Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Sairam devotees! Humble offering to the lotus feet of Sai. I, myself is one of the devotee of Sai Bhagwan. Each day I read this blog and I am very much thankful to the team for maintaining this site. We are grateful for the service you have done. May God bless you! I have posted many other experiences and those are on the way to be published. Please keep my name and my email id anonymous.
Today is Thursday and I am doing Nav Guruwar vrat (third week) and Sai Divya pooja (4th week).Today also I read the experiences after completing my puja. Some of the experiences really touched my heart and I felt tearful. I prayed for the devotees through my sincere prayers. I feel like we all Sai devotees are like a family. Your problems makes me feel bad. Your experiences strengthens my faith. Your single experience makes my life more beautiful. I feel attached with the devotees’ experiences. Each day I wake up and I am happy to read new more experiences. Baba gives us message through your experiences. Thank you everyone for posting your experiences.
We all are Sai’s children and we all are one, no matter wherever we are. I live in US. I don’t have much friends. I do not like social media like facebook and all. But, I am so glad to reach all of you and your words through Baba. Now, you all devotees have become my world. I have a “We” feeling inside my heart. I have known Baba since childhood. I have prayed Him always. I used to pray for my problems. Baba has totally transformed me. Now, I pray every single second to get His love/blessings. I don’t have any materialistic desires. I too enjoy this world but my devotion towards Baba is more and more.
I find the most pleasure when I worship and beautifully decorate my mandir. My body is here but my soul is always with Sai. Yes, I still do have some problems. But, I am more dying to get His love and blessings. I am waiting with faith and patience. Baba listens to our prayers. I am a student/housewife and I don’t have a job. My husband also worships Baba but he does not have that much devotion and love. My in-laws also do not have that level of devotion. So, sometimes they don’t understand my love towards Baba. I like lighting candles as it keeps lighting till 4-5 hours. I really imagine my mandir as Dwarkamaayi, I light one candle for Dwarkamaayi and 2 candles for faith and patience. Besides these, I light oil based diyas and do arati. I feel so good when I can keep my mandir lighted/bright.
It looks so good. I have never been to Shirdi. For me, my small mandir is Shirdi. As I did not have job and my mother-in-law said me it was so expensive to light 3 candles in your every puja, so I started lighting only one candle and it was running out of stock. I did not say anything. But, internally I was upset and I cried. I prayed to Baba “If I had some money with me, I would have bought packets of candles for Your puja.” I expressed this internally and wrote in a letter too. I again promised Baba- I will light candles once I have my job. It went on for some days. I didn’t ask my husband to buy for it because sometimes he too does not understand my love for Bhagawan. But lo! Baba fulfilled my desire. My husband brought home 10 packets of candles. One packet contains 100 candles. I was surprised and happier. How did he bother to go to a store and buy that many packets of candles? It was all Sai’s leela. Baba instructed him to do that. It was really a miracle for me. I happily kept those candles. From that day onwards, I started lighting 3 candles as before. My mandir looks beautiful again. Those packets of candles were the biggest gift for me.
Hereby, I would like to reiterate- Baba listens our every single wish. It happened with me. Before, I used to worry about health, education, career, family, and get upset when someone said me wrong/bad. Now, I don’t have any such worries. I don’t say that I am 100 percent stress free. But, I am happier and more satisfied than I was before. I take this life as a gift of Baba. I do everything for Him. I am also going through some uncertainties regarding study and career but I have kept all those burdens under Baba’s feet. One day He will definitely listen to me. As said in Sai Satcharitra, even a leaf does not move without Baba’s will, my life will not take a good turn without Baba’s guidance. I can only do something through Baba’s blessing. I am waiting for my beloved Baba’s blessings with faith and patience. He is listening to me and He wants me to post this experience. I am just an instrument for singing and serving my Lord. God bless everyone! I love You so much Baba. With much love, Your’s daughter.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. Hetal ji tons of thanks for creating this platform and acting as a mediator between Baba and us. May Baba’s blessings shower on you always and on all Sai devotees. I have shared couple of my experiences here and today I want to share few more experiences which shows Baba is always there for us in times of trouble.
