Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles in this post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: First of all thank you Hetal ji for giving a platform to all Sai devotees to show their love and faith to Sai Baba and to share it with millions of devotees. Reading the experience of others helped me in my difficult times. I am Sai Baba devotee for many years. I used to visit Shirdi when I was a kid with my parents and just tagging along with them just thinking that this is a family outing. The first miracle I remember was when I visited Shirdi when I was 11 years old. During our trip I fall sick and was vomiting continuously when we reached Shirdi. My parents were worried about my health. We were planning to stay for 2 days in Shirdi and they were searching for lodging room and with great difficulty we found one. We settled in our room and then my dad was searching for Doctors Clinic near the Temple. I do not clearly remember the exact place but there was a small Temple where they were boiling water for drinking and giving to devotee as Prasad. My dad told me we will go there and drink that water first. The water was very hot but I still drank it considering it as Prasad and within few minutes I felt a lot of relief and my vomiting also stopped. I told my dad that I am feeling lot better and there is no need to go to a doctor. We visited Shirdi many times but I was not praying to Sai Baba in particular but the prayer was generally to all the Gods.
I got married in 2003 and was settled in Dubai. There were many ups and down in my life. But I used to always think it is in my destiny and face it. In 2006 my husband left his job and joined his friends company. This was a new venture. During that time I was in India for my delivery. The beginning few months were ok. I came back to Dubai in Feb 2007 and things were already bad as business did not start as they had expected. I immediately started searching for a job so that we will have a stable income. It was very tough days managing a baby and joining a new job. There was lot of problem in my new job as well. Another 6 months passed and we were surviving only on my salary which was not even enough to satisfy our basic needs. My husband started searching for Job but there was not much response and we were in a helpless situation. My daughter was 1 and ½ year old and there was a Sai Baba serial on star plus and she used to watch that serial and if we changed the channel she used to cry. We had a hanging Sai Baba Calendar in our bedroom and every day before sleeping my daughter used to kneel before it and then sleep. One day when she was doing it, I got really angry and looking at the picture, I uttered she is praying so much but You are not taking care of her and then we slept.
During the night it must be around 2:00 clock the calendar started banging on the wall. At first I thought it was because of the fan and so I tried to close my ears but the sound was unbearable. My husband and daughter were not at all disturbed and were having a sound sleep. I got up and tried my best to take out the calendar from the nail but could not. I tried sleeping again but I suddenly remembered what I had told to Sai Baba before sleeping and understood that this was Sai Baba anger. I immediately apologized and said I should not have uttered such words and especially when a child is praying to You with so much innocence and expecting least out of it. The minute I apologized, the calendar stopped banging on the wall and I slept within 5 minutes. The one thing I learned from this experience that you should never lose faith and Sai Baba stands with you during tough times. My husband got a job within 3 months after this Miracle. There are many difficulties I have faced in last 7 years some small and some big but I have realized we are paying for our bad karma and Sai Baba is taking me to the spiritual path. Three months back my husband lost his job. We were again in a desperate situation as our visa was going to expire within 2 months and my husband did not have much time. I am doing my Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat and this is my 8th week. On 25th Jan my husband got an offer letter from a very good company with good salary and benefits. I cannot thank Sai Baba enough on how many times He has saved me from difficult situations and guided me to see the positive things in life. I have promised Sai Baba that I will follow His teaching and may Sai Baba guide me to be His humble Devotee.

Sai Sister Shanmathi from India says: Thank you hetal ji for this opportunity to share my experience. Om Sai Ram, Baba please help me. Only You can help me in this problem. I love my boyfriend so much. We both loved each other very much. But due to some misunderstandings, He left me alone on October 24th, 2014. He blocked me on Whatsapp and even on Facebook. He didn’t attend my calls. I really feel bad for losing him. I miss him so much. I know Baba, but I did not pray You Baba. Sorry Baba. Please forgive me. After seeing so many websites and Miracles in my aunt’s life, I started praying Baba. I said Baba that I will start my 9 weeks Vrat from coming Thursday. I was thinking about Baba. Baba made a Miracle on that day. Suddenly I got a message from my boyfriend. He apologised for his mistakes. He said me that let us be friends. But I said no. Because I still love him. He too loves me. But due to his ego, He is not coming back to me like before. He loved me truly. He used to care about me and share everything with me. But now he is not like before.
