Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a postgraduate doctor recently finished with my post graduation. This surely would be a long experience rather this would be my life. Whatever I am today, I owe it to my Sai. To begin with, my schooling was in a catholic school and I really loved seeing the devotion of all the sisters there. My school stage had written on it “It’s an honour to work for God”. I had read it numerous times, little did I understand its true meaning then, but true, school had instilled in me a devotion towards God and I understood that whatever I wished for, He fulfilled. I just had to be His good Child. God sends a saint to take care of His devotee to fulfil all his desires and yes I came to know about St. Jude then, who really fulfilled whatever I wished for. Then came 12th standard. My dad had been an ardent devotee of Sai for many years and had also visited Shirdi regularly every year for many years consecutively, though I had accompanied him only once and that too when I was just around 7 years and hardly remember anything now about that visit.
Once he had brought from Shirdi a portrait of Sai which he had placed in our basement and had been there for many years to be brought to our Pooja room only when I was in 12th standard. Don’t know but somehow I started studying in that room itself. I studied day and night and being exhausted at the end of the day I would look at His portrait on which was written “If you look at Me, I look at you”. I felt real relief seeing Him and went off to sleep after that. Beautiful days were those trust me. I just studied and before sleeping would ask Sai, “Are you happy with me?” Through that portrait, He gave that look which poured all Love. All that mattered to me back then were my studies and God. I took my board exam would come back each day stand before Sai ask for a certain percentage in that days exam and then would sit down to study for next day and when the results came, i was given exactly those marks what I had prayed for. I had topped my district with 95% back in 2005. It had always been like this for me. I knew that someone was always watching over me, who knows my efforts, who knows my thoughts, who knows everything. I have to be right in thought and actions and He is ready to fulfil all my wishes. I always wondered why people are not praying as God always fulfils the wishes.
Then came my All India Pre Medical exam preparation period. Meantime my elder brother got married and we had shifted to Delhi for my exam preparation. My sister-in law is a Sai devotee and used to visit Sai Mandir every Thursday. My brother would come late from work so I would accompany her every Thursday though I was never a staunch devotee of Sai as such. I just believed in God and yes every time I would pray for my exam standing in front of Him in the Temple. Then came the day of exam. I was pretty nervous and was heading towards the exam centre in our car, when somebody overtook our car and crossed in front waving to stop our car. The person from his seat asked me to lower down the car window which I did and he confidently asked me ”Are you going for the premedical test” to which I answered “Yes” and he gave me Sai’s postcards 4-5 in number saying “Sai will bless you”. Before I could understand anything, he disappeared and I immediately looked back at my mother who was seated at the back seat. She was speechless too. I took my exam and was not at all satisfied with my performance. I cried and cried a lot. I expected not a good rank and when the results were out and we were going to a cyber café at 1 at night because we had no internet connection back then. On my way I just made a silent prayer “I know God I did not do well but still I ask for a rank within 200 and will you believe it, i was blessed with an all India rank 181, an exam in which around 3,00,000 students appear every year and in an exam in which I really did not do so well.
I joined one of the finest medical colleges of the country. However now I lost my school time innocence. There was contact with all sort of friends and my beliefs changed. It’s not always prayers. I had no strict control over thoughts and actions and so now my prayers were not always fulfilled. I was actually growing up. I took things lightly although I prayed as always. I completed my MBBS and appeared for all India post graduation exam. I got selected and took my post graduation in obstetrics and gynaecology and an experience that shook my life happened, brought me closer to God. 2 years went well. There was a good friend then who had proposed to me i had put down the proposal first because I did not feel like. For me getting into a relationship was a big big thing and I had never felt so as if I needed someone. Eventually we became the best of friends. He was always there whenever i needed and he also shared everyday tensions and fun at work with me. I had started enjoying his company. However i told him clearly that I feel that someone stops me every time I feel like agreeing upon. This had happen a number of times and he used to get irritated with my answer saying “it’s so illogical. You have no reason that someone stops you, an inner voice?” He seemed to be very emotional and his friends also used to call me up whenever he was upset guessing we had a fight, saying he cares for me a lot and how can I not see how am I hurting him.
