Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: Dear All, I would like to first thank the admin of this blog and all the devotees who have contributed their experiences in this blog. Whenever I feel low, I visit this blog. Upon reading these experiences, I feel positive and it has helped me to clear my thoughts and stay calm. Thank you all for this. I pray to Sai Samarth to guide me in writing this most recent experience. I am from India and moved recently to Singapore. From the time I moved here, I have been facing difficulties. With Grace of Sai, I have been able to face and overcome them. I started visited this blog regularly and in one of the devotee experience, I read about Nav Guruvar Vrat and decided to start the Vrat from the same week. Only after deciding to start did I realise that it was Wednesday night and I can start the Vrat from the very next day. With Sai’s blessing, I started the Vrat on the very next day. After 2 weeks of the Vrat, I had a severe toothache on a Tuesday all of a sudden. I went to a nearby dental clinic and was told that I will have to undergo a complex surgery and the amount they quoted was very high. Me and my husband took some time to digest the fact since we were not financially ready for such a huge expenditure and were worried about the surgery.
We decided to take a second opinion. After lots of search on net and enquiring friends, we finally found another clinic. We requested for an appointment on Wednesday but since dentist was not available, we could get it only on a Thursday. This was the first assurance that I got from Sainath which gave me lots of confidence. On reaching the dentist clinic, I found that just 2 shops away, there was a shop selling only Sai Baba statues in all sizes and colours , Sai Baba books and Pooja items. They were playing Sai songs and I felt like entering into a Sai Baba temple. I prayed there before going to the clinic. This removed all the fear I had and my mind became calm. After consultation, I was told that I will need two surgeries and price was much lesser than what was quoted by earlier clinic. So we decided to go with this dentist and they again scheduled the surgery for next Thursday since they didn’t have a date earlier for the senior surgeon. I was very scared because this was a complex one and this was my first hospital experience abroad.
On the day of the surgery, I visited this shop again and prayed to Baba before surgery. While I closed my eyes and touched His Feet, I could feel a flower. Without opening my eyes, I took the flower with me and opened to find a yellow rose in my hand. Uncle in the shop extended a plate with Udi from Shirdi and asked me to take it. I was choked with emotion and my eyes were filled with tears on feeling Sai Baba’s Grace. I had this flower in my hands and Udi in my forehead throughout surgery. My husband also gave a Sai Baba Photo which I kept with me all through the procedure. With all this blessing, although the surgery was painful and complex, I was able to face it without fear and surgery was successful. I am still recovering but i am sure with His blessings, I will come out healthy. Both these weeks, although I had severe toothache and a complex surgery, I was still able to continue my Vrat only due to His Grace. Thank You so so much Baba for protecting and guiding me all along. I am such a small devotee but the Grace that You show really humbles me. I pray that You shower Your grace and protect all the people in the world. Ohm Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: Hi, I am a student currently planning to pursue my studies in college. I would like to thank for giving me the chance to share my experience here. I prayed to Baba that if my prayer is answered, I would share my experience here. When I was in my high school, I had to change school under certain desperate situations. I was really upset as the decision was not planned and I felt things were falling apart. I was really nervous of moving out from my old school. It was not easy as the procedures to change school itself took around 2 months. At that moment, I was not studying at any school for those 2 months. When I shifted to my new school, things got better with Baba’s Grace. Baba really made everything better in my life. Even though I could not cope up with my studies at first but by the end of the year Baba helped me in my studies and I got upgraded to the first class the next year. I really thanked Baba for giving me the chance to stand up again in my life. I was really scared to be in the first class as the students there were so good in their studies. Baba helped me again through the students in that class by helping me a lot in my studies. The students and teachers taught me a lot and mostly made me understand the subjects which I was not improving.
