Highlights of this post:
Sai Sister Vijaya from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I live in U.S. I went to Shiridi 30 years back for the first time when I was in tenth standard. From that day onwards Baba took care of me and protecting me always like His child. He gave me a beautiful life and always saved me, my husband and both my sons through His miracles. Our family fully depends on Baba’s grace. Just chant Sai Ram many times in your heart and He protects you from any danger. Lots of miracles happened in my life. I am mentioning two of them.
In 2010, I traveled to India alone for my nephew’s wedding. I always get down in Chennai as my home town is 3 hour drive by car from Chennai. My flight reached Chennai Airport at 11:30 pm My in laws sent a taxi from my town. Two young men in their twenties who were tenants in my house also came in the taxi to receive me. I wanted to start in the morning around 6 a.m. when there is light outside. But my husband told me on the phone from U.S. to start immediately as it is safe on the highway. We started at 12:30 am and after one hour, our car suddenly broke down on the highway with a flat tyre. The car driver did not have proper tool box or torch light to change the tYre. The place where our car stopped was very dark with no street light. I was carrying lots of gold and other valuables as I was attending a wedding. I was so scared and started chanting Sai Baba’s Name. Half an hour passed and meanwhile the driver started changing the tyre with the help of the young men (who came to pick me) with limited tools. I started chanting Sai Baba, Sai Baba in my heart. Suddenly one car was slowing down on the high way. I started waving at them as I saw an elderly man in the passenger seat. Our car driver and the young men warned me not to stop any random car. But the other car stopped and both father and son in the car were from my home town. They saw our car’s registration plate and recognized that it is from the same town and stopped to find out the problem. They were carrying good tool box and helped our driver to change the tYre. They even followed us until we reached our home town. I couldn’t stop thanking Sai Baba for helping us that night.
The second miracle happened to me recently. As I am in my early Forties, I was not able to read small font clearly. My husband thought I needed reading glasses and told me to go to an ophthalmologist for an eye check up. I go to an ophthalmologist regularly for my yearly eye check up. My eye check up was always normal. I called the ophthalmologist’s office to take the appointment. But the receptionist told me that there is no appointment for the next three months. So i took the details of another ophthalmologist from my friend and took appointment with different doctor. I went for the check up very casually thinking that he will just give me prescription for the reading glasses. The new ophthalmologist tested and gave me a bad news. He said that he is suspecting glaucoma in my eyes. I got so frightened thinking all sort of bad things may happen to me like blindness. I came home very sad. I prayed Sai Baba and wished for a miracle. My husband told me to get second opinion from my regular ophthalmologist. This time I prayed Sai and called. Can you believe this, the receptionist told me that someone cancelled their appointment that coming Thursday and I can come in that day. I always believe Thursdays (Sai Baba day) are very auspicious and lucky days. Earlier the same receptionist told me that there is no appointment for next 3 months. I went for the check up and started chanting Sai Baba’s Name in my heart when the doctor was checking me. He said that my eyes are perfectly normal and I don’t have glaucoma and I will never get it in future also. He just gave me prescription for my reading glasses. Sai Ram! How can I thank You? You always rescue Your children. Just have complete faith and patience on Him, He will take care of you. I want to thank Hetal Ji, who started this page. Reading Sai Baba’s miracles in this page every day is increasing faith in Sai Baba tremendously. Thanks everyone for reading my experience.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. In 2009, I had gone to Ahmed-nagar on an official trip and after completing work, I and my brother planned to come back to Hyderabad. My Bua (Father’s sister) asked us to visit Shirdi. Little did I know about Lord Sai Baba. Since my Bua told, we visited Shirdi and had Sai Baba’s Darshan. We got a call from our customer and we had to go back to Ahmed-nagar. We called up to my house to inform my Bua, Dad, Mom and Sisters about this. My Bua asked whether we have collected Udi from Shirdi. I didn’t know about it and felt bad that I didn’t collect when I was there. In bus I was feeling very bad. My brother asked me not to feel bad and said we will take when we visit next time. I asked almost everyone in Bus to give me little Udi but everyone said that it’s in their luggage and difficult to give. We were about to reach Ahmed-nagar and I just Prayed to Baba saying, before I get down from this bus please see to it that I get Udi. To my surprise one girl was sitting in first seat and while I was getting down from bus, she smilingly gave me two packets of Udi. I was totally surprised. I tried a lot by asking almost everyone and when I wholeheartedly asked Baba to give, He gave me through that girl. This was my first Miracle. Me and my Brother were totally surprised.
