Highlights of this post:

Sai Sister Dipu from USA says: Thank You Baba for giving me everything. Om Sai Ram. Thank you so much for making this wonderful site for Sai devotees. I was first introduced to Baba through my mom when I was a kid. I was not very strong follower of Baba. Then I got married in 2008. I found out that my husband is a Sai follower. Again I came in contact with Baba through my husband. Then I came to US in 2008, my marriage was arrange marriage. I was looking for a Job in medical field but I did not get any. Everybody Said I don’t have experience in US to get a job. I keep applying for job even I got rejection from so many places. Finally I got an email one day regarding interview. I was so happy after reading that email. My interview went well and I got a job which was my dream job. I love my Job. I enjoy to go to work every day. Every day, there was something new to learn in my Lab. Then more people got hired in Lab in 2013. I found out that those people are getting more pay than me, first I got disappointed then I think I am lucky because I have a job which I like.
My brother came to US on student visa in 2013. I have his responsibility also and my husband has temporary job. One day I saw Sai Baba miracle website. I went on that website and read people’s miracle. I felt like Baba introduces Himself to me again with that website. Then I went to Baba’s Temple with my husband and my mother in-law. Baba’s Temple is not far from my house but I did not know that. I felt so nice and calm in Temple. I told Baba thank You for bringing me here. Then I become strong Baba followers. I feel like Baba is with me all the times. Then I got to know about Sai Parayan. I did Saptah Parayan. My parents file got open for US. One day my friend (co-worker) was reading my manager’s calendar and she said manager has meeting with HR lady regarding your pay. I said to her, you are kidding me right and she said no it is true. I saw that too, after half hour we went to see again but it got deleted and I said to her see I told you, I am right. She said you are hard worker and you deserve pay what we all are getting it should be the same pay for same position. I said to her that I am lucky that I have a job.
Then I went to Baba’s live Darshan website, I told Baba that Baba You know everything about me I have trust on You. I was not thinking about that at all. One day after 3 days, I got call from my manager and he said can you come to my office. I was thinking why he called me in his office? I went there I was chanting Sai Sai. I said good morning to him and he said I have good news for you and he said you are getting raise in your pay. I said thank You Baba. I was so happy after hearing that news. He said now my pay is higher than everybody else because I am hard worker and I deserve it and I am the oldest employee in Lab. I called my husband and give him the good news. He said thanks to Baba right? I said yes this happen because of Baba. I am working with that Lab from 2012 and they did not think about that until end of 2014. My brother went to India to visit my parents for his vacation, I gave him this news too. I told him to buy Sai Parayan book. Then he came back to US. I told him to do Sai Parayan. He is doing Parayan every day. He applied for Job in his college. One day he got a interview call and he got that Job. He called me and told me that he got a job in college. He said, he got job because of Baba.
My dad got visa and my mom had problem in medical so she had to do some test, If she passes then she can go for visa. I told my mom to do Sai Vrat Pooja, me and my husband does fast every Thursday. My mom got clear medical tests and she got visa date in February. We were hoping that her visa date comes early then February. Then my parent’s advisor said she is trying to get early date for visa but she is not getting it, If something comes up then she will let my parents know. One day she calls my parents and Said she got early date in December. I knew that Baba brought visa date early. Thank You so much Baba for everything. I know Baba is with me all the times. Thank You for bringing Baba in our life. Without Baba our life is nothing. Thank you for creating this website. Friends Jay Sai Nath. Jay Sai Nath to all of you guys.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am studying in M.sc mathematics in Gujarat right now. Jai Sai Ram. Mera Sai Sabka Bhala Kare. First time I had listen about Sai Baba when i was in 8th class in 2006. Then i started believing on Him. Till 8th class, i was nothing, no one knew me, even many of my classmates did not know my name, i had stage fear, and I was very weak in studies, sports, extracurricular activities. Basically i was weak in each and every field. Very few students used to talk with me. I always used to think that i am useless person, i don’t know anything, my life was like garbage. I was very much frustrated from my life, because at that time, i was getting nothing from my life. But when i started believing on Sai Baba, my life suddenly changed (totally changed). I improved in almost each and every field and then till 12th, i had felt a number of experiences. In those 4 years (from 9th to 12th) i had played 2 national in football and 1 national in Kabaddi, i had performed one drama and one solo dance on stage and both were very appreciated and enjoyed by all of my friends and teachers. My studies also improved. Once i got 39 marks out of 40 marks (only one example). Then in 12th class, i became school captain. Everyone started liking me. When i was in 12th, each and every student, teachers, peons and watchmen of my school knew me. I became very famous because of my good sports.