This is the year, when I had to sit for the public examinations. I had to attend many tuition classes and I was really stressed out and emotionally down. I prayed to Baba every day that even how many problems I have to face in my life, I always want to succeed in my studies. Finally, I sat for the public examinations with strong believe that Baba is with me no matter what and I can do it because Baba will help me through everything. After a few months, the results were out. I was thinking that I might not score well because I was not fully prepared for the exam and there were these two subjects that I was always having trouble with. When the time finally arrived and I was at school waiting to take my result, my friends came over and told me that I scored well in my exam. Honestly, I did not believe what I have heard and wanted to see my results to believe it with my own eyes. I got the results in my own hand from the teacher and I was really shocked to see what was in front of my eyes. I really excelled in my exams and I was thanking Baba non-stop as this was really unexpected but Baba made my dream come true. That was the moment I thought Baba answered all my prayers and my faith in Baba deepen. I had did Vrat and always prayed to Him that I really need my education to succeed in my life. Now, I am planning to continue my studies in college and I really hope that Baba helps me in that too. I really want to succeed in my education. I would like to take this chance to say Baba please help everyone to make their dreams and wishes to come true. Baba, I am really grateful for what I have and I really appreciate everyone in my life. I hope every one’s life become better day by day with Your Grace and blessings, Baba. We are nothing without You.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a small devotee of Sai Maa. Sai Baba is my Guru, Friend, Saviour, Everything. I have already posted some of His miracles i experienced in this blog. Today i would like to share some more. Sai takes care of us in small matters also. I had given some clothes for ironing. One of them was very expensive and I forgot to collect it from the Laundry man. I searched the entire house and also the clothes brought from laundry man but could not find. I thought i should go in person and check with the laundry man and prayed to Sai that i should find the dress at least with laundry people, then i will post this experience in the blog if i find. When i went to the place and asked the lady she said she has it with her and said that i had given her in a separate bag and my father had not collected that bag. I thanked Sai for this.
Once I was not feeling well and had seen doctor. Doctor had asked me to undergo sugar test. I was scared about the results. I prayed to Sai Maa that if my results come normal i will do 9 Guruvar Vrat and post this experience in the blog. When i saw my test reports, i was happy that they had come out normal. Thanks a Ton Sai Maa. Another experience is, We had planning to travel but the return tickets were not confirmed till the date of journey. So we planned for tatkal tickets. I prayed to Sai Maa that we should get tickets at least in tatkal and we got them. In the journey, we were not comfortable with the berths we were allotted. Again, i prayed to Sai to allot us berths which were comfortable and we got them too. Sai is a Sweetheart. I can feel His presence in small things. He gives me direct bus from my workplace till my colony whenever i am not well. I experienced it many times.
He is always giving me Darshan in one form or the other whenever i am going out. I see Him in the form of His Cart or His Photo on a vehicle, i became so happy after i see Him. We were in other city and looking for a nice restaurant to have our dinner. We asked the auto rickshaw fellow to stop near any good restaurant. I read the board of a restaurant from rickshaw and we decided to have dinner there as we found it clean from outside. We had not even entered the Restaurant. Now see Baba’s Leela here. After we entered the Restaurant, there was a small Sai Temple in the restaurant and my happiness knew no bounds. I was so happy after seeing the small Sai Baba’s statue there. I went and bowed down. Sai Leelas are many. I just penned down whichever i could remember. Please forgive me Sai as i posted my experiences late. I am sorry if there is any mistake in this post. Please forgive me Saimaa for the Harsh words i spoke to You whenever i was frustrated & Angry. Sai please Keep showering Your Blessings always on me and My family. Thank You so much.

Sai Sister Lekhasree from Saudi Arabia says: Om Sai Ram. Baba pulled a string towards me on 2nd January 2014, thereby i experienced many Miracles and blessings from our dear Sai. Thank you hetal ji for your divine service, which increases our faith towards Baba, gives answers and is guidance for many Sai devotees. I am residing in Saudi Arabia from April 2014. I completed my studies in 2013 and arranged for marriage immediately. My childhood dream is to get into a job rather than being idle in home. But due to my visa process, i couldn’t go to job in India. After coming to Saudi, I prayed Sai to bless me job after settling in India i.e. after some years. I came in family visa so i was not permitted to work anywhere. I was feeling low and mentally unwell as i was inside four walls with no entertainments or neighbours. My confidence and courage gradually goes down.
