Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. First of all I would like to thank Baba for all His blessings, He has given in my life and everything He has given to me. I am software engineer working in some good company in India. Om Sai Ram. I am very happy to share my experience with all of you. I am a Sai devotee from childhood. With His blessings, I have completed my education and got a good job in top company in campus interview itself. Later, I started my career as a fresher in my company. After two months of my joining with my Baba’s grace, I got an onsite opportunity. Like this with plenty of Baba blessings, within one year of joining, I went to onsite for 6 months of period with some breaks in between. There will be appraisal process scheduled for every one year for freshers. At this point of time my problem started. Usually if we get an onsite opportunity we may get somewhat less appraisal score with the less score, sometimes we may fall under least category also. Even though I was pretty much confident on my performance feedback from my team lead, every day I used to fear like I will get less score as I went to onsite two times.
At last, that day came and I submitted my appraisal sheet to my manager, point to be noted here is I submitted my form on Baba’s day i.e. on Thursday. Usually discussion will be done after submitting form to the manager. At the end of the discussion, they will give us the rating. Because of some reasons my appraisal discussion used to postpone every day. One day in evening, I was about to leave from office. My manager made a call to me saying that please come for appraisal discussion luckily that day was also Thursday. I was pretty much happy because as I desired my discussion should be done on Thursday. After some time the discussion started between me and my manager. Discussion was hardly for 5 minutes. He directly said you have onsite opportunity for two times so I will put you in second category and he said it does not mean that you are not performing well. Later he asked do you agree with this rating. At once, I said I cannot agree.
At this moment, Baba’s Miracle happened. My manager got emergency call in between discussion and he asked me to go and come after 5 minutes. I came to my desk and I prayed to Baba and touched Sai Satcharitra book which I used to carry every day in my bag. Then I prayed to Baba if I get first category, I will share my experience in this blog. After 5 minutes, my manager again called for discussion and asked do you agree with my lines, then I said No. He asked explain, why you won’t agree. Then I explained about my work so far done and quality of work. At last he said this discussion is only to test your confidence on your performance. He said, he got a very good feedback from our team lead so I will put you in first category. Thank You so much Baba, because of You only what I am here today. Thank You for this wonderful website, which is providing us a great opportunity to share all Sai Leelas. Baba please forgive me if I Have done any mistake while posting this experience. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hi Hetal, thanks much for taking time out to read my post. Your blog has helped me at a time when I lost all my hopes and I truly trust your judgement. May Sai Baba shower His best chosen wishes and blessings on you. You are doing a very noble work. I live in USA and travelled to India for H1B visa stamping. I consulate issued administrative processing which is not time-boxed and they may take as much time as they want. My husband was in USA at this time and we provided all the requested documents promptly. Even after that, nothing moved for 7 weeks. My employer was extremely supportive and they did everything they can in their capacity to get my case moving, but unfortunately no progress happened. My 1 week’s trip was already turning into almost 7 weeks and there was no clue if I will be able to go back anytime soon. Every single day, I used to hope that today may be the day and every night, I used to cry that another day has passed and nothing happened. I was losing hope day by day and was on the verge of filing application for H4 visa so that I can reunite with my husband.
I have always believed in Sai Baba and have been lucky enough to visit Him in Shirdi. I know He heard me though I was consciously trying not to bug Him with my problems. There are so many more people who are facing much bigger problems than me and who need His immediate attention. Even then He came for my rescue. One fine day, our neighbour had Sai Kirtan, which we could not attend and she came to give us Prasad and Sai Baba Miracles Book. It was a sign from Sai Baba. I was extremely vulnerable and requested Sai Baba to unite me with my husband. I promised to observe nine fasts also. Here comes the miracle-when nothing was progressing, Sai Baba showered His blessings and my visa was approved very next Thursday. I could not believe my eyes. Everything was stuck for 7 weeks and all of a sudden it was resolved. If I wanted my passport same day, I had to go to consulate to pick it up, which was not an easy task given that I checked the status online late in the evening and consulate was at least 90 minutes away from my home. But as they say, Sai Baba makes way for you, He did.
