Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles in this Post:
Sai Sister Rekha from India says: I am staying in Tambaram, working in a college. I had a baby girl with the blessings of Baba. Dear Readers, i suffered a lot in my life. To be frank, earlier i hate Baba because when my Father was dying, i screamed by asking Baba, please save my father, but Baba never listened to my words, my father died in front of me. I did not even understand why this happened suddenly. That time i was reading Baba Parayanam. But i was not able to study it with concentration. I stopped worshipping Baba. I cannot complete that book. One day, one miracle happened. After my father’s death, 2 months later, a person called me and without seeing me he decided himself that he wants to marry me. They did not even ask our wish, everything happened suddenly and i got married in the same year.
After my marriage, i faced a lot of problems in my life, like my mother undergone depression. She used to beat me and run all the time to die. This created major problems in my married life. My mother-in-law and my husband would always tease me with their words. I resigned my job and brought my mom nearby my in laws place. My mom was not able to understand my situation in my in-laws house. With her behaviour, i used to face a lot of problems in my house. I am still facing a lot of problems. I am coming out from all these problems by Baba’s help. Baba is there. Now my husband became devotee of Baba. I brought my mom to my house itself. When comes to my kid, i don’t had any child for 1.5 years. You should understand how my in laws and husband will treat me. I visited a doctor in Hindu mission hospital. She gave me some medicines and told me to have a relation in particular days, but my husband was not with me. He was in Hyderabad that time. After knowing this, my husband came from Hyderabad and takes me to Hyderabad for 16 days.
When i went to Hyderabad, we visited Baba’s Temple. I urged Baba to give me a child. I use to cry every day. When we came back, i did not get periods. I planned to go to hospital, but my husband scolded me. He used to tease me like his friend’s wife got pregnant. Before going to hospital, i sat in front of Baba and cried a lot. When i went to hospital, doctor advised me to take a urine test. When i took the test, the result came positive. I cried with happiness. Now i am blessed with a baby girl. She is 6 years old. One more miracle, my right hand got fractured, small bones got broken in my hand. Doctor asked to do Surgery immediately. When the operation was going on, i was chanting, Baba please save me, don’t make me handicapped. Due to Baba’s Grace, i am typing with my hand only. The operation was successful. I am facing a very big problem now. In my house, 40 pounds of jewels were stolen without breaking the locker. We lodged a complaint in the police station, still nothing happened. They closed the complaint. It happened 1.5 years back, still we are not able to identify the person. I request Baba, please show the person to everyone. I am facing problems because of it. It is my in-laws jewels. Everyone is suspecting me. Please help me Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am working as an officer in the Odisha government. I am a devotee of Sai Baba since 2010. Today I want to describe a small incident which happened to me in the year 2013. By then, I believe in Baba a lot and got an opportunity to go to Shirdi with my family. While going to Shirdi in the train, I prayed to Baba that please do some Miracle during my stay at Shirdi as I have already read about many experiences and Miracles from Sai Baba devotees. We reached Shirdi and have a blissful staying there, met my beloved Sai Baba and was very happy. Only one day before returning back, I thought that Baba though You make everything very nice during our stay but You did not show any Miracle to me as I have wished. Still I thanked Baba for everything and we went to market and bought some statues, lockets and rings of Sai Baba.
The next morning, when I woke up I found that my gold ring which I was wearing in my right hand was missing. I searched it everywhere but could not find it. I was afraid that my papa may scold me for being so careless. Then I went to bathroom to have bath and there I prayed Baba that please Baba please get me back my ring, show me Your Miracle and suddenly my inner voice told me that my gold ring is mixed with those rings of Sai Baba which we bought last night as I was trying them last night. I came out of the bathroom and opened the bag where the rings were kept and to my surprise my gold ring was also there. I have no doubt that it was Sai Baba who guided me there and also fulfilled my wish of experiencing Baba’s Miracle. Even today I am having some troubles in my life but I know it will be solved by Baba as I feel His presence in every sphere of life. May the blessings of Baba be always with me and all His devotees. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am ardent devotee of Baba, staying in Mumbai. Thanks for birth and pulling me towards You Baba. Hetal ji thanks you for this wonderful site, hats off to you. I want to list few experiences of me with Baba. I was born as a pre-mature baby, born in seventh month. So doctors said, she won’t survive and her health is also week. My mother and grandfather were devotee of Baba. They left me on Baba’s Feet and here Miracle happened, after one month doctor was shocked to see a healthy baby and couldn’t believe his eyes.
