Sai Ma Directed Me To Get Into One Of Prestigious NIT And Blessed Me With A Job
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from telanagana region. I completed my B.Tech and MBA from NIT, got placed recently. I was never a devotee of Sai Maa. But now i am an ardent devotee of Sai Maa. Hello every one i was the one who never pray to Sai Maa. I have done my B.Tech by taking an education Loan which i have to clear it after my education. I tried a lot for getting a job but my hard work never worked. Time was getting passed but my trials used to fail. My plans, my work never worked. One of my brother’s friend said that i can get a job by paying certain amount. My dad believed all these things blindly and brought a personnel loan of 50,000. After that my brother paid all amount believing his friend. But when my brother asked for recite they said that we will give it to candidate. Even this was believed by my brother. Unfortunately after joining they never gave me proper reply about the recipients. Days passed and i never got my salary and after 3 months everything turned into fishy and the person, who was the owner of that company, took all the money. After that the person was caught by police and within few days he got released and the case was closed with the help of higher ministers and the students who paid the amount never got refunded.

After this by thinking about the money i have lost, i got many health issues and i was in bed for more than 5 months due to typhoid and dengue. I was not even able to walk properly. My 2 empty years after B.Tech where i faced many problems made no job in my hand. As the time is passing my loan interest is getting high. Even till today my brother is facing lot of problems in getting a job with a good package. I thought of giving my MBA entrance exam after facing all this. I gave it but cleared with less percentile. I used to pray Lalitha Parameshwari for showing me the way. Goddess Lalitha Maa gave me seat in NIT (REC) in my home town itself. I was so happy. After one year in 2013 one of my friend took me to Sai Mandir. On that day i was very unhappy due to not clearing 2 of my subjects in 2nd term exams. As soon as i went in to temple, when i was washing my legs, one of my leg fell into the hole, where all the dirty water goes. I think that day was Dattatreya Jyanti. I shouted at her i will not come into temple you people go and have the Darshan. I was literally shouting, you people get lost. But finally as it was auspicious day i thought of entering but not with Bhakti just as name sake i went into temple and had the Darshan. After that we had taken that Prasadam. But even at that time i never turned to pray Sai Maa.
In vacation we have to do our internship where i have to leave my place. All my friends got the offer in doing the intern program in same company. One fine day my friend who is ardent devotee took me to the nearby Sai Maa temple. She is such a devotee where whenever she shifts the place or city firstly she takes the information that where is the Sai Maa temple as she visits every Thursday. On that day after Palaki Seva Sai Maa was kept into Uyalla for making Him sleep. Now the actual miracle comes: as i was standing little bit away from that Uyalla one man who was behind it, asked me to move the Uyalla front and back by taking my coconut which was in my hand. Though my friend was ready for doing, that man asked me to do so. After completion i started conversation with my friend that my dad used to worship Sai Baba but the problems he faced and nothing turning to his wish dad left praying. After 15 + years again Baba pulled us towards Him. I thought that man who forced me to move the Uyalla was Baba itself. From then i started worshiping. Guess what on the very next day one of my mother’s friend gave some gift to my mom. After she reached home my mom opened it and she saw a Sai Ma Idol in her hand. And on the coming Thursday my mom placed Sai Maa Idol in Pooja room. I pray all gods but i turned to Sai Maa now. I feel blessed that Sai Maa turned me towards Him.
After all these things the time has come where my college has to end i wished Sai Maa that i should get into a good MNC with good package before convocation. My hunt started in last but one semester. I was not placed into the MNC but till i get finish my project in final semester i faced the same rejections for 2 companies i attended. I used to search from morning to late night all the opportunities and i used to apply for them. I got a call from a start up company. I got cleared all the rounds but the salary they were offering doesn’t even satisfy my basic economic needs and the rents that i have to pay. I left it. I attended 2nd company now even after clearing the 2hrs of final interview, i was getting very less package. Even now i can’t even clear my loan with this salary. I tried for other job and got selected, but this time package was good and job profile was totally into field where a girl cannot sustain in some unknown place. I got the position where a normal new joining gets place after 3 or four years of experience. Position was good but the experienced persons got jealous over us. Mean while i even attended other interview where i would get less compared to 3rd job. But here i was secure and place i was going to work was known place. Both my 3rd and 4th company joining date was same. My parents said to choose the 4th job which is secure though the salary was half of my 3rd company.