Finally I asked Sai, for me He being like any other God, with yes or no chit and the answer was a straightaway “no”. To which I thought how is it possible? The guy loves me so much and i had started liking him too. Just controlled my emotions because somewhere i knew God did not want me to. Eventually I gave in emotionally and agreed. Meantime I came across this site and also received Sai Satcharitra which I had booked online after reading the experiences of so many devotees here. The very next day to when i had agreed came the biggest shock of my life. His lost love who had left him after being in a relationship with him for 4 years called him up and was crying asking him to come back. She had been engaged somewhere else and their engagement had been called off from the boy’s side. I was pretty sure that would not affect our relationship in any way. It seemed to me as if God wanted me to stay away from him. God Himself was pulling me away from him. The guy asked for some time. That hurt me deep down that he still needs time to think about me? I just prayed to God “I don’t know what’s happening but please handle my life and do Your will” and yes, as Sai had already told me he left me. I was shattered. I understood he just needed a girl for filling that empty space and he did not really love me otherwise he could not have hurt me. Sai always wanted to protect me but I gave in to emotions. That was the worst phase of my life. I felt of being used of my emotions and then thrown away once purpose was fulfilled. I used to cry at every little thing. My parents visited me often because i had told my mom everything.
I needed to study because that was my final year and i was the postgraduate who was under the head of the department. Being in that team of doctors which was the best and most strict. I was not able to cope. I cried and cried. I did not do well even at work. I used to get scolded often. The guy got engaged and eventually married, me being in the same college. I tried concentrating on my studies and work, But failed every time. He did not even care once what would happen to me. I Used to cry myself to sleep every night and used to wake up every morning fearing to go to work. I had trusted him the most in my life even more than Sai at one point when Sai had answered “No” and he had so brutally broken it. Meanwhile i had Sai Satcharitra, i tried reading it but could not concentrate at all. I knew, i had spoilt my life and there seemed to be no way out. I deteriorated at work, in studies. My parents who had always been so proud of me, They now worried looking at my condition. The head who was so fond of me at one point of time now did not like me. I used to hate work, hate life.
At last there was a hostel mate of mine who according to some Baba’s advise used to distribute fruits to poor outside Temple every Thursday. She had asked me often whether I would accompany her. However i refused her every time. She used to ask me repeatedly every Thursday till one Thursday, i did accompany her. Obviously you would have guessed by now it was Sai Baba temple. I immediately felt one with Sai. I prayed with tears, I know Sai, i am not the same child of Yours anymore. I feel ashamed of asking You anything but I promise next time, i visit Your Temple I’ll be a better child. I don’t remember what i did but i did visit the Temple next Thursday and then every Thursday to follow. I thought about Sai day and night, listened to His Bhajans, asked Him to strengthen my faith day by day and yes my life changed. Gradually, There came a situation at work when something went wrong when all the blame was put on me. Conditions were such that it was tough I would be saved. I cried my heart out to Sai, asking Him to save me and vowed to become a good soul always. I told Him that if I be saved now, i will understand it’s just You who is working because it’s impossible otherwise that i will be saved and yes the very next day something happened and i was proved innocent. The consultant in her words exclaimed “The whole story has changed” and yes my belief in Sai strengthened what exactly I had prayed for. I knew He is there.
I started studying hell late as compared to my batch mates in Feb 2015, when my exams were in May 2015. I started answering in class and my head was a bit better in behaviour with me. Earlier I was unable to answer questions asked to me in class and I being the head’s candidate, my head always felt ashamed of me in front of other consultants. I was now answering when others were unable to. She now smiled at me and I was experiencing my Sai’s Miracles. I did Sai Satcharitra reading thrice each in a week. And took my exams giving all my burden to Sai. The exams were postponed to 04-06-2015 (total 9) happened to be a “Thursday”. Was not the date itself a Miracle to strengthen my faith all the more. I also read a post on 04-06-2015 