Few years back, when I was teaching in kindergarten, I took kids for picnic. Unfortunately, no teacher turned up and only I took the kids to beach. I requested one of my friend to come with us and she agreed, thanks to her. We enjoyed a lot and it was evening. Later I found everyone has already left only we were on the beach. I requested everyone to be back to bus station but I found that the frequency of vehicle after seven is less and even doubt whether it will come or not. I was scared not for me but for kids. I requested my friend to take care of kids and I thought to knock nearby doors for help. I moved bit far from station and found light, it was Baba’s Temple. I bowed to Him and prayed for vehicle. It was dark, so I decided not to go far and returned back to bus stop and Miracle happened, there came a small vehicle, who can accommodate all of us. I was shocked and even he took less fare as compared to general fare. Thank You Baba. I am waiting for biggest Miracle of my life and I know it will happen soon, Baba please show Your Miracle so that I can post one more experience of Yours. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sai Ram. This is the first time I am writing here. It was quite interesting to read the devotees experiences. It also made me feel how Baba has showered His blessings to His devotees in the way He desires. My father passed away when I was young and I have one elder sister. My mother struggles alone to raise us. We live in a very rural area which is a small village where it’s very hard to get any public transport to go somewhere. We also do not have any vehicles at my house. It is very difficult for us to go somewhere. We always have to depend on others to go somewhere even to the shops. So I decided to buy a motorcycle. So I register myself in a driving school with the blessings of Baba to get a motorcycle license. I promised to Baba that if I could get license I will share this experience on this page. In the driven school, I could not ride motorcycle properly during practices. I was afraid that I could not pass the motorcycle test which forces me to give up my idea to get a license. One day before the motorcycle test I go and ask the driven school receptionist to cancel my application. But the receptionists encourage me by saying that may be tomorrow some miracle could happen to pass the test. I have never seen before the receptionist and we do not know each other before this. I looked at her with surprise and I am sure that Baba comes in the form of the receptionist to support me. On the test day, to be surprised, i passed the test. I know that Baba is the one Who helped me to get the license. Now I have the motorcycle license as I wished. I have not yet bought the motorcycle because I do not have enough money. But I am sure that one day I will buy it with the blessing of Baba and help my family. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am Sai Baba devotee from childhood. I visited Baba’s Temple first time when i was 15 yrs old. Om Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, I am happy to be Baba’s Devotee. Baba has shown me many Miracles and answered all our questions, i feel very blessed. There are lot of experiences till now, in which I experienced His presence with me and my family. Last year we bought some gold and as usual i kept it in some secure place and then totally forgot about that. After some months, I remembered about it, but could not recollect it. I searched for it at many places in complete house, but could not find it anywhere. I was totally disheartened and asked Baba many times, to help me find it out. I asked many astrologers, saints who can easily predict these things, about my unseen gold, every one told that it’s lost. But i was not ready to accept it. Because I totally believed my God that He will not let it go like that. I did Baba 9 Thursday Vrat and asked Baba to help me in finding out. One day after exactly 9 months, i could find out it at a place. At that time, I promised Baba that I will sure share this experience with all others.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a mom of ten month old. My delivery and pregnancy was normal. My son was doing good till about 6 months I believe. I am really not sure why he did not progress after that or he had issues since birth. Now he doesn’t roll, sit or crawl or stand. He doesn’t know anything what’s going on in his surroundings. He doesn’t know about who are his parents. He knows nothing and doesn’t even cry when he is hungry. I am praying to Sai Baba and also reached out to Shibpur Baba for help. I am reading Satcharitra book daily. Is anyone in the same boat or anyone who can motivate me more on this. Please help me. I am depressed.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sairam. Make me prideless and egoless pa. Always be with me pa. I love you sai.