I reached consulate a couple of minutes late after closing hours but security guard let me enter the building (Which is strictly against their rules) and I collected my passport same day. Had I not collected it same day, they would have posted it via normal mail which would take at least 4-5 business days to arrive. I finally reunited with my husband within next 4 days. All this felt like a dream. It still feels like a dream. How Sai Baba blessed His Child in distress is truly a Miracle. Thanks again Sai Baba for showering Your blessings. Please pardon me, for I am not an impressive writer. I wish I could put down in words how You took my misery away in a whiff. Thanks again Baba. Hetal- Thanks again for letting us share our experience on this platform. It helped me when I was losing all the hopes and I hope my experience will help someone restore hope again that no matter how grave their problem is, if he/she is seeking Sai Baba’s help, rest assured, Baba is there to help you out.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello All, First of all thanks to the creators and devotees of this site. May all your dreams come true. I came across this site few months back when i was going through very hard time. This site’s experiences have helped me in that time. Firstly, i want to tell, How i came across this site. I knew Baba from my childhood but was not His devotee instead Swami Samartha Maharaj of Akkalkot is worshiped in my house. Searching about him on the net, i came across this site where a devotee had experience that Sai and Samarth Maharaj are the same. It was then i started reading experiences from this site.
My first experience with Baba is, I have a small baby who is dependent on me for all basic needs. Since it is winter, i got caught with cold and was tensed if it affects the baby. It was for the first time that i prayed to Sai Baba that if my baby is not affected by my cold, i will post my experience. He heard my prayer and baby was fine. But i failed to post my experience immediately. Second Experience is, As i told, i have a small baby. My parents came to my place for delivery. Since its winter here, there was lots of snow going on. The weather was not good when they were to return back to India. Since they were first time visitors, i was worried as to how they will cope with long travel and weather. Again i prayed to Sai Maharaj and He again heard my prayer and their flight reached 18 minute early in spite of bad weather. Still i was unable to post experience.
My third experience is, I have read about Sai Vrat in this site and was thinking of doing it (Haven’t yet started). But as told above, i was not His devotee earlier so i had no picture of Him with me. I tried to remember but we had no picture of Him in the house (No postcard, calendar nothing). At last, i thought of opening His Picture online and doing the Pooja. To my astonishment, i got a book named Heritage of Shirdi Sai which my husband had kept on table while emptying his bag to search something else. I was really amazed as to how He made arrangements for my Pooja. I thought about sharing this also but still was unable to post experience. Fourth experience is, Everyday i used to think of posting experience but could not find time for that. Managing household chores with small baby was tedious and tiresome. At the end of the day, i used to feel guilty of wasting the day and not posting experience as promised. Finally today (Thursday) i made my mind to keep all other things aside and write the post. In the morning, i tried to have online Darshan of Shirdi but URL did not open. I tried several times but still no luck. I was upset and said in the mind to Sai Maharaj, I know since I am not posting experience, You are not allowing me Darshan and started with my work. In the afternoon, i wanted to cook some Vrat rice for my husband since he fasts on Thursdays. I could not believe my eyes the Vrat rice packet had a photo print of Sai Maharaj. And here I am writing all this. Still have more to share, ask and pray for but will write in later post. Till then God bless All.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I don’t know how Baba came inside me. I don’t know whether i am a good devotee, but every second, i feel God’s presence and His mercy. I had worked in a concern for last three years in a situation that i had resigned my job. I don’t know what to do. When i was searching for job online in my mobile, i got a message on my Whatsapp. I opened and it was Sai Baba Photo with wordings, why fear when I am here. I stopped browsing jobs and opened Google and typed Sai Baba and got a chance to read about Sai Vrat. After reading that continuously, my inner heart told me to have Vrat. I shared this with my wife. She also liked to have Vrat. On the First Thursday, we went to Baba Temple nearby. I dropped my wife in her classes and returned home and don’t know how i have to chant His Name whole day. I switched on the TV and some advertisement played. I searched for remote meanwhile advertisement completed and movie started. That movie was about Sai Baba. I started watching movie. I felt His presence with me.
