Sai Made My Dream Come True
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a regular follower of this blog and read our Sai devotees experiences. I started following this blog from the past one and a half month, and I feel some kind of peacefulness in my heart. I came to know about Sai Baba through my mother like 15 years back. I was not a great devotee but used to pray Sai Baba and used to go to Baba’s temple once in a while. But it was in 2003 I started believing in Baba even more. My first experience was in 2003 when I was doing my Bachelor’s. I used to stay in hostel. One day one of my friend’s money was stolen which was next to my room. Group of girls suspected it to be a girl and started asking her whether she stole the money or not. One of the girl in the group is a friend of this girl and want to save this girl from this issue. Both these girls are very good friends from the 1st semester. Since the girl who they suspected is now very close to me, the girl from the group suggested the suspected girl to tell my name so that I will be in trouble and she will be relieved from this issue. Since only we both went to hostel for lunch that afternoon all my friends started thinking may be its me.

There were lot of politics going on, me being kept aside since all the girls from our batch were now suspecting me as the one who stole the money. The girl who they suspected first also know that it was not me but to get out of that issue she told my name. I was not having any other go, since if this comes out it will affect my academic career as my college administration was very strict and will suspend for 10 days and will fail the labs. I started reading Sai Satcharitra and prayed Baba. On the 3rd day from then things started to change. That group of girls went for a vacation and I found some money in the first suspected girl’s book. I showed the money to the girl who lost and she said it is the same currency which is her’s. I somehow got the courage to escalate the issue to the college admin and told my father to call the Director. That same morning I met the director and told everything. By the time girls came back from their vacation things changed and I let warden know everything. The first suspected girl’s father came and I told everything about his daughter which he didn’t believe. It was Sai Baba who protected me. I would never forget this incident in my life and without Baba I would have never come out of that. Thank You so much Baba for protecting me.
My second experience, my in laws were here in US for 3 months. I have been having issues with them and while they were here, me and my husband had a fight. From then on we both were not having good talks and my husband was being rude to me. We don’t have kids, it’s been 8 years we got married. My in laws don’t even ask their son to go for some treatments, instead they ask my husband to give money for other siblings even though they are very much settled and are having good earnings. After this fight, I was very much depressed of not having a job and kids, for whom should I live. I was very much active and a good student when I was in college. But now I am all depressed and don’t have confident that I will get the job and I don’t know about the kids. After my in laws left in the first week of this month I spoke with a recruiter and said that I am looking out for a job and asked him to let me know if he has any openings in my area. He said since it is nearing the year end the market is becoming slow. Then I was even more depressed and was like when I will get a job. Since my in laws are here I didn’t go through any book or website all those days, How am I going to get a job.
The next week after my in laws left, I got a call from a consultancy saying they are having a open position and called me whether I am available or not. They found my resume in their database which I sent last year. I said I am very much available and she scheduled an interview with the client two days later. I forgot the entire subject which I learned till March and was like what if the interviewer asks me a question which I don’t know. Sai was helping me all the time. I had a one and half hour interview where two people interviewed me. They both are very much satisfied and the second person told he is ready to take a decision. I felt very happy. I know Baba took care of everything. The same day in Sai Baba question and answers site when I opened Baba said to keep some money and donate the rest. I was thinking whom can I find in US to donate money. See the miracle of Baba, I came back home after the interview and someone knocked the door asking me to register for newspaper edition. I said I don’t read news paper. He said “this is for my education”. Then I said I couldn’t register, but could help you out by donating some money. He was happy and appreciated me for the help. I was really wondered how Baba sent someone to my home so that I could donate the money. Sorry for the long post. I am still waiting for Baba to fulfil my wish regarding my kid’s issue. Please pray for me. Om Sai Ram.
My Brother Got Job With Baba Grace

Sai Sister Shailja from India says: Dear Hetal ji, I am very thankful to you and your team, because of this site only i came to know about Sai Satcharitra which i have completed 3 times already and also i came to know about question and answer from Sai Baba and Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat Katha and many more. I am blessed to visit this site in the month of Feb 2014. From that day onwards my life has been changed to new phase. Thank You so much Baba by pulling me on Your path. You are my father. Coming to my experience, One day when i was reading one devotees experience she has mentioned regarding question and answer website from Sri Sai Baba. The next minute i opened that site and prayed for my brother job who is a handicapped person even though he does job for me and my mother. He was looking to change a job for better package from so many months but all in vain. When i give a particular number in that site, My great father Sri Sai Baba has answered like this “Works will lag. Remember Sri Sai Baba then on Gokul Ashtami (birthday of lord Krishna) your work will be completed. You will meet saints, you will travel”.
As per this answer i have mark Gokul Ashtami date in my mobile which was on August 17th 2014. Meanwhile my brother was giving so many interviews but it did not go well with one or the other issue. In the month of July he had given interview for Amazon in consultancy which is a top company. He had succeeded there and consultancy person has asked him to go next day to company to attend more 3 rounds. He succeed there also and they have given offer letter on July 25th (date may be different) But they told him once verification completed you will get the call from company side for joining formalities. Meanwhile he had given resignation in his old company and within one week he got relived from his old company. Till here all went good by Baba grace.