Lord sai listen all .lord sai will take care of your son and my brother.dear mom last devotee .sai is our father .he will surly look after my liltil sai baba still alive book.the same story which by baba grace cured.Om sai namo namah shridi sai namo namah.jai sai namo namah sadguru sai namo namah.
Dear devotee 6,
As a mom I can understand your situation.I was sailing in the same boat few years back.My son didn't understand anything nor he spoke until he reached 3 years.When he turned three I took him to Shirdi and placed him on baby's feet in samadhi mandir.Miracle happened after that.Now he is a normal child.I will pray for your son.Please don't lose faith on baba.He loves all his devotees and never let's anybody down.Jai sai ram.
He sai he deva, shower your blessings on us baba…please help us deva…please fulfill our wish baba..bless my son sai, always be with him.. Please help him to get today's placement… Please don't disappoint us baba..daya karo kripa karo kshama karo he sairam..
Dear 6 devotee,continue to have firm faith on Baba he will definitely help you out. Om Sairam
dear sister who posted her last experience abt her baby, dear apply udhi daily on your baby's body after her bath just like how you apply powder. but apply only udhi daily make your baby drink little udhi water daily. if possible add a pinch of it in her food also. just wait with faith, nothing is impossible with baba , just wait with faith. if possible put baba's audhi bhajans in low voice in your house, let baba take care of his grandchild. its him who gave this child, so its his responsibility to cure that baby. have faith and wait.
I faced a similar situation when my son was born. When my son was born, he was very weak and diagnosed with a rare condition. He stayed in ICU for a couple of weeks. Later he started showing developmental delays too. It is during this period, me and my husband starting praying to Baba and slowly we started witnessing miracles. At that time, I was not happy with small developments because I wanted immediate result. But Baba wants patience from us probably. Now my son is 3 yrs old and still has issues and there is lot more to go but I have faith that he will be cured completely. When my son was an infant, I never thought he would come even this far. I was in clinical depression too for almost 1 year but it was only and only due to Baba and my husband, I came out of it. I have faith in God that our answers will be prayed. So, please don't lose hope. Keep praying. Ask Baba to show to some sign/ nidarshan wholeheartedly, that everything will be alright and believe me, I am telling you from my own experience, Baba will answer you to the exact question you asked. Please take care and don't lose hope.
Om sai ram to all, m going to share my experience of the sai pooja which i did fr 5 days. The reason m mentioning it in d comment box is the experiences take a lot of time to get published and i wanted my fellow devotees to know about this asap..this pooja is done for 5 days. You need 5 diyas, 1 dhoop or 2 incense sticks and 1 fruit. You can start this pooja either in morng or evening but u hv to perfrm it daily at d same time for 5 days..light 5 diyas nd 2 incense sticks or 1 dhoop in front of baba make a wish and then offer 1 fruit to baba once u r done distribute the fruit as prasad among ur family members..on d 5th day once u complete ths pooja tell 5 people about ths pooja..i did ths pooja fr a problem which ws bothering me too much i ws vry anxious and tensed but believe me on d 5th day itself baba solved my prblm i hv no wrds to explain baba's leela how he relieved me of my stress..may baba bless all
Thnk u fr sharng this
Om sai ram
Thank you. Is it any one time of the day like morning or evening or are you referring to a particular time every day. Please clarify. Om Sai Ram
Yes it can be anyone time of the morning or evening..but i did it at a particular time for five days but that's purely a personal choice,mainly u hv to maintain either a morning routine or an evening sai ram
should we fast ? to be vegetarian?
Dear last devotee baba will definitely bless you. I have read one such story in jaya wahis book Sai baba is still that story also the small baby was unable to stand in his own legs.babas udi finally did miracles and the baby got cured. So dear sister don't worry and surrender to our merciful Sai baba and his miraculous udi.he will cure your baby soon and you will definitely post your happy miracle here.
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Omsairam….Lord sainath bless al your children! thank you for teaching us to love another…through your holy teaching we learned how to respect & care for others, you thought us to understand others pain & to help them. Lord sainath we surrender ourselves to your holy lotus feet bless us always to remain near to your holy lotus feet. omsaisrisaijaijaisai.
