Baba’s Miracle In My Conception
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi and Namasakar to all Sai devotees and special thanks to Hetal ji for this wonderful service. I am a working woman in Bangalore. But my husband is working abroad. I went to stay with my husband by taking loss of pay leave as we were planning for child. My experience is how Baba did His miracle in my conception. I have some infertility problem, so i was worried about conception. Months passed by but nothing fruitful came out. I was very much sad. One fine day i came across this page by Baba’s grace. I started reading the experiences daily and started thinking positively that Baba knows when to do and what is good for me. I read in many experiences about Sai Baba Nav Guruvar Vrat. Then i started this Vrat praying Baba to fulfill my wish.

At first i thought of doing this Vrat after coming back to India as it may be difficult to get things required for Vrat. But my mind was not peaceful as nothing positive was happening. So i decided to start Vrat when i was in abroad. A Peetam (platform for placing Baba’s Idol) was required for this Vrat about which i was doubtful whether I will get it or not. There were two Indian shops there. I went to first one but i couldn’t find it. Then i went to the second shop. I went and stood in the place where all Pooja items were kept in that shop. I felt that Baba was strongly telling me that “This is the place. Look carefully. You will get it.” I searched the place and finally got it with Baba’s grace. I felt very very happy that Baba is there with me. I started Vrat on Thursday and completed 7 weeks when i was abroad. Meanwhile i asked in Sai Baba questions and answers site and got the answer that all my problems will be solved slowly. I felt peaceful after reading that. Also one day Baba came in my dream and gave a child to me. I felt very much happy the next morning by this gesture of Baba. I was there for almost one year abroad and was under treatment during this period. As my leave was about to complete and my boss told not to extend the leave i had no other option except to come back to India and join in my job. So three weeks before completion of my leave we both came to India for vacation and after vacation i was to join in my job. By the time we came back to India i had completed seven weeks of Vrat.
After coming to India we went to Shirdi and had Baba’s blessings. Baba gave us Darshan three times and very satisfactory Darshan each time. We also had Darshan of Dwarkamai. After we returned home I completed one more week of Vrat and i was praying Him very much that this month is the last chance for me to conceive as i don’t know when i can take leave again or when my husband will get job in Bangalore. As Baba said “After stepping in Dwarkamai there is no place for sadness. He takes away all the difficulties “. I believe in this strongly as our beloved Baba has done His miracle in my life because i conceived in this very last month. It’s possible only because of Baba’s blessings and unconditional love. I don’t have words to thank Baba. I thank Him from the bottom of my heart and also i pray to Him that “Baba please be there with me throughout my pregnancy and help me deliver a healthy baby without any obstacles. Also be there with me and my family throughout my lifetime. Because without You there is no moral strength and no guidance in life.” By Baba’s grace i completed the Vrat successfully without any obstacles. This is about miracle in my life. Baba please bless all of Your devotees with happiness and prosperity in life. Rajadhi Raja Yogi raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.
Baba Is Hearing Us At Every Moment
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thanks Hetal ji for creating this wonderful website to share the wonderful experiences of Sainath. I stay in, Karnataka. I request you to put my experience in your blog. I have been reading experiences of Sai Baba devotees from quite some time. I have been an ardent Sai devotee from past 15 years. Please go through my series of experiences that Baba has given to make me feel, realize and experience that He is hearing us at every moment.
Experience 1: Sai Baba Ki Sada Hi Jai Ho. This was my first trip since from past 15 years to Shirdi and it is Heaven on Earth. When i went near Gurusthan I wished one Neem leaf could fall from tree but the surrounding near tree was completely covered with fences, so I could not get single Neem leaf. I came back to hotel where i was staying, when I opened Prasadam cover I found two Neem leaves, i was wonder struck in my heart, till now i am not able to believe this, if Baba only wants then only things can happen, otherwise they won’t happen. My joy knew no bounds. I felt that Baba had showered His blessing through Neem leaf as Prasadam. Thank You Baba, for calling me to Shirdi and blessing me with Blissful Darshan of Yours. I am sharing this experience with Sai devotees so that you strengthen your devotion and faith on Him. If you have any wish, leave the wish/issue with Sai, do not worry or think, accept whatever He gives whole-heartedly.