After some days, he called me and said he too loves me. I am little fat. He said me to maintain diet for 20 days. I maintained diet for him as he said, because he is my soul. He said that to maintain diet and If i reduce my weight. He will love me back and talk to me like before. I maintained diet for 20 days. He is not coming back to me. One day he texted me that he want some money. I said I will give it on next day. I gave him as I said. I used to help him whenever he needs anything. I will help him till my death. Sometimes he texts me like before and suddenly he avoids me and treats me like a unknown person. I don’t know why he is doing like this. But I know he still loves me. He is a very good boy from a good family. He used to care about me, love me like anything. But I don’t know why he is doing like this.
I pray Baba a lot. I used to cry in front of Baba. I completed 6 weeks Vrat to get my love back. Baba please help me from this problem. I love him so much. I don’t want to miss him in my life. He is the love of my life. I don’t want him to be with any other girl. I don’t have guts to see that and all Baba. Baba, please help me and make him to forgive me for my mistakes and make him to love me back like before Baba. I beg You Baba. Please help me Baba. Only You can do things happen in my life with him. Please Baba help me. I pray to You every day in morning and evening. I will pray You till my death. Don’t let me alone Baba. Please be with me forever. Please make him to love me back like before Baba. Make him to realise my love Baba. I will do anything for him Baba. Please make him realise this Baba. After completing my studies and getting a job. I will surely do some Seva to Sai trust Baba. After my marriage with my love of my life, we both will come to Shirdi Baba. Please help me Baba. I love You Baba. I love him a lot Baba. I beg You a lot. Please make him to love me back like before Baba. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Thank you Hetal ji for a wonderful blog and thank you devotees for posting your experiences/prayers and comments. I wait for a post daily, it is my source of faith and encouragement. I just want to share this experience that happened this week, it illustrates that Baba never forgets His children and is always watching us. As said, i read the blog daily. This Wednesday, I was reading the blog and the last experience was very heart touching. The devotee had posted a photo of Brinjal that had seeds aligned to form the letter ‘Om’. She also mentioned that she was making Kacharya as it is Baba’s favourite food. While reading the experience, I felt in my heart that I do not do anything special for Baba. I sometimes even forget to offer Naivadhya. I am a working mom of a 3 year old son and sometimes things get crazy managing work life balance.
I had kept the Nav Guruvar Vrat (I came to know about this Vrat from this blog itself). The next day was my 9th Thursday. I did the Vrat, but could not follow all the rules of the Vrat. I kept the fast, but did not have yellow flowers available every Thursday. I would go to a nearby Sai Temple during lunch hour to attend Aarti, but I could not even go to the Temple a couple of Thursday’s during the Vrat. So just to summarize, I was feeling a little depressed that it’s my 9th Vrat, I don’t know if I can feed 5 people or distribute the Vrat Book or visit Baba Temple or even peacefully read the Vrat story on the 9th Thursday. So here comes the Miracle where Baba assures you, as long as you remember me, I will be there for you. On my 9th Thursday of Vrat, I had a meeting from 11 to 11.30. The Temple where I normally go had Aarti starting at noon (12), so I planned to leave by 11.45 and be back by 12.40. But just a few minutes to 11, the meeting got postponed to 12.30. I was very sad as I thought that i would not be able to visit the Temple that day. I had found out about a new Sai Baba Temple in nearby grocery store on my 8th Thursday Vrat, so I decided to leave immediately and take Baba’s Darshan.
I went to the temple and I looked at Baba, I felt that He was smiling looking at me. I felt inner peace, was very content. The Mandir Priest was standing with another Priest and a few more people, they were busy in some conversation. I picked up some Prasad and was about to leave. The Pujari called me and asked my name. Then suddenly, he took out a small silver Sai Baba pendant and gave it to me. It had ‘Om’ on 1 side and Sai Baba engraving on the other side. I was so overwhelmed with joy, tears started rolling from my eyes. I thanked the Pujari again and again and told him that it was my 9th Thursday, he smiled and said Baba chose to come to you in the form on pendant. I cannot explain in words the emotions I was going through. Baba is always listening. Sometimes things don’t seem to go our way, but have patience and faith and Baba ji will give you more than what you ever wanted. Om Sai Ram. Please forgive my mistakes Baba. May Baba bless everyone.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am Sai Baba’s devotee since 2 years. I live in Chennai and I visit Sai Baba Mandir every Thursday. I love my grandma and I used to be very close to her from childhood. She was ill for a week and she suddenly stopped talking with everyone in home. So myself and mom took her to hospital and they told to do MRI scan. Later they told that she is diagnosed with cancer. My heart broke by hearing those words. Me and my mom didn’t tell anything to her but she itself understood that something is wrong. She asked me what happened, I said you are alright but couldn’t control my tears. I came home and started crying like anything. My neighbour aunt consoled me and gave Sai Satcharitra Book and asked me to pray Baba and read the Book. From then I started praying Baba with full devotion.
