Highlights of this post:
Sai Brother Sunny from India says: Hi Hetal ji, Om Sai Ram. I want to share my experience about my love as I am Sai Baba devotee since long 4 years. I am pleased to share my experience in this forum. I just need support of biggest Sai devotees like you and all others who have been part of this forum from a long time. Om Sai Ram to all. I am very new to this forum and an introvert type of a person who doesn’t like to share anything about my personal life to anyone, but as this forum belongs to Sai Baba and we all are Sai’s sons and daughters so I thought to share my experience only to with you and other Sai devotees.
I saw a girl 4 years back who came to my building as a tenant with her family and 2 younger sisters. I fell in love with her and she too loved me. After thinking a lot, I proposed her. I got a positive answer. We love each other a lot. We meet frequently twice in a month. Every time we meet, we used to start our journey by visiting Panvel Sai Baba Temple. Her father is a spiritual person. We have Godly talks with each other. He used to share good things with me and my other friends but a great spiritual spark ignited in me after that. I started research on existence of God. I read a lot about Lord Shiva. I felt very nice. I read that without surrendering to a pure Guru you can never know who God is. I was in a desperate search of a Guru. I used to meditate in front of Shivlinga.
One day, I convinced my girlfriend that we should go to Panvel Sai Baba Temple. She was ready and for the first time I went to Sai temple so far with her. We attended afternoon Pooja and I went to book stall of that Temple. I told to shopkeeper to give biography of Sai Baba. She gave me Sai Satchitra. I read that every day. Tears roll out of my eyes, whenever I read any Leela of Sai Baba. After few days I decided to make Sai Satcharitra and Sai Baba as my Guru. I told my mother to bring a deity of Sai Baba as she was about to leave for Shirdi within few days. She got me a very beautiful deity of Sai Baba. Day and night, we pray to Sai Baba. We offer food to Sai and then start our lunch or dinner. Me and my girlfriend has a fixed spot to visit at Sai Temple once or twice in month. With Sai’s Grace, we never had any kind of illicit relation in that span of 3.5 years. We both lived in a controlled atmosphere even if we were together. I am Sindhi and she is from UP caste (sonar). We both are vegetarian, never have smoke, drink anything and don’t have any such habit which is not acceptable by Sai Baba.
Once her younger sister had a big fight with a boy of our same building as that boy was calling her and troubling her on calls. She went to police station and lodged a complaint against that guy. In that scary situation every bit and details were coming out the past of her sister and all. In that tensed situation, my girlfriend thought that our love will be disclosed, so in tensed mood she told her father and mother that I have an affair with Sunny. Her father and mother got angry and her father did not eat food for three days and everyone in her family was tensed. Within few days, she told me I don’t want to be in an affair and she broke up with me within no time span. We made lot of promises in Sai Temples that we will marry and all. In fact, I had applied Sindoor on her forehead on 25 December 2012 in Mahadev Temple and besides that there was a Sai Temple. I cried there during Pooja hours as I accepted her as my wife from that day. In fact our meeting spot was only Temples which are nearby to our houses.
She told she will never leave me but now it has been 9 long months I have been waiting for her. I go bare foot to Temples. I went bare foot to Panvel to get her back that’s my only last wish and I don’t take advantage of Sai’s giving nature. I do not ask any materialistic desires from Sai Baba as I love Him (Sai Baba). I just want to live a good householder life so I am asking my wife back. After she has left me she has become a Nastik, she now never visits any Temple, never bows down in front of Sai. I try and send her Sai Leelas at her watsapp, but she is least bothered about me and anyone just because of little caste issue everything is messed in my life. Now I am doing Sai Vrat. I have completed four Thursdays but I have not got any positive response. She says she doesn’t love me and she will marry to person of her parents choice because of her father’s ego and cast related nature. Her father’s Ego is winning the battle till date and my devotion towards Sai Baba is losing. I don’t know what to do, how her mind will be attracted towards me as she used to tell me that I was her soul mate but now everything has turned topsy turn. Please help me Sai Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, Om Sai Ram. I am a Sai Devote from India. I try to read Sai devotees experience each day. I always thank Baba for blessing me & showering His blessing and taking care of me. It’s almost been 3 years now and each day, my devotion keep on increasing and my faith on Baba too. I wish the same for everybody. Om Sai Ram. I am 30 years old and Baba’s devotee from past 2 years and i can say that Baba is always around us and He helps whenever He feels it is good for you else He waits for the right time to come. I am a Sai devotee since 2012, since i started praying Baba or you can say since Baba accepted me as His daughter. My life is smooth by His grace. He is giving His blessing and most important I can say I am lucky enough. I have multiple experiences of Baba in my life and it starts with, my job. Me and my husband got shifted to this country due to my husband work commitments. I resigned from my job in India and shifted to other country. As I was not getting any job continuously for 4-5 months, I got uneasy and frustrated also. One of my friend told me about keeping Sai 9 Vrat and gave me Sai Murti (Idol). I started doing Sai Vrat & even before completing it I got the job.