Experience 2: I had a very serious problem at office for which i was expecting that i would be fired by my boss. I had become so restless and literally prayed Baba to make me come out of this situation. Baba has encouraged me to get the guts and face the problem. By Baba’s grace the problem got solved. I thank Baba ji for showing immense kindness and always request Baba to shower His grace on ignorant children like us and always keep His blessing hands on all His devotees. Throughout my life, I was struggling for something, but with Baba’s help, everything was successful. Whatever I asked for, He gave me. But now I am going through some problems in my married life and it’s been one and half years and still the same sufferings every day. I am praying Baba for a Child. I hope that it will happen one day. Still I have never lost hope, because I believe Baba will help me. Thank You Baba. Thank You for everything. Please be with me and my family always. Om Shri Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba Gave Me Good Salaried Job
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I started trusting in Sai Baba in my recent times because of some small experiences. But this one is the major transformation of my life. All Thanks To My Sai Baba. I was working in a company where salary was very less even though I had a few years of experience in the same industry. My mind was adjusted to less salary. I started concentrating on Sai Baba and His Bhajans. Trust me, in 2 months, i got an interview call. I thought i can never clear it as it was a very huge organization. I went to give the interview. It was very tough test. I started saying *Om Sai Ram*. I don’t know how i managed to clear it. 60-65% was correct in the test. Now the company has offered me 152% salary hike which i never expected even in my dreams. Thank You very very much Baba. You are my Everything. Please guide me in my each steps of life.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Devotee1:Your experience is very inspiring. We were planning for children quite sometime. I was reading SSC and today was my final day of reading.I was requesting Baba to show me a sign that my wish will be fulfilled and through your experience he provided me hope.
Deva what can I say you are omnipresent and knows all your devotees wishes. Please place your blessings on us all:)).
Please fulfil all the TTC sisters with their wish of healthy baby soon. No Sai devotee should be barren, please fulfil their wish as you have for Damu Anna,Mrs Aurangabadkar , Sapatnekar, GopalRao and many more in SSC. Similarly please always shower your blessings on us 🙂
What does TTC sisters mean?? Also, i have noted that men never ever write they want a child; it is almost always the woman who cries, prays, fasts, is vexed….though a child is only a joint venture:-) i really wonder why it is so?? I am yet to read even a single post narrated by a man praying Lord Sainath for a child.
Dear devotee TTC means trying to concieve…….please baba bless all the couples wid ur kripa prasad….plz make oyr families complete…..listen to our prayers baba…….do ur miracle…jai sai ram
Will TTC is trying to conceive, even I wanted to see man requesting for child
Om sai ram…baba knows exactly when to give and what to give…he will never let any harm come to his devotee…I am also suffering from severe back pain and it is also affecting my left leg…I was crying so much in front of baba to help me get better…but I know when time comes he will give me what I want…he is testing my faith and patience. ..but I trust him and he will answer all my prayers…he was always there with me in each and every step of my life and I know he won't let his devotee suffer…for me he is only my doctor who will heal me…I am putting my all efforts to get better and I know he will help me for sure one day…om sai ram…baba never leave my hand…I am your daughter though in my life I have committed lot of mistakes but please forgive your daughter. Baba please help me soon I have to start my work also….om sai ram love you baba…
I was suffering from severe back pain and left and right leg pain due to that for weeks. I used to cry in front of baba pleading him. Started nav guruvar vrat…guess what it has reduced substantially. Yoga along with physical therapy helped. Check to see if you have herniated discs. It is usually herniated discs that creates this issue. I am praying for you, all will be fine.
