Baba’s Way Of Pulling A Humble Sparrow And Further Miracles

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram Hetal ji and team, thanks for all your efforts that helps so many Sai devotees to share all their experiences with Sai and also at times to recall and regain their strength from time to time. I would like to share few of my experiences that made me closer to Baba, He is the only person whom we can trust blindly and be sure that whatever He does, is for our own good. (though we will realize it much later). My previous experience has been posted at Though I was reading the blog regularly, there are many experiences that I wanted to share that happened in the past few years.

How I came to Baba ji’s fold: I had just completed degree and was not having a job, when I passed out of college in 2006. I went to Chennai from my home town in search of a job and was staying there in a Hostel which had name of Sai Ram (but did not know about Him, by then). I used to see a big life size portrait of Baba in the hall and used to wonder, why people are praying to a Human being instead of God and I was very ignorant and unfortunate that I could not apprehend about His Leelas. I stayed in Chennai for hardly 2 weeks and I got a message from one of my friends that there is some campus interview happening in my home town. So I moved back to my home town to attend the interview and did well in the interview and was awaiting my results. Within a week, my father, suddenly passed away, leaving all of us into Great Depression. But I was at least able to spend few days with him, before he has left us forever. Within two days of his demise, I got mail that I was selected in a reputed software company. I was so depressed thinking of my dad and stopped going to temples for almost 3 years. If any of my friend/family took me to temple forcefully, I used to sit outside. I was still not able to convince myself that my dearest father, has left us.

After all these sufferings, Baba had decided me to take me to His fold. And my aunt who went to Pune, got a chance to visit Shirdi. When she came to my home town, she took me with her to Baba temple and I can never forget that moment, when I saw Sai for the first time, seated gracefully, looking at me with a divine smile, felt like He was saying ‘Finally, you are here’. Tears started rolling down from my eyes and I felt that I have just met my close friend, whom I have met after very long time and I started to pray Baba whole heartedly.

My Husband’s Passport Experience: I got married and came to US, I and my husband were working from different locations for an year. And we were not able to get a job in the same location. After praying to Sai, I decided to quit my job and to join my husband. Meanwhile my husband’s passport was expiring and he was expecting the new passport to reach him in 3 or 4 weeks. But even after 6 weeks, we did not receive the passport and we were worried that I may have to go back to India as his Visa extension was pending and we could not apply even for my dependent visa. There were no responses for any of our phone calls/mails to the consulate and there was no change in status for 6 continuous weeks, leaving as confused. We prayed to Sai and offered donations in Sai temple here. When I was reading experiences in this site, requesting Baba’s answer, there was an experience, in which a devotee got her lost gold ornament. I was hoping that it was Baba’s assurance that we are going to get the passport soon. By Sai’s grace, we received his passport on time. There is also one more instance in which my husband got his missing baggage after around 2 months, while he was relocating within US. May be these are Sai’s ways to instil faith in my husband too. There are numerous other experiences in which Udi has cured my health issues and Baba has always stayed with us and have protected us from all dangers and still guiding us every day. Though there are many other problems that I am facing today, I have faith that Sai is with me. Why fear when Sai is here. Jai Sai Ram

Confidence Building Gesture And Miracle By Sai Baba

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I’m an ardent devotee of Sai Baba from Hyderabad. Jai Jai Shirdi Sai Baba. Thanks a million for this platform and opportunity to the admin. I would like to share yet another experience which will truly bring in the faith in Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. I hope my earlier experience would be posted soon with Baba’s blessings. I had a tough time 3 years ago with my US H1 and B1 Visas. I completely felt shattered when both applications did not get through. But Baba had some other plan for me as I got my Canada PR this year. Actually, few of my friends will be travelling to Las Vegas for an expo and I thought it would be great if I could join them but having had the history of rejections of US Visa I was sceptical to apply even for visiting Visa. But I thought to proceed as suggested by my consultant as I was very keen to travel to US and join in my friends in Las Vegas from Canada.

