If Baba Is With You No Matter Who Is Against You
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am done with my B.com and now Pursuing my chartered accountancy course. Firstly, I would like to thank the admin of this blog for giving all Sai devotees such a wonderful platform which gives us so energy. I came to know about Sai Baba through my brother & since then I have become ardent devotee of Sai. Since then I have experienced a lot of miracles of Baba. Some of them are quoted below. My brother was in love with a girl and one day her parents came to know about all these and they all thought that my brother is forcing her to love him but that was not the truth. My mom went to their home to ask for alliance but they were not at all ready to give her for my brother and lots of quarrels took place. My brother was ready to sacrifice her but not whole heartedly. Here comes the miracle of Baba, the people who were not at all ready for alliance, they themselves came to our home by mere acceptance. Now my brother and sister-in-law are very happy together and they are blessed with baby girl 2 years back. Sorry Baba for late post.

Second Experience is: When I was in my +2 I wasn’t used to study well and attending classes was like hell to me. So I always used to bunk and roam around, but when exam time came, I got feared as how would I clear my exams without any notes or materials. I started studying before 20 days by buying textbooks. I did not write much well in exams, but guess what results came and i had got 88.17% only because of Baba. Love You Baba.
My third experience is: Once I wanted to offer 50 Rs in Aarti but was having only 40 Rs with me as I won’t earn yet. So i was apologizing Baba, but one lady came suddenly to me and gave me 10 Rs to put there. I felt so blessed at that moment by Baba. And she suddenly disappeared.
Fourth Experience: I with my family once been to Tamilnadu tour, there in one particular Murugan temple I saw a dog which was sitting in hunger. I thought I must offer him something, so i bought one bun and kept that in front of dog. But one man came near and told dogs to not to eat bun or bread at that particular place. I felt so bad and prayed Baba please do accept my offering and guess what after 15 minutes dog came and ate that. I felt so happy and felt the very presence of Baba with me. I have some more wishes to be fulfilled by Baba which i am sure Baba would definitely fulfil soon and will share those experiences too. Baba You are everything for me. Without You i am nothing and I want to clear my IPCC 2nd group. Please help me clear that exam. Baba please sorry for the long post and thank You so much Baba for everything in my life.
Sai My Guardian Angel
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am working in MNC .This is my second experience. Om Sai Namo Namaha. Our Sai has been my guardian angel and helped me to clear a tough situation. I am currently working in an MNC. I have joined this MNC before one year but was not into any project for a year. But I have theoretical knowledge of our module. My manager wanted me to place into a project which was at client location. Usually experienced persons alone will work at client location and I was given this opportunity by Sai’s grace. But I was in need to clear client interview before getting into project. I did not prepare much and the interview was taken by onsite persons (US). I was really scared since I am a trainee and this is my first project. But I was confident that Sai will take care of it.
Three of us attended from my team. My first round was at 8.00 am and I was ready but not much prepared. I am wearing a Sai ring in my hand. So I was touching the ring and applied Udi at my forehead and started answering. They were fully satisfied with my answers. But my managers were not satisfied and they said that I have no chance of clearing. I was so upset and I asked Sai through Sai answers application and the answer was “You know Sai miracles so stay relaxed you will succeed.” I was so happy and the next day result was announced and I was selected. My manager called me and apologized and congratulated me and I had my second round the same day. I was too confident this time and I know Sai will guide me. As my thoughts Sai made me speak extremely well that the same managers appreciated me and gave me awesome ratings for my performance. I was too happy and I thanked Sai and waited for the result and finally i am placed into the project. I promised Sai that I would post this experience once I perform well. Now i am praying to my Sai for very important thing in my life and I am sure He will give it to me so i am thanking Him in advance for my next experience. He is always with me. Om Sai Namo Namaha Sri Sai Namo Namaha Sathya Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha.