My wife returned back and told me that my mobile was not reachable and she came by auto and we started doing Pooja in evening. After Pooja, i searched my mobile and switched on it. My dad called me and told that i had got an interview letter from a concern and the interview will be next Friday. Next day, we planned and went to her native as her father was not well. My father posted the interview letter and i got it on Wednesday. They asked me to carry my original certificates. I asked my dad to carry my certificates to my wife’s house. That was second Thursday. My parents came there with my certificates. With my parents and with my wife’s parents, we completed Vrat. Next day, i attended the interview. On Third week of Vrat, i got my claim from my old office.
On Fourth week of Vrat, at Baba’s Temple, my son was blessed by unknown old couple with garland (There grandson was in Germany). On Fifth week of Vrat (My wedding anniversary day also) we went to temple and on the way, we moved to a movie. By 7:00 pm, i got call from the company that i was selected for the job, Baba’s gift for my wedding day. Before starting Vrat, i asked question to Baba in The answer i got is all will be fine before Rama Navami. When at native, i asked out parents to accompany with us for Shiridi. They did not answer us properly. But last week on sixth week Vrat, both of our parents agreed for Shiridi. Coming week is seventh week, I booked tour package starting from Chennai on 27-3-15 and i will be at Shiridi with Baba’s grace on 28-3-15 which is Rama Navami that’s our eight week and i am joining on 9th week of Vrat. Sai is always with us. I love You Sai. I love You so much Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Baba came in my dream and then in reality. Om Sai Ram. I am a small devotee of Baba. I am from Jammu (J&K) India. I feel so blessed having Sai Baba in my life. I have no words to define my love for Him. I am now going to share a recent experience which is also very special to me and I will cherish it all my life. On 20-02-15, during morning hours, I saw a beautiful dream. I was in some Holy place and there was a small market with shops having different God idols, statues and framed pictures along with other worship accessories. I found myself searching for Sai Baba’s small Photos which after laminating I wanted to keep in my bag. I was asking each and every shopkeeper about that but before I could find one I woke up. I felt really good as even if I didn’t see my Baba but the dream was about Him only. The very next day i.e. 21-02-15, my paternal aunt and uncle came to our house. They had just returned from a 2 months long pilgrimage. She gave me 3 Pictures of Sai Baba, which she has bought from the Holy Shirdi itself. And yes the pictures are of same size and same type that I was searching in my dream. The moment I saw them, I got Goosebumps, my voice choked and somehow I managed controlling my tears in front of my relatives. Within few days after that I do got the pictures laminated as I wanted in my dream. Wherever I go, I always carry them with me in my bag. Thank You Sai Baba for everything. I love You Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Two words that you come across when you think of Sai Baba are Faith and Patience. It is said that these two qualities define your devotion towards Baba. I have been a devotee of Baba for the past 8 years. All these eight years, I have gone with one wish to Him. It’s regarding my wedding. But till date, it’s not fulfilled. Now my life has reached a point where I can’t wait anymore. I either live of share my life with the person I love or I die trying to. My parents are very caste biased. Hence they are against my choice. Sai Ram believes in equality. So why is He not helping me? I have taken a lot of non believers to His Temple, who have now become believers. But I fear for myself. People will start laughing at my blind faith in my Sai Maa. I know no one. I know no other way than prayer. Only thing I know is my Sai Maa. I know people reading this post will be ardent devotees. I request, I beg all of you to ask Sai Maa to help me. Please tell Him. He will listen to all of you. Please.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai sai ram …..
