Baba Miracles
Sai Sister Manju from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai from past 6 years and i start my day with His blessings. Though i have a number of positive incidents happening through Baba i would like to share with you all, my experience and grace of Baba happening through my thick friends Deepa and Anand who are not only Baba devotees but also two great blissful souls. Deepa is the one who lives with divine love and great vibrations. With thoughts of Baba so much happens to her in mind, body and soul level. She has enormous power to care, help, and heal people and melt the soul and Anand who is more a practical person genuinely enriches others life without any selfless motives and vibrates a lot of positive energy and can feel Baba in his formless light and gets lots of intuition’s for people around him. He even senses the exact colour of clothes they wear during that time and has a vast richness of spiritual wisdom in him. With these two beside me, it’s really amazing to hear their daily experiences and everyday flow with Baba and their messages. When i interpret their messages it would be almost similar, so i feel their presence and guidance in my life itself is a wonderful blessing of Baba. Thank You Sai for bringing them into my life.

Though i worshiped Baba for past 6 years, i was never serious about meditating, visions, intuition’s etc. I would even make fun of my friends when they used to share their messages with me until i had my own experience. Forgive me for that Sai. My second visit to Shiridi was with Deepa, which was an unforgettable trip. As i was sitting and praying at Shiridi, i went deep into my prayers and became blank and could sense a basket of flowers dropping on my head continuously and i was feeling so happy and could not open my eyes for long. Oh God, it was lovely feel and i burst open and poured my heart to Baba and my heart melted and tears of joy were overflowing like never ending stream. At this time it was Deepa who put her hands on me to console me. As i held her hand i could feel that my hands were floating up in the air. Yes, it was her divine energy which made me realize what energy is, what vibration is, what healing is. Yes friends Yes, it may sound crazy and silly but it was unbelievable, amazing feel. I still have tears rolling down my eyes as i am sharing with you all now. This was Baba’s grace, miracle where i could experience blessing, and love of Baba. An indication that He has accepted me and i believe that He has sent these two souls to guide my life. Thank You Sai!
I would now like to share few Leelas of Baba happening through Deepa. Once her sister’s staff was admitted of a massive heart attack due to multiple blocks and doctors said it was his final stage and they were helpless as he was not in a state for surgery and they were sorry about it. At this situation her sister could only think of Deepa and told her about her staff. Deepa with her Baba’s energy and flow prayed for him, passed healing to him and blessed him and told them to pray and keep Baba’s Udi on his forehead and a packet of Udi under the patient’s pillow and told all is going to be fine and not to worry and just have faith and keep praying to Sai. Next days it was a tremendous miracle to the doctors to see him recovering, they could not believe it until they confirmed with the reports. Sai Ram! It was all His magic. No bounds for joy in their family. They immediately called her and thanked her for her words and worshiped her like Sai. But she is always humble and says it’s all Baba’s miracles and blessing. She always says everybody has the same energy but each one should open up and recognize and feel within themselves, receive it and thus feel the bliss. It’s a bliss that she can go with the flow and feel the universe. Friends this is one such miracle, I will be sharing many with you all shortly. When we have complete faith and patience He will never let us down. Sai will help us in some form. Thank you friends for sparing your time to read my post. Om Sai Ram.
My Experiences With Sai
Sai Sister Alisha from India says: It is my request to all devotees to love Sai Baba from your purest heart, plead honestly and He will always fulfil all your wishes. Read Sai Satcharitra, it will instil immense faith in Sai Baba and you will relate yourself and feel inspired with His stories at many instances. One thing that we all need to follow and never forget – “Shraddha Saburi” that is to have faith and patience. I am a 25 year old female, independent and working in marketing and public relations field. Almost three years ago I developed a connection with Sai Baba, thanks to a nearby Sai Baba Mandir that I frequently visited, whenever I was low or exceptionally happy. There were two events that rocked my life and being helpless I could only pray. I kept looking for stories of devotees and other hints that assure me if reaching out to Baba is one way that will fulfil my wishes.