past 2 A.M on this site, a devotees experience on how Sai helped a devotee pass the MD exam of post graduation. One more Miracle in itself. So Sai had taken all the burden and yes I was chosen as the best Postgraduate student and would be awarded with a “Gold Medal” soon. I have now realized that St. Jude who had always answered my prayers in childhood and Sai, the two saints of my life, are all one, God’s messengers to help people to realize the power supreme. I am back home after 10 long years of studying outside my city. I cried to Sai, I really want to be with Him always. At home I am becoming a bit lazy. I want to keep my vow of being a good child of God always. Please people who are reading this just make a small prayer that our Sai Who has sheltered us always, Who had accepted us when the whole world was against. When people lost faith in us and we were thrown away, He who picked us up and in His love, we gained back our confidence, may He be with us always. May He pull us to Him when we are deviating from the right path to keep us close to Him because there lies our bliss, there lies our happiness, there lies our life, our Sai. May He make us His instrument to show to the world that there exists a supreme power, Who is always ready to love us, that we belong to Him and it is best if we allow Him to do His will.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is my first experience with Baba in the year 2015. It was one of the most painful phase. I was going through a bad phase regarding a marriage proposal. The guy had said yes but I was confused and put a lot of stress on my family and friends as well as the boy’s side which I can’t forgive myself for but in spite of me being on the wrong side, Baba pulled me to Shirdi. My father has a business abroad for which he keeps travelling up and down quite often. In January, I was supposed to go for a Shirdi trip from Chennai with my aunts. The plan was to meet them in Bangalore travel to Mumbai where my brother resides and from there go for a one day trip to Shirdi. Unfortunately, my father had to go abroad for work mid Jan 2015 and I had to drop out of this trip which was towards the end of Jan 2015. Usually when my father travels abroad he is away for two months or so, but this time he decided to return end of Jan 2015. I was surprised. I asked whether I could go to Shirdi for which my father gave his full consent. This was on 26th Jan while my aunts were travelling to Shirdi on 31st Jan. Next I decided I need to check whether they had cancelled my Darshan ticket or it would be useless for me to go.
I had gone through a bad phase for two months and the whole fault was on me. I had put a lot of pressure on my parents due to this. Due to the stress my mother’s health deteriorated. So when this proposal was dropped out, my mother wanted to get her health back on track while I badly needed the Shirdi trip. After my mom suggested whether I could go later, I was sad but when I opened the Satcharitra Book randomly, the page Baba draws His devotees like a sparrow to Shirdi came and I was wondering how. Next day, My mom itself changed her mind and found out my aunts had not cancelled Darshan ticket and gave consent for me to go to Shirdi. This was on Tuesday 27th Jan and now I Had to fly directly to Mumbai on 30th Jan. I was worried about the ticket cost as flight costs are high as good at Rs 10,000 closer to dates of travel. I was worried but thought Baba is there. I went and checked the flights and was surprised that there was flight at 1:30 in the afternoon from Chennai to Mumbai at Rs 2700 inclusive of tax I was shocked. It took me close to half and hour to book my tickets and get it done but the rates didn’t increase neither did I lose the booking. Thus I travelled to Shirdi unexpectedly on 30th Jan 2015 at comfortable time and rate despite all the mess and stress I had created for all Baba called me to Shirdi. I still find it had to recall and forgive myself for what I put everybody through but Baba called me in spite of my sin. I can’t forgive myself but guess He had forgiven and shown He is there for me even if I messed up.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I know Sai Baba from my childhood. I started praying Baba when i was 14 years old. There is a Sai Baba temple constructed near to my house. I came from very poor family. I have no expectations from life because I was a girl with poor background. I have not asked anything from Baba. I left on Baba whatever happens in my life. I was good at Maths. But I failed Degree Final year exam and my 1 year was wasted. I joined M.B.A later year. After completion of M.B.A, I went to Hyderabad to search for job. I joined for 3000 salary. I started trails for Software job. By Baba’s Grace, I met my M.B.A class mate in Hyderabad and became Good Friends. I have spoken with him twice in my M.B.A period.
