Highlights of this post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore and have been Sai Baba ji’s devotee since 2005. Although I had visited Shirdi for the 1st time in 2005 and attended all 4 Aarti’s yet I was not a staunch devotee of Baba until 2007. I went through a lot of troubling time and with Sai Baba ji’s Grace managed to sail through them. However, since 2011, I have started believing in Sai Baba ji a lot more and try and follow what He asks me to do so. I have experienced a lot of Miracles of Sai Baba ji in my life and i am continuing to experience it till date, it’s only Sai Baba ji’s grace that He continues to shower His blessings on me and protects me in spite of me making so many mistakes and forgetting Sai Baba ji’s instruction. This experience is about my father who recently got diagnosed with Herpes, a disease I had never heard of.
In the 1st week of Nov 2014, my father complained of having ulcers in the mouth and slight fever, we took him to a Doctor, who said it’s viral and gave ointment for mouth ulcers. Next day my father got high temperature and ever more ulcers in his mouth and also his right eye being red and it was swollen. On third day, we took him to the same Doctor again and Doctor said it’s the conjunctivitis and prescribed some drops. On fourth day, my father had break outs near his lips, nose and chin which did not give me a good feeling. I decided to consult another Doctor and fixed an appointment and before taking him to the Doctor, I remembered all the Miracles shared on this site by Sai’s devotees and gave him Udi mixed in water and prayed to Sai Baba ji to take care of my father. On consulting the other Doctor, he informed us that my father has got herpes and that he was more worried about his eye which definitely did not look good. He prescribed medicines for the infection and told us to consult the eye specialist. Same evening, we took my father to the eye specialist and he said not to worry as he will ensure that no damage happens to the eye and prescribed whole lot of eye drops to be put in the eye.
As Sai Baba ji’s blessings were with my father, he got 80% cured within 15 days which is unbelievable as even Doctors are surprised considering the condition that he was in. After 3 weeks my father continued to complain of head ache and numb sensation and pain in areas where he had break out. I once again prayed to Sai Baba ji and gave Udi mixed with water to my father and as all Sai Bhakt know, miracle had to take place and after that day my father stopped complaining of the pain. On his next visit to both the Doctors, they cleared saying my father is almost cured and the slight infection that’s there would eventually go in time. This sharing of experience was long overdue, but I am glad that Sai Baba ji ensured that I do post this experience as I have been wanting to post many other experiences as well but i am not doing it as only Sai knows the reason as He is the one who makes us do everything and we are just His favourite puppets. Sai Baba ji, please bless us all and help us all to be a better human and do guide all of us, as without You, Our Guru we are all like headless chicken. Please forgive me Baba ji, if I have made any mistake in sharing this experience. Om Sri Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Supriya from Japan says: Hello Hetal ji, I am currently working in Tokyo. I am grateful for your kind efforts that make us hold on to His Feet after various ups and downs. I came under Baba’s shelter at the age of 15. I came to know about Baba through my father who had strong faith in Him after getting my baby brother after 8 years of my birth. He thinks that whatever he has is all because of Baba’s Grace and I respect his faith and wish I may also have the same. I became His devotee after getting scholarship to study in Japan at the age of 15, as this was the first thing that I had asked from Him and was fulfilled. I had a terrible experience at the age of 16 which had disturbed many things but due to His Kripa I was able to overcome my pain and again got scholarship to study in Tokyo. This experience is about having a fight with a person I love most. I love a guy for past almost three and half years but it is one-sided. We had a terrible fight during last December and he stopped talking to me while he was in other country for his vacations. The fault was mine and he had all the reasons to be angry but I prayed to Baba to resolve it when he comes after one week. Though it was my holidays also I just was not at peace at all and started reading Sai Satcharitra (Second or third time), asking Him to resolve everything.