Baba Saved My Mother: My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in the year 2012; this took away my peace of mind and gave me consecutive sleepless nights for months. As I was supposed to be, I was tensed and immensely worried about my family at the same time. There were many hurdles on this passage – arranging for funds for her treatment (which could have been humongous if we had resorted to private hospitals), my father’s leaving behind his business to look after my mother and be with her for hospital visits and most importantly bringing her out from the jaws of this deadly disease. I fell in the feet of Sai Baba, praying everyday and walked to Lodhi Colony Sai Baba Mandir which is approx. 6 Kms. from my home begging to fix this all. By Sai Baba’s grace things began to fall in place.
Firstly, we got a reference from AIIMS and hence, my mother was promptly attended to and was put under treatment. Here the expenses were almost negligible. We might have only spent Rs 10,000/- in totality (on higher side) in the period of one full year for her treatment. Not even once, we felt a pinch in our pocket. Second, it was concluded that the form of cancer she developed was saintly in nature and does not spread, however, she still needed to go through chemotherapy and radiotherapy which is a usual painful course for any cancer treatment. We remained patient and kept supporting each other. While she was going through chemotherapy, we had witnessed her in poorest of state. I somehow got fortunate and planned a trip to Shirdi with my best friend. We attended the morning Aarti and whole- heartedly prayed for my mother’s health. Thank You Sai Baba that she is absolutely fine today, and with His blessings will lead a long and healthy life ahead. My heart fills with joy when I now see my mother doing all the household jobs that she loves which was once a distant dream for all of us. Om Sai Ram. The second event is still a part of my life. I am waiting patiently for this phase to pass over and happiness roll in. I am praying to Baba patiently and He will bless me with immense peace and love soon. I will definitely share His miraculous Leela shortly.
Baba Solved The Problem With My In Laws

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I know Baba from childhood through my mother who introduced me to Him. But I have been driven very close to Baba in the last one year. It’s Baba Who has chosen me to be His devotee. Thank You Baba. Baba is there with me in all points of my life. Whenever i call Him or cry to help me He comes running to help me. I am in most crucial part of my life. I need Baba’s help so much at this point. Recently there happened a misunderstanding about me by my in laws. There was no mistake on my part, which they hardly understand. Because of this I was in severe mental pain and cried to Baba to help me. I could not even share this to my mother or father as they will feel bad. I prayed to Baba to solve this problem for His daughter, and to my surprise He solved it within a day. My in law called me and asked me sorry. I went running to Baba to thank Him. Thanks Baba. You have helped me like father helps his daughter. I always consider You as my Father and Mother. Please be with me Baba in all points of my life. Now my in laws are in need of so much money. Please help them Baba. Please give them the money that they are supposed to get from government without delay. Please help us Baba.
Another experience which i wanted to share was how Baba came to my house when i wanted a picture of Him to be hung in my room. It was before New Year. In my room, i thought of hanging a big Baba Picture so that I can wake up and see His face every day. The same day evening my mother brought me a calendar given by one of our neighbours for the New Year which contained a big Photo of Baba. I was shocked seeing that. The same day morning only i thought of buying a Picture of Baba to be hung on my wall and the same day evening I received His calendar. I was extremely happy at that moment which I could not tell in words. Thank You Baba. Baba is listening to each and every wish of ours from the smallest to the biggest wish. Just trust Him whole heartedly without even 0.1 percent doubt. And He will be there the next moment to help you. All you need is faith and patience. Please Baba solve the problems that I am facing now and help me. Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Only sai sai sai…..
Still v alive……
My guru…my god… guide……
Om sai ram…blessed experiences 🙂
Dear first devotee please ask your friend deepa to pray to baba for me. Tomorrow i am sceduled to undergo c-section. I want normal delivery only. But doctor said my muscles are too tight and there is no chance for normal delivery. I have only one day left for some miracle to happen. Please baba bless me. Dear devotees please pray fr me.
First devotee if you dont mind can you share with us contact details of Deepa?
Aum Sai Ram. Blessed experiences !!!
om sai ram
Very touching experience
saibaba bless all baba…please cure my mother baba…she is suffering from heat boils…please help her baba…please help me baba…please help me to get good job in my hometown baba…soo my marriage should happen with the person i love with all blessings baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…i should clear my net exam baba…please help me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences.