Now i joined according to the wish of my parents and Sai Maa direction. Before my convocation i got 4 offers in my hand just because of Sai Maa. I used to wish to Sai Ma, that i want to see You whenever i am going to interview. And i used to see Sai Maa picture or temples or at least i used to hear the song of Sai Maa. This shows that where ever you go Sai Ma protects you if we have strong faith on Sai Maa. And i experienced it. Sai Maa helps in every small problem i face. He is my strength. I used to cry previously for all the bad things i faced. But Sai Maa came to wipe all the tears and problems that i am facing. Frankly speaking i asked Sai Ma to give me job that satisfies my basic needs and clear my loan. But though i got into a branded company i couldn’t pay all my debts with the salary i am getting. Whatever i achieve or whatever i am going to achieve, it’s all because of Sai Maa. I dedicate my success to my parents and my Sai Maa. Because of Sai Maa i am a bit tension free. I used to have a wish that i have to go to out of state as an employee of one company. I have never been out of my state till today. But even this wish of mine got fulfilled by Baba recently. Within 3 weeks of joining i got an opportunity to visit Bangalore for one day for my induction and training. Though it was for one day, the hospitality they provide us was so good and the training experience was just awesome.
From May ’14 to till date my every wish got fulfilled by Sai Maa. And i wish not only in fulfilling my wishes i hope that Sai Maa should be with me throughout my life as a Guide, Guru, God. Thank You Sai Maa for coming into my life and guiding me in all aspects. We need Faith and patience to reach Sai Maa. I wish people who are in need of job should never get into the way i choose and get disappointed. My 2 years of empty life and agony got replaced by the Sai Maa blessings, in fact Sai Maa got me into right track. The other reason extending my career was i promised God that i will leave the person who i thought of proposing. As my parents don’t accept any sort of love affairs, i thought of dropping this idea. He was my good friend but i struggled a lot for my career that is not on good track and the person whom i want throughout my life i never proposed him. Leaving the good thing makes us cry, upset, even distracted, dishearten but when my priority comes into existence, my parents comes first. I don’t want to hurt them at any point so thought of leaving this issue. I never proposed him, instead of proposing and breaking some ones heart i think it’s better to be broken myself. Now i left everything, thought of moving on and hoping that Sai Maa will make someone so good enter into my life. As i promised God that i will leave him for my career God gave me a good career which my parents want to see. God Is Great. Every Thing Happens If Sai Maa Wishes. Now i left my life to Sai Maa. I go in a way that Sai Maa chooses for me: My life designer. I wish Sai Ma to never leave my hand. Jai Sai Ram Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak, Raja Di Raja, Yogi Raja Parabrahma, Sri Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Ki Jai.
My Husband Found Job After Retirement

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a scientist by profession. I live in US. I am married and have one daughter. I love to cook, read, and socialize. Recently we were going through job crisis due to lack of funding. For that reason my husband had to take a force retirement. I also faced job crisis. But after me and my husband totally surrender to Baba, miracles started to happen. My husband got a teaching job in a nursing college and now he got a consultant job in a re-known university. I am really thankful to Baba. I don’t have any other explanation of these but miracles. My jobs also got extended till the year end. At this moment I don’t know about next year but soon I will come to know about the next year job situation. I am sure Baba will show me a path what will be best for me. In between I also observed many small miracles. One thing I realized that any moment your life can change. Going through crisis I learned to see life in a different way!! Be thankful every moment of your life. I really lack patience. But I am learning. My daughter is applying for medical school. Baba please bless her. She is a very honest hard working girl. At the end I want to thank Baba for making me go through crisis to teach life lessons! Om Sai Ram.
Baba, My Best Friend

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram. Hello Hetal ji i would like to thank you for the work you are doing through this blog. I really feel peace and relaxed when i read all the experiences of the devotees and sometimes i also feel the solution for my questions through devotee experiences. I started believing in Sai Baba from 23rd February 2012. From that day to till date to till now i believe in Him and in future too. Sai Baba is my Guru, Guide, Father, Mother and everything to me and mostly i feel like He is my best friend guiding me all directions where ever i am. I always share my happiness and sadness with Him as i always do with my mother. Sai Baba has guided me in every aspect of my life as a friend and Guru so i would like to say to Sai Baba “Happy Friendship Day”. Also to all the Sai Maa devotees a very Happy friendship day. We all generally tell to our friends, Happy friendship day, but we never tell to God as He is the one to whom we first say everything in our happiness and sadness so i feel Sai Baba is my Best friend. So Once again “Happy Friendship Day” Sai Baba may Your blessing and guidance be on all of us. I am really sorry for the mistakes i have done and i promise You that from today i will never do them again. Thank you Jai Sai Ram Jai Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
jai saibaba,plz help me baba,dont let my life spoil,u knw wt prblm i have in my life nw.plz baba listen my prayers ,help me baba
baba always bless my family with happiness and good life.jai saibaba
om sai namoh namah
plz help me baba,plz help me baba,plz help me baba,plz help me baba,plz help me baba…..plz plz…..