Baba Cured My Son
Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: Om Sai Ram. I am living in Canada. I have been Sai devotee since couple of years. My son is two plus years old. He is having ridge in his fore head. It started growing bigger when days moved on. We were in very much stress in that period. We consulted with the doctor. Doctors asked us to keep watch on it. So i was worrying. I don’t know what to do. I started studying Sai Satcharitra with full hope. On the third day of Parayan, his ridge disappeared. Baba helped me. Thanks a lot Baba. After some days we went to park. The next day my son got some rashes all over his body. I was worrying that it could be a pox kind of thing and i was restless. The next day before i was going to the hospital i kept one Rupee in front of Baba and prayed that Baba, it could not be a pox it should be a normal skin rash. I checked with the doctor and he told that it is a normal skin rash. After that i calm down. Thank You Baba. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai Ram all. Very nice experiences. Baba is always there with us.
om sai ram… very nice experiences
my husband is suffering from shoulder pain since last week. I massaged with pain reliever balms but no use. his pain was unbearable. So i prayed babaand gave him udi mixed water and applied udi on the affected area.by the next morning he became normal without any pain. Thank u so much baba…
Om sai ram.
Shirdi Sai as Sri Naga Sai in Coimbatore :
In the year 1939, Sn. H.H.B.V. Narasimha Swamji along with sri A.V. K. Chain and Sri. H. Varadaraja Ayyah and his brother Sri. C.V. Rajan started the Sai movement in Coimbatore and the first institution of Sri Sai Baba in Tamilnadu (erstwhile madras province) was established in Coimbatore. The Institution was named as Sri Sai Baba was put up for darshan of the Devotees. Swamji entrusted the centre to care of Sri. A.V. K. Chain hate in the year 1942, the late Sn. C. Varadaraja Ayyah donated about one acre of land at Mettupalayam Road and Thatched Shed was evicted at the donated land to house the Sri Sai Baba Mission which was later named as Sri Sai Baba Madam in those days and the place was opened for worship to one and all at all times irrespective of class, creed, caste or religion. The Sai Baba Madam was the metting ground of Sai Devotees in and around the Coimbatore City. Sai Bajans were held regularly on Sunday & Thursday.
Advent of ‘Naga Sai’
In 1943 on the evening of the 7th of January, Guru-vara (Thursday) sacred for worship of Baba, a miracle happened! A shining and lustrous Cobra small in size but possessing an unusually big hoad with divine marks of Tripundra, Shanka and Chakra appeared before Baba’s picture when the Bhajan was going on in full swing to the accompaniment of drum cymbals etc., with all the lights on. The Naga stood there in a pose of worship fullness entranced in Baba Muisc! Waving of lights, aratis etc had no effect on the nerves of the Cobra. People around who had swelled into a crowd of a few hundred stood there in awe and wonder at the wondrous sight of the Naga with spread head. There was no fear for the snake; the proverb that even a battalion of soldiers of valour shiver at the sith of a cobra was falsified young and old, women and children in thousands began to pour into the spacious land of the Bhajan Madam to witness the Naga that lingered in the same spot for full 48 hours Baba bhaktas began to shower baskets after baskets of flowers in worshipful reference for the Naga. The Cobra was virtually submerged in a mound of flowers but even then, he was unmobile were performed for the Naga.
On the second day of Naga’s advent, photographer came to take a picture of the Naga in its majesty but the latter was immersed under heaps of flowers. No one had the courage of go near the spot where the cobra ws lodged and clear the flowers. The only course open to them was to pray ho! the Naga jumped out of the flowers heaps and posed for the photograph as if in answer to the prayers of the multitude. One and all were sure for the first time that it was all the week of Sai Baba. The devotees then prayed with fervour and faith to the Naga to clear out and enable them to resort to their routine worship of Baba in the Madam. Then the immobile Naga showed signs of movements went around Sri Sai Baba’s picture and slowly marched out into the open disappeared into bush where later an ani-hill (snake’s natural habitat) appeared. The place where the Naga disappeared in held as a ‘Holy Ground’ by devotees and from that day onwards Shirdi Sai Baba in Coimbatore is worshipped as “Sri Nagasai”.