I had experienced thousands of experience which i am not able to write. I surely say that Sai Baba is with me every time. There was a time when it was very difficult for me to clear my school exams, but now i am in M.sc. I got 78% in 1st semester and 85% in 2nd Semester and right now i am waiting for my 3rd semester’s result. Sai Baba is fulfilling my all wishes. I love my Baba very much and day by day my faith on Baba is increasing. Recently my Baba had completed my one wish that is, i requested my Baba so that my father will clear his exam (Then he will be promoted to PI (POLICE INSPECTOR)). My father was not able to clear his exam from last two times, but now my Baba helped him and he cleared his exam. When we got the news that my father had cleared his exam then within 5 minutes i got 1 message in my mobile from reliance in which something is written about Sai Baba. Then i understood that my Baba helped my father. My Baba can do anything. He can even change our bad luck to good luck like he had done with me. I only say that we must have unbreakable faith on Baba then Baba will never leave us alone. “Believe Me”. I have only one wish which is left then i will be fully satisfied with my life “I want to see Baba in my dream, i want to touch His Feet, and I want to see how He looks”. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Ramya from India says: Namaste to all Sai Friends. Sai Baba has been my real Mother since when i lost my Mom in a road crash. Though He had put me in severe tests so far, yet He protects me and uplifts me from falling into depressed thoughts. Thank you very much in advance for posting my experience here. This is my first posting on this website. I had been reading a lot of divine experiences of Sai children here and it makes me feel good when ever i read them. In fact it gives me hope to trust more in Sai.
Coming back to my experience, a few weeks ago my father kept 6000 rupees in a small notebook inside his unlocked cupboard. The next day morning he found them missing and he was damn sure he kept in the same place and on the same rack. The previous day evening only me and the maid who works in the house were there. Obviously we had a doubt on her, because some stranger from outside could not have touched the money. We could not ask her because maids have a strong network and they would just put blame on me. My father and myself were very upset because it was a huge money. I had an eye on the maid for 3 days and my heart was never peaceful. I prayed to Sai and cried in front of my mom’s Picture. I prayed wholeheartedly to Sai that if His love for me is true, He must return this lost money. After 2 days, the lost money appeared in another book in a different rack. I don’t know how the lost money had come back. It’s a real miracle of Sai, He definitely hears the honest prayers of His devotees and answers them in His own time and His own way. Thank You Baba for restoring peace in my heart and mind. I hope Baba would bless me with good and loving partner and family as i am going to be married in May 2015. For those who go through good and trying times, never turn away from Sai, He is a loving mother out there to protect you always. Sachidanand Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: There are many instances in my life where Sai Baba is ahead of me and showed me path. I would like to share two of these. I was searching for a job after my B.tech, keeping the faith and patience on Sai Baba. Finally I got the job. Before & after job Baba helped me a lot to be a successful professional in software industry. Every time He showed me the correct path & support to achieve what I am today. I would like to share a very beautiful thing about my experience with Baba. Every time I used to go Sai Baba Temple & I prayed to Baba that give me a chance to write my success story like other devotee, I mean after fulfilment of my desire I will share my story. Finally I got job in a good MNC company. Time by time after getting job I wanted to write story and share, but I was confused what to write & where to share. Suddenly Baba showed me the way on same time, I login to Facebook & clicked your site. I saw a post & started reading, I found the same case I wanted to write. One more thing I would like to share, Ask Your Sai Baba, one web site is there, (http://www.yoursaibaba.com/) where you need to type a (1-720) number by keeping your problem/question in your mind, you will get an answer which might not be effective on the spot but after some days you will get to know the real thing that Baba communicated with you. Me, my family members, friends got helped by this website a lot, try it with faith.