After 3 years struggle, I got software job with 30000 salary. My life totally changed. I realized I am in love with my M.B.A friend. Both families not agreed for my marriage. After 3 years struggle, I got married with my loved one. I got special hike 15% as my marriage gift from Baba. We went to Shirdi in Feb and I got conceived next month and blessed with Baby Boy. After 10 months of my delivery, my Back Pain started. I resigned my Job last year due to severe back pain for 3 years. My Husband and in laws were happy for my Resignation. They were not able to see my pain. When I resigned the job, I was earning 55 thousand. I got full support in my marriage time, conceive and back pain in office. Nobody can’t imagine how much support I got in office, till I resigned my Job. My Husband can’t even see my pain. He is helping all house hold works like giving food to son and batching etc. I am able to cook food for my family remaining works done by Husband and servant. I am repaying my past karma deeds. Baba gave us money to go for health checkups and maintaining servant. I am so lucky because of my loving husband and in laws. Due to Baba’s Grace only, I got Best husband in this world.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba. For me everything is Baba. I believe Him a lot. I am sharing my experience for the first time. I am a great devotee of Baba. I like Him a lot. Baba please forgive me for not posting my experience on time. My husband was waiting for onsite opportunity for long time in his previous company, he didn’t get it. So he applied for a new job in another company. Immediately he got job in a good company but he was in dilemma to join in that company. So he put chits Yes or No for taking Baba’s decision. Baba replied “No”, so he dropped to join in that company. Suddenly, he got the onsite opportunity in his previous company by Baba’s grace. This was the reason Baba told us not to join in new company. After he came back from Onsite, he got job in his dream (another new) company by Baba’s grace. Now he is working in his dream company only because of Baba. Another experience is, One day we were searching for gold necklace after my sister’s friend wedding, we were unable to find it out. After 2 days we found it. I prayed that I would post this experience if I found that gold chain. Thank You so much Baba. My only wish is I want to be always Sai Baba devotee till my last breath. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I want to start of by saying that every step of the way Baba has been guiding me like a Father! No matter what problem I have faced in life, He has always protected me and solved all my issues. Om Sai Ram. After many years of marriage and several rounds of IVF Baba blessed me with a beautiful set of boy girl twins! I was ecstatic when I gave birth to them but before leaving the hospital, I was told that my son had failed his hearing test. I was upset beyond words and scared for the future of my little boy. I prayed day and night to Baba and took him to Baba’s Temple and had him blessed there. We went back for a recheck in another ENT hospital and by Baba’s Grace, my son passed his hearing test and I have been so happy and grateful to Baba for His mercy! I know that Baba will always stand by my side in life and I will always feel His presence when I look towards Him for help and guidance. All He asks for is faith and patience and I have given Him that and the purpose of my life is to serve Him in any way I can! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a working woman and live in U.S. divorced 5 years back and have a 5 year old son. Life was never easy to me. My son has a mild autism. After 5 years of struggles and problems in life, I finally found a person who is very innocent and good. With Baba’s blessing, i got married to him who accepted my son whole heartedly. I am very happy and i am sure Baba will definitely make my son normal very soon. I am seeing my son improving slowly. Have strong belief in Sai, your wishes will come true. Thank you Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Devotees,
Very nice experiences. 1st devotee, you should be compassionate because you are doctor ( very noble profession). And, compassion lies in d heart where Sai resides. Hence, these all were his leela for you to draw in SAI'S world. I was also expecting some experience w.r.t Mbbs exam. And lo baba did it.
Two experiences today regarding drawing chit. Wow!! Sai baba you know what to give when.
Love you Deva….puchhu Deva!
I want to send nariyal to one of my freind who is going to Shirdi on 29th by air( a thought came just after reading your lines as I hv completed reading Guru Charitra)….Anybody having any idea? Do airport security check takes away nariyal/ coconut from bags???
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainatha Maharaj Ki Jai
BABAji! You know that our whole life has changed in a minute. I am not sure if we hurt anybody in this life or our past lives. Kindly forgive our sins and make our dad alright. Please bring him out of coma and help him recover soon. You know that mom wakes up and sleeps with Your Holy name. Saima, we never imagined that one day we will face this kind of situation. I humbly beg before Your Holy Feet to help Your children. We cannot live without Your grace.
Shata Koti Pranamams to You BABA
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Dear Sai bandhus , today is my interview, yesterday I came to know today is pournima too, please pray for me, when you have time please support me
Sai will bless you. Om sai ram
He won't bless me, y because he didn't exist in d world, one day I will hang my self , he is sole responsible for that
how can you say that he dosen't exist… these so many devotees pray to him.. he give to all.. and you say he doesn't exist.. keep faith dear… i know you might be suffering from many problems.. but don't let your faith shake… this is your testing time.. regularly pray to give.. he will surely listen.. and one thing.. how you know that he is not with you..?? have you got your interview result…?? trust him.. he shows miracles.. wonderful miracles.. i experienced them.. thats why i m saving.. and now wait for result and read sai satcharitra daily.. you will see how everything will change for good.. MAY SAI BLESS YOU… OM SAI RAM…
Sai today is my husband's driving test… last time he got rejected due to his tension and little mistakes… this time he should pass the test… sai be with him….v r facing lots of issues in family i believe in u sai soon everything will come back to normal….