The Shirdi Sai Baba ( Sri Naga Sai ) Marble statue of the deity, This is only statue was installed and consecrated in 26-02-1961 by by Sri Sathya Sai Baba during his life time.
Sacred Stick :
Another speciality of this mandir is that the stick that has been used by baba has been brought from shirdi. The holy stick is being used to bless all devotees who visit the shine.
Must read….aumsaishrisaijayajayasai!!!
Om sai ram
thank you for providing this link to us..i always want to know about all of them
thank you
Do read about bharam umamaheswara rao…my personal favourite…shocking….exhilarating… Omsrisairam!
On said ram
Please help me baba to recover my child from fever please Sai please
Om Sai Ram
I have a small request to Sai brothers and sisters. I am in US and going to start my first job very soon. This job is given to me by our Sai Maa and so, I want to buy a nice small idol of my Sai for my office desk. can you provide me a link where I can buy one online. If any devotee coming to US from India, can you please please please get me one to the US. I will pay for the shipping cost as well.
Please Sai devotees.. Please help me with this. I struggled a lot to get this job and I know it is Sai who has given me this job. I hope you understand how important this is to me.
Dear Brother,
You can get sai idol from any sai temple in USA itself.
Dear Sai devotee ,
Congratulations for your new job!!may bana bless you and your family all the time!!
You can find sai baba idol on Amazon.com.or if you can search in any local indian shop ,most of them keep baba's idol.hope it will help you,
Om sai,sri sai,jai sai,jai jai sai.
You can get from any india store, where do you live in USA?
Same here, I am about to start my first full time job very soon. It took me a lot of time to get this job. It's all because of god's (SaiShankaraSrimanNarayana) grace. I hope every thing goes well. I am traveling alone to an unknown place but I know god is with me 🙂 🙂
Even I am planning to get a Sai baba idol to do vrat.
Good Luck on your job!!
Om Sai ram. Today you helped me from a big bad impression from my lead. As I promised here is my udi miracle. After my delivery I'm getting pain for every 2-3 months because of normal delivery. One time we went to a water park and stayed in hotel. That night again pain started. No udi and no medicine. So I prayed baba that I'm not at home and imagining that I'm at home and got udi took and prayed. Wonder after few minutes pain is gone. Usually it stays for 10min. But gone immediately. Be with me baba. Love you.
Blessed experiences. Baba, please forgive our mistakes and shower your blessings on us.
Anandakoti Brahamananda Nayaka Rajathiraja Yogiraja Parabrahama SriSachiananda Samaratha ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai ram
realy nice experiences
baba bless all
Thank you very much baba for everything… Please shower your blessings on us….baba eagerly waiting for your order and permission to come to shirdi…. Help me in evey step of my life.. Om sai shri sai jai jai sai…
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Sai Sai
Aum Shree Sai Ram….
blessed experience…..!!! saimaa you are my strength and reason for which i am living today i love you alot saimaa
Feeling lonely baba..
Please be with me
Sure dear. Read Sat charithra. He will come to you.
Sai Ram
Seriously , must read sai sacharitra. Its my personal experience. U will get peace and u will feel that baba is every where. Dear this will surely help u . recite sai sai sai every tym.
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Om Sai ram please help ur devotees baba
Sai Deva Please be with me in each and every task of the project in this new company as the work is different from previous company. Please Deva I am believing only You
Om Sai Ram,
Baba, Koti Koti Dhanyavad for all you have done in my life.
Baba, please keep all your children blessed forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma,
Sri Sachidanand SAtguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai baba please blesse us with kids!!!please show your miracles baba. Iam tired,frustrated,and felling totally hopeless:(:(baba please please bless me with mothehood!!
Om sai,sri sai,jai sai,jai jai sai!!
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Sai Deva I am feeling feverish now. Deva please bless to cure while getting up in morning. Please show miracle. . Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
saibaba bless all baba…Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences.
O Deva, I surrender my self and my pride and ego at Your feet. Show the path to walk on O my Sadguru. Be kind and bless this impious being O Sai.
Jai Sairam