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am only daughter of my parents. I am married. I have one son. When i got married, my husband was in Amritsar. After that we moved to Chandigarh. My husband got job there as he is a software engineer. After that, by God’s Grace, we blessed with a baby boy. Due to some circumstances, we have to move Amritsar again. My husband tried a lot for job. At last By God’s grace he succeeded. But again God did something. Again we have to move back to Amritsar with broken heart. But this time, i decided not to believe in God. But my mother told me to believe on God. God will help you one day. She use to pray daily. She started going to temple for 40 days. In between, my husband got job as a bank manager in Amritsar by Sai’s grace. Thanks a lot Sai. There are still troubles in our life, but now i have full faith in Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have completed my B.tech and got placement in a company. I was not satisfied with my role in the company but Sai helped in achieving my dream role and at present i am pursuing my MBA through distance education. Hoping Sai helps me in completing my MBA successfully. I also have one more goal to be settled in Hyderabad. Sai please help me by making my dreams come true.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Devotee Ramya,
My prayers to Sadguru for blessing you with a bright future.
Om sai ram.Baba plz bless us all.
Happy Baba’s Day to ALL
I was waiting for Sai Rana Gill’s cd to be received from another SAI brother Neeraj from Sydney via post for last 2-3 weeks. When I checked with him last week he said that he has posted it last week, so I should have received by now.
Now look at the timing BABA plans for minutest things to happen. Last night all of sudden, I got a call from one of my most well trained employee that she want to leave work after 2 weeks, especially when the other employee who normally backfills the leaving employee, will also be on leave. This employee who all of sudden wants to leave works, I have stood with her for last 2 years & Baba used me as a medium to wipe her tears, when her husband was going through lot of hardships due to his work & visa status. I have worked as a pillar of strength for this employee. I have also given advance to this employee. But just last week everything sorted regarding his husband’s job and visa after 2 years-now this employee called that she is going to leave work without thinking of giving proper notice (She does not have even valid reason not to give 4 weeks notice). She did not think of giving at least 4 weeks’ notice, which is norm and she already knew that other employee booked her holiday with her consultation. Her husband also called me last night and started to teach me all Australian law- I was really shattered thinking how stupid I am how I take care of my employees and all people around me & people don’t think twice before kicking me from back. But anyhow its ALL my karma and I do not want to change myself, if other people around me are acting selfishly. I could not sleep properly.
I woke up this morning thinking that its Baba’s day. First thing I thought to clear my bins and put outside as Thursday council truck comes to collect bins. So I did not even washed my face or anything I started to get rubbish from all house’s bins and went to outside door. Just near the main door inside the house there was paper bag that I thought my husband must have put from his Car rubbish (He have lots of waste print outs in his business car). I started to look in that bag, but I found most of things in his bag were his work related and few waste print outs, but miracles of miracle I found Rana Gill’s cd “Sai ne kaha hai SABka Maalik ek hai” from the bag. I became so so so happy- Is not it a perfect time for MY BABA to make me happy? I remember my husband put that bag near door last Saturday when he was going for another work trip, but I did not look at that bag until today. So my husband got cd but forgot to tell me. I was inquiring about this CD from my employee last night whether we got any such CD as I gave address of our business. When she said no, I was thinking to make call to Neeraj Sai today.