After coming Back, I visited Baba’s Temple which is near my house. I attended evening Aarti and till date do not know what made me to go daily to Baba’s Temple. It’s been 5 years I have been going to Baba’s Temple. I daily attend Aarti and in case if I miss Aarti because of some work I make a point to at least go and have Darshan. I feel each and every day miracles happening. I have become stronger and have complete faith in Baba. He is always with me and my family. In fact He is with every one of us. One day I was feeling very low and went to Baba’s Temple and sat for some time. I was thinking that if Baba really hears each and everything what I say to Him, then I should see a Picture of Him at back of any car or truck before I reach House. I couldn’t see Baba’s Picture on any vehicle and I felt very bad. I reached home and my Bua said there is a surprise for me. She gave me a gold chain with Baba’s locket. I cannot say in words how happy I was. I got tears in my eyes. I wore it immediately. I felt Baba saying me that you need not look around in search of Me, I am always with you and in your heart. Many miracles happened to me and my family. We have no fear at all as we know Baba is with us and taking care of us. Baba’s grace is with all of us. As He rightly says–“Why fear when I am here” May Lord Sai Baba’s blessings be with all of us. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I have been a big devotee of Baba. This is my first post in this page. Baba please forgive me for posting it too late. Baba says *Why fear I am here* words became true in my life. First of all thanks to this blog. Every Sai devotee will experience the miracle of Baba in their life time. I came to know Baba in 2000 but I was not devotee of Baba at that time. From 2010, slowly I became sincere devotee of Baba, when and how I don’t know. Sorry Baba for my mistakes in my life. Baba, You are my life. I cannot think my life without You Baba.
My first experience was in 2010, I joined a financial organization but in 5 months of time things changed. My manager started to show his attitude on me. It has become increasingly difficult for me to remain happy or productive in this position because of negativity and criticism from my manager. No matter how well i perform in my job, he never recognized me. He was preventing me from growing and progressing with my career and that has been extremely discouraging to me. Every day it was so stress full. Even after returning home, my mind was filled with stress. He was creating rumours about me. I keep reciting Baba whenever I was in distress. Every day I cried and pray to Baba to release me from this stress. Even though, I was so depressed, I prayed every day to Baba to give me strength and be with me. Baba listened to my prayers. After one year, I was transferred to another branch. I felt very happy. After three months, that manger got demotion for his fraud works in organisation. Baba showed His blessings on me. Slowly my problems calm down and i am happy in my daily life with Baba.
I always wanted to purchase our own house. But it was not possible with our income. In July 2014, my relative suggested us a new flat for purchase. But I did not have money even to give advance. I prayed Baba that what is Your wish, I will follow that. Fortunately, money adjusted and we paid advance for the flat, for balance amount, I approached to bank for loan. Thank You Baba, Thank You so much for giving me all things I have in my life. Don’t lose hope. Baba bless me with a baby. Om Sai Ram. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Ram to all the devotees of Baba. I have accepted Baba as my Guru and He is looking after me and my family as a Father, Guide and like a True Head of the family. I have earlier posted my experiences here too. This experience is about my daughter’s admission. Every father has a dream to see his daughter studying in a reputed school, the same feeling was mine. We were applying for my daughter’s admission since last two years but were not getting through. This year we applied for the last two schools which are considered as the best schools in the city for girls. My daughter was selected for school ‘x’, but we were keen for school ‘y’ as it is considered as the best school. We deposited the school fees of ‘x’.
Our interview was scheduled on the 8/12/2014 and the total to it comes to number ‘9’ and the result was on 19/12/2014 that is today. We gave our interview and were hopeful that she will be selected but was a bit anxious because the school had 1700 forms out of which only 400 were selected and then from 400 only 144 were selected and from 144 they had to select only 90 girls. So i am sure, you all who are reading it must be aware that what sort of round of interviews we must have gone through. But to my delight and with Baba’s blessing, my daughter was selected and i was just thanking Baba for His blessings. I had promised Baba that i will definitely post my experience. Here my wish is fulfilled and my Shirdi trip is on. Love You Baba. As written in the Satcharitra that Mr Thakker inquires from someone that do miracles take place here and the answer was “The earnest desires of the devotees are fulfilled here”. This was my earnest desire to see my daughter studying in this school and please Baba bless her with a good future and she can make a mark for herself in the future. There is one more wish of mine which if fulfilled by Baba’s grace will be definitely written by me to let people know that what Baba wants is total surrender and love for Him and if that is given to Him, no need to worry as the path of happiness is open and Baba being your guide will take you heights in life. Om Sai Ram. Shree Sai Nathaya Namah.