Mera sai pls guide me thru coming events in life where everything will change but don't let my devotion in ur feets change. Bless me and my family with full faith in u. Thanks to hetalji and fellow devotees. Om sai ram.
I have been a sai devotee for a long time. But sai has never received me in his darbar till now.Im 32 not married and my parents have been searching a groom for me for almost 4-5 years now but nothing is happening.I have done all kinds of pooja but no use.I have lost my happiness and now I have been waiting for soo long don't know if I will ever be happy.i am feeling very inferior and low.
I have been praying to sai …sometimes I feel he does not exist and at times I feel he is there but he is not listening to me….but still I continue praying as I have no other choice.why is he not helping me…why
Do not doubt. His timing is always perfect. There is no need of any vow or any materialistic offering. What He wants is Faith and Patience. I have been suffering since a long time even though I have strong faith but hearing his aarti and stories relieves me with utter Faith in Him. Just leave it to Him.
dear devotee completely surrender to sai baba & see the miracle… don't ask him what you want tell him your problem & tell him it is your duty to solve it & have full faith in him.. and see the miracle.. dont pray for the sake of praying… Ya I know it is easy to tell but if you completely surrender to him with shradha & saburi it is 100% sure that he will answer your prayer immediately.. Even I had my neighbor who is a staunch devotee of sai.. she got married in the age of 35 & now she completed her 1 year of marriage and she is the happiest person in this earth as she got very cute, loving, caring husband.. And 1 more thing marriage is not the solution for everything.. I have married in the age of 23 & done nothing.. but my friend is not yet married & she achieved lot in her life.. so forget about marriage, surrender to sai & concentrate on your career… you will be the happiest person 1 day & I will be waiting to read your experience here…. Om Sai Ram…
I am 32 too, not married and my parents have been looking for 8 years….
I think not being married is 100 times better than having abusive husband or inlaws. Do you know there are many girls of our age who have been abondended by husband or widowed.
Baba is waiting for right guy and right time for us to marry….You have to trust in him for him to make you happy.
Aum Shree Sai Ram….
good morning devotees………..very happy news i nwould like to share with u all…..
I had adream while i was at work place.i was sitting on the chair fall asleep(short nap-i was very tired).in our office we have wash basin and with morror in it.i dreamt like i was near to the sink somehow it very sand inside our office i cannot recollect how sand came in our office and colud not see myself and i came exactly near to the mirror and i was trying to see through the mirror and i can only open a little eye and saw everwhere sand on my face and sand was rotating near my face and changing its form and was clearly make out the sai babas image appearing in the form of sand in the mirror on behalf of my face.very happy to see dat.i shouted sai ma is dat u…… sai ram om sai
ram…. and my dream was finished.while writing am getting goosebumps till the end…..OMG my sai is with me happy to sahre the dream with devotees……Enjoy ur weekend..
Pls dont feel bad i was sleeping at work place-but happy part in it i saw my lord after a very long time….Still can referesh my mind with smiling face with the white beard on his face…..very powerful eyes…..I love you sai…………..OM sai ram
Om sai ram.
great experience.
Om sai ram
Dear devotee you are so lucky… really very happy for you… Sai Leela are beyond imagination… Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences.
O Deva, We are ever so indebted to You for accepting us into Your fold. Bless us O Sadguru so we follow Your sayings and teachings. Thank You for showering us with love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram,
Thanks for sharing your experiences. Praying to Baba to keep all of us blessed forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma – Sainath Maharaj.
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Dear devotee brother and sisters can any of you explain whatis total surrender to baba I read few articles regarding this but I didn't get it
Om sai ram
Total surrender means when you being in your conscious state even then in your subconscious mind you remember baba.
You remember him in your up.and downs high and lows of accept his grace as it is.
When your soul knows that it is nothing but a form of "sai".
When you stop worrying for yourself and you know that he is there to take care.
When you will thank him for all the good things in life and will love him regardless of any pain.and.sufferings.
That is when you will know that you have surrendered your soul. At baba's. Feet.
Om sai ram
baba please show me good and stable career path baba….please help me baba…bless my mother with good health baba….Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram jaya jaya sao ram!
I want to get good marks in exam.pls help me saibaba.
Om sai ram bless my family and friends..
Bless all the devotess saima
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Please bless me to settle with my family.
Love to ALL, Peace To ALL:)
Plese help me and my sister to do well in our studies baba . please help me concentrate on my studies baba please
I want to do well in my career.
Please help baba.
Om sai ram
Nice experiences. Dear first devotee you are going to get the best life partner. Very glad to see that you respect your parents.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
You are everywhere guiding and making us live.please be with us you saima.
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Baba Please bless all…Aum Shree Sai Ram 🙂
Allah Allah Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Sai Ram all.
om sai ram