Hey baba…inscrutable are your ways…please help me to have unshakable faith in you…you know everything and you are the doer of everything…then why do we let our hearts grow impatient..fill me with your peace and bless all…om sai ram!
Dear last devottee, u cn do nav vrat also, sugarcandy fast also, keep readng sai sacharitra, i m 100% sure that baba will surly cure ur baby, keep firm faith n hv patience too.
Baby plz listen to her prayer, oh mere deva plz cure ur littlr child
Nice experiences and some heartfelt pleas which I am sure our Dear Sweet Sai has already heard 🙂
O Sai, be with me, protect me, bless me and Thank You for surrounding me with friends and family who care for me and love me 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba sai please take care of the little boy cure him he is ur child …
Dear devotee please apply shirdi sai udi everyday on him ..
Sai Sai Sai Sai SAi sAI sAI Sai Sai Sai Dear last Devotee(MOM) Believe Baba has cured your son by now , another devotee MOM in the comments section your son too will be cured with Baba's grace Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai SAi
om sai ram
Pranam and Om sairam Baba,
I am from Mauritius. It's my 53rd birthday today. Please help all sai devotees always, and bless my mataji who will undergo a very important surgery this coming Friday, my brother, sister,sister in law, brother in law, nephews, daughter and wife.
Om sai ram
Wish you very happy birthday. May God bless your mother with good health and speedy recovery
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Devotee 6: Have faith in Baba, it is a testing period. It is the time for the whole family to come together and have unbelievable faith in Baba. Accept your child and love him more and then you will see Baba's miracle. Pray for strength, wisdom courage and the Grace of Baba to be with you.
om sai ram….
Dear devotee No. 6,
Yes visiting Shiridi is the Best.Pls always play Babas bhajans song in ur hse ,provideyour kid with Udhi and lastly alwaya Chant Om Sai Ram….daily and ehn you play,touch ,massage and also hug your kid,always chant Om Sai Ram and let the vibration of the chanting enters your kid soul.
OM sai Ram
today i got a very good dream
today i got a dream in which i went to a siva temple and it is very dark i couldn't see anything i stood at the door to see god then priest moved aside and there is light and then i could see siva lingam there
Om sai ram please take care of my father. ..He is not feeling well. .Please baba cure my father from jaundice soon. …iam waiting for ur miracle…om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram. …
Dear devotee
Our sincere prayers and beg Sai ji to give you all the strength and bless your son who will be helping this world in future
Best Regards
Sree Sachinanand SadguruSainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki JAI
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
Om sai ram ..baba please take care of me and my family and the people we care for . 🙂
Baba give me strength and courage to drive my car confidently without any problems
Thank you maa thanks a lot…..always shower your blessings on us, we are your children maaa please don't disappoint us… please help my son deva..tomorrow is a big day for us baba…. we need your blessings maa….help my son to clear all the rounds and fulfill our wish baba…it would be the best birthday gift of my life baba…
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
BABA ji! Please help your children who are facing life's troubles. Please help us all to get rid of our karmas and reach your holy feet. Without you we are lost in this world. Saima, Please bless us with your divya darshan. Thank you for everything you gave us.
Hey Anathnath Sai , Tum ho Antaryami, Tum ho mere Bhagwan, Tum ho mere Bhagwan
om sai ram thank you baba for every thing.yesterday my son-in-law was blessed best people manager awards for this year. with your blessings only he got that award.he also workes very hard.please bless his family and be with him.take care them. om saima
Bless all your children problem is big or small..shoulder all our worries. Love you always Saima. Om Sai Ram
Dear last devotee, according to me u should visit nearby rehabilitation center as soon as possible. Sooner u visit sooner u will understand the problem n sooner will get results. Therapy is the best medicine. Baba will give results through therapy. Before visiting go to Baba temple apply Udi to your baby. It is not too late. Your baby will soon be fine. All the best. Om Sai Ram.
Devotee 1,
Please do not worry. I prayed to Sainath to solve all your problems. So kindly do not lose hope. I am able to understand what you are going through.