Sai Sister Swetha from Australia says: I am Baba’s devotee staying at Australia for the past year and half. Everyone in my family prays to Baba and strongly believe in His teachings. I used to pray to Baba just like any other God, but my experiences in the last 6 months have brought me closer to our Sadguru. Firstly, I would like to thank all the people involved in creating this wonderful FB page and the website that enables us to share our personal experiences with Baba and strengthen our devotion to Him. This site has given me so much of happiness and fills my heart with content when reading the experiences posted.
I am a dentist trained from India, and I have to write exams to get registered as a practitioner here. The exam is not too difficult, but is definitely stressful as our entire career depends on it. I had not been very successful in my earlier attempts, and was feeling very depressed. I think it was Baba, Who pulled me from this deep abyss and gave me a reason to live. I got to have a Draconian of Baba after a really long time on my birthday, and this was the best gift ever! Baba says that only by His will, devotees are drawn like sparrows to Him, and I think i am extremely lucky to get this chance. Thank You so much Baba. I have used the question and answer website several times, whenever I didn’t have self confidence. Almost always, I used to get a reply to ‘Trust In Sai Baba whole heartedly’. The Sai Satcharitra became my sole refuge and provided me mental strength when I needed the most. I used to read a chapter daily, and I felt Baba communicated directly through His teachings in this wonderful book. Towards the end, during the exams, because of faith in Baba, my mind was peaceful, and was feeling very relaxed. I felt Baba’s presence with me every moment and had left the entire result unto Him. By our Lord’s grace, I cleared the exam. Baba has ensured that I can continue in my career in this new country. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Sri Samarth Sadguru Sai Nath Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Shanti from USA says: Hi all, Sri Ram to everyone & thanks to the working team for this great service. I have a 16 months baby. I have to travel alone with my baby to USA. My baby is very active, even she couldn’t stay for 10 seconds constantly on a lap. How can I travel with her all the way for 24 hours. I got scared and I don’t have an option too. I prayed Baba sincerely to take care of my kid. Baba gave me many positive signs on the journey day. I was chanting Baba’s Name on whole of my journey. Really wonder happened, my kid didn’t even get down from the seat. She co-operated with me very well. Really I can’t believe myself. Baba controlled my kid like anything. Thank You so much Baba for Your help. Please bless me to make You happy in everyway.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Sai Devotee,
This is with regard to the confirmation dat I have recieved prayers from devotees. Please let me know If any of the prayer sender didn't get reply from me.
Baba's Bittu.
Om Sai Ram!
Sri Sai Samarth!
Sripad Sri Vallabh!
Allah Malik.
Hi Sai Ram,
I dint receive any reply on your behalf.
Allah Malik,
Dear Fortunate Sai Devotee, have a wonderful trip to the Land of Sai. Hope you have a great darshan of our dear Sai. Please pray for our good health and happiness and His Grace with us always.
On your return, please tell us in details about your trip.
God Bless
Dear Sai Devotee, Om Sai Ram!
I have not received prayer by this name. Please send it again.
Baba's Bittu.
Sri Sai Samarth!
Sripad Sri Vallabh!
Allah Malik.
Om sairam, I have sent my prayer today, sorry for the delay…i am waiting for your email. Thanks and have a wonderful darshan.
Om sairam, I have sent my prayer today, sorry for the delay…i am waiting for your email. Thanks and have a wonderful darshan.
Hi abhiJi
This is sowmyA from Hyderabad.plz
Dear Sai devotee,
Thank you for the help & may you have a blessed trip.
Dear Sai Devotee,
Thank you for your help & may you have a blessed holy shirdi trip.
Omsairam Omsaishyam.
Plzr reply to my mail.thank you.waiting for ur reply
Plz reply my mAil.
Om sai ram, thank you so much bittu ji, I have received your reply.
Have wonderful trip to shirdi.
om sai ram bittuji you have got my prayers its hasmita I did not email but sent you my prayers here few days back and youalso replied that you will take my prayers from here thankyou so much I feel as if I am going to shirdi Baba please bless me with good health and that soon I can have my own house and other problems get solved which you know everything thankyou bittuji and thankyou Baba om sai ram—Hasmita
Dear all lovable Sai Devotees,
You all are going with me through your prayers and most importantly in my mind ..This time I am going with more than 200 devotees and their families too (through prayers). I did ask baba to help me in managing all the prayers and devotees wish to offer you many things.