I had sleepless nights through that period and I guess it is all because of my wavering faith and bad karmas in the past. Well we could talk while he was there once and also when he came back and everything became normal because of Baba’s Grace. But my doubts regarding me getting him stayed and made me upset at times for small issues related to him but every time Baba makes everything all right as I pray with tears in my eyes. Now I am tired of trying and sometimes feel disappointed even for praying to get his love, as you can feel the efforts of three years will make any one tired. I have good job, which I think I got just because of Baba, and good family. Now I am just trying to have pure love towards Sai Baba with unwavering faith and not really trying to win my friend’s love. To tell you the truth I can go with few guys if I want but it only my faith in Baba that is keeping me to sail through this painful period of rejection and I have come this far having faith I will get my friend one day for sure. Even though I am not trying right now, I still have belief deep inside that I will get him, as Baba always answered positively in Q and A website. It is only You Baba that made me stick to him and I pray that I can win it whenever You wish. Devotees my friend is a gem of a person and I do not think that he is to be blamed for anything. We all have flaws and so does he, I am telling you this so that you do not doubt his character. I have nothing to say now except hoping to develop real “Shraddha” and “Saburi”. Om Sai Ram. May Baba bless you all.

Anonymous Devotee from UAE says: Namasakar! Om Sai Ram! I would like to share my experience on this page. God bless you for your good work. I very recently became a devotee of Sri Sai Baba. I have always prayed to Him while visiting Temples, but I started believing in Him greatly only during the past 1 year. My mother told me about Sai Vrat for 9 weeks and asked me to pray sincerely to do well in my upcoming exams as I was not very confident about them. I, however, was more worried about my mother who was fighting a case against a person who cheated her in business. I started my Vrat praying to Baba to relieve my mother of all the mental torture she is undergoing. Millions of thanks to the Lord, my mother is now a happier person, her case is being prolonged, but my mother is looking forward to a bright future and didn’t cry a single time or feel down after I started doing the Vrat. This is a big blessing for me.
I again started doing the Vrat a few months later for my exam. I wanted to score very good marks and prepared for it but came to know about a big change in the exam pattern four days before the exam and I was totally down. I tried to prepare my best in the last four days. I prayed to Baba for giving me excellent marks. But I always had a doubt in mind, that Baba will definitely help me but i am asking for something that I don’t deserve at this point. After 4 weeks of Vrat, my results came and I passed. I scored average marks but I realised that Baba had given me the strength to face it and gave the will power to perform better in my next exam and make my overall performance better. It is only because of Baba that I did not fail and ruin my whole career. I am praying to Baba to be with me in each and every point of my life and guide me in the right direction. One more lesson I have learnt and I want to share with all of you reading this, Surrender completely to the Lord! Have full faith and patience! Baba has a very good plan for your life, come what may and give back to the Lord with love, faith, patience and by doing your duty. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am very happy to share my experience. I pray Baba from the year 2009. But Baba came to my home after my marriage in 2005. When I was in Bangalore, my husband’s friend gave us a Sai Idol. That time, I just kept it in my prayer room. In 2009, I went to Sai Baba Temple in Chennai with my cousin. I don’t know what happen to me, some vibration came in my body. From that time onwards, I got affection with Sai Papa. I have lots of experience to share. I have two IVF failures. From 2008 onwards, we stopped the treatment and concentrate in our job. Seven months before, we planned to try one more cycle, so i started medicine in December 2014. During my scan doctor said I have 14 eggs, so we were happy.
We went to hospital on 22.01.2015 for egg pickup. Doctor said 10 eggs are picked up, and asked to come on 24.01.2015 for embryo transfer. We went to hospital on 24.1.2015, for embryo transfer. We got shocked that out of 10 eggs, only 4 have embryo. I don’t know what to do, later we decided transfer on 5 day, Doctor informed us that there are different possibilities, either no embryo, else 1,2,3,4. We informed that we will wait till day 5. Then we went to Sai Baba Temple, I don’t know what to pray, I just cry in front of Baba. My husband said, we will put all our effort but God only need to do. I cry every day in front of prayer room. I beg Sai Baba to come in my dreams, but He didn’t come, before day 5 I got dream going to lots of temple. But I didn’t saw Sai Baba. Before going to hospital, I wore green colour dress. I pray to Sai to please wear same colour dress in Shirdi. I open online Shirdi Darshan. To my surprise, Sai was wearing the same colour dress. Then I become very confident that I will have my baby. We went to hospital on 27.01.2015. Doctor said that out of four eggs, two are ok, so he planned to transfer on 27th. Transfer was successful. Now I need to wait until 11-02-2015 for my pregnancy result. I am very confident that Sai Baba will bless me with baby girl, girl will born on 15.10.2015. I need every one’s prayer, please pray for me.