In between there are numerous experience which only increased my faith in Sai & thinking towards Him. I always feel very positive & return to society. Another experience, I was trying to get pregnant. I always pray to Sai Ram please give me Your blessings and give me healthy pregnancy time. While I was keeping fast & reading Sai Satcharitra, I conceived and to everybody’s surprise keep on working also in best of my health. As my mother in law and my mother always prayed to Baba also for me, Baba listened them also and I conceived. Now by Sai’s Grace and blessing, my due date is in March. I thank Him from bottom of my heart and couldn’t express my happiness and gratitude to Sai. My younger sister is having all negative thoughts in her mind and about people. All the time due to her angry attitude and negative feelings she makes her own looses. My parents are always worried for her all time. I request Sai to take her in His Feet & bless her. I tried to spread Baba awareness to her. But I don’t know she doesn’t understand anything & anybody. My parents are really sad for her. I wish Baba soon take her under His guidance, Because I know once she will come under His blessing everything about her wrong attitude, rude behaviour will change to good. I really thank Sai Ram for everything happening in my life. He is always taking care of me & my family. I wish He always guide me, show me correct path, help me in giving positivity to others and doing and speaking write. Always trust Baba & have patience, He is always there. Om Sai Ram Deva. I would tell everybody to keep remembering Sainath. Even keeping Him in mind and saying Sai Sai will resolve all your problems and reading Sai Satcharitra will defiantly make you better human being and much more positive in your thoughts. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have been reading the experiences in Facebook from an year now. It has helped me getting close to my Baba to a new level. Every day is a Miracle. I can’t even remember some of the miracles but each day I experience one or the other miracle in my life. I used to be an atheist while my family is a huge devotee of Baba. I used to question the unknown to prove His presence. Today I am going to write my first surprise from Baba. It was in 2007 I guess, I was in 6th class. I don’t know why but Baba has been something mysterious and occupied my mind almost all the time. I used to test Him by asking Him favours whether He could do it. Of course, all my small and funny wishes got fulfilled but I didn’t yet believed Baba.
One fine Thursday morning, I got ready to bathe the Baba Idol in our house (We got from Shirdi with our neighbours). It was actually my granny’s interest to bathe Baba every Thursday, but she has to go out of station for two months and while leaving she asked me if I ever got time please make Baba bathe on Thursday. I actually didn’t have faith that time but I thought it would be fun to bathe Baba and decorate Him with all the clothing’s and ornaments. So I did and after that a foolish thought came into my mind that I should also wash the ornaments. So while I was washing, a thread of beads got detached and the beads got off on the floor everywhere. I got scared because my grandma will scold me. I cleaned it and asked my mother to not tell granny. I thought now my grandma would not know a thread of beads missing from all those ornaments.
Nearly after a month, my grandma came by a midnight train and got to bed. The next morning she got up early and took bath and started searching the Baba’s ornaments. My mom dad and me were puzzled and asked her. She said Baba came into her dream and “showed” a beads thread and told her “My mala got missing, please find it for me”. Till then I too forgot about the thread. She went on describing the beads and I got remembered and was shocked. And I confessed to her that it was actually broken. She didn’t scold me and asked for Baba’s apology and promised to get a new one. I got enough of my brain storm and I never questioned “Baba’s Presence” ever again. I know it was Baba’s sketch for pulling my thread. Love You Baba. Baba, there were times, I was angry with You, but You have showed me that whatever is happening, You are only doing it for my good. I am sorry Baba for any mistakes. Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I was really speechless after this miracle with me. The time came to share this now. “Om Sai Namo Namah, Sri Sai Namo Namah Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namah, Sadguru Sai Namo Namah”. I got the right place to share my experience to Shiridi. This is the incident, i am sharing which happened on September month of 2013. I was really frustrated as I lost my job all of sudden. I was working as a contractor for one private company and they released me from that post within 15 days and I was not having any other offer on my hand. I was depressed because it was a suitable job for me and the market condition was also not so good to get a new job immediately. In software firm, it is a bad remark on your career if you have bit gap also. I was much depressed and stopped talking with everybody, even with my son and husband. One day my second elder brother called me and said believe on Sai. He will help you. He is a great devotee of Sai Baba.