I am more than happy right at this stage before leaving for shirdi because of you all.
Last time in January 2015, I had a very miraculous experiences and that is all because I went with 100s of devotees (prayers).
Baba ways are inscrutable and indeed inexplicable. I didn't share my experience of last trip but it was faith boosting for others and I was all awestruck. I stayed there for one week and I realised then and there every action has reason coz each day was planned by Lord Sainath himself.
This time I decided to reply each devotee because I can very well relate it that this thought itself was created by Dearest Sainath.
This trip is dedicated to all you who have and have not sent prayers but missing shirdi.
Thanks a ton to Hetal ji and team for creating a successful platform for all sai devotee.
Baba's Bittu.
Om Sri Sai Samarth!
Sripad Sri Vallabh!
Allah Malik.
Dear Sai Devotee,
Feeling so blessed reading your email and same time excited too thinking that through my prayer request i will be present in my baba's holy shirdi. Thank you hetal mam & brother abhi for your noble work.
Om Sai ram Bless us all Baba.
It gives immense happiness to read devotees experience in which devotees mention how baba saved them in critical situations which truly highlights how shirdi sai looks after their devotees…..but when i see some devotees experience which are so random, like how the baby didn't cry in a long flight ( FYI…my nephew is also very naughty and a very hyper active kid but even he didn't cry on a very very long international flight) or some devotee seeing random baba sign, these experiences seem like a joke…….Please for god's sake, let's respect shirdi sai and not post these small mundane everyday things as devotees experience and rather focus on those devotees experience in which sai saved them in critical situations, like the book /magazine/web-site shirdi sai leela does.
Om Sai Ram
Dear Sai Devotee
I suppose every SAI experience gives immense pleasure and one thing can be really big for one person & for another it might be nothing, just like $1000.00 is so much for a poor person & nothing for a millionaire- the WHOLE world is RELATIVE, according to our own perception.
It also depends upon how much one is attached to Baba. I thank baba for everything for giving me a car park in crowded space, cooking a nice meal by my own hands, for putting me ahead of queues, for serving us nice meal in restaurant, for generously giving me discounts in shops, for buying me best ever materialistic things on day to day basis, is any stranger give me a smile, I say thank you to BABA, for being so kind, what not, My Baba is running ahead of me for taking care of littlest things for me & I am feeling strong presence of BABA at the moment.
What is WRONG if one is seeing BABA in every movement around one? Its all BABA and all HIS play- every random sign, any big sign, any small pleasure and joy or ,its ALL BABA. HE IS THE ONLY DOER.
If we fail to recognise Baba's everyday presence, it will take a lot of effort to remove our ego and credit SAI for big Events in our life- everything starts from small 🙂
Love & Peace 🙂
So true. See Gratitude in everyone and everything. Live your life Gratitude personified. Gratitude, compassion brings you closer to Baba. Easy to say, tough to practise it.
Jai Sai ram
Om Sai Ram,
I agree with the reply to your comment. A miracle which is minor for one devotee, might be a great one for another. For example i can relate to the mom in the flight travel experience. it can be very stressful for a mom, to keep worrying that your child might be restless in the journey and what a great respite she must hav felt when she and her baby could enjoy the journey without hassles. So for her its no less than a great miracle and she felt like putting it up for the benefit of other devotees. i really appreciate her taking out time to write it down for all.
thank you 🙂
Om Sai Ram
The everyday mundane things for you is definitely Baba 's grace felt by that person posting in this page. Admire him/her for their immense love and devotion for Baba who see Baba in everyone and everything that surrounds them.He is the sole doer of everything. So definitely its because of His grace the events that occur in life.And people have all the rights to express their gratitude by posting Baba's miracles which you have termed it as a 'joke'.Take your words back Sir.You are definitely hurting the sentiments of people.
Om Sai Ram
Sai baba aalways help in time of need so whether it is a small or big he helps the devoteesso we should not drink as a jokefor example take old people travelling in train alone or with somebody neighbour they should get sleeper otherwise it's very difficult so in that situation Baba helps by given by unknown person and he himself comes under to the people in the time of need so it's a big help
Dear , we as baba 's devotee believe that anything that happens in our life is baba's doing and he knows the best for us … We keep him first and have surrendered him for all the doings of life. So even the smallest experience if its just waking up in the morning is all by baba's grace… These experiences are worth reading and moral boosters ..