Anonymous Devotee from US Says: Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai. Thank you very much Hetal ji and team for this sacred activity of maintaining this blog. By reading experiences of the devotees heals pain and it works like instant relief from so many problems. I am very blessed to share my experiences through this wonderful site. Baba always helped me, I am Baba devotee from childhood and before marriage with few incidents I suddenly lost track of praying to Baba and I lost faith on Him. Even though I didn’t pray, He always hold my hand and made me to go in right path. After few years of my marriage, Baba pulled me back to His Holy Feet. Again I started worshipping Him and realized how He protected me all these years. He blessed me with two children. Thank You Baba for being with me. Please shower Your blessings on us.
Now I want to share my recent experience how Baba listened to my prayers. My two year old daughter suffered with severe cold, cough and high fever from last four days. She was not able to sleep whole night as she was coughing heavily and not eating anything. I cannot give her any cough medicine as it not allowed in US until 4 years so i prayed to Baba and applied Udi on her head. Two days her temperature was like that only but cough slowly reduced. I was giving her fever medicine but temperature was not going down. We took her to Doctor and doctor said that she got ear infection which is very common during winter and prescribed some antibiotics. Even after using Antibiotic her fever was not reduced. Yesterday night I prayed to Baba whole heartedly and applied Udi and gave Udi water to her. Surprisingly she slept without waking up in middle of sleep and her cough also reduced. Today morning she wake up with smile and energy. I felt very relaxed and thanked my Baba. Anantha Koti Pranam Sai Deva for helping my child to get better. Please forgive for all my mistakes Baba and please grant my request which I am waiting for. Give me enough strength to face problems and overcome it. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have been a devotee of Baba since a long time. I have experienced lots of Miracles at various stages of my life. Last year when i went to Shirdi, I prayed to Baba to acknowledge my presence in Shirdi. I did the night Aarti, morning Aarti, afternoon Darshan and though i was very happy and contented with my Darshan but i was still waiting for Baba to acknowledge my presence as we were leaving the next day. We went for the evening Darshan and came out and were coming out from the Temple near the Gurusthan. There was a huge group of people and the security guard called out to me and gave me a twig with Neem leaves and told me to go around the Neem tree 11 times. (This is the tree under which Baba used to meditate and the Neem leaves are not very easily available). I think this was Baba’s way of acknowledging my presence because there were lots of people there but the security guard singled me out to give the Neem leaves. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Blessed experiences and some heartfelt prayers, I am sure 4th devotee is pregnant by now.
Love & peace 🙂
Deva I am holding the shift of the family due to Internet unavailability in my flat. Please Deva bless me to get good Internet connectivity as early as possible. Deva this is my urgent problem. Please please please Sai Deva bless me. Om Sai Ram. Anantha Kodi Prahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Sri Jai Jaya Jaya Sai
omsairam. baba why you are testing me like this. please baba i need your help. i can't do any thing. please baba. help me. omsairam.
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Daya karo kripa karo kshama karo he sairam….
Wonderful experiences and I am sure Baba has brought joy and happiness into the lives of the devotees who have prayed to him and surrendered 🙂
O Deva, help us be better human beings and follow Your principles at every step of our lives 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram
omsairam…..Thank you lord sai for your blessings! guide & protect all your children at the right time. omsaisrisaijaijaisai!!