@anonymous(first post). Thanks a ton for your post. I am a final year post graduate student who is in exactly similar situation as u have narrated. And I am reading your post on a day when my final exam dates have just arrived. Sai Leela is unfathomable. I cried to sleep feeling helpless and unable to concentrate. While I woke up I saw your post. Seems like Sai had sent message through you to me that I just need to read with Faith in Him. Thanks a lot! Om Sai Ram.
Beautiful are His Leelas which we get to share and read here. The bounties that He has blessed us with I hope we can share it with people who are in need. Don't forget to remember Him and take His name when ever you can 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
Is baba really exist?? May be we are in a wrong path, just think once
Baba is very real. Problem is, is that when we are in a great deal of pain we question his existence because we want a reaction from him. We want our pain to go away. It will go eventually. Just hang on in there. Jai Sai Ram
I agree , i also feel we are on the wrong path he is not there to help … I think people get lucky or its pure co incedence that things happen … I have never seen anyone getting cured of big problems like RA or heart etc .. I myself have been suffering from so much pains in my body .. I have surrendered to sai praye him so much but now i m getting tired … I cant bear it anymore… Did everything vrat pooja SS etc etc so many times but no result … How much faith and patience can one keep and for how long .. Years after years are passing by … And there is no relief not even a positive sign …
My mother has suffered one way or another most of her life. In her latter life she is now suffering with pain, diabetes, under-active thyroid, muscle pains, back pains, had pains in her head, angina, blood pressure that is not settling, had eye operation and has a shadow around her heart. Her list is endless yet she still believes in God. I do to because if Drs can't cure her, we have only one hope. God – Sainath. I keep praying for a miracle and I won't stop until my last breath. Pls don't give up. Jai Sai Ram
Saying such things is easy… But the truth is only wearer knows where the shoe bites .. Anyways i will try to hold on..
Dear Sai Devotee, I feel your pain that your mother is going through. I too am a strong believer in SAI but that does not mean we don't do necessary steps that we need to take. Your mother is of course taking help for cure in her health problems. I request you to try this also. Have her drink green leafy vegetables juice of various green vegetables. I don't know what part you are living. Cucumber, carrots, reddish, lettuce, parsley, celery, spinach etc are available here in USA…do try to find such vegetables in your local area. Start with a couple of glasses every day. Also add ginger, lemon to the juice too. Plus, deep breathing and meditation for at least 2-5 minutes will help her too. Yes, our Turmeric is also very good in various ways. Do find information about Essential oils on the internet and use those for your mother's various problems that you find useful. Dr. Josh Axe is one of the leading personality in this field. I gathered the above mentioned information over the internet for all these things , REASON? My son being a victim of Esophageal cancer. He had to go through chemo, radiation and surgery. His esophagus and 2/3 of stomach is removed to make him cancer free! And now the doctors say,The cancerous tumor is gone but we never know it might show up in other part of your body…So this conventional medicine does not have any control but these Naturopathy does have a cure to prevent it recurring! WE are trying all these for my son as well as we all in the family also have changed our life style to be in better shape of our health. And me too seek blessings from BABA to keep my son cancer free till his last day on this earth granting him good health.
May your mother too get well soon.Jai Sai Ram.
Om sairam. Your blessings are great. Please baba help me to concentrate on my work and lead a better life. Om sairam.
Om Sai Ram……………………..
om sai ram
Dearest Baba, you know the issues that I have and some of them have been resolved 99%, some still outstanding which are scary. Pls forgive our past deeds or bless us with such strong faith that we never doubt you again. I read about the pain and hardship of others and it puts my pain to shame but still I ask you for help and cure us. Forgive me for forgetting the help that you have given us and my weaknesses. Thank you for letting me know that you are in our lives. Cure my mother pls. Let the latter end of her and my life see some peace/shanti pls. Love you Father. 🙏🏽
@ first devotee… You are such a beautiful soul with a noble profession. Let baba bless you wit a beautiful soulmate. Even I was just used and thrown but in my case it was 5 years tat I have been just used. Now he is with other gal wheareas I cudn come out of those 5 yr memories. Even my parents accepted him as I convinced them. After all these he left me.My question to baba is – why ppl are just using such faithful girls and throwing away putting us in painful situations. Will they never be punished and will they never realise their mistake. Please answer my questions devotees. @ first devotee I hope I too must come out of this and start my life afresh but I cudn. As you said though I read sai satcharita I cudn concentrate. I cudn concentrate in anything. Baba please help me come out of this. Please always be with me. Om sairam
So true sister,,,I m preparing fr pg…I saw ppl who just use others are alwayd happy….I have only faith on deva….