Another miracle I went outside to put bins out & I got my Baba black dog standing outside house. Normally this black dog comes to our house every 15 days or so, we feed this dog. But this dog just came yesterday & I normally wait for my baba to come for at least 15 days. After every 15 days or so I starts to think my baba has not come. Baba listens to me and comes in day or 2, but 2 days in a row, Miracle. Then I fed my baba bread and milk, only after that I washed my face and brushed my teeth.
Baba please be with your every devotee like this and bless all.
My Baba has already snapped all my social ties; I am not emotionally dependent upon anybody, as my Baba does not like me saying that this or this person is my friend. Sooner I say this person is my friend, that particular person do such a selfish thing that I have to say that ONLY baba can be my friend. Even Baba has removed all my dependencies on my husband. I am doing my duties towards all relations, but Baba has broken all attachments.
But I was at least expecting Professionalism from my employee. Anyhow, whatever my BABA does its for ALL OUR GOOD.
Sorry Hetalji for posting it here- But I was feeling so bad last night and feeling so good this morning that I have would have waited to post this experience, it could have lost its relevance.
LOVE & PEACE Another miracle I went outside to put bins out & I got my Baba black dog standing outside house. Normally this black dog comes to our house every 15 days or so, we feed this dog. But this dog just came yesterday & I normally wait for my baba to come for at least 15 days. After every 15 days or so I starts to think my baba has not come. Baba listens to me and comes in day or 2, but 2 days in a row, Miracle. Then I fed my baba bread and milk, only after that I washed my face and brushed my teeth.
Baba please be with your every devotee like this and bless all.
My Baba has already snapped all my social ties; I am not emotionally dependent upon anybody, as my Baba does not like me saying that this or this person is my friend. Sooner I say this person is my friend, that particular person do such a selfish thing that I have to say that ONLY baba can be my friend. Even Baba has removed all my dependencies on my husband. I am doing my duties towards all relations, but Baba has broken all attachments.
But I was at least expecting Professionalism from my employee. Anyhow, whatever my BABA does its for ALL OUR GOOD.
Sorry Hetalji for posting it here- But I was feeling so bad last night and feeling so good this morning that I have would have waited to post this experience, it could have lost its relevance.
Blissful experiences- especially second One.
Baba I was asking you question WHY we have to suffer even after being Righteous? You have given me answer in picture of 5th & 6th experience-
" The righteous keep moving forward and thse with clean hands become stronger and stronger"
"The righteous person faces many troubles, but SAI come to the rescue of the righteous person"
Love you Baba 🙂
Love & Peace.
very good experiences OM SAINATHAYA NAMAH
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Aum Shree Sai Ram
Jai Shree Ram
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Hi devotees, om sai ram.I am searching sai kashta nivarana manthra in Tamil.but I could not find it in Tamil and only in Hindi is available. Please help me to get sai kashta nivarana mantra in Tamil.
The English version can be found by doing Google search. I am not sure about the Tamil version.
Om Sai Ram
happy baba's day to all,om sai ram
Wonderful experiences and I am sure all the devotees have already been answered by His Grace 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for allowing us to be at Your feet. Help us imbibe Your teachings and sayings O Sadguru. Bless us so we may spread joy and cheer taking Your name O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
please see shirdi movie in gemini movies now..om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Blessed experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Dear devotees ,
Few days back one of the devotee commented where he/she explained that how our children are our enemies of previous birth ..
Though the explaination was very strong but i would disagree with it completely on many grounds.. i can explain this giving many examples from holly bhagwat gita … But just to keep it short and simple chapter 24 of sai satcharitra clearly states " it is a natural law that as a result of good deeds of previous birth we have the nearness and grace of our children".
Therefore our children are not our enemies of previous birth rather they are the fruits of our past good deeds.. 🙂
om sai ram love u baba love u so much….
Baba,we are your children and totally dependent on you… You are our father, mother, God everything… Who else can take care of us more than you? Please never leave us alone , always hold our hand tightly. Please baba be with us..keep us in your lotus feet baba..om sai shri sai jai jai sai.