Here’s the miracle that happened. I prayed whole-heartedly to Baba and requested Him to tell me if I would get the Visa this time through the Sai Baba question and answers website. The answer was “Go ahead, Baba’s blessings are with you and you’ll get something unique”. I was really happy as even Mother Nature cannot turn down Baba’s order. On the day of interview, I got to meet one of my college mates and I started chatting with him and he was appearing for his Business (B1) Visa. For a moment, I was involved in conversation with him and a girl sitting next to him had a book where there was Sai Baba’s beautiful Picture. That was the book of Sai Satcharitra and I was pleasantly surprised thinking what a wonderful gesture Baba gave me. I was pretty confident and when I received my ticket number, I proceeded to the counter.

There were two guys standing in front of me whose Visas got rejected and I was literally trembling looking at them as mine was the next turn. The Visa officer called me and asked few questions to which I replied. Honestly, my way of answering and my answers were similar likewise when my Visa was rejected earlier. The officer asked me to wait for a moment and came back after few minutes saying that my Visa has been approved. I just didn’t knew how to thank Baba for His miraculous support because it’s really tough to get even a tourist visa approved after having a rejection history. The only biggest thing that I felt was, be it any situation, any belief, if Baba gives a word, Mother Nature has to accept it. Such is the power of divine words of Baba. Have faith and stick thinking about Baba, He will show you the endless bound of love for His devotees. I again thank the admin for maintaining this great platform. Akhilananda Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

My Loving Baba

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram everyone, Thanks for giving this platform, the opportunity to share our experiences. Sai Baba has been holding my hand and guiding me since about 20 years. All that I am today is because of Him. I have no words to describe His love towards me. I feel like I cannot reciprocate that love to Him in either quantity or quality. I came to USA in 2002 after my marriage. Before my marriage I used to visit the Sai Baba temple near my place, often. This temple is in Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad. This temple is famously known as Dakshina Shirdi which means Shirdi Of The South. I have a special bond with that temple and that Idol. I went to India in 2003. During that visit one morning I got ready to go to my Sai Baba temple. It was early in the morning around 6:00 AM. I was about to step out of the gate when I saw this person right in front of me asking for money. I was a little surprised as I thought that it was too early in the morning, even for beggars. The other striking thing which I distinctly remember was that this person was very clean. He was sturdy and about 5.9 ” tall. He was dressed in a reddish orange garb. He put forth his hand forward.

I remembered Sai Baba and thought that Baba likes two rupees as Dakshina and put two rupees in his hand. He said to me in my mother tongue “Sai Baba Ninnu Challaga Chusthadu” which means “Sai Baba will take care of you”. I was extremely happy that he took my God’s name but was wondering how he knew, that I like Sai Baba. There was no outward sign/hint (Locket, Vibhuti) on my face or body. I took a few steps forward thinking about what he said and turned back to look at him one more time but he was not there. There was no place he could go without being seen as that was a straight road, empty road and I could see him if he were to walk to another house. I wondered where he went but did not think much of it at that time. After many days it occurred to me that may be it was really my Baba Who came to me that morning and blessed me. Whenever I think of this incident my heart fills with joy. Om Shri Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainathaya Namaha.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om sai ram!
    I want to share my dream with all the Sai devotees and kindly request to help me interpret it. I wanted to share this in my experience but I thought it will take some time and I really want to know what this means. I had this dream some days ago around 3’o clock at night. It was a Sai temple, I could also see Baba’s picture painted in the orange on the wall. There were 2 entrance doors for the temple. I was standing in the entrance. There was one fakir who was wearing Black long kurta, he was inside the temple. There was somebody was praying to Baba for his or her wish. I was just standing there, so Fakir asked me in hindi…tumhe kuch nahi mangna Baba se…tumhari koi wish nahi? (You don’t want to ask for anything to Baba…don’t you have any wish?). I said, ya par Baba to sab jante hai.(but Baba knows everything). He said ha par Baba se mangna padta hai or he said batana padta hai.( ya but you have to tell Baba). I said, actually I have 2 wishes.( which is true, I really have 2 wishes). Then he said, Baba ko address fax (or message) karna padta hai, aur room ka darwaza khula rakhna padta hai fir Baba sapne mai ate hai( U have to message your address to Baba , u have to keep your room door open..then Baba comes into your dream). I think he was saying that then Baba comes into your dream and tells you. Then fakir Baba made me sit there and started telling me about dream part…but I could not pay attention because there was dark where we were sitting….and suddenly some insects were trying to get on me …I was trying to remove them…and suddenly I woke up. It is my request to all Hetalji and all the Sai Devotees to help me understand this…what does it mean to send address…and keep the room door open. Thanks to all the Sai devotees for reading my experience.
    Om sai Ram!