During September, i came to know an Indian while i was to shop. She was talking to me good and also said one of her friend is working as a teacher. I was unaware that no job visa is required for working in school. She introduced me to her friend in October (Thursday) and i send resume. But there was no response from school till December. In between, i asked to Sai and He replied ‘You will get monetary help but there is some obstacles’. I started 9 Thursday Vrat and Parayan. During January, they called me for interview on Thursday and i did well but they didn’t give me any call. I asked in Q&A many times and He replied positively, ‘You will receive letter on next day of Ramanavami and they will give you ample money’. I was worried and waiting. Again they called me for interview in March and i went through my demo, personal interview with higher staffs. All were satisfied and they were ready to recruit me. I was jumping in joy and thanking Sai to fulfil my desire though i didn’t dream i will work. Thank You so much Baba to direct me yet I am not aware. Please show Your presence and blessings to Sai sisters and brother in their tough times. Jai Sai Deva.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: My apologies for late submission of my experience Sai Ram. It may seem quite silly but, I was in the process of cleaning cabinets and used a strong cleaner leading to a bit discoloration. It made me sad because I was trying to get everything fixed and cleaned at house so that we can sell it. Last thing I wanted was to get anything out of hand. I immediately prayed Baba asking Him to bring it back to its original shade or something similar. Nothing changed and all of a sudden I realized I could try some stain to reduce the discoloration. I stained and it definitely got back to a shade closer to its original wood stain. Thank You Sai Ram for letting me think about using the stain. Another small experience, as mentioned above We are planning to sell the house for which we had to sign the contract with realtor before the house could public on selling website. My husband wanted to get it done as soon as possible but I wanted it on an association with Sai Ram. So we signed on 9th after postponing for 3 days as I fell sick and it went live on public site on Thursday. I am hoping to get everything back to normal shortly by Baba’s grace. There are few more like this. I will share when Sai Ram permits. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I came to USA last year. I am a house wife and my husband is working as a software engineer. I am a devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. I always ask Baba for everything i want. Recently, i became sick and i asked Baba for help. He showered His blessings and cured my sickness. He always hears to His devotees. Always believe in Baba, He will surely help you. Who has Sai Satcharitra in their house will definitely feel Baba’s presence.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai sai ram ….
Happy vijayadhasami and happy baba's day
Today Thursday and baba's samadhi thiti
Bless everyone deva
he deva daya karo maaa…..please make my son alright baba please….
Baba We are so so so blessed 🙂
No words to say THANK YOU- Not sure how to Express Gratitude.
Love & Peace 🙂
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Thanku sai baba .this is my first time I m knowing about Samadhi day and vijaydhasmi.baba love u .make every only cn gv all these so bless me and all sai baba.baba u make billions smile n love .so sai loves everybody.everybody loves sai.baba baba baba baba sai baba.mere baba mere dada.mere baba sbke baba .pyare baba.
Jai jai sai ram
Om sai ram
Shri sai ram
Baba plz mk him polite while talking to my parents, plz develop gud tuning between thm, plz mk their parents cm to my home to aplogise in frnt of my parents bcz tht ws their mistk, i cnt bear my parents insult this tym, oh deva plz b thr wid me with evry singl breathe
Dear devotee, when I read your prayer it resonated with my current situation with my husband.
I am doing parayan to solve this issue in my life.