Doctor said that surgery is the only way to proceed but they said that they can’t assure that she will be completely alright. They told there will be some deficiencies or she may even go to unconscious state during surgery since she was 60 years. But if surgery is not done, she may live for 6 months. These are the words told by doctor. They didn’t give us hope that she will be alright after surgery. So my parents decided not to go for surgery since everyone told cancer cells will spread even after surgery. But I convinced my parents to go for surgery. I was sure Baba will save her. On the day of surgery, I went to Sai Temple and asked Him to be with my grandma during surgery. I was chanting Baba’s Name that day fully and I kept fasting on that day. After 2 hours of surgery, she was completely alright. Doctor said that it is a Miracle that she survived even without minor deficiencies. After 2 days, my grandma was back to normal. Everything was possible only due to Sai Baba’s blessing. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: I am Baba’s daughter from Toronto. I would like to thank Hetal ji and all her team for this wonderful site, as through all the experiences from devotees around the world, I was able to develop Shraddha and Saburi. My experience with our Baba Sai is countless. Baba Sai knows what is best for me and my family, and He is always helping us as required. Recently, in January 2015, I decided to start exercising, after 8 years, and I know it was Baba’s decision, because I am going through the worst phase in my life, which I will write when things are settled down. I trust Baba fully. So, not to keep thinking, and getting depressed, Baba sent me to exercise at the gym. As it was such a long time, I have not been doing anything good for my health, while exercising, I sprained my neck, which gave me unbearable pain, lasting for over a month. I was waking up at night, with too much pain, and drugs were not sufficient, even narcotics, to give me relief. I cried one night to Baba, I am not questioning You Baba, but please let me take another million births to suffer, please Baba, stop this horrible pain now. I felt asleep. The following night, around 2 am, I woke up with intense pain, unable to move my neck and upper back, thinking, I was paralyzed. I cried like crazy, managed to walk to my altar, took a handful of Sacred Udi, applied to the painful spot, and went back to sleep. In the morning, pain was 2/10. I told Baba, I will apply Udi only, and Not take these drugs. So, I applied Udi to my forehead and the neck and back. I also put Udi in my drinking water, and doing this for 4 days now. I feel good, neck is moving better. Devotees, please trust Baba fully, everything will settle down slowly but surely. Thank You everyone for reading. Jai Sainath.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee. I would like to thank the admin team from bottom of my heart for creating and maintaining this wonderful blog. It’s a nice platform for Sai devotees to share and feel Baba. Sai is everything to me. My husband is a Sai devotee. I am from the family where love marriage is considered as sin. But with the blessings of Baba, I got married to the man whom I love. Then I conceived, and faced many problems. During my eighth month check up, gynaecologist told, that baby is too small, I can’t go for normal delivery. During my delivery, I was uttering Baba’s Name and I have seen a Sai Photo which gave immense confidence that Baba is with me. By Sai’s Grace, baby weighed two and half kg and my delivery was normal. Now my son is four years old. Even he is a Sai devotee. I wanted to name my kid prefix or suffixed with Sai. But I could not do it Baba, So sorry. My recent experience is, I went to pick my son from school on two wheeler. On the way, I saw Baba’s Picture, His Name many times. I was so happy that Baba is travelling with me. I picked my son. I was crossing the road which is heavily crowded most of the times. I waited and confirmed that I can cross the road, while crossing I don’t know from where one auto came. It was Baba, Who made me to drive so safely and skilled. If Baba would not be there, me and my kid would have hurt badly. Thank You so much Baba. Kindly be with me in all efforts. Now I have many issues, and i am sure Baba will help me to come out. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Just wanted to ask does shani dosa affect if you believe in sai baba?