    • Dear devotee, you are lucky to have this wonderful dream; all I can interpret is to offer prayers to Baba and follow what He has always spoken about, then He would let Himself in your life……………………….

    • dear devotee, baba coming in dream is considered very auspicious….i also had dream about baba but couldn't understand what baba wanted to tell me…i left everything on baba and prayed him that you only explain me its meaning…and i also think that nobody can appropriately explain your dream except baba…so pray to him to show its meaning…it is also said in sai satcharita that he(baba) who comes to your dream makes arrangements for its explanation as well…so dont worry for the meaning and just feel blessed… sai ram

    • Hello Dear Devotee, you need to keep true faith and devotion ( 'Shradha' and 'Saburi') on Shree Shirdi Sai Babaji.
      Opening door refers to opening door of your heart(place where Shree Shirdi Sai Babaji resides), so that wall between you and Shree Shirdi Sai Babaji will be removed automatically.
      Shree Shirdi Sai Babaji always says-"He only wants our devotional and faithful remembrance".
      All this, I could undrstood by your dream.
      For exact interpretation of your dream, please do pray to him, he will surely show you the right path.
      || Om Shree Shirdi Sai Nathaya Namah ||


    • Dear all devotees, want to share 1 experience. On 18 april 2015 i reached shirdi & in evening we had baba's darshan. On 19 apr we visited shani shinganapur and had darshan n did puja very nicely & on 20 apr we moved to nashik to watch triamkeshwar temple on d way from nashik to shirdi we met with an seriously accident, duster car suddenly came on our way with almost 150 speed & our driver tried to control the car but was not successfully controlled, we 4 adult & 2 small kids was in car along with driver, when driver couldnt able to control the car & our car fell down so badly that the damage was of 90%, i only said OM SAI RAM & baba saved everyone, but my mother get serious injury. Thanks for saving us baba. Please cure my mother & bless her with a long life. It was feeling like baba was pulling us to have darshan one more time.again we had darshan n that was so peacfull. I love u baba.Baba sbki raksha kro , sbke dukh haro

      Ur daughter

  2. OmSairam
    Blessed experiences. Baba please be with us and bless us always.
    Anandakoti Bramhananda Nayaka Rajathiraha Yogiraja ParaBramha ShriSachiananda Samratha Sadguru ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

  3. Beautiful experiences, especially the last one 🙂

    O Sai, I fall at your feet and hold on to them so that You forgive me my sins and pave the path for a bright and happy future.

    Jai Sairam

  4. Sai Sai 2nd and 3rd – both the experiences are from Hyderabad-

    3rd Devotee : You are truly blessed – I also did my engineering from Hyserabad and used to visit Dilsukhnagar Sai Baba Temple – Sai Baba's grace poured on me from that time in 2006. Never knew it was also called Dakshina Shirdi . Had not known Shri Sai Satcharita, Nav Guruvar Vrat, this blog and other things such as Dwarkamai etc. in Shirdi – was a poor me , Then Baba's grace poure on me , Felt really good to read about Dilsukhnagar experience

    3rd Devotee: Humbly request of you can email me a pic of Dilaukhnagar Sai Baba on or whatsapp me on +91-8879186425.Would be really grateful.

    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai

  5. Baba my problem also visa only. Please arrange visa to us with out any problems baba please grant us visa. Om sai ram ram om sai ram om sai baba

  6. Om sai shri sai jai jai sai love you sai….my dear baba,I totally surrender myself to you. Please keep me in your lotus feet…never leave me alone baba…..please baba shower your blessings on my son ..please baba bless him for his exams….Anantkoti brahmandnayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahm shri sachidanand sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai…

  7. Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sacinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
    Shree sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki JAi

  8. omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam omsrisairam
    thanks a lot sairam for your help

  9. Nice experiences! BABA is our savior and protector from all evils of the world.
    I had back pain this morning. I applied Udi and got rid of it. Udi is the ultimate medicine.
    BABA! Please help us get through our difficulties. Thank you BABA.
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Hare Gare Krishna, Radhe Radhe Shyam

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