Miraculous Experience of Sri Sai Baba
I am from United States sai baba devotee since last 7 years. Have experienced innumerable miracles of sri sai baba like getting wonderful parents, husband, in laws, clearing my medical exam, blessing us in all prospects of life- two children, my job, financially, emotionally, socially. Thank you hetal ji for this wonderful website of sri sai baba which has brought many sai devotees together and increasing their faith in our deva. this experience i am writing as i promised my baba which can increase faith in at least devotees who has difficulty in conceiving baby.
Sai baba blessed us with daughter after 2 years of our marriage. After my daughter I had undergone major surgery of my abdomen which reduces the 80 %chance of conceiving child. Seeing my daughter playing alone we used to feel very sad, we decided to consult doctors for our baby. i kept 9 nav guruvar vrat and after trying for 2 months i conceived. My health was at risk throughout my pregnancy. My whole family prayed to sai baba throughout and everyone had wish for baby boy. praying to sai baba slowly changed our heart and was praying for healthy baby. baba blessed us with baby boy on april 9 2015 on thursday. baba was at every step of my life, i think my life from last 7 years, it brings tears in my eyes, whatever i am today its due to his blessing. Please bless us always in our life and be with us in every step of life and let us never think or do bad for others, Baba please bless all your devotees.
We are really blessed by our SAINATH. Feeling happy while reading BABA's miracles like yours. (h)
great….(h) baba always keeps his children happier 🙂
Dear Devotees
Please read the mind- blowing experiences of Tarkhand Family with Baba, in a book written by grandson of Balasaheb Tarkhand, describing experiences of his grand-father & Father. I am reading these experiences first time, as most of these are not even in SAI SATCHARITRA
Thank you to the devotee who shared this link in comments other day.
Love & Peace 🙂
Read it … Very inspiring .. Wish baba s miracles worked same way in recet times also … But seems with his samadhi his power of udi has also gone
the qualities of a true devotee that Sri Sainath expects has diluted considerably in the modern day devotees by and large. His Udi has the same power for devotees who have truly surrendered to Him as a Sadhguru and not just for worldly miracles…
power is not in udi..power is in faith..its THE FAITH which makes udi sai naathaye namah.
If you read carefully he showed his udi power to the people who did not believe in him and then because of that they started believing in sai as incarnation of god … Here we have so many people asking for udi miracles with faith but still no results its dissapointing
Yes I am almost about to finish this book. Thank you so much to the sai devotee who has posted that link. I can't tell you how happy I am to read it. Om sai ram! May Baba bless you.
jai sai ram …..bless all deva
Baba deva come to my rescue. You know what problem I am facing.whenever I see any experience of child birth miracle my heart cries.Even I want to be a mother of a cute healthy baby deva.bless us also with this gift. But you know deva I am not getting any help or cooperation from my husband.he is not interested in having a he never talks to me about becoming parents.he does not come for any fertility tests nor visits any Temples or prays to you for having a child. I am alone crying everyday in front of gods to please change my husbands mind.
Please deva only you can do a miracle please I beg change my husbands mind and make him to think of having our own children.please help this daughter of yours. I have no one in this whole world who can help me in resolving this issue.baba do some chamatkar and bless us with a healthy baby soon.let me conceive naturally as my husband is not ready to visit doctors for any artificial treatment. Baba please listen to my prayer and bless us soon with a healthy child. On Sai ram Anantha koti brahmandanayaka Raja di Raja shree Satchidananda maharaj ki Jai on Sai ram
Dear sai devotee…plz arrange for udi from the sai temple near you…& smear it on ur stomach everyday…plz once again start nav guruvar vrat wid full confidence…baba wld bless with his kripa prasad
Dear devotee, baba's ways of doing this are miraculous. Although my husband and I wanted a child the opportunity was not coming due to various situations. We somehow started watching Baba's life video section by section over few months, then out of the ordinary I had work trip to Pune and went to Shridi along with husband. Next month situation arose due to babas grace and I conceived. Dont worry about artificial treatment.