Jai Sai Ram
Saimaa today is very big day first time in dusshera i am having so beautiful feeling today i am doing bhandara and hoping that baba will surely come 🙂 we miss u baba alot you are my ram….you are my lord of universe you are my breath….
om sai ram…Baba, please show your grace and cure my disease…i plead you Baba…please Baba,How can you let your child suffer for so long time?please come soon and wipe my tears.Bless us all with a healthy and happy life…Om sai ram
Baba am doing Sai Divya Pooja
Please fulfill my wish
Iam sorry baba please always be with me
happy baba's day to all…om sai ram
baba…sai please bless me i am going to start virat and bless me baba….please increase myfaith in you …today is your mahasamadi day..please be always with me..baba please make my wish come true… you baba….om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram….
Vijaya Dashami wishes to everyone. Sweet and wonderful experiences all 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for accepting us as Your children. Thank You O Sadguru for looking after us, protecting us and taking care of us. Thank You for all the Love, Happiness and Sucsess You keep flooding us with O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
baba now i realize all my mistakes ….i take a vow today on your samadhi day that i will never repeat my mistakes ….it was only due to love for my husband i became very possessive….i will promise you i will never do it again…please give me a chance to get me back whatever i lost and to prove myself ….please
Baba I m so depressed….you know everything…I m pregnant…. And my mother in low everyday taurcharing me….she is so rude and very bad women… Everyday taunting me because of dahej pratha… our society….
I m so helpless…my husband also rude with me because of her…
I m so worried about my child…and his future…
I m so frusted of my life…..
Pls baba help me otherwise I m going to die……..
Om sai ram…..
Sai Baba-please take care of pregnant devotees and i will also pray for you..Keep faith and patience… Things will change and you will have sai baba as child and life will become beautiful…
Dear Devotee,
I will also pray for you. I have asked Baba to bless me with doing saptah parayan on your behalf. All results will be solely dedicated for your blissful family life.
Om sai ram
Dear Devotee,
I will also pray for you. I have asked Baba to bless me with doing saptah parayan on your behalf. All results will be solely dedicated for your blissful family life.
Om sai ram
omsairam……….baba guide us protect us….bless us.
Om sai ram…..
Baba plesse (H) bless us sai….
Om sai ram
Happy vijayadasami to all the is my udyapan day.baba bleesed me to finish my vrat on Baba's maha samadhi day.thank you iam waiting for my wish to be fulfilled Sai ram
Om sai ram….Happy dusshera to all. Best wishes on this auspicious day of baba. Baba I know your are still alive in this world though not physically present. Please baba bless all your devotee with good health. Om sai ram
Happy Vijyadashmi to all sai devotees n readers of this site. Sai Ram. M crying from many days coz I have nobody except sai. Only sai loves me. Even my mom doesn't care about me n reason is my maternal relatives who hates me n my siblings. Coz we are much better than from my cousins in every terms and they can't tolerate this. Anyways now there is no hope in my case. Even m a looser in love matter too. My bf betrayed me. But today I only want 1 thing 4 me that is a good life partner. M in my 34th year not married, so I want a favour from all readers plz pray 4 me n my sis coz she is also crossing marriageable age. Plz pray 4 me that I ll get a very good loyal life partner very soon. Sai Ram to all.
Happy Dussehra and Punyathithi day to everyone. Sai Maa.. please shower your blessings on us ….Love you Sai Maa 🙂
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
BABAji! Thank you so much for everything. Please bless me your divya darshan and keep me near your feet always Saima
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Sai Sai SAi Sai Sai Sai Sai SAi
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Happy Baba's Masamadhi Day Happpy Dussehra Happy Ram Navami Happy Durga Navami Happy THursday Happy 1080th(sum is 9) experience Happy Baba Love all Serve all Hate never Help ever Bow to Shri Sai Peace be to all Thanks a ton Baba for successfully having my Sai Nav Guru Var Vrat Udyapan Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram
Om SAI RAM om SAI RAM OM SAI RAM. Love you a lot BABAJI…bless us Deva.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless us all.
Baba please bless me with a job.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all