Here comes the problem he was not getting any call from Amazon for joining date/appointment letter. He was so depressed with this situation as he left the old company also. But i had full faith on my father Sai Baba. He will not break His promise which He has given me. I prayed Him only one thing as Baba You have given me the date as August 17th (Gokul Ashtami) so please do not disappoint my brother who cannot digest this issue. So please be with us. Then Miracles of miracle happened on 13th of august which was before 17th August. My brother has received a call from new company saying that your joining date will be on 25th of August (which is today). Is this not Sai Baba miracle?? We all felt very happy and i said many times thanks to Sai Baba for fulfilling our wish. May Baba is with us always and till my last breath. I have many more miracles to share that i will share in my next post. Thanks for reading my post. Om Sai Ram!!! Thank You so much Baba.
Shiridi Sai Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a house wife. I have two children. They are married and have kids. My son has twins. My hubby is very good person. My experience with Baba is, He cured my leg pain. I went to Shiridi with unbearable pain. I can’t walk with that pain. With Baba’s blessings pain subsided. I felt happy. Second Leela of Baba is, we have property to sale. From 15 years, we were trying to sale, but my brother-in-law stopped and he abused my son. Baba came and sold that property. We got more money with His blessings. These two Leelas happened with the blessings of Sai. Sai please cure my hubby heart problem. Sai please transfer my son’s job to nearby hospital.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram Bless us all.
jai sai ram…wonderful experiences….may baba always shower his blessings on us all and make us guided on the right path….jai sai ram….bless everyone
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Ssiram. Dear sister Baba will definitely listen to your prayers, continue to have firm faith. Om Sairam.
Aum Shree Sai Ram..
Baba please shower your blessings on everyone.
We are your children Baba. Please be with us always. 🙂
Devotee 1- you're lucky your in-laws have left US, at least you can focus well on job and other matters. I'm having such a hard time with my MIL. Everyday she picks fight on me for petty things. Don't worry about becoming mother. I also had a child after 6 years and after going to Shridi only I conceived. If you get opportunity go to Shridi.
Aum Sai Ram!!! Baba bless us all and always guide us on right path.
Help me sai pls pls my first and last hope is u.
I can't thank you enough for your presence in my you sai ma.
Saibaba bless all baba…please bless my mother with good health baba…soon i should be with her baba…i miss her lot baba…soon i should clear me net exam and get job in my hometown baba…my sister should clear ctet exam baba…my brother should score good marks in his board exams baba…please help me with my marriage baba…soon i should get married to the person i love with all blessings baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…please bless my sister kids baba…all should be happy baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences.
O Deva bless us and our loved ones with health and wealth and peace and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram love u baba thankuu so much lovee uuu
Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram,
Thanks to all for sharing your wonderful experience
Baba, please never leave our hand and let us all be at your holy feet forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma – Sainath Maharaj
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
We luv u bade nanu (sai baba)
Nice experiences…thank you so much baba…I had some problems in my office but you solved it according to my wish.Its wonderful feeling that you are always there with me…Thank you so much.. Please always keep me in your lotus feet… Please baba shower your blessings on my son..please always be there with him… Anantkoti brahmandnayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahm sachidanand sadguru shri sainath maharaj ki jai.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Thank You Deva :))
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
baba bless all
om sri sai ram
saima still 63 days to go . saima baby should be born in full term and healthy.
saima please make baby move. baby isnt moving as usual . im getting scared. please protect the baby.
sai baba i should not have any pain or complications.
please baba
please forgive my sins.
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Don't worry baba is with u.all will be well. Have faith on baba.
My dearest sai baba,
We do not have anybody else than you.please please bless us with kids!!!
I can very much relate my situation with second devotee!!!it is terrible to spend a life without kids!!!
Baba you are so kind ,please bless us and all Ttc ladies with healthy ,cute babies!!baba make all of us mother !!
Om sai,sri sai,jai sai ,jai jai sai.
I love u saimaa
Promise me that u will nvr leave me alone.i completely surrendered myself to u baba. Love u from the core of my heart baba.
Dear 1st devotee (from USA),
Sister even I am in the same boat.married for 8 years but still waiting for saibaba, blessing for motherhood. As I am in H4 visa,cant work legally even thought i am well qualified with good job experience.Just because we don't have kids,my in laws are behind us to donate all our hard earned money to their daughter.They always made our life hell from day 1 of marriage.God is giving them more opportunities to find fault with us as I am still issue less.Sister don't think that you are alone,be happy that at least you are blessed with job to keep yourself engage positively.
Sai Ram I am going to stay in new room tomorrow. Please bless me Deva.
Sai Deva please fulfil my wish of career growth in new company. Previous company not giving documents. Please sort out issues Deva
Sai baba,
Please help my family and parents in all aspects..Please help my parents in every thing their life….
Please baba,help my husband to get a good job with good salary…Please baba always save my parents,my kids,my husband and me(all my family)…
please show us a right path to success in our life…
please show my daughter a right path to overcome her situation with her neck….
please help her ,baba..please save my son and daughter always..
Baba, please never ever leave our hand and keep us blessed for ever…..
thanks baba for every thing…
Baba i have full faith in u…..
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj K Jai.
love you baba
om sai namo namah
om sai ram. Baba you said me i will get job on ram navami day. But didnt happen. please bless me baba.
I am jobless since one year, trying very hard to get a job, last moment something happens and my offer letter stuck up, I'm praying baba everyday, please help me baba.
Sai Ram all. Very very nice experiences..