See today's message.Love is God.Baba is replying via me I suppose.Your question is like asking "Are you sure if a mom would protect her kid from all kind of dangers, calamities???".Start to see BABA , feel BABA, realize BABA as Your own mother or father.He just looks for Your true love…..Before His love no Dosha can touch you for entire lifetime.Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Si Sai Sai Sai Sai : Dear Devotee – Baba has Himself said to not to believe all these astrologers and stars – Just have full faith in your Guru(Baba) that's enough.Remember in Guru fully, That's the only Sadhna – you need not to worry anything else then."Sai Sai Sai Sai
This is a beautiful and meaningful reply.
dear devotee,
if you believe in baba please do not believe in astrology … But still if you think sani is affecting you then read hunuman chalisa and lit ghee diye in hanuman temple on saturdays … Shani will not affect the hunuman bhakts…
To 2nd devotees who is pleading Baba to bring her love back. I can empathize your pain but leave it to Baba to decide as he know what is best for us. I think your boyfriend is not truly in love with you as he is not accepting the way you are. Any one who is truly in love do not care about the physical appearance of their lover. So advising you to lose weight by making you diet is something I think is not acceptable. So just pray to Baba and leave to his best decision. Make vows that you can fulfill but do not include other in your vows as if that person do not help you fulfill your vow then you may feel that vow is still incomplete. Sorry if I hurt your feelings but I think Baba has encouraged me to write this advice for you.
I totally agree with you.Devotee 2 kindly think that Baba is helping you by showing your boyfriends true colors.How can he love you if he expects to exercise and also talks to you only when he needs something?.I feel he is using you seeing that you are so dependant on him emotionally. Kindly leave it to Baba..he will give you the best husband possible.But you need to have utmost faith in him.Please think over our comments.
Om Sai Ram
To the 2nd devotee, Baba is showing you the true colors of your friend. Need based friendship is not true friendship. Please open your eyes. Thank Baba for the miracle He is showing you. Understand that you deserve someone better than this creep in your life.
Dear sai family ….. I think baba is protecting u frm that guy ….. If he can leave u for some reason ( kundli one ) ….. there is no guarantee that he will not leave u after marriage as well …. I can understand ….. Time can heal anything …. Keep busy urself
Baba your leelas are amazing 🙂
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
happy baba's day to all.
Omsairam…Lord Sai thank you for your love,guidance & protection. Bless us to remain in your love till our last breath and every birth whatever form we take. Make us feel your presence every single minute…bless us to follow your teachings before we expect any miracles in our life i know we are so selfish ….we read your holly teaching just to gain blessings on us rather practice them in our life….lord forgive us …cleanse our sins…..bless us to remain under your holy feet with unconditional love….omsaisrisaijaijaisai!
Dear 2nd devotee.. If the person s is not right for you baba don't allow the person to be together.. If you can do so many poojas vrath baba can't do what you want..bcz baba knows what is good for you.. Shradda sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba on your special day, I pray to you to reduce the pain and sufferings of the thousands of people all across the world who are victims of the terrorists. Baba, I sincerely pray to you to bring about peace and happiness and good health in everyone's life. It is painful to read about the sufferings of the innocent people. Please help them Baba. Love you Baba Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om sai ram.baba come to my home.bless my whole family and take food.Om sai ram.jai sai ram.its my 9th week of sai brat.feeling happy baba made me happily to take to 9th week of brat.Om sai ram jai sai ram
Lucky you!! 🙂 om sai ram
Baba bless you rohit .. Stay blessed
Thank you bittu jii ( for sending the udi and parsad … I have received it .. thank you very much ..may baba bless you for the kind service…
Dear devotee…it was Sai Baba's will that udi reached to you through me. Thank you sooo much!! I hope other devotees will get their Udi packet soon.
Om Sai Samarth!
Sripad Sri Vallabh!
Allah Malik.
Nice experiences and a really moving plea for help by a devotee that I'm sure our Sweet Lord has already answered 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for all the love and happiness You've surrounded us with 🙂
Jai Sairam
Deva help me to do sai Divya pooja vrat..shower your blessings on us baba.we are nothing without you baba……daya karo kripa karo kshama karo he sairam …
Nice experiences
Thankyou for sharing devotees.
2nd devotee
Please understand he is using you. Love cannot be on physical appearence. He wants to use and only use you.
I know these words are bitter for you but you have to accept this no matter how painful it is. He never loved you. Please leave him.
Meditate on baba. Soon baba will send a very good partner for you. Trust him.