By seeing my pain and condition, my husband planned to visit Shiridi, to make my mind cool and to change the atmosphere. All the planning for travelling and staying over there was done within 2-3 days. Luckily we got all the facility to reach there. During the stay at Shiridi for 2 days, we visited the Sai Temple around 4 times. I was feeling better and my mind was calm after been there for 2 days. During the time over Shiridi, daily I use to hear Sai Aarti as we were staying in Sai Ashram. I attended evening Aarti also 1 day. We reached back to my own place around at 10 am. I taken bath and started chanting the Sai Sandhya Aarti. Around 11.30, I got a call from the same Consultancy for which I was working as a contractor and was released suddenly. The HR personal said me that, the same Client company wants to rehire me and want me to join back in 5 days with a hiked salary. And you believe me or not. I was speechless and was screaming & crying like anything. This is what the biggest Miracle in my life after been to Shiridi. I rejoined the client with a very good salary and got a permanent job in a month after joining there. And the miracle in my life started. Every time I am into any problem I chant Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram and the problem resolves in minutes. I do believe that Sai Baba is there with me and with my family always. After coming back from Shiridi, I was feeling like somebody is there behind me/beside me who is following me and solving my problems. The feeling makes me strong and allowing me to think that I am not alone. My brother says, whenever you are in any problem, call Sai. Hey Sai Ram and Sai will show you path. I am experiencing the same now. “Hey Sai Ram”.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba from many years. All of us in my family believe and pray Sai Baba. Sai Maa is Great. He has blessed me with many things. I have been blessed by Baba numerous times. Without Baba’s abundant blessings, I cannot achieve anything in my life. Baba always made me feel His presence around me. I want to share an experience which happened just right now. I thought of posting this experience as soon as my mother will be fine. My mother was suffering from severe stomach pain since last 2 days. She was very restless and uncomfortable. She cannot sleep or even sit calmly for a minute. I prayed to Sai Maa to cure her and take care of her. I applied Udi to the affected part but she did not feel relieved.
The very next day my father decided to take her to the hospital for check up. I was very worried as she may have to be hospitalised for 1-2 days. I prayed to Sai Maa that there could be nothing serious and she must come home till evening and as soon as she will come home I will post my experience immediately. When my mother went to the hospital I prayed to Sai Baba for His Blessings and opened Sai Baba question-answer website where I got a positive answer. Then I was assured that nothing serious is going to happen with her. And to my wonder, my mother come in 2 hours and there is nothing to be worry about. Everything is normal. She has some pain but I know it will be vanish soon. Thanks to Sai Maa. Thanks a ton. My Koti Koti Pranam To Sai Baba. Baba always assure us that He is with is through our thick and thins and we are not alone. All we need is to keep Patience and Faith in Him and He will listen to our problems and always help us and keep showering His blessings on us. I just want to request Sai Maa to always guide me throughout my life and show me the right path and always be with me and always be my side. Baba please give Your Blessings to all Your devotees. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: First of all, thanks to the admin for creating such a platform where we can share our experiences of Sai Baba with people all over the world. I have no words to express my gratitude for Sai Baba. I am 20 years old, currently residing in Mumbai. I was suffering from bouts of OCD. It’s a kind of mental health problem. It is so difficult to live with it. Every day felt like a struggle. I went to Shirdi & asked Baba to get me rid of it. He cured me, slowly but effectively. Baba wants only two things from us-trust & patience. The other thing, i was in Manali for my vacations. I lost my phone while travelling. I searched it everywhere. Finally, i don’t know how it turned out inside my bag. I searched my bag like a 100 times. It went through the airport security check still it did not get detected. Oh Sai Baba, thank You. The last thing, he cured my dad from the wrist pain. It pained a lot that he could not write. Then when we were at Shirdi, my dad applied some oil from the Gurusthan to his wrist. You won’t believe his wrist pain was gone. Thank You Sai Baba for protecting us from the troubles and forgive me for my wrongdoings. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram.
Om sai ram. Baba i have nothing to ask except that i should think of you always. Om sai ram.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Aum Shree Sai Ram
Jai Shree Ram..