@anonymous i have gone through the similar situation and got out of it by keeping sai nav guruvar vrat. I am able to start a new fresh after keeping sai vrats only. You should also do the same.
God bless you
Sai sai sai sai sai.. maa please help me for my parayan.forgive me for my mistake maa..give me proper health to complete my parayan.. maa bless us deva..
Dear first devotee.your experience is really inspiring.I had been feeling so low for last two days.thanks for sharing …
Thank u so much Malik.
Om sai ram
Baba i'm sorry i removed my chain and ur locket out of anger..why is it that i always become the one creating issues that too between people i genuienly love and care for? Baba please it's bringing a bad name to me..everytime i say/do something out of care it gets taken the wrong way..yest also, i got over the jealousy and hatred i had in my heart for her and tried to help her..why did it get taken the wrong way? Baba why do i always hurt him? He is such a nice person Baba, so pure at heart..please make me rise so high in morals and my actions that i can stand a chance to deserve him. Please forgive me Baba..u know i didn't mean to hurt anyone..please i beg u to clear my name..please. Please Baba, i am trying to be a better person, help me and help us study. I love you always. I am sincerely starting thursday fasts this week onwards
Dear first devotee in this post, congratulations for your achieving GOLD MEDAL. It is not easy and you did it with BABA's grace! Your post brings out very important truth which makes it clear that WE ARE HUMANS and are made in such a way for a reason…to make mistakes and learn from them. And BABA as HE says HE is a messenger of Supreme Power, is always there to guide us, protect us and is never going to hurt us. HE pardons our mistakes and it is OUR DUTY not to repeat those mistakes,learning lessons from them. I wish you every success to shine on your crown and happiness in your life. You are in such a profession where you SERVE people to make their lives better. May you be blessed.
On sai ram _ / _
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Dear All…Firstly i Thank Hetaji for maintaing this webiste please dont disclose my name and emialid please.I recently became a sai devotte by facing lot of ups and down after married life and before married life.When i started reading all "Devotees" experiences i am able to recollect many things which i experience in my life.
After my marriage i faced a lot of problems in settling down but slowly by grace of "Sai baba" we have settledown still not completely related to my job but satisfying the work as it was given by Baba.I know there is a plan when i have to get a right job at right time by baba blessings.
Now i am praying for my husbands and my good health and for a child sine we been trying for a child for almost 8 years experiencing couple of times miscarriages but i believe baba will definetly give healthy baby twins.
We couple started "Nav Gurvar Vrat" couple of weeks back.At the momoment we compleetd sucessfully two weeks.
I want to share my experience/miracles when we started ..
Thusrday 14th 2016– My husband got reconised in his company for his work with other team members which we are happy god will never let people down who are hardworkers and devotees of baba.
Thusrday 21st 2016-My salary was credited with little bonus with the help of baba blessings for sure.
I am very excited tos hare the rest of weeks miracles.
Hetalji please post this forum for sure and please advise when you have posted .
Om Sri Sai Ram Om Sri Sai ram..Guru Deta datta ki Jai.
Ananta Koti brahamanda nayaka rajadhi raja yogi raja Sri Sachithanada Samradha Saduguru Sainath maharajki Jai…
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
I need genuine work from home job..Can anyone pls help me to find one pls.Or if anybody is into business like online sales of a product, jewellery making,onlines textiles sales,can you pls employ me and allow me to work from home pls.With best wishes & regards…Kindly reply me to &
Experiences part 1174 – first devotee
Your experience motivates me. I am going through some similar situation just like yours but I'm still going through that. No happy ending of my story yet. But your experience makes me feel inspired and take me closer to baba. I have saved this link and always read it whenever i feel low and not able to concentrate on my studies. I am really thankful to you for sharing your experience. Sai bless you
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Hope u all are doing well..I just came back to my experience(1st devotee) to let u all know that my wait just got over..and yes I have found my person..I still am not able to believe ..the wait was long..but I truly see him as my Sai's blessing..he is just the person I had waited for,prayed for,wished for to be with for years..and I still cannot thank God enough..may Sai bless you all..