Om sai ram Baba please help me….
Om sai ram baba we are waiting for your blessing .please forgive me for my mistakes, sorry baba some time i fight with you but who eles i can fight with other then you, you are my every thing father, mother, brother, friend,teacher.only you can understand what is in my mind .i can show my feeling towords you only.please solve my problems on this gurupoornima bless my husband with a good job and health otherwise what we will feed our childra. Why you are not listining us baba please please answer our prayers baba .Om sai ram.
Sai Baba u r everything to us. Please advice me one job even i m worried in my life. Bt i hope tat ur wit me everytime i hv trust on u, u never leave me. Take care of my Dad mom sisters. Even al give streanth n money to al bless to al jay sai baba.
Sai Baba give me one job. I hope ur thr for me everytime n i trust u tat u never leave my hand. Please take care of my Dad mom sisters n everyone. Give streanth n money to everyone. Keep everyone happy baba. Even i m worried in my life. Make my husband to understand me n make him to love me lot baba. Soon our problems should get over. N i m nt asking me to give Oly happieness sometimes problems ll come bt give me streanth to face it
Om sai ram
What a day baba, morning went to temple with my friend and temple was closed I was very disappointed again went to temple with my family in the evening …temple is very far from my house go by train than bus (australia ) got darshan and come home on time…thanks baba felling very blessed…please send me for udyapan baba…and give peace in my life.
Om sai ram
Sai friends,when is Guru poornima?today or tomorrow?
A brief experience I had today to share with you all.
I had the people over for installing the gas pipeline; they were trying to drill a hole across the outer wall and somehow the drill wasn't getting through. They tried very hard but without much progress. One of them said it might be an iron rods coming in between…..then it could have become a bigger issue; for they will have to drill a new whole altogether – which would not have been good for anyone.
I prayed to Baba and vowed if it doesn't pose much of a problem, I will share the experience here
and then we found it was just an iron support which the drill could go through.
Baba helped and the work could be done without much problems.
Baba ke tareekey nirale hain,………….Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Hey SaiRam, Hey SaiRam, Hare Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe Shyam
BABA ji! Please Bless your children and remove all bad karmas from our lives. Please be with your child during his test Saima. Thank you for everything you gave us.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Om sai ram Nanak sai
Om sai ram,
Baba bless me. Baba please forgive my mistakes. Make my brother happy and flourish in life. Forgive our sins. Baba you are the only one for us. I don't have anyone to go to except you. Please save me. I can not withstand this tension anymore. I am directionless , hopeless … Pls hold my hand and guide me. Don't leave me in the middle like my so called well wishers.
Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai.
Baba make my brother understand my problem. Even I am in problem. Pls baba if he takes my property from me it will be a very shameful thing for me. I cannot face my in laws . Baba save me from this humiliation. I cannot take it any more.
Love you baba.
Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
my husband will not have any physical contact with me from 3-4 years. because he admits that he has physical contact with many other women and he is a Prostitutes customer. I pray to Sai from 2012. he hears my all prayers but not only that.
I started sptah prayarna from today lo BABAJI done his miracal. My husband came back to me and loved me a lot.
Millions tonns thanks to my SAI maa (h)
Love You lots BABAJI. You are GREAT.
Om sai ram
Babayou are my Guru you are my everything. …thank you for a lovely day baba . Please give my husband nice job and guide me for my career. ..
OM SAI Meh Ma ..Meh Ma ….Sai Ram Baba bless all your devotes…. Baba you had not open door for my daughter last time….Baba with your grace she had cleared her written exam n interview too but her name was not in cutoff list…Baba pls bless her n help her n fulfill her wishes…. OM SAI RAM .. Madhu
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Love you sooooooo muchhhhh babaji.
Iam suffering from many health issues can anyone give me sai mantra