Experience 1: As I stay in US, I usually have Udi from Shirdi and the packet with me was about to finish and I was really sad and asked Baba to please send me Udi from Shirdi before the packet with me got over. It was about to finish and I was praying Baba continuously. One day my husband bought a courier from his office which contained Baba’s Udi from Shirdi. It was sent by Sai Sansthan as we had paid for Annadanam. I had completely forgotten about it and Baba sent me the Udi at the appropriate time.
Experience 2: We recently bought a house and loan process was going on and we faced difficulties in clearing the process. Then I prayed to Baba to please make us overcome the obstacles and I would donate some amount. Then that afternoon itself some of the issues got resolved and now loan was approved without any hurdle.
Experience 3: One Thursday while I was doing Baba Divya puja, I heard Om Sai Ram chanting in my house. I thought I forgot to switch off laptop which I see regularly for Baba’s live darshan from Shirdi. When I checked after the puja, laptop was completely shut down. It was nothing but Baba’s miracle. And one day I couldn’t have Baba’s live darshan opened in my laptop and I was really upset so I asked Baba after the site opens You must be in yellow colour dress so that I can feel that You were not angry with me. Needless to say when the site was opened Baba was wearing yellow colour dress and similarly I asked one question and asked Baba if any one offers You yellow colour flower the next moment my wish would be fulfilled and immediately one devotee offered big yellow garland to Baba.
Experience 4: This is the biggest miracle. I’m having one problem and was waiting for Baba to solve it from almost 2. 5 years. Whenever I used to ask Baba on questions and answers website it used to come like work will be completed on Thursday and last week on May 4, 2017 my problem got resolved. Baba never fails His words. He really tested me many years but I used to keep hope on Him though at times I felt bad and angry it was all only for few seconds. Finally I feel Baba is blessing me after many hard trails. Baba, still there are many problems that need to be resolved but please bless me Baba. I have no one except You to resolve my issues. I put all my happiness, sorrow, grief, pride, anger everything under Your feet. Please take care of everyone Sai. Sorry for the lengthy post. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam. I have shared few experiences before. I didn’t make a count of my experiences. However, there are numerous that happens on a daily basis. This is one of them. Om Sairam Baba, I am posting this experience as promised to You, if everything goes well. I dedicate this at Your feet. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes.
I mentioned my home buying experience in the United States in my earlier post and how Baba helped me in buying that. I wanted to show my Mother and also my Mother-in-law the new home. I wanted both of them to have a visit to USA this June to see our new home. Tickets were booked through Travel agents in India. That itself was a miracle. Can’t imagine the flight ticket price we got. It was so cheap and it was again Baba’s miracle. I was kept on postponing buying tickets to USA. But somehow, I started the initiative of booking the tickets for both of them in May. I am sure it was Baba’s miracle that I happened to book the ticket at the right time. Not sure, if I would’ve got the ticket in such a great deal if I had tried to booked it earlier or later.
It was all His miracles that He made me to take initiative to book tickets and made sure that I got it in a great price which was unexpected. He knows the past, present and future. This is just another example of how He takes care of the devotees.
Coming to my passport experiences. My mother’s passport was expiring by Jan next year and we had planned her travel to USA from May to Dec. I was worried about this as I was thinking if she will have issues at the airport because of passport getting expired soon. So, I wanted to go for passport renewals of course by Baba’s blessing. She was traveling in June and I started only the process in May. Everything went on quick and she got her passport in just 3 days without any police verification etc. She went to the passport office on a Monday and got it on a Thursday. Even she was saying that when she went to the passport office in taxi, there was a small Sai Baba statue in the taxi and she took it as a good sign and thought that it would be successful. All went well with Baba’s grace and I am expecting them to have a safe travel and enjoy the stay here in US with Baba’s blessings. Om Sairam

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the Sai devotees and special thanks to Hetal aunty for creating a platform where children of our mother Sai come up together to embrace the love of our Baba.