Baba pls help me to solve d problem. Help us to clear d debt baba. Baba please sold the land soon at good rate please saima.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Anant Koti Bhramand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogi Raj Param bhrahm
Shree Sachidanand Satguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Aum Shree Sai Ram
Jai Shree Ram
Baba please listen to my prayers and please fulfill my wish in this month Pls Pls Pls Baba g !!
saibaba bless all baba…bless my amma with good health baba…her sugar levels should be normal baba…bless my brother to get medical seat in jipmer baba…he should clear his jipmer entrance baba…please bless my sister's life and her kids baba….soon she should get government job in her hometown baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…please help me to get a job in my hometown baba…i am struggling here baba…please help me baba…i dont want to be here baba…i want to be with my family baba…please help me baba…soon my marriage should happen with raji with all blessings baba…please help me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai….
Wonderful experiences and I'm sure He has blessed the 2nd devotee with her wish as well 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for filling our lives with love, joy and abundance 🙂
Jai Sairam
Blissful experiences 🙂
Love & Peace :))
Aum Sai Ram. By BABA's grace we are going to Shirdi in June and i am eager to take prayers of Devotees. Please send in your prayers to Prayers should reach me before June 15th.
BABA bless us all always.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai 2nd and 3rd devotees these are really miracles by Baba so is the first one too Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram love u baba love u so much…tnkuuuu so much apni kirpa sada apne bacho per rakhna ..baba please help him….i trust u , baba tu hi sahara k kirpa kro kirpa karo….
Can any one tell me udhyapan vidhi of nav guruvar vrat do we need to read the stories that day too
saibaba you have everytime proved your presence around protecting us and fulfilling each and every desire of your children. Cant ask you more you have given in abundance deva. Pls let me hold on to your feet till my last breath maa.OM SAIRAM.
this is a very heart-touching comment and i too feel the same way..when our surrender and devotion is sincere and true then He takes care of all our needs in the best way….pestering Him constantly for miracles shows lack of Shraddha as well as Saburi…
Really it is heart touching comment! May Baba always bless you.
Love you maa always be with us……
Please forgive all my sins and bless me. Please give my family and me good health and happy life.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
I love you Sai maa
Call me un Shirdi to touch Samadhi
BABA! What can I ask you? Every wish seems so materialistic. But BABA, in order to live our day to day lives , we need to have certain things, you are Sarvantharyami and you know this already. Please bless us to get rid of our bad karmas and develop shraddha and saburi . May we never lose faith in you.
Saima! Please help me with my small problems and bless your child to get good marks in his exam. Thank you for everything you have given us.
Anantha koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai.
Sai Deva Please be with me tomorrow to complete the task in office. Sai Ram it is my life. I am getting more work in office. Please Deva bless me to work good in office. Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Sai Deva Please forgive all my sins. Please Deva I want to be good in current job. Please bless me Deva I am getting afraid of tomorrow's task. Please be with me and make successful
Om Sai ram
Thanks baba for being with me always. I'm so scared that i will get Chicken Pox because my roomate got infected and i was in touch with her. I'n taking all precautions and taking your UDI baba. Please bless me that i won't get effected by this.
I tried posting my experience but i after clicking on submit button it is taking a lot time and still showing as if processing.what should i do ? can some one help me what to do or is there any other way.
thanking you in advance.
Om Shri Anandakoti Bramhananda Nayaka Rajathiraja Yogiraja ParaBramha ShriSachiananda Samratha Sadguru ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om sairam: We are asking baba's blessing to conceive a child praying baba for past 3 years, but i know one day he will give me a baby.I started doing 9weeks virudha pooja. Hope will post soon about baba's miracle in my life.He done many miracles in my life and iam waiting for this one to happen in my life.waiting for his blessings.