To the devotee trying for a child: Baba will definitely bless you with a girl and yes on 15-10-2015 as you wish which is also a Thursday.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba, please be with me. Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Baba. ……..how long should u have to wait with patience baba. ……..its been 8 yrs……We got a tucked in the same position…….With all these troubles……..plz sai…….plz bless me my husband….and my child to overcome these all ASAP. ……….plz baba………I m unable to bear these situations from so long baba………plz if there is any bad karma with us…….plz do remove it. ……It is only possible for u baba. …….It have my full father on u……………..plz sai bless us soon……….plz ….plz….
Sai Sai Sai SAi Sai Sai SAi Sai Sai
Om sai ram
Oh deva, tera sukar h , sukh me dukh me hr pal tera sukar h . Baba today is gaurav's bday , plz blss him n let go away his drinkng habit for forevr, pull him towrrds ur lotus feet.mk him a gud persn. Hr wqt uski zuban pr sai sai ho deva, meher krna mere sai
Om sai ram
Dear devotees I was praying baba everyday to give my love bak to me..atlast baba did a miracle in my life..yesterday I got a call from him..I used to cry infront of baba.i used to hug Sai sacharitra nd cry a lot…. Atlast he wiped my tears..Plzzz baba dnt let him go away from..I love him truly.. I vl take care of him nd his family.. Plzz baba I want his pure love through out my life.. Bless me baba…love u so much baba..can't express this in words..even his name starts with sai… Love u Sai Ma…
You are very lucky….unfortunately I do not have that luck…i pray baba that at least you be together forever…om Sai ram
Dear devotee thank u fa ur kind words.. read sai sacharitra and offer peda at temple… and make a wish.. baba wil surely help u to be vth ua love… om sairam…
Om Sai Shree Sai jaya jaya Sai…love you my Sai deva…
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
BABA ji! Please help us to get out of this terrible situation. Please give us strength to face this problem. Thank you for everything you gave us
Om Sai Rma, Om Sai Ram , Hare Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe Shyam
Dear sai bro n sisters
can any of u ans me for ex I have to struggle a lot to get 1rupee as well I have to put a same effort to get a lakh rupee tat means I have to put a lot of effort to get a small thing as well for a big thing y my life is like this y I should struggle lot am I such unfortunate women im depressed fed up baba I want a miracle to happen
Dear , why are you crying for such small thing … Do you think rest all of us have no struggles .. You must realize each one ofus is going through different struggles in life .. Life is like that its never easy n straight … You must work hard and stay happy … That is life …. Do not Get depressed on minute issues of life rather look at the brighter side and thank baba for all the good that he has given you ..
Om Sai Ram. Thank you baba for listening to my prayers
om sai ram
Om sai ram!!!! Baba i love u from my compelete heart . I have always believed that u help everyone who is ur believer. In my case , my marriage with ma lover was next to impossible and we were together for past 9 years. But last year i faced so many problems rwgarding my marriage but u gave me all strength to fight my wish in front of ma family and somehow u created situation and tied our knot . I was so happy since 1 nd half year but now my husband went to badrinath and met a big accident and it has been one month i have got no news of him . I know baba u have saved him anyhow but why are u not making us meet . Baba i am in so much pain . Its unbearable . I love him more than anything in ma lyf and my faith has never failed and i knw u wont break it till i am alive . I am living on ur faith . Plz help me baba . Bring him bak asap . Its difficult living without him . Baba plz help . Plz baba plaz baba. Listen to me. 😞😞😞😞😞
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Love you a lot babaji…
Om Sai Meh Ma ..Meh Ma .. Baba pls help n bless all your devotees always .. Baba I was happy because everything was on right track but now things are not going accordingly .. Baba pls help my daughter to reach her destination .. Baba pls bless her .. Om Sai Ram
Om Sairam
Thank you for such a beautiful blog where all the devotees get to see all the many miracles of our Baba! I had a cold few days back and was in pain before going to sleep I asked Baba to make it better, and really when I woke up in the morning, I was feeling much better. It is really a miracle. May Baba always Bless us all with his grace! Jai Sai Ram
Baba please bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all