Dear baba pls visit my home in theae three days
Om Sai ram
I love Saibaba
He is my lifeline
Baba Bless ALL:) take away the pain in people's lives.
Love & Peace:)
om sai ram
Omsairam….Bless all your children!!
He sai, he deva, always be with us baba….we can not live without you baba……DAYA KARO KRIPA KARO KSHAMA KARO HE SAIRAM…My Sai…My love…
Some sweet experiences and some desperate pleas which I'm sure have been heard by our ever-loving and sweet Baba 🙂
O Deva, We surrender to Your feet and accept what comes to us as Your gift 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Meh Ma .. Meh Ma .. Om Sai Ram
Dear devotee 1,
There's nothing as such called illicit relationship with a person whom you truly love. When you have accepted her as your soulmate, then physically, mentally you two should be united. Before marriage, it's illicit but after marriage it's not, is a complete myth. Signing a couple of pages and then having physical relationship, I don't know what century we all are living in. Being an old school and being ignorant are two different things. So never ever use the word illicit in your relationship with a person you sincerely hope to spend the rest of your life with. Ok?
And coming to her Daddy issues, he inspired you in existence in God, but see the irony ,he didn't believe in true love which you people seriously have for each other.
I would recommend you to have full faith and surrender to Sai Baba because He is testing you.
Search in google, Sai baba mantra for love relationships. This mantra you can chant. Or simply take an oath to do something or leave something your heart's desire, in front of Baba.
Chant His name daily. As many times. As you want. You never know when our beloved Sai Baba will come to your rescue.
You're seeming like a pure hearted person.
Om Sai Ram. Baba. Bless your needy devotees at the earliest. We all love you and surrender to your feet.
Dear first devotee even m facing the same situation whom I loved more than anything..bt my love left me without telling me any reason..m waiting for baba miracle in my love relation.. I knw your pain… I hope baba vl surly do a miracle and changes her mind.. she vl come to u and she never leave u again..
Jai Sai Ram,
First Devotee, you sound spiritually advanced!! if so, why did you forget that we don't belong to any one?? we are here "In Transit" and we will leave any time soon. so, why waste your precious time for a Girl who is no more keen in you? she is not wrong!! she just followed her parents. Please take Baba name and carry on!! Baba will give you your soul mate as per your predestination. I know it is hard to come out of it, but when Baba is with you what is dificult? indulge your self in some new activity, progress on your education and career, take care and spend most of your time with your parents which will make Baba more pleased. I have gone through your situtation and i came out of it!! everything is possible brother. Be happy and keep your parents Happy. Jai Sai Ram….
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Omsairam. Baba please save your devotees from all trouble. Give them the courage and be with them always. Omsairam.
Iam so sorry baba forgive me I know I behaved rudely but please don't leave me ever Baba please
Love you
Regarding 1st stroy – Dont Worry, BABA will help you, he is with you all these times. He will never leave you in the middle. Just stick with him and see what he does.
Saima thankyou so much! Both things came as soon as i woke up..i know they will work and it'll be clearest it's ever been..thanku Saima. I love you, Om Sai Ram
All of the people cheated me.i became theist.really i feel there is no God.if he exist he had to answer to my sufferings and calls.but nothing happened.i became strong theist.
Om sai ram
pls baba help me u know everything.give me solution.I m suffering from 8 months show me right path.If u want to give me then give or take it away.all ur wish u know better for me.I cant bear more pain pls baba show some mercy I know are with me.help me deva
Sai Deva, I am facing internet connectivity issue in new rental flat. I am depending on internet connection for my work. Please bless me to get good connectivity. Om sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
BABA ji! Please Bless all of your children and help them get rid of their bad karmas. Thank you so much for everything you gave us.
Babaji me and my family already suffered a lot…..nw u hv fullfilled my biggest desire.pls baba bless our sai family.
Never leave our hand….u knw tht i luv u and m possesive abt u.
So never ever ditch me…..u r the only hope.
Jai sai ram
OM SAI MEH MA .. MEH MA….Baba pls help n bless all your devotees .. Baba help my daughter n bless her with d job of her choice n help my son to get promotion kripa karo Sai Ram kripa karo …Om Sai Ram .. Madhu
Saima please answer my prayer. & please accept my Divya Pooja. i am always praying & still no response from you saima , I am sorry if i have hurt you, Please bless my son & D_I_L, SA[ RAM,
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Love you a lot babaji..
om sai ram