Please explain this devotees …
In chapter 30 of SS .. Baba wanted to give Vishnu sahasranam book to shama which ramdasi was reading so he made excuse of stomach pain and told ramdasi to get medicine and meantime gave the book to shama which created some fight between shama and ramdasi .. Thoug he solved the fight….. But i want to know why baba had to give the book of ramdasi to shama could he not tell shama that i want you to read Vishnu sahasranam and could shama not buy a new one???? ….this would have saved the fight
What i have understood is that…Baba leelas are wonderful.. he wanted to check ramdasi and wanted to gave him a lesson. Ramdasi had read the book many times.. but somewhere his love to the book is more then the love towards baba… and when he came to know that baba gave book to shama… he shouted at shama that "you might have forced baba to do that".. he didn't trusted baba.. and by this whole whole incident he taught ramadasi that "Your love towards your guru should be top of everything"…
I totally accept with you.Baba want to do good to shama by giving the book and teach ramadasi to have peace and he is not suppose to shout or blame others. Ramadasi has read that book many times but he is not following basic principles laid by God.
Wonderful explanation….!
Very well explained!
Thank you sai das for solving my query …
Om Sairam…Sai is everything ..Sai Sai Sai..
Happy Baba day to all… I am having my interview on 12th… baba plzz help me clear that… i know you will… i trust you a lot… Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
omsairam. today is my birthday. please bless me baba. omsairam.
Om Sairam
Om sai ram,
Please devotees let me know the meaning about this event which was happend to me :
Soon after returned from Shirdi we went to sai temple in south india.
There also i prayed to my deva that saying the problems in my marriage life and to solve it and to make it good.
I prayed whole heartedly and told to him with tears.really i cried a lot during telling to that moment a maalai (rope with flowers) which was on that baba's neck broken and fell is a large maalai.
Devotees,is it mean anything else?please advice me?
Om sai om sai om sai
Dear… this is an indication of baba to you that… soon everything is going to be all right.. just trust baba… and see his leelas…:)
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Hare Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe Shyam !
BABA ji! Please help us face and successfully come out of the terrible situation we are in. We have nobody except you. Please keep us near your feet and give us strength. Thank you so much for everything you gave us Saima.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Sri Gurudeva Dattha ki Jai, Dwarakamai ki Jai
Om sai baba make my son life easy to live change his job or make them to stay near the hospital. Be with him and bless him. He is surrering by driving long distance. I am trust ing you. Om saima
Om sai ram
Dear devotees I'm baba devotee from past marriage so miserable.we had a baby.but now from 2months my busband is not behaving properly.ha is asking for divorce.what shd I do now.why is this baba doing for me.for baby sake also he is not there any black magic influence on him?
Om Sai Ram! Baba – with your blessings We are now 20 weeks in this pregnancy. Just keep your blessings on me and my family. keep the baby healthy and safe. keep everyone in my family happy, healthy and safe. Baba please help us as the last few months have been very bad financially. Please keep your blessings on us always and show me a way to end this financial problem. Om Sai Nathaye Namah !!
On sai ram baba please give my son mental peace please baba
Om Sai Ram. Happy Sai Baba day everyone. Please baba look after my family please listen to my prayers. Thank you
Sainatha thank u soooo much for helping akka in her job issue… I know u vl be always vth us.. I was praying u fa my love since 1 nd half yr.. Today suddenly I got a call from the place where he is.. My heart is saying dat its my love who called me bt dint spoke evn a word…gve me clarity baba…I love him so much baba.. I vl love him til my end.. I can't evn imagine other guy who may b a vry perfect fa me.. Bcz my heart doesn't accept to imagine other guy vth me..Plzzz gve him bak to me baba..
Baba i dnt want to say anything i know u are watching what we are hoing through.
Please give us happy and peaceful life.
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram .love you a lot babaji…
Baba please bless my husband and give him job.he is straggling alot with out job our whole family is suffering. I have two small kid's. .baba we are nav guruwar vrat hope he will get job very soon…baba We have full faith on you. ..give some miracle baba.
Om sai ram
Om Sai Meh Ma .. Meh Ma .. Baba pls help n bless all your devotees .. Baba pls bless my mehki n help her to reach her destination .. Be with us always Baba .. Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences. Baba please bless all of us.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
SAI BABA – this Thursday 17th September 2015 – I will start Nine Guruwar Vrat. Please bless both my Children Happy, Healthy, Prosperous Lives. My daughter gets Job in USA and my Son reunites with his spouse and soon start his family and live happily with our Family.
Bless my daughter with a good job and she finds wonderful spouse and she too lives and lead happy family life.