Om sai ram
Sorry to say this but u cant say that small miracles are not baba's miracles….I too experienced so many small miracles and I can say blindly that those are done by baba as we will feel if baba answers our prayers…I think devotee can feel the difference betweeb baba's miracles and councidences….om sai ram….luv u baba
Om Sai Ram…same Q. was in my mind but now I agree with d reply n now I'm thinking k Baba has replied my Q. through this devotee….Om Sai Ram to all … BABA bless all … Madhu
Faith Boosters- "Why Fear When I am Here" that is the mantra from today's experiences.
Love & peace 🙂
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Aum Shree Sai Ram
Jai Shree Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Dear devotees im praying him to solve my problem for a longtime.but no any improvement.im fed up.i couldnt believe further.im so sad.i feel no one is there to solve my problem.
right things will b happen at right time…. your time is coming soon .. have faith .. Om Sai Ram
Om S ai Ram….bless us all.
Deva Please forgive all of my sins. I am suffering from health problems. Please bless me to get well soon and stay together with family here with this job. Please arrange me good flat Deva with all facilities. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sairam.baba I believed you. But you did not fulfil that. After you gave assurance only I said my husband to write the exam when he was in confusion to apply or not.i strongly believed you. But he did not get thru the exam.he worked hard this time. Why baba after u gave assurance also he did not pass in the exam.
Baba must be having some other good plan….just believe him and leave all on him
Om Sai Ram. Sai BAba always says to HIs devotees have faith and perserverance. Shraddha and Saburi.
Om Sairam. I strongly believed you. After getting assurance only I said my husband to apply for ca exam. But he did not get thru this time though he worked hard. We paid more money for fees since we are staying in abroad.why baba. What is the reason behind this.
Beautiful experiences all 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for filling our lives with love and joy 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
Blessed experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
saibaba bless all baba…bless my amma with good health baba…he sugar levels should be normal baba..bless my brother with bright future baba…bless my sister's life and her kids baba…soon she should get government job in her hometown baba..please forgive me for my mistakes baba…i am sorry baba…please bless me with a job in my hometown baba…please baba…soon my marriage should happen with the person i love with all blessings baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram… Plzz baba always be with me… keep your loving hand on me… I love you a lot…:)
Om sai ram
Baba you are everything for me…help me to complete sai saccharit and come to temple coming Thursday. …baba give my husband nice job bless my kid's with good health. …always I pray for my friends and really you make it true they also starting believing upon you..baby I just want to help my friends and people but some time they think I am doing just because I need some thing from them but it's not true…
Baba nowaday my son is not able to concentrate on his study please help him baba.
Please guide me what I will in future…
Om sai ram 🙂
Om sai ram
Om sairam.. Bless us baba, be with us baba..
Baba…please bless all the childless couples wid ur saiansh..ur kripa prasad
usually my periods won't be on time… either it will happen on same day or else it will delay by 4 to 5 days every time.. I supposed to get my periods on Saturday but it didn't… I was so frustrated thinking that if it delays I won't be able to visit baba temple on gurupoornima… Sunday morning also it didn't happen… then I just prayed with baba that I don't know whatever you want to do you do but just I want to visit your temple on gurupoornima day that's all & left my worry on baba… wonders of wonders by evening I got my menses.. I was very happy now I can be on Devas darbar on gurupoornima.. thanks a lot deva… leave everything on baba he will take care… love you deva… forgive us for our sins…
Baba bless my friend baba
He should pass his CA IPC exams baba
Be with him
I love you deva…. 🙂 …………please save me from all bad things 🙁
om sai ram
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
BABA ji! Please be with your child during the test. With your grace he is going to take the test. Thank you Saima.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram,
Baba, thanks for every thing you have done in my life.
Baba, please let me be at your hloy feet forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba Please bless me with Good and permanent Job. I need it. I getting lots of insults from my dearest ones. I can't bare. Please bless me. please bless me. please bless me.
OM SAI Meh Ma …Meh Ma … Baba pls bless my daughter n fulfill all her wishes… Baba yesterday I saw in my dream that you r telling me to read Vishnusahstranam path .. it will benefit my son … Baba with your kripa I've started to read … Sab par kripa karo Sai Ram..sàb ka bhala karo Sai Ram…OM SAI RAM … Madhu
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Dearest Sai Devotees,
Just wanted to say that Sai Ma loves us all, she is proud of all of us, so never ever worry about going wrong, because Ma is in us, and we are in Ma, never ever worry about your problems, Ma is there to help us with our burden, she takes most of our burden on herself, so never ever cry or worry, because she will also cry and worry when you cry… We can never understand her love… Because she is our Ma….