This is my third experience on this blog it is regarding the lost watch I found; as earlier instances like this have happened and I have read a lot about lost things. My experience goes like this, the girl who loves me the most, gifted me wrist watch on my previous birthday (11th April 2016). I liked the watch very much I wore it for once or twice and it started malfunctioning so I gave it to my friend who lives near to the place from where the watch was being bought and months passed but my friend was being lazy in taking the watch to the shopkeeper, for this my girl was taunting me and my family as well that it was height that it had been months and finally my friend got the watch and we gave it to the shopkeeper to repair and again time passed and my family again started taunting me.
So one fine day I went to my cousin’s place which was near to the shopkeeper’s place saying at home that I would be going and getting the watch. So apparently I got the watch but it wasn’t repaired unfortunately but still we took the watch from there to avoid mess at home. I took the watch went to cousin’s place, stayed there and came back the next day. When I came watch was missing, I called my cousin to check. He said he had checked the whole house but wasn’t there. I was screwed up, my dad scolded me very badly. I prayed to Baba, watch must be there at cousin’s place because I asked cab driver if I had forgot it there. He said no. I prayed to Baba if I would find it then I would post the experience and guess what next day morning my cousin found it lying under the table. Anantakoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parambrahma Shri Sachidananda Samarth Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am struggling in each and every phase of my life. Thank you Hetalji for creating such a platform. I was doubting whether Baba has approved me as His devotee or not. So I prayed to Baba to show some sign that He accepted me as devotee. 1st Experience: My spectacles got damaged. When I went to shop he suggested changing the lenses but I asked them to correct the lenses. He asked for 200 and told me to collect the spectacles in the evening. I didn’t have money and I felt that there was something wrong with me, so I had to pay the money. So I went to shop to collect my spectacles. He told that money was not required it was free of cost.
2nd experience: I parked my bike on somewhat steep surface. When I was taking back my bike, bike got touch in with some other bike and that bike fell down. Bike was damaged which costs more than 3000. I conveyed my apologies to owner, they were 5 in number. All came to fight with me. Bike owner told them to leave me. Even he didn’t ask for money. So Baba showed His presence. I am under some crucial circumstances and I am sure Baba will help me in those. Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello I’m a Sai devotee since I was a child. I’m in the US now and have two girls. I have been through lots of ups and downs in life.
I was about to lose my job once earlier and a numerologist asked me to wear a ruby. It worked well for me and I’m sentimental about it. I lost the stone last week. It fell off the ring. I searched at work, home, stores,that I had been on that day. I almost went crazy. I prayed to Baba that He should get the stone back. Three days later I told my colleague about it and he took the initiative to search the vacuum bag of the cleaner. They didn’t find it. Then he made the cleaner use high power suction to pull stuff from below the cabinets. The stone came out. I kept telling Baba That should help and here He was pulling the wires to get things done. Baba thank You Deva!! Please protect Your lassi all the time. Place Your merciful hand on our heads!
Prayers for Today: Please Baba Bless Me – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sri Sainadhaya Namaha
The first experience really captures how I think every reader of this blog feels. Thank you.
O Deva, Thank You 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Dearest Baba pls do a miracle. Give Andy and family their lives back. So many would be happy and those of us that believe in you and God would have our faith strengthened. Those who may not believe would perhaps start to. So much to gain Father. Pls cure her. Her children are so young but still old enough to feel the sorrow of losing someone they love. Pls Father let me have a miracle. I know that faith is knowing that you will cure her and not that you can but I am weak and foolish. Sainath pls hear my plea and save this family. Om Sai Ram.
Sainath deva
Devotee from US Experince No 1,I really loved to read your post I relly loved this that how innocent sweet soul you are and your devotion to Sai I really loved all, respect you thank you for posting out of words, sorry OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please bless my family be with them protect them and take care of them baba, please extend my project baba I don't have any one other than you to go.