Baba, forgive our mistakes and bless us all.
Anandakoti Brahamananda Nayaka Rajathiraja Yogiraja Parabrahama SriSachiananda Samaratha ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Dear first devotee pl share Deepa and Anand's contac number..
Really good experiences shared here that make our faith ever so stronger.
Thank You O Sai for coming running to our aid when we are in need.
Jai Sairam
Dear sai sister Manju, very nice experience, one of my relative really need positive vibes, who is in depression due to family circumstances, n often talk about suicide, wish Deepa ji support her, plz can u share how to contact her.plz Om sai ram
Sai maaa
why this problem my maa
are u angry with me?
My maa.remove my health problems and fears and make me happy and peaceful my maa
luv u
let our next weekend plan go well .we want to c u and fall at your feet and cry maa
luv u 2 much
falling at your lotus feet
OM SAI NAMO NAMAH SI SAI NAMINAMAH JAI JSI SAI NAMI NAMAH SADGURU SAI NAMONAMAH. I love u I love u I have full faith and trust on u Sai always be with me and am very sorry for the mistakes done Iam sorry baba I love there is no life without u baba I love u
om sai ram
Must read…aumsaishrisaijayajayasai!!!
What is this link about ? Is it sai sacharita ? I have viewed this link, different articles are given . i just want to know that is it sai sachritra or some different thing.
Please reply soon …
Baba ki beti saimaa
Om sai namo Namah.shree sai nano namah
My dear baba, you are my father,mother, God everything…please baba help me in each and every step of my life..please hold my hand tightly…I am nothing without you…please baba solve all the complications…..I want to live peacefully with you…I do not want anything from anybody…Baba please always shower your blessings on us…..Ananatkoti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahm Sachidanad Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Baba iam in my 9th month…please clear my misunderstanding with my husband…donno why he became very angry on me..please sai devotees pray for normal delievery and a healthy u sai..
Dear Admin ….the first experience is quite miraculous and Im sure there are a lot of people dealing with Unbearable and massive issues such as Heath issues with no cure…im myself writing about a child's chronic disease that just doesn't seem to be getting better….could I please request your support in contacting sai child manju Ji for permission of her divine friends if they would like to be contacted ?
We can request in comments but unless they look at the experience and the comments the message might not reach them….It is a humble request to the team to reach out for those in need.
Thank you
Om Sairam
Baba, apne mera hmesha sath dia, i completely surrendered myself to u baba, i m sure that you will sort out all d problems. I love u baba
Shradha ..saburi
Baba bless all
om sai ram
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai..baba please cure my father's knee pain. For past 2 days he is feeling difficult to walk also. I know my baba will difinitely hear my prayers and will help my father. We all bow to ur feet saima.
Baba plz help me you know everything plz deva help me… Hey antaryami hey Dino ke saran meri bhi vinti suniye baba.. Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram
Love you my Baba…
Aum Shree Sai Ram…
Om Sai Ram,
Baba, please forgive all our mistakes, like mother forgives her son.
Baba, please let us be at your lotus feet forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma – Sainath Maharaj,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru SAinath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai Ram all. B'ful experiences.
Dear admin…
Can u pleasw help us to get Manju ji's contac number..
So that those who are dealing with critical problems will contac her frends Deepa and anand ..
Plz help…
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sair am om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram omsri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sai ram first devotee please ask your friend deepa to help me I am going throough very rough time health wealth and my sons health and no one in the family talk to us I really need to speak to her I am in London uk is there any way I can speak to her please help me please ask her to pray for me and my son and everything she will know what I am going through
please can we contact detail of Deepa thank you om sai ram
Dear hetalji
I want manjuji's contac numbrr
Om Sai.
please hetalji can we have deepa's no please I can give you my email id if you need
OM SAI RAM!!!!!!!! sai babaji thank you so much for giving me everything. I love you babaji and I have complete faith on you babaji please help me this time too. Please help me like you always do. I can't explain the miracles you have done for me. OM SAI RAM. Please babaji help me again.