Baba i prayed u.but still u didnt help me.its being two years that im praying.but no any improvement in my life.only 5days more,pls do any miracle.i dont like to go with my parents.they are so cruel.pls prevent it and give this place which im living now.pls.baba u know they are so stubborn and cruel selfish.pls help me baba.if i go their im sure they will make me pls help me baba.pls.
Om Sai Ram devotee,
Please ask Baba to bless you with performing saptah parayan of Sai Satcharitra. All your worries will vanish. I am saying this from my own experience when I was in similar situation like yours.
Jai Sai
Dear devotee thanks for ur advice.but i did it nearly 7times or more.but he is not listening to so sad and hopeless.
sai…sai…sai…sai…sai…sai…sai..sai…sai. 🙂
Om sai ram
Baba since 3 month my husband don't have job tomorrow he is going to give interview bless him baba and give him this job .
Omsairam…………..lord sai bless all your children.
Om sai ram…All are blissful experiences and baba, Please bless the last devotee who is holding your holy feet for the past 8 years patiently …Kindly fulfill the devotee wish.
Hetal ji, Thanks for posting such faith boosting sai baba pictures with wonderful wordings…Keep up your noble work…May Baba bless us all…Om sai ram
Om sairam. From today I m asked to stop medicine and doctor said it ll be cured after 8 weeks. Sai ma be with me always and don't want to get that issue again. Whenever I think of it m getting scared and getting sick. Please be with me pa to console me whenever I get scared of imagining myself abt stomach pain. Always be with me pa bless with ur unconditional love. I love you sai. Om sairam
Om sairam. Please help the last devotee baba. You are our only beleif. Please help all those who are waiting with shradha and saburi as u said. Om sairam.
om sai ram
Maa cure shivani yadav from blood cancer. Devotees plz pray for her
I dont know who are you,but i notice that you always post abt your Shivan's condition.due to the love and care you have towards her,definitly she will be alright might take time,but remember Sai Baba is always on time 🙂
My prayers goes to Shivani
Shivani will get well soon by baba's grace. Please give her water mixed with Udi and keep complete faith in baba. He can do miracles which doctors can't do.
Dear Devotee, My prayers are with you, Baba's blessing are always with Shivani
Kindly cure Shivani completely and let her lead a very peaceful and healthy life.
May SaiBabaji cure her and bless her with a healthy and happy life. Keep faith in Him as he says "Why fear when I am here." Om Sai Ram
Last devotee im also facing this problem
Please do saptah parayan, your depression will be cured instantly.
Keep faith on our Deva!
Om Sai Ram
Please hang in there, it gets darkest before dawn; I am sure Baba will bless you both very soon.
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om Sai Ram. please help the last devotee. don't let others make fun of your true bhakt. who really loves you, baba.
as for me , baba, i will always love you no matter what. you are the only one I cherish having in my life fully. kripa karo Sai deva. please cure my friend's dad too. first time I'm praying to you selflessly. Om Sai Ram. :*
Dear Last devotee, dont worry baba never leaves his children alone. Its our past karma sometimes but beleive in him. Dear Sai baba please bles syour daughter and get her married.
Om Sai Om Sai
baba please help shivani and that small kid too, and give the person she likes to her to dat last devotee as her arriage gift, like that bless me also baba please
Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai…..
Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram to dear devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Dear last devotee.. I am also facing the same problem since last 9 years.. I bring people to sai temple.. sorry baba brings them through me.. I am happy when they all experience baba's miracles.. but my 9 years wish is not fullfilled by my deva.. sai natha now it is going in critical condition as u know everything.. I don know to which extent you going to test me.. Whatever calamity comes to me I will be in your feet.. I am your child.. Where I will go from you.. Everywhere you only presented.. Deva..Please consider me.. Koti Pranamam Sainatha..
Very nice experiences all and I prayers to our Dear Baba on behalf of the last devotee 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for listening to our troubles and wishes and blessing us with love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai ram sai ram sai ram… Why is my experience not posted yet? Sai ram sai ram sai ram
Om jai sai ram