI Sadguru:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Baba U r everything for me.
I can't imazine my life without U.
Love U Baba and always be with us…
Dear Hetal Ji
How was your shirdi trip? and when we are coming across your story of Shirdi trip?
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Baba – we are your children and we love you a lot. Please keep our family, our parents and our children safe. Please give us your blessings in the form of our healthy second child. Om Sai Ram
Sai ma ….please help me ….I have been waiting for years for your blessing and direction….am feeling lost and tired …please hear my prayers too..
om sai ram om sai ram
great experiences!! if any devotee wish to discuss their problems you can mail me at or add on gtalk blessallsai. We wish to help people in need without any return to live happy lives. please note the identity will not be disclosed and this is not a spam
SAI Bless All
I am very very thankful to Baba to fulfill all devotees wishes!!!! I got goosebumps while reading the miracles!!! 🙂 (p)
Please Baba I am waitin for my moment.. You know very well 🙂 🙂
I find all three experiences helpful to boost my trust in Baba more. I thank all the devotees who share their experience and spread Baba's mercy. I am pregnant and I also pray Baba to give a better job to my husband. So I find all the three experiences today related to me. Thank you Sai ma. I now feel you will take care of my delivery and my husband's job.
om sai ram
Bless all baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Today I am searching one missing document. Please bless to find the same. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
om sai ram
Baba…..thanks for sharing tjese leelas related to pregnancy wid us….u knw sai baba very well, just like many devotees pray for jobs in this portal…probably on second number…prayers are related to child blessings….please baba…u knw how painful it is for couples…especially women..whn they face such kind of troubles …months turned into years…eyes filled wid tears..daily…god bless all of us wid ur blessings…jaise aapne sai satcharitra mein itne bhakto ko apna prasad diya…om sai ram
he will give you prasad at right time! a sweet prasad! beautiful-healthy baby who will grow up to be your proud!
remember anything can be a curse or blessings!, people are ashamed of kids too, leave it to him and enjoy the blessings. he knows the right moment. You will be blessed very soon,
Jai Sai Ram!
Thanks for ur good and blissful wishes…
om sai ram!!!!!!!!!!!!! baba pls help arj and protect him pls baba pls,
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai sri sai jaja jaja sai. Sai ram maharaj jai. Bless all your devotees.
Please help me sai ram…….
Om sai ram, missing you Baba, . you.give good health to my father,brother and to the sick.bless my brother with a job.And others who are in need.thanks saibaba so soon you have listened to my prayers and you brought back the workers,forgive my you. guide me,family and everybody on the right direction.
Om Sai ram. Dear Baba pls bless me and my hubby togetherness of love , respect and equality. Pls make him realize his mistakes.Pls saimaa bless us on our marriage anniversary. I blindly believe you .Whatever you have decided is the best for me. Pls bless my parents and siblings and my life my son with good heath always.Pls bless me and my hubby with good health. thankyou baba.
Om Sai Ram !!!!
Om Sai Ram. Very nice experiences everyone.
Wonderful experiences.
O Sai, bless us with peace and happiness and let us only chant Your name forever in happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Blessed experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Where shoule we post our experiences
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Love u baba..u cured my disease..
Want to come in shirdi
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on the family and keep them healthy, disease free, filled with happiness, laughter, togetherness, love, devotion, joy, mindfulness, respecrfulness, knowledge, peace and prosperity. Baba please help hubby take care of his health. Please make him conscious of taking the right healthy food and be healthy. He takes too much salt and sugar and only YOU can help him eat the right food and take care of him. Help him exercise and boost circulation. Please relieve him of all stressful situations and give me enormous peace and joy. Baba please take care and hold hands of my kids like a parent, mentor, guide and Guru. Forgive all my sins Baba. Help me handle challenges at work with ease. Baba today we have a case of theft that took place in our property and today chapter also was about theft that i read coincidently. Baba trust that is a sign that you will help us restore the lost money. Please help us Baba. Also Baba please take me to the end without being a burden on anyone. Help me launch my kids with their visa smoothly and I count on you for that. Help us Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhi vinayak namo namah 🙏