Dear last devotee,
My baby was told that he will have delays when he was born. We applied udi daily and prayed to baba. He is perfectly fine now with no delays at all, believe in baba he will cure your son. Will pray for you.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Love you a lot babaji…
Sai Baba Ji will surely bless your child and turn him in a normal child. God Bless Him. Om Sai Ram !!
Baba please bless all of us.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Gud mrng to all sai devotees thanks to hetal ji for maintaining such a beautiful block to publish all the devotees experiences ……… To be frank I was not much dedicated to sai baba …. I was just worshipping him like other gods. I was not much attached to him before but this block changed me bought immence faith in me towards sai baba….after reading the experiences of devotees my faith is growing stronger n stronger I have experienced many miracles of sai few may not be known to me also ….. I wanted to share dis since I have promised that I'll share dis experience …… I I'll get my periods reguraly ….. Dis month it was almost 9 days late I don't get my periods …. I got married recently we have planned to not to concive now … I was praying sai to get my periods .. Yesterday I was going out I had some work on the way I was thinking abt my periods I was praying to sai baba ,baba please I should get my periods soon I should get it within toworow baba plz help me I told to baba DAT baba if ur really der and listening to me and if I I'll get my periods by tomorrow please show me ur presence in some form of photo or through words before I reach my cousins home since I was gng to cousins home wit some work n I knew DAT my cousin have a baba idol n photo in der house I prayed to baba DAT I should see u before I reach her house… On the way I was seeing all around I don't find any pics nor words I was reaching der house I prayed to baba , baba please show me ur presence help me baba I don't find any pics I was upset I reached der house gate I thought it I'll not happen I'll not get my periods since I did not see baba … I reached der gate I opened the door I was very happy my cousin house is in first floor I saw a baba sticker stuck to a ground floor house I was happy …. N next at evening I went to some temple it was not baba temple der I prayed again baba show me ur presence if I'll get my periods by tomorrow dis time I'll not search your self show me ur presence please I prayed n stepped out of the temple I was shocked I saw a big baba picture was hanging in some shop n I was happy at night I prayed n slept at morning 4am I got up n still I don't get my periods I was upset n told to baba DAT baba please if I don't get my periods I'll loose faith in u because u gave me a sign DAT ill get my periods please baba I don't want to loose faith in u I prayed n slept morning I got up at 6 n I was happy I got my periods n baba I'll never cheat he I'll always keep up his words if we truly beg with devotion he I'll give us if it is best n devotees nav guruvar vrath is very powerful if u have problems please do DAT vrat n read satcharitra n really u I'll get rid of ur problems n u I'll get wat ever u want jai sai jai jai sai
Hi Didi,
If you follow what I say your son is going to be normal like everybody.
1.Just ask Baba that you want your son to be normal like everybody.
2.The next thing you need to have is sradha and saburi. This is when your testing starts.
3. Once you ask something to Baba, HE will test you by making the things worse.
So don't believe the things happening around you , like you may see worse than what your are seeing with your son. Don't believe in it. Just talk to Baba and say I trust in you Baba, as I know that your are going to keep your promise, b'coz YOU ARE the only truth and everything (even your son) is maya. Just stick to that only, b'coz you need to have TRUST in HIM when the things go bad. This is the testing period. Don't get nervous by seeing the things happening around you, if you believe the Maya which is not true then Baba will not help you and HE thinks you don't trust in HIM. Always talk to Baba and say Baba I trust YOU not the Maya. Just those words makes you more stronger and makes you believe in HIM. B'coz once you ask HIM and leave it on HIM by trusting, it will become HIS responsible to fulfill your desire. If you do this in whatever situation you are you will succeed in your life with HIS grace. No doctor can cure this. Only your believe will cure your son. Don't ever ask any question to BABA, only TRUST is the cure. You have solution to cure your son. If you really want your son to be cured you need to TRUST HIM, that's all you have to do, but for that I told you what to do, just talk to BABA and say I belive in YOU and not the things happening, even if you don't see the progress in your son, still say Baba i don't believe even my son is not progressing, I just believe in you b'coz I asked YOU and you will do it. Then you will really get the trust on HIM. He will show the miracle. it is just in your hands.And you can do it.